Syrian immigrant recently moved to Australia AMA

What the title says I moved here with my family of 6 last month its been sweet so far. Serious questions only.

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Inb4 "where do you think you are?"

Just fuck off with this random garbage.

my car makes a rapid clicking sound whenever i try to start it. what is the problem

Been on 4chins for years.
/fit/ hah.


When do you plan on going back?
Do you not think it's weird that """refugees""" are being settled halfway across the world in democratic nations rather than the nearest neighboring stable country as they should be and historically always was done?

If settled in for example Turkey there's language barriers (Turks speak little Arabic and Arabs speak no Turkish).
If settled in Lebanon its too small to hold 1/8th of the current refugees let alone all of us. Saudi Arabia has no program for refugee settlement Jordan and Egypt are already unsustainable. Greece is essentially a slightly more white Egypt. Economy and politics are not fit to support refugees same with Italy.
So obviously no nearby 'stable' state is viable. No I do not plan on going back they gave us permanent residency that becomes citizenship in 2 years so I think I'll be here for a while.

Why didn't you and your family go to Damascus or one of the other places under your governments control and where there is no fighting?

You have to go back.

You don't think that option was exhausted by the millions who fled in the early years of the war? No room no food and no work. So no its not viable.

There's a car lebos in australia always drive, do you know what it is? I think it's lexus

So when are you going back?

Listen you brown skinned Muslim fuck. Get educated. Get a job. Pay taxes. Understand and appreciate western Christian values and the ideas of free speech and liberty. Raise your kids as Australian and no Syrian, they may be Muslim but they better be secular as Muslims can possibly be. Make sure they get jobs and pay taxes too. Do this, and after 25 years you have the right to call yourself Australian. Fair?

Salam aleikum.

pls fuck the west.

Nissan skyline. Africans always drive ford ex-taxis

Don't listen to this cunt. You'll never be Australian because being "Australian" is actually being white European.

Even though I don't fully disagree, it's too late to change the demographics back to pre-war. He's here now and not going back.

Fuck of you cunt, hes a gutless terrorist. They're just chasing money.

I'm not sure to be honest.
I'm Australian in 2 years my main mate.
>falling for the white euro meme
We have to talk Bruce.


You think you wouldn't in my situation? Hypocrisy is rife here. But no I'm no t*rrorist.

Why didn't you go to Russia, Iran, etc. Why do people always come to the west?

Is it true most fighters for ISIS and the FSA were locals? If so, don't you think it's a risk for us to allow Syrians into our countries?

No shit. On the chasing money count, of course. Terrorist? Maybe. But statistically unlikely. Are YOU going to personally kick him out? Would you rather he integrates instead of just being another lazy immigrant fuck? Christ you people are dumb.

You're a gutless one.

Your only hope is to move out to the regional areas with lots of white people and form strong ethno communities and have lots of huwhite babbies.

3rd worlders generally don't move away from the city because most have a belief that the city is where there is prosperity and jobs. Moving to the regional areas would be a dishonorable step back for them.

Welcome to The country, mate.

And when did I say I even wanted him here?

Locals? Hah. At least 80% of them are Afghanis and Pakis that crossed the border early in the war.
No problem I can live with being gutless. Its working well so far.
yeah yeah and then form the 56th reich!!11
Lets keep this discussion inelligent, yes?

What will you do when Australian 190+ cm CHADS fucc your tiny Arab sister?

Thanks newfriend loving the scenery its beautiful.

You have to go back, Ahmed.

Don't really care much I'm doing the same to theirs its fair tribute.
Unironically whiter than you lmao.

Do you support Assad?

Statistically you are though

Of course I do. He is our country's only hope of betterment God help us all if his successor isn't chosen by him.

Show me the statistics smartass.

What state are you in? Would highly reccomend Victoria as it is most commie-cuck state, so you’ll be more accepted there.

will you ever go back?

>implying the average white woman wants anything but a robust 190+ cm white CHAD with dark hair and light eyes
Your scrawny brown arse stands no chance. At best you get a woman close to hitting the wall if you got enough money

Nice. I was born in Australia but have English/Lebanese/Syrian roots. One half of my family are all Alawites but idk where the fuck they are since they stayed in Syria. Which part of Australia?

Always funny threads like these, people larping as a character to get a rise. This dude ain't Syrian, they don't type like he does. Language is wrong.

