Let's see how the trumptards spin this.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree with him though.

conservatives have always supported gun control idiot. Trump is finally championing causes blocked by fake republicans and liberals alike.

Improved background checks =/= banning firearms / creating laws restricting firearms.

Many gun owners would like to see a comprehensive background check to ensure firearms don't land into the wrong hands and create issues for everyone.

Now liberals just say "muh chillunz, ban gunz!"

Just stop the nutters from gaining easy access to them, set up a national data base! "You have mental health problems, sorry but no guns for you", "criminal past sorry no guns for you"! "Sane and possess all the right qualities then fine have all the damn guns you want"..

>you're too afraid of change America..

>no true scotsman

He’s gonna have to fist fight Charleston Heston first

Any concession on gun control, gun legislation, etc, any restriction on firearms is utter stupidity

>firearms act of 1934
>firearms act of 1968
>firearms act of 1986

The right has conceded to the left too much on this issue as it is. Continual concession leads to an outright gun ban, which is what the left wants.


Come And Take It


>national database
This is how you become slaves like the UK.

>national data base
Stay away from our politics.

Not entirely true. We ask what type of gun control and how will it be implemented. A control on what type of gun can be purchased (like an assault rifle) is met with resistance, but a control on what type of people can purchase (like criminals and mentally ill) is usually not met with a ton of resistance.

>criminal past
most dealers wont sell to anyone with a violent record. some fag tried to prove the "gun sho loop hole" and got denied because he hit his wife


Do background checks not prevent people from accessing firearms?


>How many people died at the range while thousands upon thousand go in with high caliber rifles of all kinds?
Right, none.

>How many NRA members have caused mass shootings?
Right, none.

>How many lobbied doctors prescribe drugs like candy to kids who end up mass shooting schools or other venues?


>set up a national database.
And once this happens, its all downhill from there.

I buy all my guns legally from other gun owners who don't keep records because I'm allowed to.

If guns are ever under immediate threat, I'll have no other choice but to abandon America.

You mean. ... take America back?

You guys are joking right. That's what NICS is.

Lets say, by some act of God, this happens. The federal law would just be ignored by conservative states just as the federal marijuana law is ignored by liberal states.

>(((trump))) is a jewish puppet
Tell me something I didn't know.

Wrongthink = no guns.
That easy. Why do Europeans have such a hard time understanding rights and how easy they can be taken away?

Really fries my noodles.

Sounds good, actual criminals have forsaken many rights. Including the one to freedom

>rabbit rabbit

I'm ready to start shooting government agents and staging strategic attacks on the infrastructure if they pass anymore gun control legislation

As soon as you are released from prison all of your rights should be restored including guns


No it is not. A national database would require every firearm you own to be registered.
The difference would come in if I were to buy a firearm from a private sale.
In wisconsin were I live you do not need to register a weapon or report a sale to a ffl or agency.

it never gets old seeing you eurotards come up with the same "solutions" and then get a dictator who commits genocide and starts a war every 50 years

pro-tip: america has been around for 300 years. euope changes borders and ruling structure every what, 40-60 or so years?

unlike retards in the UK, our government is elected. a queen bitch cant take us to war or fire the president just because she was born into her family

you guys live like fucking retards. keep your ideas to yourself and stay there

And all that can change. Here in Oregon it used to be the same way until they passed legislation requiring private sales to be conducted at an FFL with a full background check.

It can happen to you too dude.

Wisconsin is so lax on gun laws. Weve done away with our 2 day waiting period for handguns. Long guns have always been same day purchases. Shall issue conceal carry state. Open carry as well.
Our hunting laws allow any age individual, down to toddlers to hunt legally with a adult supervisor.
No limit on handguns or long guns in a transaction.

There are so many other things theyd go for before they even thought about private sales here.

>Wisconsin is so lax on gun laws
but not lax enough.

Can't own fully auto, suppressors are illegal, etc

>cant own fully auto
>suppressors are illegal

Youre wrong on both counts.
If I wanted to spend the 20,000 dollars to buy a fully automatic lower, and then apply for the $200 dollar tax stamp and wait about a year or so, I could own a fully automatic weapon.
If I wanted to buy a suppressor, I could walk into my lgs. Fill out the paperwork, pay the 200 dollar tax stamp, buy the suppressor, and wait 12-14 month for it to come back.

>lifelong democrat and new yorker
>grabs guns once he becomes president

really activates my gunpowder

>Youre wrong on both counts.
Am I?
>(a) No person may sell, possess, use or transport any machine gun or other full automatic firearm.

forgot to tag you here:

Concider it like driving, in america if you have epilepsy or are on certain drugs you cannot get a liscense. On SSRI's? Been reported to the motherfucking FBI? No new gun. However, despite your best wishes, a mass scale gun grab is logistically impossible, simply because of the ammount of people actually raised with the damn things and what they represent. I wish I capped the post, because whoever posted it made a fantastic point. Gun culture in america is not about hunting or security, it's about the ability to defend ourselves from our government, and the majority of the rank and file of most american agencies agree, and will fight to defend that security.

