Times Cred Forums lied to you.
Pic related, Dragon Quest 7 is garbage.
Times Cred Forums lied to you.
Pic related, Dragon Quest 7 is garbage.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even trying.
>he didn't pirate it to try it first
even saving your game is clunky as shit. Fuck, other PS1 era JRPGs are light years ahead.
So is starting a DQ thread by shitting on it became a meme like in MH ones?
>abloo bloo bloo i have to go to a church to save
DQ is THE traditional JRPG. Don't play it thinking it's like fucking neptunia. I bet you didn't even pay for it you cuck.
>he updated/bought from a store which frequently replaces 3DS stock.
>Have to talk to a priest to save
>There's a priest in every town
You never played the first 3 where you had to fucking go all the way back to a palace to find a King, did you?
Didn't it come out in the West a couple of hours ago?
Literally cant beat the first boss because of the bullshit artifical difficulity fuck this game seriously
Officially yes. Some stores sold it early, but most likely OP didn't actually buy it.
it was out in Germany in specific stores 2 days ago.
All DQ games are the same. Same shitty combat system, same shitty items, same shitty progression system, same shitty stories.
It's a game for nostalgiafags
Seems pretty good to me so far.
Does the protag ever get different outfits or am I not link forever?
What's a better name for the protagonist, Arus or Auster?
Your outfit changes with your class
I like Arus more
>tfw local Walmart opens in a couple hours
>They probably won't have it
Lov u
I just don't get why pirate fags need those staged threads all day long.
You expected the world to build a statue in your name for pirating a console? In a few post you will sending threats to people who "dared" to buy.
aw sheeit i didn't even know there was a class system
I am having so much fun right now
OP a fag lul
it's funny because even NEPTUNIA is fresher than Dragon Rehash.
why is maribel such a cunt?
What do you mean cunt? She's a str0nk independent WOMBYN who don't need no man!
A tleast in the localized version:^)
people are just hyping this game all around Cred Forums because "muh dragon quest". its just a standard, boring rpg so i don't why you bothered to play it
>Talking like Yorkshiremen from the TV show Emmerdale
The nightmare never ends.
What, DQ has baby ass mechanics, it's literally buff&debuff: the game. At worst you have an elemental boss or someone who likes to spam a specific status effect you can easily prevent with the right equip that's being coincidentally being sold nearby.
>fucking ever
That's not an excuse. I have 11.0.0 too, and a solder iron.
Loving every minute of it and cant fucking wait for VIII now. My boy Kief will always be my nigga.
>A lady can lie under whoevershe pleases!
What did she mean by this?
No really,what did she mean is it as lewd as I think it is?
Wimminz can't fuck whoever, they don't have to be in arranged marriage or other medieval stuff etc etc
can fuck*
What's the progress so far guys? Whats some good class to start
drop her off at the church
never look back
You don't unlock the job system for a while.
Maribel is your typical princess archtype
>Falling for the 'Dragon Quest is good' Cred Forums meme
There's a reason this shit never really took off outside Japan.
What nightmare? We are close to our progressive feminist utopia now:^)
Is this representative for the rest of the translation?
And are there any other non graphical changes from the ps1 version? I read somewhere that the 3ds has less content.
Can someone post a screenshot of the ps1 translation of this line? And a screenshot from the Japanese versions?
There's your problem. Have you tried, you know, not being a part of a faggy country?
>Sitting at home watching Emmerdale
>Get to a new town
>Everyone speaks like this fucking show wtf
>See the town name
That was funny as fuck, I wonder if it's intentional or not.
tfw no based zak dingle party member
What do people actually not like about this game?
A few years back the closest thing to a JRPG I liked was Pokemon, FF was awful for me because of so many dumb and convoluted gimmicky mechanics they threw in, making the game simply not fun.
When i played DQ I had zero expectations and I was fucking blown away, I love it's simplicity in every way. It doesn't try to be more than it is, it's a lighthearted adventure jrpg, going around town speaking to all the NPC's and battling cool looking monsters to save the world is comfy as fuck.
