>4 years
wtf britain, people here dont even get 4 years after assault with a deadly weapon

>pleaded guilty
Fucking cuck

Do not reply to off topic and troll threads.
Report them and move on

Fuck off, who are you the fucking Cred Forums police?

literally this. i cut a faggot with a knife. i got sentenced to 2 to 5 and was paroled after 3 years.



It's your buddy from ASPC Tucson, I was locked up with you!


Fuck off nigger

>death of free speech in England
>off topic

duuuuuuuuuuuude - you gave me some of the best head i ever had! (no homo)

>4 years in jail
you'd get about the same for murder

I knew it would be there.
>Oi, mate. You got a license for that butter knife?




should have let hitler bomb you retarded bongs



fuck europe

>I only did it for the (you)s

Bin that knoif bruv



kys beaver fucker.

This is legitimately Revolution worthy shit...
If your country is not only policing, but then actually arresting... AND THEN sentencing people over tweets. Esp. if they are tweets that were instantly deleted, you have a real problem.

Why haven't you Bongs stood up to this? Blacks and Muslims rape your children and they get off, but you send out tweets for attention and do four years?

Why are your police and politicians not dead in the streets? I'm not advocating violence on them, im advocating you defend yourself against blatant totalitarian regimes.

if youre a paki who murders a brit, maybe. the state of you faggots... i cant believe my country came from yours

^^ why is it always Americans who post shit like this ?

To be fair here, he was making threats to law enforcement. If some black man had a cops address and was calling for his head over twitter, you would be praising whatever cop shot him.

There is a huge difference between death/violence threats and opinions.

>England. Why am i not surprised.