Just the cucks.

Rational people understand that background checks are nothing but a feel good measure to make retards feel good about themselves in a nation that has half a billion guns in circulation.

>Just the cucks.
> half a billion guns in circulation.

I think you're about +200m off.

>Let's see how the trumptards spin this.
I'd rather much see how the left spins this.
>Fascist Dictator Adolf Trump wants our only defense away (and why this is a bad thing)

You retards have been using the 300 million number since the early '90s.

We've sold more than 250 million guns since NICS went live.

Half a billion is a laughably low estimate.

shhh faggot don't give it away, these faggots need hope

These faggots belong in mental institutions.

Bullets are cheaper than drugs.

Why is this a bad thing?
You like your crazy fucking neighbour owning an AR15?
Are you another Texan retard that shoots cattle when you are bored?

as someone who thinks the hughes amendment should be repealed (you leftist retards don't even know what that means), i also support expanded gun background checks.

There's literally nothing wrong with reasonable Gun Control you Shareblue shill faggot. The God Emperor knows what he's doing. Have faith in Kek!

Praise be unto Kek! He is with us and for common sense Gun Control!

what's funny about that allusion is that we grow stronger with liberal tears

I'll wait till he actually does something first.

Surely this Faggot will "Make a deal" with all these crisis acting kiddos.

>You retards have been using the 300 million number since the early '90s.

From what I know, there are 1.45 guns for every person in America

325m * 1.45 = 471million

You are right, I am wrong

I didn't vote for the Second Amendment. I voted for Trump. If he says this is a good idea then I believe him.

trump doesn't make the laws though, congress does. The last time congress did something we went to the moon.

you put a lot of effort into drawing something that's retarded and wrong. how does it feel being a useful idiot?

At this point I wouldn’t care for AR style rifles white trash ruined it for average people.

Wow, look at all the Make Israel great again shills gathering in one thread to try an Make America a better place. All MAGA Shills are KIKES. Fuck THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. ALL OF IT. EVERY PART OF IT

Conservatives lack a backbone. Conservatism is already dead in the US/West.

die faggot

This pede gets it. We're only in it for the lulz! xD

>Praise be unto Kek!
>"reasonable gun control"
>god emperor

You are not one of Cred Forums, and you are easily spotted. Fuck off.

You are a BRAINDEAD kike loving cuck

Wow user, youre such a revolutionary thinker, I'm sure nobody has thought of that before!

Go back to leftypol unbeliever! Kek will curse you

>t. cucks

This is the problem with trumptards.

No one is against better background checks


Where do you think you are? FUCK OFF.

Same reason Democrats will never legalize the weed.

If they fix the issue they can't campaign on it with empty promises anymore.

I am, stupid cunt.

explain why even the rothschilds hate him, nigger.

background check is not the same as "omg ban guns" nigger

Fuck off Shariablue. Your shill divide and conquer tactics don't work here

No one sane supports background checks in the first place.

By "abandon" I assume you mean "retake."

>god emperor
>common sense gun control

Again, you are easily spotted and not welcome here. Fuck off.

Only a shill like you would oppose the god emperor and common sense. We can spot your kind easily.

You are just a fucking retard thoug, so that's fine.
You are the part that shouldn't be able to put your filhy goblin hands on a gun, Cletus

Fixing NICS isn't more gun control, idiot.

Of course it is you useless libtard.

Unironically calling him a God-Emperor is fairly reddit.

>god emperor

>common sense
I don't oppose common sense you fucking redditor. I oppose "common sense gun laws". It's the same leftist rhetoric that Hillary Clinton uses:
>close gunshow "loophole"

"Common sense gun law" is leftist rhetoric. Concession of any kind from the right on gun laws is liberal cuckholdry.

in antarctica and the open seas, you can legally own any weapons you want

>1 post by this ID
Go back shill. Your kind isn't welcome here. We elected a leader and we follow him. That's what leaders are for. You won't divide and conquer us. We stand with Trump forever. Nothing you ever say will change that.

You people are the poster children against universal suffrage.

If Trump says it, we believe it.
If you do not, you are a shill.

>haha! this will get me upvotes!
>wait where is my karma page?

>trump is coming for your guns
>article says trump is supportive of background checks and nothing else
>this has nothing to do with banning firearms and is just to stir up bait.

Nice one Cred Forums

A republican? They must have mental health problems. Put them on the database.

