Anti-Communist and Proud

Seriously, this board and its users could control the world within 10-20 years but it has to stop falling into the identity politics trap.
ANTI-COMMUNIST is the *only* label that anyone should be able to apply to you.

>You're not anti-semitic, you're anti-communist.
It's not your fault that such a high percentage of jews are sympathetic to communism.
>You're not sexist or racist either. You're anti-communist.
That nearly all feminist and multicultural propaganda is put forward by communists is not a statement against women or minorities, it's a statement of fact.

See what I'm getting at lads? If we stop falling for the "fuck niggers and kikes" trap threads and just put forward a steady, focused ANTI-COMMUNIST message, we can advance our movement so much farther than it already is.

People are wary about publicly endorsing the far right wing because of the labels it attracts. No one wants to be accused sexist or racist. But if you take back the labels, and emphasize that you oppose labeling alltogether, and denounce communism and crypto communism in all its forms, you can pull in the normies as happened in Germany decades ago and the problems will then take care of themselves.

I know its not anything groundbreaking or that's going to create winds of change on its own, but those of you who are sincere and believe in saving the republic, what do you say? How is it that this board gets labeled everything except what, at its core, it really is??? We fucking hate communists. All communists. No matter their race, color or creed. That's a label any man should be proud to admit to and wear as a badge of honor.

This is what I will be doing from now on: No more participation in shitty communist bait threads about ecelebs or faggot leaf cult leaders and absolutely no blase "hate" threads on niggers and kikes (much as i do loathe both for their complicity in the communist conspiracy). I challenge all to join me.


Other urls found in this thread:

you've a mental illness

>put forward a steady, focused ANTI-COMMUNIST message, we can advance our movement so much farther than it already is.
This. We need to out these commies and NKVD freaks. They are a clear and present danger to America, Americans, Christianity, our way of life, and our culture. We all know what happened to the Christians in the Ukraine when the commie Bolshiviks took over. We cannot allow that to happen in America.

found the commie

>That nearly all feminist and multicultural propaganda is put forward by communists is not a statement against women or minorities, it's a statement of fact.
The fact that a lot of older generation feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers are against them also helps this point.

This board honestly only attracts me because it's the only place I can say racial slurs without getting banned. If I just wanted anti-commie content I would use r/t_d.


It's probably confusing to many people as well because the right wing message gets so garbled and lost amidst the left's identity games,. That's why if only all right wing could get on a focused distilled anti-Communist message instead of harping on demographics and minority conspiracies it would help bring that many more people into a place of comfort to not fear attacking the left but embrace it. The right is ALWAYS still on the defensive against the left for no good reason at all. They have no moral upperhand. We do

If you abandon identity politics a lot of people will get very angry. Many of the smarter people are white supremacists because they've done studying. Scaring away the brains is not how you create an effective weapon.

oy vey dont name the jew goyim

in theory, i don't totally disagree with you.
personally, the kikes owe me a fucking explanation...and then some.

i'm fucking pissed at these people. and my anger is more than warranted.

They should give us Israel.

OP look up the John Birch Society. You can't avoid the -ist namecalling by claiming to just be opposed to Communism.

Satire and irony and not giving a shit about being labelled are the key to avoiding the ad hominem attacks.

I agree. However there's also a bit of a stigma in calling people "communists" too often. You still look paranoid, if not hateful.


Exactly. The commies are really our number one enemy at the moment. They are every country's number one enemy and we see the devastating, horrific, evil results when they gain control and power. We must be focused, on point, and have a powerful message of anti-communism.

Interesting how the media keeps talking of Nazis and White Supremacists, but you never, ever hear them talk of all the commies, even the self-admitted commies, in our midst.

>there's also a bit of a stigma in calling people "communists" too often.
Stigma from whom? I never hear the word being used to call someone out, but I have heard the word from some self-admitted commies. And too bad if there is stigma. They have no problem calling every White kid a "Nazi." Talk about over-use of the word. Or how about "anti-Semite" and "racist" and "homophobe." They call us every name in the book, and most are unwarranted. The use of communist would be warranted and factual because (1) they are and (2) many, as I have stated, have even admitted they are.

I get that too that's why i'm saying we should be trying to advance it as a movement wide sort of thing. Alt Right is a dead meaningless term we probably hopefully all agree. Wouldnt it be much cooler to be known as the Anti Communist Right? It has a great ring to it.
I am familiar with JBS and in general very much respect their work and Robert Welch the founder in general. I think they were too light on naming the jew. What I am proposing is a new approach that is not at all afraid of naming the jew, but for one very clearly, easily defineable reason: the majority of jews (especially those we hate) are communists or are sympathetic to communists and advance it at all opportunities. We oppose that attempted advance of communism. That they are jews is secondary to our issue.

Okay just be prepared for the full barrage of jewish/communist/post-modernist/Alinsky-ist attacks calling you every name under the sun and misrepresenting all your positions to make you sound worse than Hitler.

I think it's a worthwhile goal to oppose Communism with 100% of your effort, and it's something normies can get behind. Make sure you don't get sucked into arguments about philosophy or emotional bullcrap: focus on the historical record and you can't lose.

Exactly. We won't survive if there are still "shy" Trump voters by 2020. Loud and proud. I voted for Trump. Trump represents individuality and personal freedom. He is opposed to communism just like me. I will always vote for candidates who oppose communism as both a governing and cultural doctrine


Why even anti-communist "right"? That just gives leftists an excuse to call you fascists, since fascists were anti communist right.

Simply "Anti-Communist" serves the purpose.

