Honest Question for the Alt-Right

What do you guys unironically want to do to Jews? Exterminate? Deport to Israel? If it's deport them to Israel and you want to destroy Israel, isn't that the same as extermination? I'm not asking this to be a shill. I honestly just want to know.

Also, what's your policy for half Jews who are disconnected from Judaism. I'm full Jew so I get it if you want me gone, but I know half Jews who are functionally white and it seems to me it wouldn't be necessary to get rid of them. Just my opinion.

Other urls found in this thread:


we the jews now

It's not all Jews you faggot kike. It's the MAGA Ones who are really MIgA Ones. FUCK OFF

The Jews need their own ethnostate, and they have one. They need to go there.
We need to enact laws so they can't manipulate our media, our markets, and our money.

I want Jews to experience the fruits of labor and how to build a civilization not based on usury and nepotism. I want them fuck off to a different planet, but I would rather have them go to Africa and do something in the vast desert.

>I'm not asking this to be a shill. I honestly just want to know.
Shill for Sure.
Do you want to know who wants to destroy Israel? The same folks who created Israel, and is on the Israeli 500 shekel note. They also want to destroy New York, because that's where the other half of the Jews live.

I want the Jews in charge to be punished for their global crimes. Jewish citizens have nothing to do with it. Most of them are victims of reach Jews like the Rothschild family. I understand that their global manipulation does not reflect on individual Jews.

on the one hand, u guys say it's only the israel loyalists who are the problem and on the other you say we should all go to israel. these just seem like contradictory positions. again im notbeing a shill, i just want to get the consensus on this (if there is one)

Jews were concentrated in Israel before and they still destroyed Rome from within. They want to destroy the white race today. They are the enemy of whites and the war won't end until one race or the other is destroyed.

Were you expecting consistency from here?
Not a hive mind.

>asks Cred Forums
Why don't you ask Millennial Woes, Richard Spencer, or even Jared Taylor. Cred Forums is not Alt-Right, Mordechai

alt right is 1000% Jewish.

_Mike enoch(TRS writer and daily stormer partner): jew
__Joshua Ryne Goldberg (dailystomer writer): Jew.
_andy warsky :jew
_weev(dailystormer writer): jew
_John K. Press (altright site writer):jew
_Emily youcis: jewish
_richard spencer mentor, Paul Gottfried: Jew
_richad spencer: jew (
_nina kouprianova (supporter of the USSR): possibly Jewish
_Daniel Friberg: possibly Jewish
_Jason Kessler: probably a Jew
_Augustus Sol Invictus: jew
_Baked Alaska: Possibly Jewish.
_Matt Heimbach: possibly Jewish
_Pax Dickinson: Jew
_Ex dailystormer writer, sven longshanks: probably Jewish.
Black pigeon speaks: jew
Azzmador(dailystormer writer): probably a Jew
_Beardson: jew
_colonel gunter brum (dailystormer supporter):jew


Lol what? Romans killed 1 million Jews in 100 ad. Took 90k as slaves. Modern Jews have little to do with that version of Jews.

Mike Enoch answered this. "Send them all to Israel" is his thesis.


Ethno state is coming

I want every race to go back to their motherland and create their own ethnostates. We do not need a war, let every country govern themselves in peace with limited foreign influence. Every country is free to engage in trading with any other country, if they wish to. But immigration can be strictly controlled. A white ethnostate that protects our culture from Jewish influence is all we want and it can be achieved peacefully

why dont jews want to go live with their people, in a land where only their people live? do you hate living with jews as much as we do?

Spencer Says Absorb Millions of Mulattoes, Mestizos and Hapas

_Andrew anglin ,weev and mike enock exposed

_Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer: An Alliance with the Jews


_Paul Joseph Watson Before Selling Out

_Lauren Southern EXPOSED 2

_Zionist infiltration & subversion of nationalist groups - epidemic

Ethnostate has been the end game of rich Jews. They want to force Jews there even if they have to make Jews hated around the world.

Mike aint a jew, he put out his 23andme

The rest are all fake/irrelevant. But you were immediately discredited when you said mike enoch is jewish

I believe that every people should have their own ethnostate.
We are not one people, Op. We think and vote differently, and have different values. How can we share a country if Jews think the rest of us are cattle for them to use and abuse? That they're the "chosen people" that god promised would get to rule us?