I'm in Queensland its amazing here. Friendly locals gorgeous beaches and the house is nice. Are all the girls flirty or are they just being friendly?
I can't take anything you say seriously Klaus I have a cousin in Germany he tells me its essentially Turkey. Goodnight Hans.
Queensland matey.
English Arabic and French are primary languages in school would you like me to speak in any of the above you pleb?

Fuck off, they're full.

Refugees aren't even a big deal. The Liberal party exploits rural and suburban retard's xenophobia, projecting it onto the 0.01% of refugee fucks they lock up in camps for 10 years meanwhile "ok please bring more BASED hard working chinks and indians!!! give us the epic labour force of the future!!"
If we started letting in every person that came by boat in without even any checks it still wouldn't even remotely compare to the fucking millions of shitheads coming by plane. A blip on the radar.

Its empty Ulf.
I haven't seen too many asians here am I missing something?


That's because you're in Queensland.

Neatest country to Syria is mine, and my country is already full of them, among other refugees. Around 1.3 million if I recall correctly out of a 4.4 million population in an already stagnated and dying country.

Wtf how did you know my name?

Kek, only big cities in West Germany. Doesn't make you less of a scrawny arab manlet

Don't make me reveal more.
I'm sorry LebBro I really am.

>not too many Asians

>only half my county is T-Turked y-you're still a-arab!!
Time to say goodbye Klaus.
Haven't seen any yet.

>Mfw an entire family of retards who probably dont speak english can move to Australia get citizenship, get free money, probably get a house for nothing but a British bloke who wants to work there has to fight for citizenship.


What's it like not having a homeland anymore?

Kinda sucks to be honest pre civil war Syria was amazing I would have never left for 1000 Australias.

Ma zanbak man. Shu 5assak iza fi 7arb?

Its just that I love Lebanon and Lebanese people its sad that it has to go through all the problems at the same time. But with its new oil drilling and a strong army (from US funding) and a strong militia (from Irani funding) you guys should see a mini golden age soon. Plus the civil war is almost over maybe some of them will go back.

Prime Minister Keating was one of those cunts that'd let in a shitload of Asians but try and turn back Brits. Absolute nobhead.

Why are you such coward, even women (Kurdish especially) are capable of fighting for own country, but you believe in leeching money being manly?

Also, once you realize, how much hated your shitskin subhumans are, how not welcome you are, will you leave at your own accord?

BTW, you are advised- rape of women (and goats) is illegal during your short stay in any western country

I dont understand it bro, Brits and Australians literally get on better than any other groups in the entire world.

They fight because of lack of choices. I had the choice of dying in dust or living relatively well. I took the latter.

>pre civil war Syria was amazing I would have never left for 1000 Australias
So go back and fight for Assad you fucking draft dodger. Your family is safe now, so off to the front line you go.

Assad has no shortage of soldiers our army is massive he hasn't even called on the reserves. Our problem is not the war its the shitshow that will erupt with Is*ael soon.

>new oil drilling
Which the politicians will steal from and not contribute anything to the dead economy.
>mini golden age soon
I highly doubt that ever happening in the current situation we're in. It's a shit-show.

Its coming to an end that age of corruption in both our countries. Just look at your ministers bro. A Maronite president is on the same page with a Sunni prime minister on the same page with a Shi'a militia. For the first time in maybe 50 years there's unity in Lebanese society. Allah ma3kon I think good things will come.

It's because the government is trying to make amends for the "evil" white Australia policy by adhering to (((multi-culturalism)

I don't know in all honesty. It seems nothing is changing. Poverty increased by 30%, everything is so expensive here for no reason, and unemployment has risen by 20%. Most of the young men my age (18-26) are leaving the country since they aren't finding jobs when they graduate from college. Instead of staying here and contributing to the economy, they go overseas and better the economies there. If they do find a job here by some miracle, the pay is so little it's embarrassing. I mean, a freshly graduated engineer gets paid here $800-1200. That's humiliating, especially with the tuition he had to pay. Of course he has to work up the ladder, but the starting pay is horrible.

how much money can I get from ISIS?

Mfw the Swede is sticking up for the shit skins

Don't treat us like america and don't fucking go off and create an enclave. I love syria, I think bashar's a great bloke and I think I would had visited the country pre-2011 to visit aleppo and historical sites.