Libertarian? Definitely mental health problems. No question about it.

I only had one post because I just entered the thread you retard.

Cold. Dead. Hands. You lefty faggot

Holy fucking shit these kikes larping as republicans.
Do you honestly think we don't see right through you, you gigantic nosed ugly motherfucker?

Nah, I mean abandon. I'm not fully white and in the event of the restart of an ethnostate I wouldn't be welcome even tho I support your plight. And I'm not going to move to the designated 56% Brazil 2.0 enclave you people set up. My dad is Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship so I'm just going to move over there and just plot to destroy israel.

I wouldn't mind taking out a few "israel first" pedo politicans in this purely hypothetical scenario tho.

kike here. never trust a kike. ever.

Last bastion of freedom

What’s up, CIA?

You should have stayed out shill. Your tactics will never get me to question Trump. He has been right every time.

I'm not a republican, and I'm not larping.

I don't oppose trump, but I'm not going to gargle his cock for every chess move he makes and play into left/right dichotomy.


>undying loyalty to Trump
>haha where's my upvotes guys?


what if we just do a national work stoppage?

Are you retarded? Once you open this can of worms, various leftists and subversives will just push to expand the group of people that "shouldn't own guns". Supporting stripping rights from your countrymen and not yourself is how you end up losing your rights. Someone on SSRIs has committed no crime. The state does not have the authority to strip them of their rights.

yeah but a lot of guns have been lost in boating accidents

imo we should all join the NRA - membership is actually not as expensive as I had imagined and if the # of members skyrockets over the coming weeks and months it'll send a clear message.

plus you get a dope leather jacket

if Trump cucks on guns, he's a one term president. he knows this. it won't happen.

Why would you join an organization that openly called for more gun control after the Las Vegas shooting?

yeah and what if I live with someone on SSRIs but am completely healthy? Can the gun not be in the house? How will that be legislated. That's what happens when you only act on emotion, and assume you get the high ground. You don't have to answer any difficult questions, just cry and scream until you get your way.

>join the NRA
>so my money can go towards lining the pockets of politicians, ensuring that mass killers have access to assault weapons

>doesn't understand the concept of lurking and not posting in a thread
>wants to treat this place like a circle jerk
>calls anyone who dares defy his sacrilegion *insert buzzword*

Dont forget yelling at your wife is assault.
Anyone ever accusing you of anything means its too risky for you to ever touch a gun.

The most important thing to realize is, rights, once given up, are never returned. Once gun rights are gone they will never ever be allowed back. No matter how non violent Australia is, they cant own guns, not them, not their children or grandchildren, ever again, unless they go to America on vacation and go to that gun range in Vegas. Same with Japan, they cant even have swords, I met a soyboi Jap student at college and he was scared to even hold my bokken, a wooden practice katana. Britain is beyond dystopian at this point, their children are raped by muslims while communists call them racist and all they got is their limp dicks to defend themselves with, which is no threat.

All other rights depend on the implied threat of armed civil uprising to enforce, the fed dont do things cause theyre nice.

Any concession is a victory for them and a defeat for us and our children. There can be no tolerance of any discussion of gun restrictions.

The mentally ill and criminals should be able to buy guns more easily.

Then there will be fewer gun deaths.

>Implying the Dems and RINOS aren't going to shoot this down just to be contrarian faggits
>Implying Trump doesn't expect this and he is just doing this to get them hoisted with their own petard again

I wasn't aware they did that, I figured since they were the target of all this libfag angst it would send a message.

kek, ok tophat thanks for your contribution. go play in the snow now.


Exactly. Best way to shut retards up is a placebo.

Now all they can bitch for is complete confiscation, which I desperately hope libshits are dumb enough to try.

The fuck is an assault rifle?

>posted on Cred Forums? extremism
>registered Republican? mental health problems
>didn't let a black guy fuck your wife? terrorism
>nigger gangbanger that killed 3 people but case was thrown out because not enough evidence? here is your gun sir

Or because they defend my constitutional rights you stupid fucking leaf.
Meanwhile your laws are about to become stricter:

>EU passing more gun control fucking over legal owners because of muslims who shot up paris with illegal guns
All gun control is a slippery slope.

Make guns illegal that's how we stopped people from using drugs

How is expanding gun control a fucking placebo you goddamned brainlet? You belong in the hole next to the rest of the libtards.

>this thread

>what is the NICS

>>posted on Cred Forums? extremism
For anyone who thinks this is far-fetched, we should remember that the NSA flagged every visitor to Linux Journal as an extremist and subjected them to additional monitoring. We're definitely on their radar if Linux Journal is.

