When did drinking become popular

A lot of people tell me the jews are responsible for the fact that drinking alcohol is pretty much mandatory for normal human beings every weekend.
Is it true?
Provide evidence!
Who is responsible?
The old greeks and romans were all drinking wine all the time, right?
In vino veritas, right?

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The native people of the amazon basin have been drinking a low alcohol cassava booze for over 10,000 years.

People used to drink all day until fairly recently. The chattering classes switched to tea or coffee when it became available but the working class used to drink beer or wine all day up until the 60/70s.

Israel legalized weed and is leading the world in medical research on it but our kike controlled politicians elsewhere won’t allow us goyim to have it

Really makes you think

especially that beer was safer to drink than water in the case of the poor folk

Europeans used to literally drink light beer in place of water.

This is nothing new you fucking idiots.

This. Europeans used to literally drink from sun up to sun down. Even here in the US, there were mini bars filled with liquor inside professional jobs up to like the 80s.

It has been popular throughout history

Humans have been drinking alcohol almost as long as humanity has existed, but it became way more destructive as technology advanced and methods of producing alcoholic drinks resulted in much higher, more concentrated alcohol content. The beer, wine, spirits etc that people drink now is WAY stronger than ancient greeks and romans were drinking, for instance.

So what is the reason for people blaming alcoholic consumption on jews?
a. The fact that they are autistic and hate drinking because they would favour discussing politics with girls
b. because they blame everything on jews (stormfags)
c. they are jewish shills who want to frame every criticism of jewish influence as retarded paranoia by blaming jews for everything

I come from a conservative home where drinking is stigmatized and have to hide my booze and also feel guilty about it.

kinda of the same way they are creating more powerful and concentrated cannabis products. Or the way nicotine was increased in cigarettes

really makes you think, everything that was once use casually is transormed into an epidemic

>that people drink now is WAY stronger than ancient greeks and romans were drinking
Akshually their wine was much stronger but they used to cut it with water, they had drinking manners, it was considered crass to drink the strong stuff or get hammered.

Booze has literally been around longer than jews

Back in the days they had wine that was very watered down so they just drank a bunch and celebrated. It didn't get them very drunk, just a buzz if anything, unless they drank a shitload.

Yes Ahmed, drinking alchohol is pretty normal.

Ahmeds dont drink alc.
Ahmeds beat their wives, hate jews and drink black tea.
They are pretty based.
Would love to be an Ahmed.

Without beer there would be no civilization, no exploration, no politic.
Alcohol has been a friend to humanity for more than 6000 years.

Would you just abandon a friend?

fuck this faggots bullshit

real question:

why are modern germans such cucked morons? did all the good krauts die in 1945 or did Merkle make them all too scared to communicate?

>Akshually their wine was much stronger but they used to cut it with water

I know this, the use of carafe was to dilute, but you say it was stronger but then diluted, this infers that mayhaps it equaled modern shit.

that said i fucked up and got some sparkling red wine on accident and its fucking fantastic, mmmm-mmm goood.

3 of my great grandfathers died in WW2 so I'm lucky they impregnated my great grandmothers before they left germany.
but I think you are right, most of the precious germanic DNA vanished.

Why do you even care?
Drink, smoke, take drugs, fuck without a rubber with the best whore you can find.
Have an exit plane.

You'll die earlier but at least happy.

i dont care about happiness shlomo

Most good Germans died in WW2. Most good Russians died in WW2. Most good Eastern Europeans died in WW2.

That was the jews plan all along. It didn’t matter who won, all that matters is that millions of young fertile whites died. And they got what they wanted.

don't drink alcohol. problem solved. I don't huff paint thinner, so why would a drink alcohol?