>Alt right

see, THIS is a shill. learn the difference. it could save your life

It's easy:
1. Deport to North Madagascar
2. Create an international mandate state run by the 5 members of the UN security council called the "jewish homeland"
3. Allow the Jews to prosper in the land they are given but never be able to stick their hands outside into other nations' finances our cultures
4. Pay reparations to the Madagascar natives who had to relocate to the south

It's like a plebbit copy paste huh?

thats not what i believe. im pro ethnostate for every race including whites and jews

Honest question for you KIKE, why do fricking practice the exact opposite of the garbage you spew on other peoples and nations. Honestly shut up and get out schlomo.

it's just a prank Cred Forumsro!

"Whites" is not a single ethnic group. Fucking brainwashed tard.

Jesus Christ, fuck off Moarpheus

yeah its been appearing in every other jew thread lately

No, it's fucking Moarpheus. I haven't seen Finnknight in a while, wonder what he does.

Drive them into the sea.

whites broadly i guess. whether they be dutch or italian, im pro self determination for every race

The underscores are give away. Doesn't format into anything here.

It's some twenty something actual shizo who lives in his mom's basement.

I don't know who that faggot is

Do what the Bolsheviks did to them.

Combining Dutch and Italians in a single group. You don't hear how fucking dumb that is do you?

i don't. im pro white

WTF do you think the "Alt-Right" is?
Unironically kys.

If you stay in Murica, all that "diversity" the Jewish lobby was so eager to get in, will see you as white. Doesn't matter, if you identify it or what character you have. They will MAKE you white: see Harvey Weinstein and from him to Trump.

I'm alt-lite, I just want people to quit blaming WASPs for everything and to realize Jews (among other groups) are secretly influential. I want the USA to leave Israel to its own devices, to stop sending them money and fighting their wars. I have friends who are ethnically Jewish and I don't want them hurt or anything. Just gotta go back to being able to speak the truth in this country.

you misunderstood. i meant they each get their own state, not an amalgam


Having an uncut penis is Master Race. Only Muslim shitskins, kikes, and the lesser whites get cut.


Bolsheviks were created by the Jewish inteligencia after the failed nihilist movement to subvert Russia and force Jews to join the intelligencia by creating a common enemy

Sounds pretty altright to me.

You sure about schlomo, never trust a jew boy. It's in the Talmud, stab and lie to a gentile whenever possible.

Deportation to Israel and be all right doesn't exist it was a creation by Hillary Clinton to stop perpetuating bullshit



who are you people?

This is why we need to stop using white to refer to those of European origin. Many different groups that happen to be white.

Deporation before Reformation is useless.

The great thing about Israel is they chose their homeland to be in amongst the most homicidal religious zealots on the planet who go apeshit when their land is taken, so we don't need to do anything to it.

yes i but i don't expect u to believe me. ill also admit that my views are not what the most vocal media jews believe

i agree with all of this. i genuinely hate the censorship imposed by powerful jews in the media. im hoping this stops being an issue once msm dies and is replaced by dissident media on the internet

You don't happen to have a channel on the tube called Frame Game Radio, do you?

Nothing we're just talking about the situation, the fact that your mind jumps to extermination is worrisome.. we can all get along but you gotta be nicer to white people and stop spreading degeneracy, we can't keep encouraging bad behavior. Obviously Isreali-Americans should be removed from congress though

We want everyone to be well aware of their atrocities against the U.S. Then whatever happens, happens.

no but ill check that out. is he an /ourjew/?

Absolutely. Stephen Miller tier

I hate you alll you’re nothing but a tick on the back my ass. I literally wish and pray every day for a REAL holocaust.
May the goyim wake up to the truth and hold you accountable for your atrocities.

Not gonna happen. Too important. If the private MSM dies, the USA will get state media as in Britain or Germany. Although MSNBC and the other newschannels directly host any propaganda the CIA or NSA want them to broadcast.

just watched a vid of his and he's really good. thanks for the referral man! does he use a voice changer?

I am white but mom was a convert.

I asked myself that aswell. Likely. He's an Ivy League graduate and working as a top notch attorney in New York with high caliber clients. So he could be recognized. But I don't know...a guy like him should come out and speak up, but if he did, they'd just shut him down most likely. Call him "David Cole" and holocaust denier, anti-semitic, self hating Jew or whatever. We know the drill.

Name them then let ethnocentrism do the rest.

Jews are whites who see themselves as something else and are ethnocentric.

Instead of contributing to the health of the organism they are cancer. If they want to be a separate organism then let them be treated as such.

Let the things they control become for Jews only and let it wither and die. Let everyone distrust whatever comes from Jews.

Perhaps ushering in Greater Israel together with antisemitism will inspire them to move there and to the useful work of Oppressing the Muslims.