That's what I'm saying around the smears and labels and just stick to a simple, focused, memorable messsage. I detest communism. Accuse people to their faces of BEING communists. Make real communists defend themselves. Just like they've done with all the labels and smears like Nazi and Klan etc etc.
It can be the basis of a full doctrinal platform. We don't prefer traditional values, we just detest communism which has been the prevailing cultural doctrine of this era

Good job goy, you have successfully identified (((communism))) as the real enemy. It's not like there isn't a bigger threat that's causing issues in Universities, Financial Institutions, or Corporation Boards.......

The left loves nothing more than loud and proud antisemites. Nothing serves their purpose better.

But you know that, since you're either a troll, or an actual antisemite who wouldn't dare say his beliefs in public.

Where they teach the communism
>Financial Institutions
Where the communists get funded
>Corporation Boards
Where the educated, funded communists implement their cultural marxism on the masses

Start calling every one of them a communist to their faces when you hear communism out of their mouths and make them answer to it. Are you a communist? Yes or no. You just said this communist thing so defend it or else be known as a communist. Most public figures still don't want that label

Sounds good. And this bump's on me.

I say my beliefs in public and I troll. Kikes btfo.


Good post OP

No, it's the fucking Kikes and they're flooding Europe with niggers.
The comments section on fucking Breitbart is full of people calling this shit out now, you're a bigger cuck than most semi-aware boombers with an Internet connection.
I'm sure the people openly trying to turn your kids into sexually degenerated trannies will absolutely be blown the fuck away by how brave you are for saying the "C" word.

I dare y'all to not get side tracked and defeated from with due to small quarrels and doubts. And actually see the whole picture for once.

If y'all are willing to put adside your differences and fight for true change, for a greater cause, then I'll be damned.

Remember to strive for change. Set your goals and implement them.

Let's fight for the greater cause.

The antithesis of communism.

The flaw of user crowdsourced think tanks like Chan's in that they are susceptible to disinformation campaigns , not in the traditional sense of lying and being convincing but in the way of flooding the think tanks ability to focus. Sensory overload. Only true autists can keep up.

yes.outside the board.glad someone was listening to me today.
jews are card carrying communists and it pits them squarely in the crosshairs without their muh antisemitism.
do some placards or memes with soros et al on it and group is now the anti communist corporation.
it works,ive tried it elsewhere.rabbi rabinowitz is wily but its hard to paint an anti group for having a traditional american value,no commies.ww2 memories.

Thanks for the bumps glad so many others seem to be on the same page

Some good anti communist videos. First one is from the John Birch Society like another user mentioned. The next one is a short documentary by Revilo P Oliver who split from JBS and who is my personal favorite. Last i included Rockwell, my favorite clip, an interview that every user here should watch and study just for an example of how to defend your positions clearly and calmly

>I'm a class-traitor and proud
Get off the internet, boomer

>and absolutely no blase "hate" threads on niggers and kikes
Go away the_cuckold

I'm going to be honest op, I like where this is going
but people think you're insane if you ramble about communists these days
you will get laughed at for calling lefties commies

Anybody going to rallies or public events the sign thing is effective. Lots of publicity available for sign wavers still. We all need to be Lincoln Rockwells without the swastikas and out loud racism


It's the natural response to these people out here calling normal people nazis and fascists. Ffs the equivalent group on the left are called anti Fascists how absurd is that??? When fascism has been deader than dog shit for decades and they still get away with that label???? These fucking communists man, they have it too easy

Somebody could become a damn Youtube star if they just took a straight up hardline anti communist message on air. No one does it and it's always right there for the taking. Unfortunately because communism is the operating doctrine of the entertainment world still you won't ever get real kike support but man, I'd actually give a shit about an eceleb if they were out here actively blasting away at communism which is visible and impacting of basically every conceivable part of american culture now

Nice analysis, you're getting closer to the truth.
Protip: Cred Forums was still a force to be reckoned with when they had a far higher post rate than Cred Forums currently has. Sensory overload isn't as big of a problem as you think: you just need to counter-meme and mock shilling when it happens. This develops naturally as newfag influx dies off and the average board-age of posters increases and they've "seen it all before". That's when you start getting entire threads mocking obvious shills with nothing more than reaction image spam until the thread dies. That's when you get thread hijacks (notice how both resistance tactics are absent on Cred Forums, but semi-common on more mature boards?). The issue is newfags, not spam, and the problem solves itself as newfags mature.

Even the red square spam and Cornelia were handled in near real-time by the mature boards of the time (/jp/, Cred Forums, Cred Forums, etc...).


At this point the constant flow of newfags is part of the issue. When the ADL and mainstream media can literally plant stories here and then report on their own fan fictions. The news they generate, obvious lie or not, brings more people.

Everyone in America should instantly connect the letters ADL with communism. They're communists' first defense always in every case. Their jew angle is frankly secondary to the instant defense of all communism in all forms

Eventually the newfag influx will die off. It always does. Cred Forums was downright glacial prior to the 2016 campaign season kicking off, compared to now. It would have slowed way down already were it not for shills and the MSM campaign against Trump running on hyperdrive. Soon they'll give up, and after the midterms people will truly be worn out on politics, so no more newfags will come (until 2020).

That doesn't mean the shills will go away. It means the board posting population will mature and respond to shills with humor, satire, and outright ignoring them (thread hijacks). Trust me, you WILL see it in the coming months.

Snowball the issue then, Jews mainly support communism e.g. Soviet Russia etc, attack that head of the snake. Then the next head of the snake and so on. You're stupid to go for all heads at once when you can recruit more people to your side as you take heads down.

Interesting Joseph Smith quote: how long can rolling waters remain impure?
I'm not Mormon but it's an interesting observation.

I'm having trouble understanding what exactly is meant by "rolling waters", but I think you get my point.

Pretty gud OP