But you're not an exception to our rules, when you become a permanent resident, you'll be on your way to becoming a citizen. Take that oath seriously. You'll become an australian, you'll need to take up our customs, and you can't just cut shit out and force others to create a little syria for you.

Only question is why you didn't stay and fight.

I hope the winter storms kill you off like the other migrants

Mate, I've got a frisian basiclally having to skip through beuacratic bullshit to get here as well. I fucking hate our migrant acceptance bullshit. I've even had a paki tell me it's bullshit. It wouldn't have been so hard a few years ago mate.

I know I have some family there too but its really 50/50 on how it goes. Did you try leaving?
Answered that above please scroll up.
Also I haven't really seen much of Australian culture but total assimilation is obviously not an option. What will happen is my family will probably adapt to Australian culture in the sense that we cherry pick our adoption of it to its better values. For example its work ethic what we wouldn't adopt would be as another example how whorey the idea of sex is here and how easy women are to get. So a bit of a mix going on.
I'm snug af m8.

Tether new goats.

Well then get fucked and go home. Ya' can't pick and choose cunt. I'm entirely serious on this. You're likely occupying some houso's as well I'm making a bet. Fucking glad you're off in queensland. At least some of the 'rab wankers here actually assimilate to the nation itself and appreciate it for what it is. To the point they shit on wankers going "uhh muh fuckin' home traditons" like fuck off mate, if you're so fucking top-heavy for your own country stop dicking about here. You're a waste of space otherwise.

I can leave whenever I want to. I'm an Australian citizen by birthright and I have some family there that have been there their whole lives. They don't like Lebanon at all and they embrace their Australian citizenship and culture. I'm still in college though. I don't want to leave since I want to better my country and not be like the rest of Lebanon where the men leave instead of improving the country.

I think you're a good bloke for sticking for your principles, but your family are doing the right thing as well.

Thanks friend.

Good shit Christmas tree.

What I said will happen is what will happen deal with it Bruce.
Try to leave get some money its easy as shit here buy a house then rent it out for ~2-3k a month. Go back to Lebanon and use that money for your expenses and run another job there and you can actually effect change. With at least 4k a month coming in. If you need any help with anything let me know I'll do my best to do what I can.

Don't be surprised if you get your head bashed in by some derros then.

>Christmas tree
Heh thanks.

I dare them to on arrival and almost every other week our case officer inquires to see if anyone has wronged us. I bet even a fake report would get someone in trouble so imagine if someone actually touched us haha.

>Only question is why you didn't stay and fight.
t. fat pampered aussie


This haha he thinks war is CoD. Perks and all.

Have you fought a Kangaroo yet?

No but they sell it at the supermarket as a food item its pretty odd.

It's funny refugees are just flooding into other countries you don't see refugees flooding into America LOL Donald Trump is a bad president

why? syria is safe now, go back cunt

You can't be this blind burger. California is essentially Mexico.
No thanks my home is a crater. My new home is here now.

how are the gibs?

New to the thread, Christian Syrian or Muslim?

They're enough for daily tendies its actually amazing.


Guess you're on the lower end of the spectrum of syrians. Not surprised you're tucking 'arse and trying to flee.

Dodging criticism with lame relativism is fucking stupid. You've got tons of blokes fighting for their country there, and they're actively against a fucking mass of opposition from all sides, and this guy's running over to the other side of the world basically being a leach of the economy probably not going to pay much taxes either, and send the shit back. If that's a courageous, smart action then fuck me we're all morally bankrupt.

You know what's fucking hilarious? Work with a paki' who's came here a few years ago. He went out of housos, and into owning his own property and doing a job which pays tax. He doesn't at all like the fact that people from his country can basically come here, abuse the welfare system, and essentially just act as a net loss on australian tax payer money (Including himself) while acting all "Oh pity me my country's poor" as they fucking spit on australian flags

Oh ok, guess you're okay then mate, but what are you talking about? Centrelink is barely anything, certainty nothing you can survive comfortably off.

Oi mate THAT'S NOT FARKEN AUSTRALIAN ALRIGHT? Embrace diversity you fuck. what are ya, a pauline hanson supporter?