Explain, in detail, how anything proposed in the actual article is (mostly NICS related) will be used to negate the 2A

and yet, NSA employees regularly shitpost on here...

Everyone who wants guns banned wants open borders.
Think about that. Take as long as you need.

My posts represent my own opinions, not the opinions of my employer.

NICS itself is a blatant violation of the second amendment you fucking libtard. It doesn't need to be improved, it needs to be destroyed.

Why is the British system considered so bad ? Ok, so you can't have an assault rifle, a minigun or an RPG, you don't need one outside of a warzone, let's be honest. But you can have all the rifles, shotguns and pistols you want, you can go to the range, you can shoot wild prey on specified land. But you cannot carry your gun in the street, it stays at home in a locked cabinet. Now Brits manage to defend themselves day to day without guns, you can too, we have a nice fight instead, nobody dies, honour is satisfied, disputes are settled. If the government starts to shit on you, go home to your cabinet and take your gun out. I'm not endorsing gun control, none of my business, but just remember, it is possible to do safely if you want it. Once your average civilian has no guns while out and about, it makes it possible for the cops to easily track and hunt the criminals who do. Also our beat cops don't carry guns, SWAT teams stand by instead, so during routine stops etc, the cop can only harass you physically, this makes them a lot more cautious and polite, which achieves better results. I guarantee i have less fear leaving the house with no gun, than you do packed to the gills.

>letting violent felons and schizos have free reign

>But you can have all the rifles, shotguns and pistols you want
What do you think is the difference between an "assault rifle" and a semi-auto rifle?

They already have free reign you retarded chimp.

Only an absolute cuck would throw away his own rights for people who don't obey the law in the first place.


>conservatives have always supported gun control idiot.

Fuck random official designations, in my mind it means fully automatic.

>Improved background checks =/= banning firearms / creating laws restricting firearms.
sure it does you fucking liar

>conservatives have always supported gun control idiot
those aren't conservatives, those are called communists

>4473s infringe on your rights
Maybe if you're a felon or have been involuntarily committed. And my answer to that is don't murder people. And if your brain chemicals have problems, get that shit fixed then you can own guns. Super simple stuff.

>it needs to be destroyed.

>you can't have an assault rifle, a minigun or an RPG,
why live?

>you don't need one outside of a warzone,
and even if you do need one inside a warzone like London you won't be getting any

On a more serious note. I'm a felon and I have half a dozen firearms. They're "antiques" so they fall outside of NFA regulations. I have to have ammo that is manufactured in my state. Having ammo as a felon is a federal crime, but only if the ammo has traveled through interstate commerce. I have a few pneumatic guns too, those aren't firearms at all. My favorite pneumatic gun has a built in suppressor (on top of already being quiet) and has harvested half a dozen deer. If it can take down a deer, it can take down a human.

If someone wants a gun, they can get it.

So trump just said "I support better background checks"?

That's it?

Fuck, I do too. Anyone supports such a vague statement.

I swear to God you conservacucks are worse than the libtards.

>our beat cops don't carry guns
I actually support you Brits on this, that and the intelligence services although I suppose thats why ours are so gay, because we copied yours

>wanting to own a gun is a form of mental disorder.

This is the endgame.


Please, tell me what sort of infringement the 4473 performs? Is it against people who have forfeit their rights because they broke the law?


Yes, if you murder a family of 5 with a spoon and your dick, you've forfeit your right to a lot of things.

>shall not be infringed
Seems pretty clear, m8.

>better gun background checks

This is basically him saying he's not doing anything.

what if you beat them to death with their own shoes?

Trump is a kike puppet, why wouldn't he serve their agenda?

Yeah unless you're deemed unfit to be in society. i.e. violent felons (non violent felons can petition to get their rights back, weird how that works huh?) or people who can be a danger to themselves and others because they've been involuntarily committed for serious mental disorders. Even involuntarily committed can get their rights back depending on the case and the circumstances.

The data collected. While gov’t must delete the information not only have they been caught failing to do so but private companies contracted to gather the data keep the data as part of their corporate secrets.

The point is, you are afraid to go there without a gun. I, would walk the fucking streets happily, with nothing but my fists. Have done, worked there for five years all over it as a mobile chef, never heard a fucking gunshot, only been approached with knives twice, but have settled at least 30 fights man to man, with no serious injuries to either side, often having a drink with the motherfucker afterward. To be honest though, it is time stopping you, i don't think you can reverse your situation, the guns are too much part of your way of life now. We never had them, we were stable long before modern firearms became problematic, our culture is fists n feet n tools.

I wonder if they'll let the autistic buy guns.

Damn bots

Except you can own guns in Australia.

What part of infringement are you having trouble understanding libtard? NICS wrongfully denies thousands of people every year. The government prosecutes less than one hundred failures a year and has about a 10% conviction rate. In a system with a 90%+ conviction rate.

