Honestly, tell me one cultural thing that is trully American. America is just a place where people from other countries come to make money. We create and make nothing here. What is American food? What are American customs? We just copy everybody else and make money from it. Blame it on multiculturalism. In fact we created multiculturalism.

Other urls found in this thread:


Uhm sweetie, think again

Of course it has. It's called Mexican culture.

Americanism is it’s own up until the 1900s

>Cajun isn't uniquely American
>Lobster isn't uniquely American
>the garbage plate isn't uniquely American
>Pumpkin everything isn't uniquely American

American customs are so ubiquitous, you don't recognize them as customs.


>America has no culture
>56% amerimutt confirmed

1. Somthing doesn’t have to be exclusive to your country to be part of its culture
2. Culture is just how people are. Wherever there are people there is culture.
3. America has inherited many traditions from many cultures which all come together to form American culture.

>You know whats the difference between USA and a yogurt?
If you leave a yogurt alone for 200 years it will grow a culture

>Country and Western
>Rock n Roll
>Big cars with fins on them
>School shootings
American culture is everywhere, much of the nascent "world culture" is American.

Cowboys and westerns.

>If you leave a yogurt alone for 200 years it will grow a culture
no it wouldn't

You faggot retard, yogurt is made with a culture.

Why are slavniggers so dumb.

t.tyrone loving northern cucky poo

You know that is named after Hamburg, Germany, right?

Roadtrips are American yeah?

Egyptans invented beer. Germany has no culture.

Chinese invented pasta. Italy has no culture.

It’s a fucking joke Hans. I know you germans aren’t known for you sense of humor, but Jesus Christ

>Four years ago, Bhutan, the fabled Himalayan Shangri-la, became the last nation on earth to introduce television. Suddenly a culture, barely changed in centuries, was bombarded by 46 cable channels. And all too soon came Bhutan's first crime wave - murder, fraud, drug offences.

It wasn't invented there though. Whole books have been written about the invention of the hamburger without reaching any firm conclusions, but the food we know as a hamburger (beef patty on a bun) seems to have an American origin, and the fast food culture surrounded it is definitely American.


America has plenty of culture, stop being a faggot and go outside.

Why would you want me to laugh at jokes that are dumb? I'm not American.

Americans appropriate northern Europeans who appropriate Roman culture who appropriated Greek culture who appropriated Egyptians who appropriated niggers. NIGGERS ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH CULTURE. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR?

This, the people who go on about how America has no culture are often the exact same people who complain at how toxic American culture is. Doublethink in action.

Only the south and mid-west has true American culture.

>tfw prostitutes are less scummy and more honest than the average americunt
have we reached peak degeneracy yet?

our only culture is treponema pallidum

Winning world wars is American culture. Golfing on the moon is American culture

If you live in the Yankee parts or the far west, those places are utterly devoid of any culture


cowboys are men. rare anymore.

Murder, fraud, drug offences is culture too. It's called Kultur-Terror.

car cultures are the result of cities full of niggers

Nah just you don't mutt

Reminds me of this post.

>lmao we wuz jew puppets fighting their two big wars
>lmao we stole Nazi scientists to do our work for us

starting world wars is also american culture.

>Winning world wars is American culture

You should apply that formula to Vietnam wars.


Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Faulkner, William Gaddis, John Barth, Henry James, Mark Twain, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Walt Whitman, Raymond Chandler...

Should we have just killed the scientists or given them over to the Soviets then? Is that what you would prefer?

But they only produce that weird pseudo cheese from a can for the amerilards.
I have NEVER seen it here in Germany, only these sandwich slices.

Vietnam was only one war, champ

Didn’t start either of them, wtf Ameribro?

Jewish culture*
There, I fixed it for you.

You faggots do realize that the US is a union of 50 country-states? Furthermore, the US is vast and can be broken down into innumerable regions with very distinct and unique cultures (or which was the case until the relatively recent advent of modern commercialism which is a blight on all things cultural) . Of course they are generally amalgamations and extensions of the original settlers’ original cultures but they have been altered over time.

Pizza in NYC for example is nothing like pizza in Italy (which is shit by the way).

but a bunch of illiterate backwoods simpletons with guns could never beat the US military, that's why you should turn yours in

Jews started them.

But America harbored all the Jews, so...

>no culture
>the Wild West

Sage and report off topic and shill threads.

understandable that you don't know history considering you went to murrican school

If you left your country and traveled to another country with another culture it will be a lot easier to see what American culture is. A lot of swedish politicians are saying the same thing that there is no Swedish culture and we need to bring in muslims because of it. The ones that have it the esiest to see culture is always someone from a different culture. To a Swede it is hard to see our own culture because everything in it is normal to us, but to everyone outside it's not normal.


>but a bunch of illiterate backwoods simpletons with guns could never beat the US military

You seem to be advocating for the abolishment of the 2nd amendment.


Vietnam was technically never a war. It was a police action which we were drug into by France and the goddamn UN.

our cities are literally a different culture


nope. just advocating for the abolition of you.
>thinks the second amendment can be repealed. topkek.