Shit b8 m8, you made a similar thread not long ago and claimed to have a family 20

Its my country too now Bruce.
Its not stupid let me BTFO you before I go take a dump.
>Tons of blokes fighting
They're called the army anyone else fighting is ex military or part of a militia fighting against Assad.
>Massive opposition
War has never been bad for Assad he never once called on his reserves Russian Irani and Lebanese aid only made the conflict shorter.
>Not paying tax
On gibs atm so no I'm not
>Comparing someone who had years of a headstart and obvious luck to new entries
Literally no argument made here. Status? Eternally btfo.
Its more than the usual payments. Its per person so like for e.g I receive ~1.5k a month but that's just me there's 5 other people in my senpai and we're all in 1 house (not really complaining the house is big).
Literally what?

>"blokes fighting for their country"
This is just retarded naivety. There's not some generic "fight for ur country" shit, it's a whole shitpot mess of terrorists, generals, political opportunists. Do you think the average person is just gonna pick up a gun and fight for the rebels or for the government forces? Look at shit you might be more familiar with, like the Siege of Sarajevo. Look at the Troubles in Ireland. When your entire city is getting bombed to shit by unsympathetic faggots fighting each other, it's completely rational to try and GTFO. When it comes to an actual survival situation where there's no real moral course of action, all your "muh duty" spooks will go out the fuckin' window.

As a muslim. I hate syrian refugees.

At first I dedicated alot of time and money to volenteer and give them furnoture microwaves kitchen ovens etc.

But all I got was whining for more and better. No thanks nothing, angry and whining for better.
Almost 99% of you also act like complete degenerates promiscuous hyenas making very inappropriate jokes and gestures towards woman. Absolutely a disgrace to Islam you traitor dogs.

You should have taken a bullet

Its easy to talk about war from a fence sitters perspective let him be you can't change the autist's mind he's played HOI4 and EU4 so now he thinks he's General Patton reincarnated.
The UN sends refugees to Europe on a 9:1 ratio of muslim to Christian so you were probably dealing with one of your animals. I'm glad you can identify how much they share with vermin in terms of traits. I agree they should take bullets.

Yeah, an army which has been fighting for about 7 to 8 years.
With a lot of it's stock and equipment depleted, which were losing the war untill the russians arrived.

Now, the russians have partially left, you've got israel dogging your southern border, and you've got the kurds who voluntarily take up half of your country and divide it.

It's not going to end like some sort of mircale, you've got extensive damage, and your welfare-leeching here providing no aid, no provision, not setting up any programs, or helping by trade in your destroyed country.

But that's to imply you aren't just some larping faggot.

What was the point of that? You've basically proved my point.

>Comparing someone who's had years of headstart
>Im-fucking-plying you'll get off the welfare system and not just leech as long as possible

The reason why I mentioned him, is because almost all of his anecdotes coincede with such a statement. You fucks don't just start a buisness or assimilate like lebanese, you sit around and whine like bitches that your country is a shithole while you spit on the nation who's providing you shelter and accomodation often over the needy people who already inhabit the country.

Oh look it's another cock-sucking passive nihilist retard who think's he's smart because he read a bitta' stirner or looked at the memes.

Well evidently they'll need training, but you're implying that what he's doing is any better. He's just fucked off completely and ended up here to leech on our economy mate. And a lot of this fugee fucks tend to be happy about it. They laugh at the fact that they're abusing the grace of nation.

If he came here like the leb earlier, mabye setup some shit like a kebab shop, brought his own property and and aided his family getting off the system and on into the streets, and was a net positive, it wouldn't be a fucking issue.

How are the gibs? I'm a refugee living in the united states, and I would like to spread my beliefs somewhere with fewer guns. Also, I'm in need of a white girl, are they easy for brown fellows, like myself, to impregnate?

Stirner? Hobbes would put it better.

Losing the war?
No point discussing anything regarding this subject with you further you're criminally underinformed. Not sure if its trolling but just gonna skip your posts on this subject sorry Bruce.

You're a fucking creep but yeah they're kind of easy its their culture its whorey as shit. That said the gibs are plentiful.

>hurr he's just playing games and urr armchair general I-I'm not just some fucking coward who put me tail inbetween my legs and ran like a fucking cunt away from all my problems

I'm telling you to go back and fight because you're still carrying over your shitstirring proto-nationalism and refusing to actually become an australian. That's literally going against the oath you're likely going to take if you aren't just some shitposting cunt and you're actually on the pathway of residency.

