Tasmanian State Elections 2018 (Australia)

So ahhh, Tasmanian political elections are coming up, and its appearing that a large amount of political party's are supporting that Centrelink "Cashless Debit Card".

I have managed to find one party which are the "Greens" that do not support the cashless debit card: greens.org.au/cashless

I can't find any other party's that are stating it clear, that they do not support the cashless debit card. What do the 4channers know on this subject?


Nobody cares, it doesn't even exist.

It's being tested out in various locations in other Australian locations, and there has been talks of trialing a location in the North West of Tasmania. May as well be against it now, rather than later.

Stop being you. Elections mean nothing. Only god can save us you retarded aussie baby.

By the sounds of things, you haven't yet mastered any trolling ;)

Drugs are for people with jobs. I also agree with that one cunt who said elections are meaningless.

Hmmm so so sad, so so naive these posters are.

Also being an alcoholic is food people who have jobs. If cunts can't hold down a job and simultaneously be FUNCTIONING drug / alcohol abusers,

they don't need or deserve drugs, alcohol or dignity.

Perhaps you could educate us of attempt to explain your view on the matter? Instead of being an obtuse cunt.

You may see there will be an increase in the crime rate if this card comes into full action. Common sense really, the reports put out there are false. People are too frightened to tell centrelink their vulnerabilities. They also found in the gold fields these apparent positive reports, there has been an increase in the crime rate.

Isn't a credit card by nature cashless?

Yep this cashless debit card is cashless. Can't pay your rent in cash if needed. Its crazy.

Good. Leave these cunts with nowhere to hide, thrash them into a life of habitual crime until the smart ones stop and the stupid, lost, unteachable ones are in prisons. A couple of generations of this could solve big problems.

The law system sucks already, they will only receive a fee and a slap on the wrist ;)

Also can we get to the point, do we have any other political party that does not support the cashless debt card, besides the "Greens" ?

Are you talking about crimes that would give the perpetrator access to cash?

(Armed) Robbery
Break & Enter

Which crime rates have been proven to go up and, of those, which are punished by a fine and 'slap'?

hmmm this is getting interesting, do you know anything on this subject?

You are a bit of a silly cunt, aren't you?

Well as nobody gives a fuck to do your research for you or feels like giving you a quick and easy answer to your question (did you want some cunt here to instruct you as to how to vote? Is this issue central to how you would make that decision? Are you a shut in NEET with no prospects?) I am going to go have a wank. Have fun in your dead thread


You obviously don't know anything on this subject, not even a URL link. Next waiting please....





>No cash from da centrlink boss man
>No pokies
>No flagons to buy at da super market. No GOON neither!

Tassie aborigines are being oppressed!

Stone the crows, Alf you just become a grumpier cunt as you get older

Yes, that's the spirit!

Only coons would give a fuck! Because we are truly to protect them from this self destructive spiral of despair they seem unable to pull themselves out of...

Maybe forcing people (who have proven they can not manage themselves) to spend their money on food, nutrition and the essentials of a reasonable life is indeed the best way forward?

You beauty there are some sad ones in here.
So soo many failures in here at the moment.

There has been an increase in home robberies and muggings.

It's the matter of catching those culprits really, good luck to that with the corrupt police force.

There are some Tassie Aboriginals employed by the government in Tasmania. You having a sad too?

Punch fuck out of their heads mate.

Cashless dole for the win, ya fucken drongo.

I bet you know a few on this system that will come into play if you don't cast a real vote this time too?

What does that mean? I don't associate with people on the dole.

More than likely you have some degree's of separation.

If there was anybody I actively engaged with in my life who would be affected by this scenario -

- I would be thankful that they are receiving the help they need to manage their financial scenario and steer away from drug and alcohol abuse,

Or maybe the motivation to actually get a job.

I can not see these changes really affecting anybody other than those who need serious help with their afflictions and lifestyle.

Are you actually a meth addict yourself? Seems like it.

There are a lot of arguments on this system within many people out there who aren't even on it.

There really is a lack of jobs in Australia, i.e. no more Holden manufacturers.

In a degree, students at universities and tafe will at some point be on it as well. If you're studying 4 - 5 days a week, do you really think you could work 2 days a week on the weekend and do your assignments at the same time? Also would you be able to cover the costs of food, transport, electricity, gas and power by simply working two days a week?

All parties are jew puppets, we are doomed!