Who does Cred Forums do it for?
Who does Cred Forums do it for?
A fag, but what and awesome fag he was
Was he a tripfag or something?
For someone I couldnt save
lets just say that he was a good friend
He was also a sell out.
Why did you post the template again? It's already in the OP.
nothing personnel flutechan
some fall to the dark side, but i believe that inside any moster there remains still a human
Wew glad I didn't make this for no reason
moot isn't a human anymore, he's a google bot. Think of those brains in Psycho Pass, that's what he is now.
im glad Kiriha is still alive, but how many more of those i care for shall I see die
im not talking of what he is but of what he was, a real human bean and a real hero
It took me a second to even notice, that's kinda sad.
She is my muse she keeps me going she is beautiful down to the very last component I love SRX!
For hot dino pussy, duh
Shinka Nibutani, aka the greatest character in anime.
for this dorky bot
But it doesn't matter anymore
Make me one for Ichigo
My do it for her is on my pc
Unironically for my dad.
Ganbare Shinka user
I'd really love to make an actual poster of it. I'm sure it'd motivate me even more than it does as a wallpaper
Who the fuck would want to do anything for that bitch?
Make it youself you lazy fuck
I don't know how you guys edit it. Do you guys use PS?
Patrician taste.
i do it for myself
for myself
She's plain, annoying and doesn't have a smoking hot body, but I love everything about her.
my man
>liking a cuck
Strawberry is best girl
Women can’t be cucks
Egotism is a spook.
Patrician, negroid. My spear-wielding brothers dance to your cry.
I see 2 different girls there
Pretty old though and don't even know with which programm to do a new one.
Only correct post ITT
Tohka is best girl though
>don't forget you're them forever
>don't forget you're him forever
Nice to see the classics appreciated.
I-it's raining in here...
Me. That's why I posted the picture, dumbass.
Also Shinji after Post-3I, you know full well he's gonna be emotionally dependent on her
It's "don't forget: you're hime forever"
user is a princess!
Never ocurred to me that I could bring one of this in my wallet.
oh! you fuck!
very nice
i want to burn in hell with her
i want to hug sengoku
Good taste user
the lulz?
Gentleman, I love all my sluts.
Well said, user
I'd rather be her.
No, they're cutes
Anyone have one for Ritsu?
Kirara Hanazono.
No, they are bakas
make one you lazy aho
I want to eat this idle's hair
what is this
Go big or go home.
Nice. Some dedication.
>That one picture of when she accidentally cut her bangs
Dark times.
Yui is too qt
Doing it for her is unnecessary but she appreciates your resolve.
So do other people apparently. While there aren't really any pictures at the moment due to it being winter in Japan at the moment, when it was summer there were quite a few pictures on Twitter of ice-cream cones people had made up to look like her hair.
She had an anime does she count?
Nvm I'm retarded
I miss SakuraFish
In case another reminder was required.
If only you were here, Kircheis
I hate it. ;_;
Memes were too much for the mods.
Please give me a hime template then
They indeed fucking suck but at least frogposting and wojakposting still get deleted, so they don't suck completely, compared to the rest of Cred Forums.
how much botan is too much botan?
There's never enough.
but das a dude, whatre you, soem kind of faggot?
good post
That's some great taste user. I hope only good things happen to you in life.
You may have 10/10 taste but she’s mine buddy
has anyone asked you about that?
No one's seen my wallet so no, I also have a keychain with her.
Pretty impressive user, I should do something similar to this for my waifu too actually.
Im not him but I have a big ol tattoo on my arm of mai waifu Just knowing something like her exists was more then enough to get me through alot of depression and anexity when I was younger. Some people think its cool most dont really give a shit. I really like her and when Im older and get fucked by alzhimers I dont want to forget my beloved waifu.
>Not recognizing that "who" replies for m00t is b8
If you got a color printer, resize to about the size of a credit card and print the "Do it for Her" image on card stock and make sure print quality is set for best quality, then bring it to a staples and have them laminate it.
I spent about 10 bucks on both the keychain and the wallet image.
asuka is a normie waifu
>and when Im older and get fucked by alzhimers I dont want to forget my beloved waifu
Don't worry user, I'm sure you will meet with you're beloved waifu in after life and be happy.
I don't really get the staples part, could you explain it? Image quality looks quite nice for a home printer, by the way. I guess I should start saving some money to buy one.
>I don't really get the staples part, could you explain it?
I take it you're not from the land of the burgers?
Its an American office supply chain, they offer some good printing services, the first time I purchased a poster online and when I went to pick it up I received two.
Ask around for a place that laminates stuff, or you can ghetto it and use clear shipping tape, only do that as last resort, tape will fade away the colors.
My wife.
oh fuck
>I take it you're not from the land of the burgers?
Yeah, far from it. I was rather confused about that, thanks for your help. Do you have a recommendation about printer or pretty much anything will do a decent job?
>the first time I purchased a poster online and when I went to pick it up I received two
They didn't even realize it?
damn, beat me to it.
well good taste anyways, urabe a cute
I use an HP Envy. It does pretty good jobs and has a decent scanner. (not him btw)
>They didn't even realize it?
I believe it might have been a printing error when they printed it, so they re-did the job again and instead of throwing out, the first poster, they gave it to me, the printing error is barely visible, you have to look for it.
>Do you have a recommendation about printer or pretty much anything will do a decent job?
Any will do the trick, my home printer was cheap as fuck, like 35 dollars, bought it last year brand new, all that matters is that before you print out the image you want, make sure that the printing quality is set for best quality.
Thanks anons, seems like I don't have to wait too long then, just will buy a cheap one.
so many seasonal waifufags in this thread
Would you consider a girl from an anime that aired two years ago seasonal?
>posting my image
Hands off my wife, punk.
It has to be at least five years ago.
W-what if my waifu doesn't have an anime?
I think it's acceptable to marry a girl after only having known her for two years.
Nice, I was about to post her because I thought everyone already forgot about her.
really Cred Forums? no one is posting tada banri i'm disappointed in you.
If only you were here, Kircheis
It's fucking "whom", you fucking ESL.
If the answer is "she", you say 'who'. If it's "her" or "hers", you say "whom".
Nobody says whom anymore grandpa
I've never known how you guys do this. Photoshop? Pixlr?
By not being mouth breathing retards
Posts the Belmotto one
My monkey!
always been like this
Unironically ms paint
For my wife!
Wasn't expecting to see one of these.
Make love, not war user.
takeshi's dad
Oni Pussy Is The Best!
Sayaka a cute.
If I don't do it for her, no one will.
Real answer him
Very cute wife.
Fuck off.