>Implying irish people mass-immigrated to other nations because of religious conflict and nationalistic fury between england and ireland

You're implying you're winning the war? Are you fucking delusional? You've defeated ISIS, but that's half the fucking story cunt. You've still got the american backed SDF, you've got israel still undermining you borders, sovreigntiy and bombing your troops, you've got turkey quite literally annexing parts of your country, while killing the kurds and also assisted sdf-like formations in the north of you country, and half of your country belongs to the fucking kurds.


You can play denial all you want cunt but that doesn't dismiss what I'm saying.

As I said earlier, I support syria and her struggles, but any fugee' cunt is destined to be some poofter.

t. trying too hard to be "australian"

if only shitholes had lower birthrates their shit wouldn't spread

Are you fucking retarded mate? The link you've refered to is ages after the troubles.


irish emigration has been going on forever tard

You claimed the troubles caused a migration wave you fuckwitt. I'm not denying irishmen migrated at all.

are you saying it didnt? fag

There's no implication in the article that it did. The article is mainly talking about the 1900s to the 1930s. In this time, the whole world got affected by a pretty well known event.

>You're a fucking creep
Sorry you feel that way. If I may, I have one more question. I am an amateur chemist, are there strict regulations on acquiring chemicals?

Besides my point is, if you're going to make an argument that people generally tuck-tail and immigrate during war, atleast be consistant with your goddamned examples mate.

Use the vietnamese or some shit. Fuck me I'm literally having to argue for you.



How many of your wives and how many of their children are the Aussies going to let you bring down there?

are you a cute alawite girl

All 1000 of them.

>Serious questions only
how does it feel to be universally hated shitskin? The hate for you brown pieces of shits have even made our left wing propose creating interment camps in north Africa to house you since we do not want you in our camps in Denmark. The left even support the ban on UN refugees that have been in effect since 2016.
I guess Australia is still cuck level and have not woken up.

It's not about cuckoldry, it's about a deal essentially. We're a part of the big picture, and a result we've got to take part in a lot of mandated bullcrap by the UN, US & EU so as a part of them looking away for some of our illegal activities, we' gotta fiddle some balls to get around it. We in the sense of government. Preferably I just wish we'd go full fucking tones on everything, not just boats, but that's not plausible. Our government's basically being singaporized. Europe's not far off.

Look at your neighbors Dane soon that'll spill into your own land. Its never been a problem of race only basement dwellers buy into that. Its ideology you can brainwash any race to do anything. It just so happens the disaffected and disadvantaged ones are targeted uniquely because of their circumstance. Your geopolitical lesson of the day on the house.

fantastic, nice to hear you didn't find your way to europe

They chose where I went. Christians 99% of the time get sent to Canada and Australia. Muslims 99% of the time get sent into Europe. Sad for you.

>It's never been a problem
>t. mohummad ali abahilidahoudi

Ok, I have a serious question this time. In an above post, you said you are okay with being gutless. My question is, do you ever have regrets, no matter how small? Do you ever think about the people you left behind and regret that they are dying and you took the cowards way out?

>Believing a poofter actually is regretful about running away from his problems
He'll make some lame ass excuse.

Left behind? My entire town is either in Europe or in Australia. Please. My only regret is leaving after my house became a crater.

>we've got to take part in a lot of mandated bullcrap by the UN, US & EU
no you do not. Denmark stepped out of our commitment in 2016 since we had to take in 500 UN refugees. You do not have to cuck yourselves.

>Look at your neighbors Dane soon that'll spill into your own land
fair enough and that we agree. Filthy G*rmans and lowly Swedes. luckily we can blow the bridge to Sweden and even if Jutland is overrun most Danes live on the Isles.
>Its never been a problem of race only basement dwellers buy into that
not entirely true. Homogeneous nations have higher trust and lower corruption. Race is an undeniable and unavoidable fact even if you and I both can agree that it "should" not be.
>Its ideology you can brainwash any race to do anything
and I know you do not have a single fact to back up that claim. Do you think its pure coincidence that certain "races" come up with difference civil structures and philosophies? All I have to do is look around while you have to prove that what we see is not the truth.

You had no one of importance to you that you left behind? I guess if your entire family, extended and immediate, were extinguished from this earth, I suppose I can understand the fuck it I'm out mentality, but you had no one else there you thought you could help or take care of?