Battle/class system is fucking great too, you can just sit back and enjoy it, there's enough to keep it interesting and not too much for it to be stupidly overwhelming.
>Tfw no qt chav Tracy waifu
>people actually watching Emmerdale in the 21st century
It's nice to have a reason to sit infront of the telly for an hour or so, I normally play my 3DS in that time too.
You can literally miss episodes and not have to worry, you don't even have to pay full attention, it's just a way of soaking up hours in the day.
It took 2 hours before there's a fight
You can't expect everyone to tolerate that
Fair enough, I do enjoy some background noise while grinding. I normally listen to music.
people today are ADD ridden adrenaline junkies who need ATB x50 speed to properly enjoy things
games like DQ are meant to be savory
Yeah I can understand that, but a lot of us knew that going in, many of the threads specifically stated to people 'this game takes a while to kick in', but once it does it's great.
Dropping/hating on a game because of one small and stupid design decision is dumb.
True that, a lot fo the complaints I hear from people about it being slow confused me, it's one of the reasons I love the series.
You kinda have to have an appreciation for storytelling and exploration to enjoy this series, I don't know what a lot of people were expecting.
>he didn't pirate it
>he gave modern SE money
you deserve it, f@M
Every single DQ remake have more content, fuck even mobile ports have more content than the original
Thing is DQ7 remake is take less hours to finish than original, mostly because they fixed the unnecesary dialogues. Now it takes like 15-20min to the first battle unlike original which take literally 1 hour
Also DQ7 remake have post-content unlike original
jesus fuck
every fucking game has to ram the sjw degeneracy shit down out throats
ok, I've read something about simplified tablet puzzles and removed/changed class restrictions, but:
>they fixed the unnecesary dialogues
sounds like removed content to me, wouldn't it be better to allow fast forward through that dialog if it was unnecessary?
Are you guys serious? Anime has always had stronk woymn characters. How is this "sjw"? How is this any different from typical tsunder characters like Asuka? She's just saying women can chose who they love and don't just get picked by a man with no choice. Jesus. Are you even gonna bother to ask for context for the quote or keep circle jerking your knee jerk reactions?
Or are you guys actually allergic to a girl mentioning sex in any way that isn't "I'm a pure virgin who has a crush on my one true love-desu!"
Maybe DQ had its place when casuals were just getting into JRPGs, but it's gotten stale m8
Holy shit you guys are babies, are you seriously uoset you can't save anywhere? You realized that would be broken in DQ, you would be able to save in front of a boss room for examole and reset with no penalty to your content. Fuck off, research games before you buy them.
You're delusional if you don't think this an attempt to make Zoe Quinn's promiscuity "good". Encouraging promiscuity like that for women is going to be common in games from now on.
Jesus fucking christ what kinda reaching are you doing. How the fuck does this have anything to do with Zoe Quinn. Cheating on your SO and stating that women can chose whom they chose to be with as opposed to being "picked" are two completely different things.
Do you honestly think a woman who isn't a pure virgin or only ever been with a single man in her entire life is promiscuous? Like I'm not defending sluts here. Actual sluts. But like christ man you seem to think anything is promiscuity.
That's really fucking far-fetched user.
She's always been like that. It's like that too in the PS1 version.
She wants a submissive husband.
there's nothing wrong with promiscuity
The fuck is Emmerdale?
That's what I mean. This kinda personality is pretty common in tsunder characters. This isn't some kinda SJW tactic. But I swear to god some of the people on this website have lost their god damn minds.
I went with Auster. It's more dorky sounding, but I think it fits the Hero's look.
If they found it unnecessary, why would they keep it in?
They're either shitposters or actual Cred Forumsacks.
>TV Show Emmerdale
>What is Emmerdale
TV show.
>strong dad settled for a fatty
Yeah, they even say the ideal husband for every women is the one that can cook and clean.
Matter of personal preference. Lets not shove our ideals down anyones throats. Personally every promiscuous girl Ive ever met has been a self absorbed shitty person who usually ends up bringing a shit load of toxicity into everything around her.
That said, this example here isn't advocating promiscuity in any way.
This. I was about to ask "It's already out?"
