Are there good Jews?

What Jews would Cred Forums spare on DOTR?
>pic related
I'd spare a Bobby Fischer if he agreed to live under specific laws for surviving Jews.

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Everyone knows a good Jew and If everyone knows one good Jew the Jews will still be in control because there would only be good Jews, so no there are no good Jews

short answer

Literally the only good Jews who ever existed were Bobby Fischer and Otto Weininger.

And Benjamin Freedman as well obviously.

Any jew will be spared as long as they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior

Myron Fagan, Jack Bernstein, Barry Chamish, Mordecai Vannunu as well.

same as with black people and niggers, as long as they don't spend their time undermining the host countries & destroying em, I'm fine with them

Brother Nathanael

The bible clearly warns of those that say they are jews and are not. Those are where the problems come, and blaming the entirety of jews is to fall for their trap.

Yes, but they're rare af. If they don't practice, name (((the enemy))) and actively turn away from the Molochites and promote proper values (unlike Ben Shapiro), then they're good.
Anything less than that and you can't trust them any farther than you can throw trigglypuff. Maybe they're not actively trying to overthrow Western values, maybe they are, but you can't trust them unless and until they give the correct answers to a few questions.

Fischer was only a jew according to jewish media... They were trying to put him down in any way they could

>skip to 1m28s

the jew-ish cried tears that day

pretty sure that's a made up quote by fischer.

Speaking of the rare ones, does anyone have that pic of Nixon saying how Kissinger and someone else are two of the good ones, but they're really rare?
Pic unrelated.

There's good and bad in every group. To suggest otherwise is simply irrational. Now, what the good/bad ratio is within the Jewish community is the question. I'd say that a majority of Jews are no good for Western civilization.

It isn't Schlomo working a 9-5 at Walmart who's the problem. It's the ones who hunger for power and influence that is, which I'd say are most of them.

worth a try but not even close

I know this jew personally he is genuinely a good guy. he makes a great roast chicken dinner


Digs lie this time, someone posted this Richard Nixon quote about how sneaky Jews were or something, and he went on to say, like I've already claimed, that Kissinger and one other dude are rare exceptions. I saw it about a month ago and have been kicking myself ever since for not saving it.

this. im tired of this fucking jewish subversion and stupid americans keep fallign for it
there are no good jews, simple as