School mass shootings

School mass shootings
I have a question for americans.
Don't your schools have some kind of armed security? In Russia most schools have some form of security staff. A consequense of Beslan tragedy. Not sure if guards are armed though - it has been 11 years since I graduated.
Looking at how many school shootings you have in the US for the last two decades and since it's legal to own automatic rifles, it would have been reasonable to strenghten public schools with armed security. Did the US? Also, is it justified? What are the downsides?
Pic unrelated.

No one is allowed to have any guns there, so they all get to die waiting for the police to show up.
It is pretty dumb

My high school had an armed police officer on duty every day and that was before the Columbine shooting in 1999.

The cop was usually busy catching kids trying to skip school and writing them tickets for smoking cigarettes under the age of 18.

Here in the super pro second amendment usa..... we have NO armed security in ANY of our schools. Even in the most conservative parts of the country. Its a bit ironic that the more conservative rural areas that are pro gun rights dont actually need armed security...

One old security dude with a baton hardly constitutes as armed security.

Why is that so? What piece of legislation establishes this rule? It's dumb as hell.

I didn't say our schools have armed one.

is that a TIGER?

Its the liberals

Some schools have campus officers. I'm not sure what determines which ones. Perhaps largely local governments and voting?

My school had an armed officer.


This is Murica not social Europooria where we have to pay taxes for security that even secures us. If they had something like this les people would buy guns to protect themself.

Funnily enough, since our mass media covers the US mass shootings in every little detail, we already have our own 'heroes'. Not as tragic as in the US, but still very worrying. Accidents including firearms. I think it's time for goverment to allow armed security into schools.
Also, I think reporting on the identity of the shooter and the number of victims should be considered a felony.

CIAniggers make sure the nigger cattle is docile and weak, ready for slaughter

Democrats don’t WANT students to be safe. They actually WANT a school shooting about once a month so they can continue their campaign for civilian disarmament. Which they also don’t actually want because they aren’t totally stupid and realize trying to disarm 100 million Americans would just get a lot of libtards killed. The Jews at the top of the Democrat party want to clamor about gun control because they raise millions of dollars from morons by saying they will “do something” but they know they never will.

In just about every state there is a state law making it a crime to even carry a firearm within 500 or 1,000 feet of a school.

I went to high school in the Southwest in the 60s and most of the vehicles in the parking lot were pick ups and more than a few had rifle racks with rifles. No one cared. No one would have even considered shooting other students. We were all hunters and knew exactly what wounds firearms produced from dressing out deer. No one would even consider doing that to random kids. Nowadays...society has been fucked over by libtards.

That a bogus. Does anyone go around checking with a ruler? Max retardation.

>it's legal to own automatic rifles

Supreme Court rulings have stated that American police have no legal obligations to protect citizens, so you are right. Even the Judicial system has essentially stated that civilians are responsible for their own safety first. Police help, but its not to be relied on.

In their defense, we ban convicted sex offenders from stepping near certain locations by exact distance as well.
In both cases, the sign or rule is arbitrary and useless. A molester and gun carrier that actually want to go into a school, likely have no good intentions, for all the good the "no gun" sign has done for it.