Basically we want a no fault divorce.

I want all jews out of my country and all of the money they've stolen retaken and distributed fairly amongst whites, sent back to israel with no money, all of their military equipment destroyed, and all of their contact with the outside world and non-jews severed entirely
Short of that, throw them into a bottomless pit until you hit the magic number where they start realizing they are being given their just desserts and cry out for the Lord Jesus
Only then would I personally stop, and only out of fear of suffering the Lord's wrath, and I promise there are a lot of others who will just pick up where I left off

yeah shamefully that's probably true. however, if what he says is true (that he knows really powerful people) he might be more of an advantage to us anonymous. another good one to check out is reactionary jew. the only content of his i could find on youtube was his tara mccarthy interview because he's had to stay anonymous as well

the alt-right is jewish

Why would they kill 2 million? I mean, what kind of barbarians would kill 4 million people. Dumb Romans, murdering 9 million Jews. I still can't believe 16 million Jews were killed by the Roman republic, 25 MILLION, imagine that, 36 million innocent lives snuffed out. 49 million, that is like half of the population, imagine 81 million people being extinguished, 100 MILLION. We must remember the 121 gorillion.

They shut that one down and Tara, who has a Jewish grandmother or something, had to delete her video. Red pilled her hard on the JQ. She's lucky, the authorities didn't arrest her, but all the time she takes down her videos, deletes them and I can assume why. She's probably getting threatened and they will try to get her for "holocaust denial" -> ten years in prison in Germany.

Faggot meme flag can't count. These are not even the same Jews of today that used the Armenian genocide for their example


fuck. i feel so bad for you guys in europe. we just get deplatformed but you guys get legit arrested

I just want them to stop shitting on white people all day every day. And to practice a little bit more prudency when they're in the public eye.


same user

>an anti-semitic man who wants to redistribute capable peoples' wealth "fairly" among the general population
Hm. Where have I seen this before, I wonder?

Every single one exterminated. It's the only way to be sure!

Well, for "holocaust denial" or whatever they define as that. You can talk about a lot though. But it's also true we are among the most censored countries in the world.

Way of the world also got his channel deleted by (((YouTube))) after he did a video on the JQ. He's British and I hope he wont end in jail for wrong-think.

Black pigeon speaks is a brainlet who attempts to sound smart. He’s the sargoy of the right


Are you scared (((user)))? Why if so?

I am quite free on ethnic hatred.
Jew get Israel and I wish them the best.

Jews go to Israel, easy as that.

>Deport to Israel?
Neither are really feasible, but this is more likely.
>If it's deport them to Israel and you want to destroy Israel, isn't that the same as extermination?
Yes, but the liberal tears will be even sweeter because they thought they saved the jews and BOOM no more jews, and no more israel.

He's also an Eternal Anglo filled with hatred for and spreading lies about Germans. Probably the two guys I hate the most in the entire sphere.

Exactly both sound self important and are deceitful and disingenuous. Sargon more than pigeon, but neither is worth listening to

Sadly he's a close friend of Woes and even Colin couldn't keep the Eternal Anglo shut inside of him every time. Tbh I don't feel really at home there, although I had been in contact with him for months and followed him for years.

Ideal scenario would be to deport them all and US cut all funding to Israel.

>Jesus Christ, just look at that thing. I'm sure she has America's best interests at heart.

Agreed. I have followed Sargon almost since his channels inception and he was ok (not even great) when he went for the low hanging fruit that is SJW ideology but then tried to go on some crusade against logic and he lost me completely


no jew only make the us better they out preform other ethnic groups in nearly every category.

That thing actually looks friendly compared to Ginsburg

>shillpost in broken English

kill the israeli govenors and rich jews. educate children and juden children about the evils they committed across history.

Are you alright there? I think you're seeing shit my dude.

>why do fricking practice the exact opposite of the garbage you spew on other peoples and nations. Honestly shut up and get out schlomo.
Because they are different people, you moron. The majority of jews in israel have vastly different political and socialogical opinions than the majority of jews in america. Can you not understand the simple fact that people of the same race might have different views?

>It's in the Talmud, stab and lie to a gentile whenever possible.

This A lot of jews hate Israel, mainly because is a lot more conservative than the western soylands, the whole alt-right smell like a justification for the israel ethnostate while simultaneously pull the plug of left, that was become a little too "pro-palestine" for their taste.

Also, the left pro-refugee and pro-racemixing bullshit was starting to creep into Israel too, since Trump was elected they wen full throttle in the deportations in Israel and are even trying to forbid intermarriage (especially with fillipinas gold-diggers).

