Cred Forums what the fuck is his problem?

Cred Forums what the fuck is his problem?

he never really wanted to be prez/is bored of it

He can't stop winning.

some fat slut was talking shit so he hit back

tired of the oprah meme just like everyone else

Queen Oprah will destroy him. He's playing with fire.

Oprah vs Trump 2020. I guarantee it. Oprah has been in many elite meetings. She is going to be their figurehead if she manages to win.

Don't let the oligarchs get in control again.

>so she can be exposed
holy shit sometimes i can't believe this is the american president fucking amazing

meanwhile normies are astounded that he talks just like them on twitter and hate him for it

fat black pimp who aborted the child she had with her uncle talking shit about premium orange

Fat nigger bitch BTFO

He is right. She is allegedly in the closet, she was friends with Harvey Hollywood guy, and worst of all, she’s a yo-yo dieter.

>Don't let the oligarchs get in control again.
>US president is a cut-rate oligarch

What a clownfest...this guy is pathetic

It will take America 50 Years to forget the fuckups of its last nigger president. Please let the bitch 'run'.

Isn't this bad?

Last I checked normies soak up Oprah's bullshit like a sponge.


oh my god this is the best timeline, trump is the master troll wordsmith we knew he would be. 4D chess begins and she's still learning checkers. watch her take the bait

feels good to win again

Oprah has a lot of skeletons in the closet. People ignore those when you're in show business, but when you move into politics it becomes cutthroat and they'll use anything they can to destroy your reputation.
I tend to think Oprah would rather be remembered with the reputation she has now. She won't risk going into politics.

It's funny how nobody is batting and eye over two tv actors running your fucking country. This timeline...I want to go back to the 90's

Oprah lost her luster long ago. The comments she made about older generations of Whites needing to die makes her candidacy DOA. They probably will try to run her thinking that the idiot masses only want a TV personality but she wont even win the nomination.

I don't think anyone can beat out old man Bernie in the DNC primary. If he runs it'll be a total shitfest between the DNCs chosen minority candidate and Bernie. They can't cheat Bernie out of the nomination this time so he'll probably get it.

>Oprah has a lot of skeletons in the closet.
like what?

>Oprah lost her luster long ago

Trump and Oprah have been famous for about the same time and at the same level.

She has massive pull and can easily go against Trump

>Cred Forums what the fuck is his problem?
Oprah apparently

her "boyfriend" Stedham
and her "girlfriend" Gayle

If she does run she'll use her classic 1980s interview against skinheads to smear Trump supporters.

>Cred Forums what the fuck is his problem?
An uppity fat nigger bitch with a shit book club full of fake memoirs and romance novels.

it's you with the problem



Unironically this. Trump has the attention span of a small child. I'm amazed he has lasted this long

Oprah can't even fucking run

He hates you. It’s more your problem.

Having Trump for president is truly a humbling experience. On the world stage, his consistency canny intelligence reflects and defines who we are. On the domestic stage, he provides our youth with inspiration on the integrity of our principles. Trump going after Oprah is completely normal as she is, frankly just a bit too uppity.

And yet he beat the “most qualified person in history”? You shills are long past retarded.

Well, he's not a racist but he sure don't like the fatties.

Okra Wimpy would be hilarious to watch run for office.
You get a gib, and you get a gib, and you get a gib and ERRRRRRBODY GETS A GIB. cept white men.

Plus... no one from Kosciusko, MS is going to be the fucking president of the United States of America

>still believing Trump is the establishment

There's no way he would win against Oprah

I love my shitposter in chief. Wish you brits could have someone this based to run your nation.

This. I also heard that he watches the gorilla channel 17 hours a day.

remember oprah's school for girls in africa? not long after it opened, it was reported that the girls were being abused there. oprah will be running on the pizza ticket.


Maybe 60 Minutes should stick to fake news to defame Bristish commandos over Benghazi as a special favor to the DNC.

With the shit thats in her closet ?BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA

Hes a man chils much like his followers.

It's about damn time somebody exposed and defeated oprah fucking winfrey.

I love him so much


what will his playground nickname for her be?

>spend most of day watching tv or tweetin
>not actually just another POS

>There's no way he would win against Oprah

>what will his playground nickname for her be?
Lobe sucker?

This. If runs, and doesn't take the nomination, that might actually be a catalyst for a new party system. Or GENUINE political violence.

What the fuck is her problem?

>trump has no attention span
>he spends 16 hours a day doing something

And bomb Serbia because it would become a Russian Ally? And let Bill Clinton get away with his sex crimes?

Based shitposting president.

what problem?

she can't even jog

>be oprah
>"I'm afro American and a woman so I'm double discriminated against"
>pander to dipshit white liberal housewives and trailer trash
>make a fuckton of money because whites actually read/have money
>"I'm an inspiration to all oppressed afro American girls!"

>Moon pie?

>Little Debbie?