When does DQ8 come out on 3DS? That's what I want.
What's it about?
It's a common trope for peasants to like plump wives. Slim wives are for nobles.
it's nothing wrong with wanting someone chaste for a long-term relationship.
and promiscuous people are more likely to find themselves alone and depressed later in life.
it's a soap opera set in northern england.
so it's about being poor and common
Early next year.
If it was unnecessary, why was it written in the first place.
>implying Maribel isn't waiting for her shining white knight
You would know if you actually play the game, shitposter-kun.
I'll survive somehow. I have a backlog on my 3DS anyway.
So: Is DQ7? That's my bigger question. If not, I'm off for Fire Emblem Conquest and getting my ass destroyed apparently.
Whatever, i'll deal. DQVII is going to keep me occupied for a long time anyway.
What's with the prince of the whole kingdom and the daughter of the rich mayor liking that weird son of that one fisherman anyway?
Because they thought it was when the game was made 16-17 years ago.
Because cute shota.
So did Maribel end up with the hero
Why is everyone here so obsessed with virginity?
Fun fact about women without sexual experience; if they're not clingy and obsessive to the point of being unhealthy and smothering you, they're significantly more likely to cheat on you or dump you out of the blue. Most people who have fucked just one or two people naturally want to see what others are like and tend to get bored easily. The most loyal and appreciative girlfriends I've had (including my fiance of 3 years) were ex-sluts because, unlike girls without experience, they know what other men are like and aren't curious about what they're missing. Sluts know your lack or experience can simply just be fucked out of you and often get a thrill from being your personal sex trainer. Your idea of pure virginal waifu is an extreme romanticization far from the reality you would most likely end up in.
Also, I will never understand why your type thinks all women are whores. They're not, plus men are way bigger whores as a whole, this is just a biological fact. Then again, I guess when you're a beta virgin getting your info on women from other beta virgins, you're not really going to have an accurate picture in the slightest.
So yeah, have fun dying alone due to your misguided pure girl requirements, while I enjoy having amazing sex with a girlfriend who treats me like I'm the second coming of Christ.
lol cuck
>Quoting Kotaku complains
Literally cancer, this nigga is literal fucking cancer shit.
This gaming culture is fucking crap, where shit a web page translate to fuck tards like this jesus fuck.
>Literally using Kotaku complain
this place is Kotaku garbage level now
Statistically the virgins are better then the whores but both extremes are suboptimal for long lasting happiness in a relationship, and the pressure to stay in a unhealthy relationship may fudge the statistics in favor of the virgins.
Maribel is a mega bitch, that sounds like something a SJW (mega bitch) would say.
Bravo whoever translated this.
jesus christ
Anecdotal evidence isn't worth shit!
>Hanlon is assessing the situation
I name DQ protags Enix
the undub with orchestra music is available now
I miss when Enix still existed:(
Hanlon is too OP if he attacks every turn.
DQ music sucks, so no thanks
>give a town a punny name like Regenstein
>the story is sad as fuck
It's a really good game, but because of it's content as the original. The remake doesn't really improve it as much as it does away with things that would be more likeable.
Also, due to the poor sales these series have on the west, expect full damage control and people lying or defending stuff that makes very little sense. I mean sure, everyone has to try hard once in a while so a title does well but it's getting a little bit stupid. If you were intelligent you would agree with the flaws and point out what's good instead of blatantly lying about them.
When will we get the un-localization without political agenda?
>try to install it
>fails to extract the cia
>my emunand won't boot now
Nintendo had no idea what they were getting into when they started adding accents, puns and comedic shit to 7. Like 80% of 7 is shit going very very wrong and people dying and suffering. You'd think at some point they would notice and go back to straighten their shit up but lolno
when the game suddenly gets rewritten in Japanese to remove its agenda
What the fuck are you talking about Maribel is supposed to be insufferable
Just ignore the Cred Forums shitposters.
I'm glad I just pirated it
Hey I'm a Cred Forums shitposter and I think these people are overreacting
This remake is shit.
>they cut down the skills and dumbed down the job system which is the biggest crime possible against dq7 as it features hands down the best implementation of the dq class system in the entire series.