Shit is starting to get hard to follow, they are eating each other.

The majority of the alt right doesn't understand this. They also don't understand that a good 50%+ of whites are leftist, which is one of the many reasons why their idiotic ethnics taste would never come to be.
I'm not opposed to kicking out all non-whites that have a lower IQ than 100, but I am certainly opposed to creating some autistic white nation in the middle of the Great Lakes or some shit with no historical basis whatsoever, led by Richard Spencer of all people.

Ethnostate, not ethnic tastes. Fucking autocorrect.

>It's in the Talmud, stab and lie to a gentile whenever possible.
lol no its not

Over half of my family is Jewish. They are good people for the most part and I love them. That being said, Jews as a whole are evil. They have been extremely destructive to the world and as a group they look at the goyim as animals.

Good Jews exists, but there's a disease in their DNA... And so even the good Jews have to be killed. And even though I love my Jewish relatives (which includes half siblings btw) I will kill them myself when the time is right.

It's for the greater good.

>The majority of the alt right doesn't understand this
the alt-right will ultimately fail because while they've correctly detected most of the symptoms in society, they completely miss the actual cause (liberalism) and instead make it about a group of people

t. achmed larping as sven

im actually uncut. my family is secular and from europe so didn't cut me

Let them have Israel. Shit. It's a dust bowl anyway. As long as their happy, you can be assured to make your pilgrimages to the Holy Selphecur

No I'm Swedish going back at least 1000 years. And I have half-siblings that are half Ashkenazi.


Not at all. They just shouldn't be in monolithic power and undermining the other peoples of the world.

>you guys
>remind me again what the secret plan is
>data mining
Read the rules. Thought you people liked rules.

>Let them have Israel. Shit. It's a dust bowl anyway. As long as their happy, you can be assured to make your pilgrimages to the Holy Selphecur
A dustbowl? youtube.com/watch?v=JkCW8j5dR6o

Israel is one of the most varied countries in terms of terrains and habitats, and it's gorgeous as well

I am of Jewish decent and I rather get gassed then be made to send to Israel.

Maybe you should try and visit the country before saying stupid things like this

why? ive been there and it's not that bad. just really hot and crowded, otherwise its pretty much first world

I'd rather die then spend one second surrounded only by Jews in a half desert. What is so hart to understand about that?

Yes my parents hate me.

i have been to israel and in some aspects it is better than western countries, for example dindus are extremely rare and there aren't many hobos

I should add that castrating them might be a better option. And if we choose to kill them instead of castrating them it should be done as painlessly as possible. I take no joy in the idea of exterminating the Jews, but it has to be done. They have again and again shown that they're a treat to mankind as a whole.

> What do you guys unironically want to do to Jews?
All I really want to do is love them as much as I love any fellow human being. Those of the Jews who feel the need to subvert and destroy everything beautiful, though, keep me from accomplishing my goal of loving them as my neighbors. So, instead, the next best thing seems to be to help those Jews who want their own ethnic homeland, Israel, and hinder the international socialists who refuse to believe in homelands from causing any more damage.

I view society as being currently under the influence of the enlightenment and to a slightly lesser extent, romanticism. Yet despite both these two philosophies having much in common, especially their origins, and the fact that they are both revolutionary in their nature, they are constantly at odds with each other, and that is the way our side is very much arranged today. In order to truly fix the West, we need to return to the pre-French Revolution philosophical doctrines, and adopt a reactionary stance against both of these dangerous, demagogical and dangerous doctrines that dominate the entire ongoing ideological/philosophical conflict in our society, only then can we truly have good and stable government, not tainted with any ideological zeal or corruption.


I guess there are some okay Russians there, but I also don't like Arabs. I still live in a 99+ white area here. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

>i have been to israel and in some aspects it is better than western countries, for example dindus are extremely rare and there aren't many hobos
There's like 50,000 illegal africans in the country at most, and they are being pro-actively booted out of the country. The only other blacks who live in Israel are Ethiopian and they are 100% ok and have nothing to do with africans or african culture
Also when it comes to Israelis as a whole over half said they agreed with a statement that those african migrants are "a cancer"

wtf. what is it about sweden that makes everybody hate themselves so much

That's false and I'm not Jewish.

israel is 75th globally in crime rates, this would go down if all the arabs are deported

>I still live in a 99+ white area here. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I envy you man. I live in a chink+spic infested city in california where im a minority and its awful

You know its pretty hilarious that white supremacists think that Jews are trying to subvert and destroy their host countries through unchecked immigration when possibly the only two countries that will survive this are Israel and America, the two countries with the highest Jewish population in the world

Wiping them out would be in humanity's best interest, for sure. I doubt you could get Europeans and many other groups on board with that idea, though, even if/when they learn of all that's been done to them.