Background checks are literally there to make people as retarded as you feel good.


That's all on the ATF, it's bullshit of the highest order and I don't agree with it. They have warehouses full of paper documents of firearms transactions.

Why are you allowing people too dangerous to own a gun to roam free?

>(non violent felons can petition to get their rights back, weird how that works huh?)
That's not accurate, m8. The ATF program to restore my rights at the federal level has been "suspended" since 1992. There was a brief period where the courts were processing he applications, but SCOTUS ended that in 1996.

t. nonviolent felon

Holy fuck trump just banned all blacks from owning guns. Gun crime guaranteed to lower now.

I don't understand the problem with background checks when it comes to guns, all it does is ensure someone who isn't a criminal, or someone who isnt a skitzo is buying a gun.

It's not like you can't get guns anymore, it's just gonna be harder for retards and niggers to get them.

>wrongly denies
I mean, what, the people who were jailed for multiple homicides or the people who somehow got out of their mental institution and are walking the streets yelling at fire hydrants?

Look at all these bots arguing with each other
It's like trying to keep up with HF algo trading

No, you fucking mongoloid. People who should pass and are wrongfully denied. Are you completely illiterate?

Oddly enough black gun ownership rates are already lower than every ethnicity other than Asian. You would think this would be a sign that gun control isn't the problem.

Who is she bros?

Wouldn’t that just increase how much crime blacks commit?

too soon

That's not taking your guns

Psychotic pill popping mutts who dropped out of high school pbjecrivly shouldn't be near weapons

Now when he starts going full gun ban then he will be rightfully called a traitor for once

I hope he does, maybe then we can finally get rid of /ptgay/.

Then you fill it out again. Its a government organization full of paper pushers. Wires get crossed all the time around incompetence.


Fucking big hands

Not really. The blacks who murder people don't bother getting with background checks.

Like I said. Feel good nonsense for retards.

>"Looking only to official criminal records, data over the past thirty years consistently show that the mythology of murderers as ordinary citizens does not hold true. Studies have found that approximately 75% of murderers have adult criminal records, and that murderers average a prior adult criminal career of six years, including four major adult felony arrests. These studies also found that when the murder occurred "[a]bout 11% of murder arrestees [were] actually on pre-trial release"--that is, they were awaiting trial for another offense."

>"The fact that only 75% of murderers have adult crime records should not be misunderstood as implying that the remaining 25% of murderers are non-criminals. The reason over half of those 25% of murderers don't have adult records is that they are juveniles. Thus, by definition they cannot have an adult criminal record."

Anti 2A thread#81

You have to appeal it. It takes months.

>t. gun grabbing libtard who is happy to deny the rights of ten thousand people to jail ten a year

You are the worst sort of scum.

It isn’t just the ATF. Since the advent of world wars they’ve been capable of statistically determining gun ownership even without the forms.

I believe it was LexisNexis (connected to IBM) that was helping to make gun lists. They won’t be alone in doing this. Basically we’ve got more problems than we can perceive when it comes to infringement.

Fill out a tax stamp and wait about 13 months (that's how long I had to wait) and you too can own one of these beauties.

No? A fucked up 4473 can easily be the result of having the same SSN (they get reused after 30 years) of another person, they typed your name in wrong, a paper pusher was lazy, etc.


False flag or not something has to be done about these shootings. Regardless of strict gun laws it seems like cities like chicago still have a problem with guns and that's something that should be looked into
i refuse to believe the reason is just "niggers" and nothing else, so in my opinion anyway, better background checks might help, even a small bit, still wouldn't affect normal gun ownership. Just my thoughts on it personally.

>nothing matches

Said background checks, shills are partially illiterate since they are only payed to type.

You were just shown that background checks do nothing and you call for better background checks.

You are literally mentally ill.

>i refuse to believe the reason is just "niggers" and nothing else
That's you just willfully ignoring the truth. Half of all gun murder are committed by blacks. The rates of gun murder among whites is similar to the rate found in Europe and Canada.

Are you even trying to defend your position at this point?

what in the actual fuck are you talking about

No, retard. If guns are under threat, pull them out and defend your rights and your land. Otherwise, what is the point of owning guns?

I've been looking at the pixels for a few minutes and I can't figure out if this is fake or not.


Is that real?

I'm not saying niggers don't shoot people, but I'm just saying the fact they're niggers can't be the only reason.

Clearly the current background checks that are in place are not doing anything.

What a fucking retard, glad natural selection is curing itself of this nasty disease.