>they cut out huge chunks of content and story.
>paradoxically they added a post-game whose content actually goes against the game's main narrative.
>they reduced the enemy stats across the board.
>they inflated shop-keepers' inventories with more powerful items to beat the new, weaker monsters even faster.
>addition of the item bag which eliminates the need for player management of resources: something which all DQ games are built around. to be fair to the dq7-remake though, ALL of the dq-remakes are guilty of this sin.
Have you any source to back up that?
Fucking where is the modded rom with the good soundtrack
No. It's just the usual shitposter-kun. Think he comes from /vr/.
It's pasta from Rpgcodex.
>player management of resources
So you want every game to be like DQ1? Jesus
7 always had a bag. The bag was added in the snes era iirc
I really feel like hero-kun is just getting pulled around by Kiefer and Maribelle constantly. Poor guy.
It's okay. He has a constant smile in his face.
he looks like the weakest among all the heroes in DQ
Yet he faces off against the strongest Demon King.
>Fucking where is the modded rom with the good soundtrack
if you use it you will brick your 3DS
Just finished the statue island (to the point where the old guy and the kid fuck off) and done some traveller tablet stuff for Haven, how far off from a new party member am I?
ALso, how far from changing my class?
Or you could both actually give a shit about each other.
No good relationship ends without reason. You need a situation that lines up and both people to be happy. Honestly, you fucking niggers are dumb, some people wanna sleep around, only cucks and other whores say with those people, others wanna say faithful will. Fuck, if your not a loser its easy to be faithful, because at the end of the day you could find another woman. Its really fun to have that high ground and still get to fuck whoever you want. One of my exs accused me of cheating, and when I found out she was and dumped her I dated her sister, and she had to sit across the dinner table from me while her mom told her to not be rude. Then as I left I hugged her and whispered "Shes tighter" in her ear. She ran to her room and cried.
Then I dumped her sis the next morning. Good times.
You also have Eastenders, which is about being southern and practically being a bigheaded shitter.
Still quite a long way.
the hero in 9 looks even more like shit
>Called Dragon Quest
>No dragons question you
You can customize how he look.
From both?
zoolander ants.jpg
Next party member should be on the next island.
that's the joke
In what world is "quest" short for "question"
I'm like 12 hours in and at the island where there are killer robots. How much longer until I unlock the class system?
Its a player made avatar.
Any way to emulate this on PC?
>Called Dragon Quest
>You don't play as a Dragon who goes on a quest
iirc you're 2-3 islands away
>making the statue village German
For what purpose?
Should be soon. I don't remember if it's the island right after that or there's another island in-between.
Be warned though. The island where you change jobs is quite long.
>badass buff manly man on his youth
>now he's a sad and lonely grandpa
Fuck, statue island is brutal.
Yes, you gotta find the PS1 ISO on emuparadise
Don't be a smartass
The hero of VII is suppose to come off as a bit of a goofball. He's a nobody from bum fuck nowhere and is suppose to be abit of a goofy but good hearted person.
Personally my favorite hero in the series, I really like the female hero of IV and the hero of V a lot though. His design is great, simple but fitting for him
solderhax are illegal
what's your problem?
My copy just came and I'm fucking stoked to play it, VII is the only mainline DQ game I've never played, when I last tried it years ago it wouldn't work properly on emulators
Even if everyone speaks in unintelligible gibberish and the music was made with a Famicom soundfont I'd still enjoy it and buy it to support the series in the west
Uh oh I hope the police don't get an anonymous tip that he has a modified 3DS and bust his door down and haul him off to the big house
>every dragonquest game ever
barebones as fuck jrpg.
So apparently the beginning was altered in this version. Should I play yhe ps1 version first before this, just the beginning of the ps1 version, or forget about the ps1 version entirely?
>Hero of V
>its not actually the hero
>complaining about not having to re-arrange your inventory every 10 minutes
jesus i hate DQ fags
what is it that makes them love outdated, awful mechanics so much?
You're in for a long fucking journey user.
It's what Goku and Gohan should've been.
thats a lot of Gohans.
