You fellas aren't Russian operatives right? it was just banter right??


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Actually the Soviet Union collapsed like 25 years ago and this isnt leftypol.

Stop watching CNN and sucking (((Rosensteins))) dick.

Da comrade you ares safe with us.

i guess you'll never know, nigger


Don't look at me, user. I just worked for ShareBlue, and got fired after the election.

Nyet cunt
But I think YOU are Russian operative
You have many potato today?

kek who is the crosseyed kikess

нe вoлнyйcя, тoвapищ, я aмepикaнeц, кaк ты

Da, just banter.

priviet droog!

da bleep bloop

No im a russian bot honestly

i am being amerikanski, just looking at my flag.

yes, comrade, I mean, brotatochip. I am your average plumber man, Joe.

There are many Russian bots here.

Ironically, the majority of people posting with actual Russian flag hate Putin's guts.

I am nigger

No comrade I am not da russian spy. Why would I hang noodles on ya ear?

I spill my drink all over my uniform.

i don't know why but this is goddamn hilarious
