Umaru I will receive a third season. Eventually
What do you hope will happen?
I for one hope we get some actual plot development with the whole Doma family subplot
Umaru I will receive a third season. Eventually
What do you hope will happen?
I for one hope we get some actual plot development with the whole Doma family subplot
yuri scenes
It won't be another season the manga is over.
Why is rolling nug so cute and funny?
Umaru thread?
Except it isn't. It just changed to a different magazine
All day, every day
Fuck off
Stop spamming these dead pointless general threads
You first
>threads constantly getting deleted
Take the hint and fuck off
You mean spammed to death by autistic bullyfaggot and then archived?
>he doesn’t know how many threads have been pruned in the last few days for being spam
Are all Umaruspics this retarded?
Maybe if there was something to discuss instead of you making several threads daily just because they’re so dead, then there’d actually be a reason for these threads to exist and not attract bullying
ironically this
well it felt like season 2 was more of an encore than a build on plot/issues. they should show more character development based on new events. i think they did kirie well this season tho
Did Kirie train under Akari~n
There is absolutely no reason for bullying to even exist unless these people have mental issues. Any normal person would just ignore the threads and they would quickly die within an hour. But no; bully faggots feel the need to bump the thread with their shitty spam and act like they're making some kind of difference instead of looking autistic
Are you new here? Bullyfags exist because retards keep reposting the same thread daily
Can anyone post that picture of Umaru getting gangbanged by other Umarus?
Screencap this and use that capture in the next threads about Umaru.
I already discovered the pattern.
>Someone makes a thread about Umaru
>One or two people say that it is kawaii or they talk calmly about the subject
>Bully-kun appears from the shadows and begins to post photos of Umaru receiving penises or being beaten
>Someone tells him to stop or asks him why he always does the same
>Bullyng-Kun always responds with this:
"Maybe if there was something to discuss instead of you making several threads daily just because they are so dead, then there would be a reason for these threads to exist and not attracting bullying"
>After some discussion, Bullyng-Kun posts some more photos until he sees that nobody is giving him his dose of necessary attention
>The thread dies.
It is always the same, in each and every one of the threads.
I agree, Umaru is fucking shit and these threads are shit but that's the same attitude that got sakura fish banned and generals like buyfag and _homo.gif almost outlawed. Yet template threads like like "waifu reaction" and "post anime without posting it" continue to flourish despite being just as braindead discussion wise. Cred Forums is just is shit and always has been, yet you keep trying to polish a turd into a diamond and attract crossboarders and ironic weeb false flaggers alike to SOMEHOW make this board even shittier. What the fuck ever happened to ignore and report? Seriously fuck off with your >muh quality board shitposting
These threads are only shit because every single one gets derailed by bullyfaggots. If not for them; they'd die within an hour and no one would notice
>Someone makes a thread about Umaru
General and template threads are not allowed
>One or two people say that it is kawaii or they talk calmly about the subject
Image dumps belong on /c/, and there’s nothing to discuss, you’d have to be a newfag not to understand that
>Bully-kun appears from the shadows and begins to post photos of Umaru receiving penises or being beaten
There’s more than one bullyfag, bullying has been a part of these threads for years
>Someone tells him to stop or asks him why he always does the same
Ignoring the retards spamming MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS like newfags
>Bullyng-Kun always responds with this:
"Maybe if there was something to discuss instead of you making several threads daily just because they are so dead, then there would be a reason for these threads to exist and not attracting bullying"
The only threads that didn’t contain bullying were the weekly episode threads because they actually had business existing on Cred Forums
>After some discussion, Bullyng-Kun posts some more photos until he sees that nobody is giving him his dose of necessary attention
Again, there’s more than one bullyfag, they post whenever they notice there’s a thread up
>The thread dies.
Or gets deleted, like several of them have
>It is always the same, in each and every one of the threads.
Which is why these threads have no place on Cred Forums, Cred Forums is for discussion.
If bullying is the only thing that can keep these threads alive, then there really is nothing to discuss and these threads are therefore pointless
>yet you keep trying to polish a turd into a diamond and attract crossboarders and ironic weeb false flaggers
Dumbass, those are the people who are responsible for garbage threads like this in the first place.
No, these threads are shit because there’s nothing to discuss and yet some retarded spic from Cred Forums insists on constantly creating the same thread over and over again
fuck you niggers wheres my season 2
I'm still mad as well
S2 didn't have enough tiny Umaru so maybe that?
Fuck off
Fuck off
Here we go again
I didn't mind this. I liked the increased focus on Umaru interacting with her friends
>j-just let the thread die!
As long someone using her
Umaru's sequel has more focus on Christmas Cake and her younger Umaru like sister
Stop, Umaru abuse
this is a nice gif!
Tell Ebina about her brother already
Umaru is beautiful.
Beautiful sexy toy
Crossover when
02 > Umaru
Umaru bullying thread