Blockchain General /BCG/

Help me understand blockchain, and its political, social and economic impact.

Does this change everything or is it merely a fad? Now that this exists is there no going back (like the internet)?

What good changes will we see? What bad changes?

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take me down to salt lake city where the counties are red and the niggers are litty

Bitcoin cash is the real Bitcoin, the Bitcoin core developers have ruined the BTC segwit fork of Bitcoin.



How did you know I was in SLC?






why not litecoin

Bitcoins are mined based on complex algorithms that make it a mineable substance with value made out of computer teacher technology.

/biz/ I know you need more useful idiots but ours need their energy for the 2018 elections

Bitcoins are mined based on complex algorithms that make it a mineable substance with value made out of computer technology.


How do I know these images weren't created by people solely to boost the value of their investments?


Litecoin has lower fees (not as low as BCH) but it has segwit which makes it vulnerable to selfish-mining cartels (forging signatures instead of validating blocks)

Blockchain is pretty great. Too bad people can't think about it without cryptocurrency context.

They practically were
Memes have helped inflate the price of cryptocurrencies even more than introducing them to third-world shit-holes


I want to know about the NON cryptocurrency implications.
Could we increase identity security?
Could we protect social security numbers?
Could we use it to eliminate the need for passports or ID?

I'm just trying to think about what things it will change in daily life, hopefully for good.

Think of it as a tamper-proof ledger.
Let's say you want to buy a boat. If done traditionally some (((fella))) might tamper with your transaction and pocket the money. If you use blockchain however, once the transaction is recorded there, it's there forever and no one can edit it or delete it. Of course it's an oversimplification, but you catch my drift.
Blockchain is just an ubersecure way to store transactions (or any data you wish, really). Don't think of it less, don't think of it more. While its benefits can be elusive (since there quite a few ways to store data rather securely) its one of those things that's lowkey revolutionary. If you use CCs you might never think of how complex the background workings are (Visa, MasterCard, SWIFT, who cares?) but it does make your life simpler. Blockchain is even more invisible but its just as useful.

>Could we increase identity security?

>Could we protect social security numbers?
AFAIK, SSN system is defective by design.

>Could we use it to eliminate the need for passports or ID?
Not really, since you still will need some token for identification that uses crypto.

All you need to know is kek has blessed chainlink

>SSN system is defective by design.
Perhaps it could be replaced

yes, replaced by a non-mandatory libertarian system where everyone is a master of their own destiny

Look into this russian AI stuff, their ICO starts on the evening today, they have already partnerships with some Russian universities, AiForge (Gaming industry) and Element Lab (medicine sector)

chainlink is a shittoke serving no other purpose than transferring wealth from the suckers to the "developers"

none on ERC20 tokens are technologically capable of doing anything ETH doesn't do already

>We can't trust a middleman for our transactions
>We can trust an oracle for our transactions

This is why I think smart contracts cryptos are garbage. All they do is allow others to spend your money, ETH got fucked so hard by this that they had to rollback the blockchain which is bs.

Its eventually going to disrupt society to such a degree that it will be unrecognizable from its current form. It brings control back to the mass's and eliminates all manner of corruptibility and once we realize this, like really realize it, it'll be integrated into everything.

that's what i'm asking, I guess. We're really at a point of no return now, aren't we?