I remember being told it was more like fortified wine

Alcohol is the oldest drugs used by humanity. It predates agriculture. Numerous indigenous religions hold it to be a gift from the gods like fire. There is even the "drunk monkey hypothesis," which is the idea that primate evolution towards intelligence developed in part because our very, very primitive ancestors gained access to alcohol, a high-calorie nutrient, which allowed for higher calorie use by the brain without needing to evolve a better metabolism. There is a related hypothesis that cooking allowed stone age technology by drastically reducing the amount of time that had to be spent on food gathering as cooked food is dramatically more nutritional than raw food.

>When did drinking become popular
Drinking alcoholic beverages is as old as civilization.
Drinking enormous unhealthy quantities of industrially made shit and artificial aroma and colored drinks is a new thing.
Daily amount of pure non industrial wine that an average man can digest is 0.05L, I can digest more due to my linage and constitution but that is around 0.1L, I drink a 0.7L bottle after lunch like its nothing.
But i do not want to live long, I am satisfied with 50 to 55 years here.

>happiness should be guaranteed in life
Human advancement begins with rejecting the ego and impulsivity, and achieving joy over happiness.

Beer and wine were literally healthier to drink than water back in the time.

>colored drinks is a new thing
foo-foo cocktails will be the end of civilization

A, b, c, and also d.

d. The early Progressive movement allied with the Temperance movement in the form of the Anti-Saloon League, because saloons were the heart of establishment politics at the time and shutting down the saloons gave the Progressives the opportunity to take control of local politics. The radical social change desired by the Temperance movement also mirrored the radical economic and politic changes desired by the Progressives. Also, Progressives were anti-Semitic until the 1940s.

> Used to
Some still do

The opium trade in China began as a minor additive to tobacco with a dose of around 1mg, smoked a few times a day. By the time the Qing Dynasty sought to ban it, and were invaded to keep the trade going, the average opium user was smoking pure opium for hours at a time.


In the Roman era, drinking unmixed wine was considered a sign of alcoholism. The Bacchus cult was banned at times because they drank unmixed wine all night during their rituals and also were supposedly having orgies.

Drinking has always been a popular pass time, it's nothing new. Though I wish it wasn't because I do not enjoy the taste that much.

Stay away from beer and vodka.

They'll ruin your life.

Gin and rum are fine.

not that long ago, we actually had dedicated/labeled "lunch beer"
I hate this millenium

>tell me the jews are responsible
Anti-Semites are the same as niggers blaming whites for everything. Don't take it seriously, they're retards incapable of doing anything useful.

I can't stop drinking beer and vodka but rum always works for me in moderation

And the fucking Yanomamibergs own the distillery and the distributorship, goddammit.

Once drinking and having promiscous sex was made popular through media with the invention of state approved TV.
Coincidentally contraception was made available to women.
Sex, drugs and pop music. The end of the nuclear family

When alcohol was the cheapest way to steralize drinking water. Look up short beer.

How do you buy d'asti by accident?

Is it sweet? Italian wine is best wine. Chianti is my shit.

slavs weren't all drunks until the jews bought up all the grain

there were famines in Russia and shit that could not have happened had it not been for jews buying up all the grain to turn into alcohol

Alcohol was alway popular however it was used in combination with drugs and the term free love in order to initiate the destruction of moral values.

A good trick is to go into a bar and look at what old fuckers are drinking and judge general health. You will learn following: Almost no one over 50 still living drinks "mixed drinks", those that drank them are dead. Beer drinkers are very puffy and inflamed, Vodka / Gin drinkers are ok but haggard. Wine drinkers are by far the healthiest looking and probably longest living.

We drink less today than any time in the last like 2000 years

34 different posters in this thread and only one guy has brought up this memorable passage from 200 Years Together.

I don't come to Cred Forums much anymore because it feels like nobody actually does their reading.

his aide hid the brandy. he wasn't expecting Yang to have hidden alcohol in anticipation of this challenge.

Some even say that the first crops had been domesticated not to bake bread but to brew beer...

Wouldn't mead have preceded beer?

I'm still reading it user, there is hope yet.