Yes, a 4473 stops a violent felon or a severely mentally unstable person from legally buying a gun. I had a purchase rejected when I was 18 because my SSN registered to two people. They get reused after 30 years and with one phone call I filled out the form the next day and it went through. It can be as simple as that.

>Clearly the current background checks that are in place are not doing anything.

Obviously. Now layout a proposal for a background check that will do something. Oh, you fucking can't because criminals don't care about fucking background checks.

You retards legitimately belong in mental institutions.

>but I'm just saying the fact they're niggers can't be the only reason.
It is the only reason. Even when you adjust for income and education, black still commit gun violence at rates significantly higher than any other demographic. "Systemic racism" is the excuse in vogue right now.

What the fuck difference does it make if they get a gun legally or illegally you worthless brainlet? They get a gun either way.

Meanwhile the dumb bastard who obeys the law gets wrongfully denied and has his rights violated.

iirc it was water to begin with.
it's a good one though, eh?

need a sauce on this shit, lmao if reele

A significant number of people support background searches, mental health assessment, and waiting lists.
What was proposed in this thread is going to happen. Screencap this.

Whatever legislation is put into place is not gonna do anything

First day on the internet huh? Cause you can totally stand this close to frothing magma and not get burned

You do understand that all laws exist to keep the honest man honest correct? So instead of funneling law breakers into illegal activities which act as a filter so to speak where the potential for them getting caught is much higher. You want to remove any possibility for illegal gun sales to be caught and dealt with?

>a 4473 stops a violent felon or a severely mentally unstable person from legally buying a gun.
The restrictions aren't limited to violent felons, retard.

t. non-violent felon

>Trump wants to improve something already mandated


Look for some parity here.

>Cause you can totally stand this close to frothing magma and not get burned
I don't think this is true.

Appeal to get your rights back. We just had a /k/ommando do it. You can to. Just act like a decent human being to the judge and be polite. Not that hard.

>National database

>but have settled at least 30 fights man to man
nice, in America those would never be repeat offenders

Registration is the first step towards confiscation. You already fucked your nation up so don't make us follow suit.

We separated from you specifically so that we would not be subject to this kind of thing. That's why it was written in our founding documents, that's why we shot redcoats when they tried to seize the militia armories at Lexington and Concord, and that's why it's in our Bill of Rights.

It's impossible. The ATF program was suspended 25 years ago.

It's faked.

>t. increasingly nervous mental defective who's going to have his guns confiscated

That's not why laws exist you retarded chimp. Laws exist to remove people not capable of operating within society from that society.

I want it to be as easy for the average Joe to arm himself as it is for a criminal. You should be able to mail order a belt fed machine gun from Amazon.

>Let's see how the trumptards spin this.


>Effective immediately, ATF is no longer making the Application for Restoration of Firearms Privileges (ATF Form 3210.1) available on the website due to Congressional appropriation restrictions that have been in effect since October 1992.
>Application for Restoration of Firearm Privileges

Fake. Lava doesn't flow like water. It's very, very slow and heavy.

I'm not 100% familiar with the gun laws in the US since we don't have the same type of deal here. So I could just sound silly.
I just think if people are going to buy automatic rifles designed for killing multiple people, maybe a better job at finding out who the person is, and a way to consistently track every gun despite serial numbers being filed off and shared with criminals, if it's in an unfamiliar address, or moves a lot, sieze it. there you find gun runners.
If phones can do it for free it can't be that expensive to throw into a rifle that costs hundreds of dollars anyways.
Again, I don't fully understand the US's gun laws. I agree they deserve a right to their guns, but there does need to be some form of protection. Gun owners should be responsible.

Well what could be done to fix the niggers problem in your opinion?

>t. brainlet willing to give up his rights because he's scared a felon might buy a gun at a gun store instead of on the street


Please tell me what laws exist for?

you mean this?


There are half a billion unregistered guns currently in circulation in the US. Lay out a system that will prevent criminals from arming themselves.

Or you could just keep shitposting buzzword laden garbage. You are a leaf after all.

Hi shill

To remove people who aren't capable of operating within society from that society. Did you fail high school civics?

Only worthless progressive trash think they're for molding society into their version of heaven.

I'd rather they just enforce the checks and procedures already in place. There were a lot of opportunities to get Cruz help.

You know liberals have been trying to defund the NCIS in an effort to make it more difficult for people buying guns to get them done. They have also dragged their feet on approving extra spending and resources needed to improve the reporting system for things like Domestic violence and mental illness along. All he has to do is create improvement to those areas and that would be improving back ground checks.

>What kind of American reads or quotes the BBC?

Get the fuck out of here you liberal cuck faggot

>something happens
>Democrats bitch and moan
>Trump makes very steep declaration in response
>Democrats stop bitching and moaning
>rational (read: not Democrat) people tell Trump "You can't do that!" and provide reasons
>his declaration becomes more rational or goes away entirely
>Democrats so busy turning the boat in some other direction they can't backpedal and complain again

It's been over a year and more than half of you haven't caught on to how our president works.