I think more expulsions, and possibly quarantining them in Israel, is the most likely solution. The known criminals and conspirators should be dealt with harshly.

I wish that were the case. Then maybe the races could separate and things would stabilize.

ah my mistake. still an extreme solution. couldn't you just kick them out?

No, whoever says this is a fucking JIDF shill. Fuck off Moshe. This is exactly what the Zionists want and they are enemy number 1.

Different European and Arab rulers had the opportunity to kill the Jews when they subverted and stole, but chose to kick them out instead. Look where this got us... No we have to solve our problems once and for all.

yeah but thats cause they kicked jews out and sent them to different countries. now jews have israel. why not just send them there and allow 0 out-migration?

Why do you think that the statistic in your picture you posted is occurring?

Many of them have published their genetic test results and the aren't jewish, take your medication.

Their behaviour won't change just because they have Israel.

if the complaint is they subvert nations, then what damage could they do if they're all confined to their own?

Make friends and then kill elites

the reason jews are envied is because of how smart and successful they are.non jews envy their over representation in ivy league schools, and nobel prize laureates, and how many of them are rich. 44% of them make over 100,000 a year

but im a poorfag

I don't get your question. The point I am making is the Israel and Zionists want as many Jews to go to Israel as possible.

You don't have to be a citizen of a country to subvert it. Given that Jews throughout history have subverted it's not rational to believe that they will stop now. And it's not worth taking the chance that they will.

he's saying the antisemitism is coming from muslims and you're dodging the question cause you're a muslim

He's a shill. Anyone who says Jews should be deported to Israel is a fucking JIDF shill. That's exactly what they want because it makes them stronger when they are all together in one state.

Yeah you're a Zionist kike shill confirmed. Got you Moshe. Israel will be exterminated soon, don't worry kike.

That's not true. Jews just misbehave everyone they are. If they stopped misbehaving people would stop hating them. But they won't because it's in their culture/DNA. Jews are, in general, immoral.

Are you saying that Jews haven't misbehaved to a very large extent?

>everyone they are
*everywhere they are

This poster is a JIDF kike shill. Ignore all his kikery subversion.

Yes probably.

>you're a kike
i literally stated this in my opening post

make them all my harem (the guys can become fuck bois or trans, dealers choice)

dude the entire premise of this thread is me admitting im a jew. what are you exposing?

If the US stops supporting Israel then it's going to get bulldozed by all the countries surrounding it. Now, is that our responsibility?

Good, I didn't actually read your all your shit posts. I'm just exposing the fact that Zionist Jews are the worst Jews and that Israel needs t be exterminated. You won't get what you want kike. You can keep accusing me of being a mudslime but it doesn't change the fact that you're a despicable subverting JIDF kike shill.

Deport to Israel, and rout out Israeli influence in the government/media. The Mischlingization of American Jewry may even render deportation moot, but those who wish to maintain a Jewish identity need to leave.

t. Mischling

The Desolation of Israel
…18They will gird themselves with sackcloth and shuddering will overwhelm them; and shame will be on all faces and baldness on all their heads. 19They will fling their silver into the streets and their gold will become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetite nor can they fill their stomachs, for their iniquity has become an occasion of stumbling.

no i think all aid should end. that being said, i don't support israel's destruction. however, its not america's job to defend anyone. israel can handle its own affairs

This sounds like the coming economic crash in the US; you understand the entire USD sits atop a massive bubble, yes?

Exterminate them.

Extermination is the only way we can be free. They need to go. Death to the kikes.

>Deport to Israel
>rout out Israeli influence in the government/media
Good luck burger
See this:

sounds good

They'll be routed out kicking and screaming, but by the eternal they'll be out. We need a American Hitler to undo what's been done to this Republic. Hopefully we can amend the Constitution so that power can NEVER be concentrated in the way it has been over the past 70/80 years. Canada should also be anschlussed, people of the same blood belong in the same country


Yeah but deporting them to Israel isn't the answer. That's actually exactly what they want, it will make them stronger.

People would only support deportations once the extent of the ZOG comes to light, which would be coupled with an attack on Israel herself

Israel is nothing but an internationally recognized criminal syndicate that doubles as a criminal safe haven too. Israel should be stripped of its status and it's people should be expelled from the land.

What's good is that the near future looks very excellent to achieving the goal of a world without a Jewish state.