Does this man look Jewish, Cred Forums? Is he?

Does this man look Jewish, Cred Forums? Is he?

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German look jewish.

It's a fucking star

No, they don't

He doesn't have the curved nose and extended fat chin.

Yeah bro he was 100% Jewish, he just self hated and wiped out the entirety of German Jewry for fun xD

that elongated skull 10/10 ayy master race

Not really
It's jist your rotten kike imagination

There were severe cracks in the uniformity of the Jewish community before WW2, and it's not outlandish to consider that the different ideological circles have hated each other to the point of extermination. You know of course about the haavara, but there were more cooperation between the Zionists of the time and the national socialists, especially when Britain has gone after Germany, considering they had the Palestinian mandate. In fact the Lehi was a proper fascist organization.
I don't have a curved nose or a fat chin. Do you really think this man looks like an ethnic German?

maybe a 10% no more

Some people are born with bone abnormalities of the face. He just lacks forward facial growth and a strong jawline. Nothing jewish about him.

All Nazis were Jewish.

it takes a jew to fight the jew.

Typical german. It is not difficult to find Germans who looks like him.

Extremely and so did hitlers mother

that fucking jewish nose

Germans are the lost tribe

Why lost tribe ?

What's wrong with being jewish?

he didn't wipe out anyone except for Poles shlomo.
he was funded by 80% jewish governed IG FARBEN and his main target was to destroy europe

>straight nose
>equally slim upper and lower lip
>small ears
>V-shaped balding patter
Doesn't look Jewish at all.

Dear God. I sincerely admire you poles for your Bulwark of masculinity, but you're so fucking retarded. It's like whenever you write something on Cred Forums it's also some pseudo-religious unscientific nonesense.

He looks pretty fucking weird, I like him though. Probably my favourite nahtzee

Not a jew, just a manlet.

He's not very attractive, but that doesn't automatically make him jewish my dude

pic related, Goebbels versus one of his bigger Jewish enemies in Berlin in the early 30s, police executive Bernhard Weiß

behold the wisdom of st.Joseph

pic kinda unrelated but look how proud and happy Goebbels is

Who won?

Its not an outlandish claim. Why would germs suddenly attack opponents that would surely be too difficult. If nasis vere genuine.. something mustve happened the last years that made them do those selfmutilating decisions

I love the french but actual french people tend to have pretty big noses :^)


>they were all manlets

You can't tell just by looking at somebody if they are Jewish. There might be a high correlation, but they could also be Spanish, Italian, Greek, etc.

Pic related is a pure Armenid.
Jews are more Armenid than the average European (some Euros probably aren't Armenid at all or very little) which causes them to look the way they do. But there are other groups with high Armenid traits too.

true masterrace, not like these slavsits


only Goebbels was a manlet at 1,65, everyone else was average or slightly above average (1,74 for German males in 1930)

He looks more like a filthy Anglo than a disgusting kike desu

You mean arab hooknoses

Italians, Greeks, Spaniards

so this guy had some qualms with Jews,, I take it?

it's possible to be ugly without being a jew
look at this: normal ugly vs jewish monstrosity

gas yourself

That's a surprise, Himmler being the tallest. Always pictured Goring being the tallest, but he is the same as Hitler.

Göring was 5’10”, Himmler was 5’9”.

Does this man look Jewish to you?

That is not what the picture shows, unless Goring was oddly bending his knees.

He probably suffered from malnutrition as a child so he gew up slighly disformed. Just look at the sunken eyes and weak chin/jaw and his weak skinny statue. All is an indicator there went something wrong with his development.

looks more reviewish to me

He didn't die in that bunker

Himmler looks like a hafu. He's got such a mongoloid face, especially with the black and white photographs he looks like a Japanese general.

my sides

Himmler has those big ass boots on

No, that's an alkaline nose

He also had that club foot. There was something developmentally wrong with Goebbels and you can read it in his facial structure.

Not that this matters. This ties in partly to the leftist inability to understand NatSoc and their belief that the National Socialists thought themselves the master race, which is only partly true.

Wasn't it polio? Polio was pretty common back then.

true, he was a poorly developed manlet but still managed to make the best out of it and became successful.

Imagine the new Fuhrer being a midget
Would you Heil y/n

nah but he can take care of the propaganda if he's good at it


Fuck i would click that shit

Why do half of them look like turkroaches?

is that Rosenberg to the Left of Himmler?

but is anyone really ethnic anything?

There is so much rape and pillaging in history, we are bound to mixed muts are we not?

And then the bigger question is... if adam and eve are the first decendents, is everyone a bit jewish?

If we evolved from apes... then what turned people from apes into this ethnicity?

Arent most physical features a result of location? Dont people closer to the equator have big noses and darker skin from the living conditions there?

Does any one know why asians have such small eyes and noses and small physical stature?

Black and white photography.
>us joos have sooper high iq

No, he looks ubermensh, just like other nazis. Those knights were perfect aryans, you know.

Most Germans don't live up to the Aryan posterboy image. Only mutts think they do.

No, he's southern euro like me hitler and all Frebch/Germans aka the anti Jew.

His nose doesn't hook like a kike's and he doesn't have the wobbly chin or heavy-lidded "fish-eyed" look that most kikes do. He got hit hard with the ugly bat but he's still a Kraut.

Lmao, is this supposed to be the ubermensh?

Cred Forums really is full of schizophrenic looking basement dwellers. It's not a meme

>black hair brown eyes

Partly the distinctive traits can just be the propagation of non-hindering traits that emerged in separate populations. Partly to describe Asiatic miniaturisation is the absolute domination of Asian leaders over the masses, where they maximised the amount of people you can feed with the smallest amount of food. Asian elites had taxation down to a form of art where the peasants were only left with just enough food to survive the year and plant the next year's crop. A well-fed population was a lot more dangerous to control than a near-starving one

Better looking than you Schlomo.

t. black hair, brown eyed mutt that refers to himself as white and adheres to nazism

It's sad at this point. I feel uncomfortable making fun of the mentally ill.

Please seek mental health counselling.

I'll chat with a shrink just as soon as you choke on some Zyklon B.

Is there a single picture where Rudolf Hess smiles?

He seems like the saddest guy around and had one of the saddest deaths.

>Weiss sued Goebbels for libel and won
>Goebbels didn't care; kept calling him out
>the quintessential kike, Weiss sued Goebbels over 40 times
>Weiss also prevented Goebbels from speaking at NSDAP meetings
>Franz von Papen arrested Weiss for one day in 1932
>When Hitler came to power Weiss resisted arrest and escaped to England
>died of cancer in London in 1951

>suggesting anyone else is mentally ill
Silence shekelberg. Neurosis, mental illness, perversion, derangement, and depravity are endemic to your subspecies.

Sounded like you described whites

Yes except he isn't so disgustingly hairy and has a proper haircut.

he's just some sort of Alpinized Med, passes better in Italy than Germany

Not in the slightest.
He looks like a Med more than anything.

I bet a Jewish woman has more body hair than Finnish "men"

Killed by MI6 for trying to broker a peace deal, it’s a pretty shit way to go.

I can believe that.

Here you go.

Well duh, your phenotype is akin to Negroids with albinism.

*blocks your vision with nose*

gonna make uyyuuu xd hahae muke u finnnaa woke fore daes post bick lolxdxd

Says the inbred arab/steppenigger hybrid.

Arabs/Jews don't have wide and flat noses like a lot of Negroids and Finns, nor do they have round faces. Try again.

No, sorry fischblatt

>40% more likely