This is completely reasonable. OP is a faggot

Yeah, do it. It will literally be "you voted for drumpfs, you are mentally retarded", "you dont believe muh global warming, no gun for you", "you posted frog on internet, you dont posses the qualities to own guns." If you let totalitarians do a registry, you might aswell buy tickets for train to gulag.

If there is anyone on this board apart from shills that believes they are pushing for gun control because "muh children", he needs to start using his brain and study history more.

Are you capable of buying sten parts kits and fabricating receivers in your garage? They're very easy to make, don't even need to weld them if you don't have a box. But why don't you make them by the hundreds and sell them out of your backdoor? Why?
You're more than capable of speeding, your vehicle could easily go twice most speed limits, but why don't you speed everywhere you go? What's stopping you?

So true. Give those fucks an inch....

God emperor would tear apart Charlton Heston and the NRA. Those pussies won't stand against meme magic.

>thinks he opionoins are valid in 2018

no matter how hard u try to justify nacional socialims it will always be the utopia for retarded people



So the solution is rewards for states with more stringent background checks, and punishments for those with more lax checks?

Someone somewhere is rubbing some grubby hands together


>thinks he isn't booty blasted

So have many decent fear mongered Americans

they hate him bc the tpp shit but he is still sucks jewballs

Me too

You're a retard and a liar

When is Trump going to ban benzos, zoloft, seroquel, prozac, and paxil?

Nope. Nope. Nope


>comprehensive background check
To leftists, this means getting a background check on your child whom you're giving a gun to as a gift. Not just sales of firearms.


>irrelevant third-worlder who hides behind meme flags

what could kek have meant by this, I wonder

After Vegas Bump stocks are now ILLEGAL/ unavailabile. Sadly that shit wasn’t even a FF/ American orchestrated

Nanny state

Let be honest there is no heaven on earth. Any attempt to create will lead you straight to hell in a hurry. No one, no govt, no entity can create a utopia, whether it be right or left wing utopia.
The nature of humanity prevents this, the billions of individual volitional consciousnesses will not share the same ambitions, passions or agree on a single best way of life. It is simply not possible. Because of this no matter your idea of utopia you will have to murder and oppress a large group of people in any attempt to create it.

The left is extra special in this thinking that words on paper can create this utopia thinking they can simply make evil go away with a ban. I don't care how close you get to making life perfect for everyone there will still be people who want to murder, who hate reality and life. Even though it is rare it is still worth preparing for it by being armed. Most of us will never use our guns for defense and thank god, but those that do, it will mean everything to them if you are that fraction of a percent of people in a school shooting not having a gun might mean 100% of your life is over.

this is what i really hope for.... if anything trump needs to go after big pharma

Id love to see these FUCKS come get them

>he can't figure out how to bump fire using his shoulder
fucking casual

What makes you think I don't do all of those things?

And this is why this rule is retarded

How are you going to stop the God Emperor himself leading an army? Good luck. Might as well give up now.

A fucking retard. We need another 9/11 ASAP. These fucks need to forget this exists.

Check. That retard was being sarcastic bro

TIL better background checks means i have to give up my guns to the government! XDDDD

fuck off op you kike cum guzzing faggot

Uninformed. Get redpilled. Eat red meat and good veges. Drink beer. Become a man. Get a wife and lead a good Christian Life. Conquer the world because you're a goddamn badass. Become ubermensch.

Reminder anything sent to the supreme Court concerning types of firearms will be made unconstitutional. That's why they killed Scalia before the election. They assumed Hillary would stack the courts.

>third-worlder in a pejorative way

are you the of those retarded "but they are actually shithole!!"

hide in a memeflag like this board it's important and exist in some way an identification, i easily can change it into a republican and mEANS FUCKING NOTHING

I dont care if he makes the background checks more accurate. The guy who did that church shooting shouldnt uave been legally allowed to buy that rifle and it makes is look bad

Gas youself, limey prick

Oh fuck Anakin now has a sister lol

Soros really needs to hire better quality shills.

You people are barely literate.

Most Eurofags are bluepilled globalists that think societies are engineered from the top down.
They also think that criminals obey laws.
Leftism is a fucking mental disorder.

>being this booty blasted about your shithole country

Check. I fucking hope so

if Hilary was doing this there would be a thousand posts of Communism taking over USA. but now it's Trump so it what we always really wanted.

>saying nothing

Trump can fuck himself if he actually does anything with this.