You think its race that dictates governance systems and civil life? Good lord. But most else of what you said is alright.
My immediate family all moved here extended family moved to Canada my only remaining family in the region is a set of uncles in Lebanon. My friends mostly relocated some died so really 99.99% of people I know there either moved or died.

I don't think it was just a mere change of heart mate, might be different for you danes, but australia's got direct military ties to the united states and there's been very many times they've politically pressured us in our friendship.

>You think its race that dictates governance systems and civil life?
do I think biology "dictates" how people think and act? yes. For instance: Africans have in general a much higher level of testosterone and lower overall IQ than northern Europeans. Do you honestly believe that this does not effect how they construct their societies and deal with issues? Are you that dense?

>they've politically pressured us in our friendship.
What to take in refugees? Talk about an abusive relationship.

I think an exclusion of Africans in this discussion is necessary for any progress. I'm not a racist but there is ~50,000 years development gap between them and most other races. But yeah excluding them I find it borderline pomposity to accrue societal achievements on race. E.g: Euroba>Middle East cus we wuz aryan space kangaz.
Euroba>Middle East simply because of geography and environment. Put 25 million people in Euroba and tell them to live odds are they'll have clashes but it wouldn't be their primary mode of action because of:
1) Terrain
2) Massive expanse
Put 25 mill in the middle east and tell them to live they'll be far more likely to smash heads considering:
1) Mostly open terrain
2) High population density in comparison to the inhabited area
Australia wouldn't accept it if it doesn't benefit.

It is mate, it's not particularly fun how fucking associated we are to the united states. I'm not just pushing a line to pretend this is happening. Ever since we've distanced ourselves from britian we've gradually been pulled in by the united states and they basically use our nation as a indestructiable aircraft carrier for the pacific and station a lot of their military technology and spying sites here as well. If we didn't toe the line I would believe we'd likely go the same route as as rhodesia, just more slow, and more painful.

>That whole first reply
That's fucking kid scribble if I've ever seen it. You don't fucking realize europe's been consistantly fighting between itself since the romans? Yet oddly enough, we've still gradually developed further then arabic nations.

What's fucking hilarious is that people like you and some leftists and liberals use geographical positioning and some half-assed knowledge of socioeconomics to justify shit behaviour.

The reality of it is that you've got a inherent corrupt culture and political field overrun with what would be best described as a real example of toxic masculinity.

That's been displayed greatly by iraq's inability to fight iran, despite iran's issues at the times.


Your car is trying to show you da wae

lol OP i am a syrian refugee too, but i am muslim, i came here with only my immediate family, rest were sent to sweden (srs).

did they also provide you with a house? although we are in victoria not qld, which part of syria did you come from?

So you're not really a refugee, more of an economic migrant, right?

I used to live in Halab. They gave us a house too its really nice.

By name yes.

These degenerates do not follow Islam. They would all be stoned to death with sharia law.

>Put 25 mill in the middle east and tell them to live they'll be far more likely to smash heads considering:
>1) Mostly open terrain
>2) High population density in comparison to the inhabited area
Exactly. And the people who are best suited to live in such an environment are the ones who gets to have most children. So nature selects over the years and a certain type of person comes out of it. Races differ because of the environments that made them.
Problem is that you cant take the biology out of people just because you move them. The thing that made a certain race successful in one area of the world might make them weak or come into conflict with others in another place.
Race matters whether you want it to or not as the real world does not care about morality or right or wrong.
>Australia wouldn't accept it if it doesn't benefit
sure but there might come a time where the disadvantages out weight the advantages.

Dead battery. Check the alternator

You living under a non-muslim leader are not following islam please don't play coy with me.
You consider all things empirically that is your fault. It'll never come down to that. Why? Because humans aren't machines fortunately. However I respect your opinion but I disagree on its outcome time will tell either way.
The day Australia's relationship with the US becomes too much for Australia to handle 1 of 2 things will happen:
1)China annexes Australia first by economic castration then political manipulation (which they already do anyway)
2)Australia falls back and slacks in terms of economy and becomes the Detroit of 1st world nations.

Better question: how many Syrians are there? You cunts are everywhere.

Kill yourself traitor. I'll get out as soon as I can. Ik still in university and originally Dutch faggot.

I speak better English than you and I lived in Syria all my life. You make me sick mate I can barely understand you. Someone translate what this cretin is saying to me.