Kek fugg no but its kind of funny in retrospect
>hell yeah we defeated those ebil nazees
>lmao hitler was a one testicled genocidal maniac who wanted to rape his niece lmao
>oh hey even though we sided with literal commies over you and ruined your country can you guys help us win the space war? T-thanks

T. Leaf who failed biology class

I lived in Sweden for around 5 years. I witnessed this first-hand. Those politicians should be rounded up and exiled. Sad indeed.

please explain to our current yankees that niggerdom and faggotry is NOT yankee culture

>no americans were smart enough to figure out rockets

Fun fact : De Gaulle actually told Kennedy to get the fuck out of vietnam, the peasants are way too protective over their lands, we actually warned you dumbass

WW1 didn’t start until the archduke was killed
WW2 didn’t start until Britain and France declared war on Germany.
Of course Jews were behind the scenes before hand, but there are specific events that designate the start of a war, and I just told you them. In neither case was a world war started by America.

>it takes yoghurt 200 years to develop a culture

Why are medniggers so dumb

we should start a "things the french are right about" thread
french women don't have brown assholes
>heavy cream in the coffee

ww1 was going nowhere until woody got us involved. ww2 was directly as a result of germany being forced to pay everyone's war debts.

>Nobody sucks jewish cock like americans do

Try again OP

Don’t skirt the facts Pierrehammed. You couldn’t maintain control of your colony of rice farmers.

Going to war
Having poverty stricken communities
Shit healthcare
Everything is bigger



Hunting whitetails, most based hobby ever.

>blaming the french for being mongrels
>kicked the nazis out of france
you know you can't have it both ways, tyrone

This bloke knows whereof he speaketh. I've been to numerous strip clubs in London and the nigger punters never part with their cash - or at least try to - but get most of the dancers' attention. This is why I stopped going. White women have scraped the barrel beyond being even mere whores now.

we have healthcare?

And bass fishing in the summertime


I didn't say the opposite you mutt, we were weak as shit after the war, i'm talking post Geneva Conference here

>claims America has no culture
>using the greatest achievement of American culture
The internet is the quintessential American cultural expression. It is the greatest democratization of information ever achieved. It is the greatest bastion of free expression ever created. Using the internet to claim America has no culture is ignorance writ large.

Cutting off your son's cock off while praising Jesus;
Using stupid measurement units;
Calendars with stupid date formats;
Kicking out your own children out of home as soon as you can;
Supporting obvious jewish wars, tricks and shows, like September 11 and celebrating Osama's "death".

Are you saying you don’t celebrate sand niggers dying?

Not when the soldiers go "oops, we - like - lost the photo or something!" and say they threw the body out on the sea, only to come up with a pic of the corpse a long time later.
Sandniggers were ok staying in their shitholes under Gaddafi.

Don't tell me how to live my life mother fucker

>kills sand niggers
>hands our women over to real niggers
kek. and you wonder why i married azn.


>You seem to be advocating for the abolishment of the 2nd amendment.
Is there even a word for irony in German?

Okie noodling, the most American activity I can imagine

American culture is the generic world culture m8. Our restaurants, our movies, our clothing, they are spread across the world.

>Is there even a word for irony in German?

Yes, it's called Blitzkrieg.

What does this even mean, that we wusn't kangz like yo ancestors wuz? That we don't have castle ruins to see on the train ride to school like Jerome and Muhammad have? That we don't have an Opera house that survived WWI?

What a fucking potato-tier complaint to have against burgers. Americans have lots of culture:
>rape culture
>white supremacy culture
>war culture
>murder culture
>conquest culture
>cow-tipping culture
>cultural marxist urbanite soyboy self-castration culture
>Jewish riviera culture
>niggers living in concentrated degeneracy culture
You might not like it, but it's all still "culture".

This might be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

If American culture is so bad, why does the entire world want all our movies, shows, books, music, etc.

I've never been to America but I heard this is what the average American looks like. Is this true?

>we created multiculturalism
Umm, Sweetie, no.

Culture isn't dead as long as you have regional accents. Once everyone talks the same, its over, you're living in a strip mall version of your own culture.

HPV seems pretty relevant.

This idea that America as a whole has no singular culture is mostly correct. Individual regions within the U.S. do have unique cultures many of which are a product of traditions passed down from immigrants. That said who really gives a fuck about that shit except D&C shills and yuropoors green with envy that have nothing to be proud of except “muh culture”?

>snowniggers trying to WE WUZ american colonists
Germanics are literally the same as niggers.

Is it ok?

Ask how we know you're a kike.

>nothing to be proud of except “muh culture”?
There really isn't anything to be proud of, in civilizational terms, except culture. Americans usually have no concept of culture, because they're all tv watchers with a collapsed sense of civic national identity. That being said, at least they're aware of a vague racial identity.

Yuropoors don't even know what race they are, they're completely deracinated by leftist indoctrination in school and media.

mcdonalds, junk food and action movies

Just had lunch with a couple of Brits and they seemed to think living 1 hour outside London was some huge imposition. They perceived distance totally different from my wife and I.

Driving 4-5 hours to get somewhere is nothing to an American and it’s an impossible trek to the British.