Considering you haven't been caught for starters. Now obviously we're at no orwellian 1984 people listening to your thoughts. But you are a sane rational man. You understand that breaking the law will result in fines and or jail time. You're being kept honest. You're not breaking the law, at least under the eyes of the law, because you don't want to pay money or go to jail. A 4473 keeps honest men honest. It stops people who should be, rightfully, barred from owning guns from acquiring them legally. This forces them to go though 'heavily' (drop of piss in a sea of piss, blah blah) or more often monitored means to acquire a firearm. This increases their odds of being caught and ending up where they should be. Away from society. A 4473 is a saving grace that's meant more to catch people who would want to illegally acquire a gun and use it for nefarious purposes than it is to inconvenience your gun purchase by having to wait around for a few minutes.

He had a domestic violence charge bimut it wasnt recorded. He lost his rights to a gun already so it may as well of been enforced. I dont give a fuck about the rights of people charged with violent crimes

>gets his kidney stolen

Lol if you think I’m the only one who’d Stop it you’re sadly mistaken.

>God emperor would tear apart Charlton Heston and the NRA. Those pussies won't stand against meme magic.
meme magic is ours, we grace Trump with it or deny it to him as we decide

Why was best post so far down?

>I dont give a fuck about the rights of people charged with violent crimes
what about a liberal sheriff who comes in and blanket charges everyone with a crime to restrict gun ownership?

this is why we need to give access to felons, they have guns anyway might as well save money on court time

Liberals lack a back bone not Conservatives. He wants to see back bone, keep pushing to have fire arms removed.

>>you're too afraid of change America..

We changed the rule from your shit monarchy.

You understand that you have a legitimate mental illness, right?

Thank you.

You get a lawyer, retard

gets atacks by terrorist and "mentaly ill" white kids quite often

Aren't there already checks to stop criminals?
Of course they're not enforced.
Dylann Roof was able to buy a gun with a drug conviction after an FBI screw up
The Texas shooter was able to get a gun with domestic abuse charges after an Air Force screw up
Omar Mateen was able to get a gun after FBI gave up investigating him after two years of finding nothing.


Please explain how common sense or rather not letting people who would kill indiscriminately with a firearm have easier access to them is a mental illness?

>lives in a country more violent than America


When has Trump ever be wrong? Just let him do what he wants. Haven't you learned to stop questioning him yet?


Explain to me how strengthening measures to stop people with a huge list of problems like Cruz is 'infringing' on rights?

The guy is an outlier maniac, and some targeted changes would not impact most gun owners.

Everyone who has tried to stop Trump has failed. He can do anything.

He will. Supreme Court may not

Trump's getting shit done that no other president had the balls to do and doesn't give a fuck about lobbyists, special interests, party pressure or fuckwit anons on a underwater origami chatroom. It's inevitable, especially in todays culture, that a bill on gun control, daca etc. will be passed so why not take the accolades of doing so especially before midterms and 2020 re-election? And frankly, something needs to be done with these issues, most with especially gun control.

No. No he can’t. He doesn’t want this retard. Liberals want this. He’ll either put it off or make sure the SCOTUS shoots this down. He’s agreeing to be non-Partisan.

The same way it will “work” to keep illegal hand guns out of nigger’s hands.
Hint: it won’t.

I did
>track the gun if its not in its registered address, sieze it.

If you think DACA will pass you’re not paying attention and you’re retarded. If you think SCOTUS will allow this, you’re DEFINITELY retarded

That’s already done.

Two things, we have the 2A meaning that our government recognizes the right of all citizens to own arms, any arms it never specifies what we can purchase or own. All gun legislation is technically illegal. Amend the constitution or fuck off with gun control.
Second, why do you think it is ok to curtail the rights of 99.999999999% of the country because a fraction of a percent is evil. Do you think rights are collective and at the mercy of the worst of us?

It's insulting me personally to have to my rights put into question every time some shit head does something fucked up. So fuck you. You might say "oh you are being rash and mean now, this is not how you argue" Well yeah because I am not longer arguing with evil people who think my rights can be taken away because of the actions of others. I did not shoot up a school and I will shoulder no responsibility for it. So again fuck you and fuck off.

I'll ask again, what are the downsides of the 4473? Does it not filter out people who should not own guns?

It is still not constitutional, I did not read anywhere in it that your gun rights disappear for any reason. this includes felons. Granted if you are committed you should not have a gun in the institution but if they release you, well you are presumably capable of integrating with society if not you should not be released.
However since we have the NICS check already and it did nothing to stop these shootings what is your point?

Committing a felony requires consent from the aggressor. So, you're consenting to the revocation of your rights by willingly committing this deed? Are you not entitled to the sweat of your brow?

Yes and while you are in prison you have few rights. Once released you should have all rights restored.