>trade in ps4 and 5 games for a ps4 pro discount
Do playstation users even have 5 games to trade in?
If you play the psx version first you'll die of old age before you are done with both or at least are to burned out to do it all again but slightly different.
>"Dragon Quest 7"
>"Huh subtitle says 'Frag the Frog'
>Had to hold the counter so stop me from falling
At least I got my copy now.
>Lose a console and 5 games
>For only half price off
Fucking hell if this wasn't sad it'd be hilarious, nobody is falling for this shit are they?
Game? That gif is adorable, petting animals and seeing them happy genuinely makes me happy.
Haven't played any Dragon Quest except 8 and 9 but I find inventory management in Wizardry, Might and Magic and Elminage games verry comfy.
Monster Hunter X
there got to be or else they wouldnt make the offer
I loled
DQVII is pretty good so far, just met Ruff. The orchestral soundtrack sounds great, love the rom/hack community for doing this.
How is DQVI anyway, I never really hear about it but the cast seems nice
Genuine contribution to thread here.
Arx Fatalis was a pile of hot garbage, thanks Cred Forums.
Is the encounter rate bad? Recently had to drop Skies of Arcadia with how awful and constant the encounters were.
DQVI is DQVII with a not so refine class system
Its also long as fuck and took like 10 million years to beat
Not much. Fights are much faster as there are no shitty transitions.
What didn't you like about it? And have you played Ultima Underworld? I found both immersive and comfy.
The monsters spawn on the field so you can avoid them, but most dungeons have extremely narrow hallways so many fights are unavoidable. It's not bad, better than most jrpgs.
No, you spend 90% of the game in the cities.
You always have to talk to the NPCs in a very specific order to advance the story so you always have to run back and forth and talk with everyone like 5+ times.
It's not long just…boring. It's weird but everything feels so slow. However remember playing DQ7 back in 2000 and while it took over 100 hours to beat it only really felt slow a few times. Like just before the class system.
why is this praised? What does the battle system offer that other games don't?
I wouldn't say he needs to do that specifically, but definitely he needs to check every fucking nook and cranny. The fragments hidden in DQ7 made me quite angry the first time through.
example of good, fun inventory management:
>card RPGs like Baten Kaitos, the KH meme of memories game where you strategically assemble your deck
>monster RPGs where you're shuffling around pokemon/digimon/yokais
Bad example of inventory management:
Wow, I picked up all the items in a dungeon and got a few monster drops, better drop most of those items because the game says it's overpowered for me to have 2 wooden sticks and 3 herbs at the same time.
Suikoden games are a direct improvement on this system, with a bigger communal bag and stacked healing items, and even that gets annoying sometimes.
so glad i didn't impulsively pick this up
every JRPG i've impulsively picked up recently has disappointed me greatly
i just want something to play, man
but i can't deal with it anymore
i guess i'll save my money for XV to be colossally let down
>full autism
I cannot stand earthbound's inventory management. I always drop shit.
I personally think the DQ universe is incredibly charming, I love the music and aesthetics and the feel of adventure they provide. However I've only played a couple of them previously so I haven't had a chance to get sick of the formula.
I really do like his design. I think I prefer VIII's design, but VII is a close second.
I enjoy the fact that he isn't royalty too.
>This guy again
I really liked DQVI and it feels weird to me that no one talks about it, the dual world with a dream world was neat as hell and I loved the job system. The fact that people say DQVII is a better version of DQVI has always had me excited to play it.
I actually enjoy the DQ series, but I have no idea how people play them without emulating for fast-forward/frameskip. Like 90% of the battles in the game consist of mashing the attack command and nothing else, and you don't even need to be looking at the screen. Making that process take 2.5 seconds lets you enjoy the actual good aspects of the game.
Yea. It left a deep impression on me with the way they handle the plot.
Though I got lost multiple time due to the clusterfuck of essentially living two lives. Sometimes I don't even know if i am in the real or dream world
DQVII is basically a less interesting, more stretched out version of DQVI. The job system has more depth, but it's also a lot more exploitable, as in you become an overpowered demi-god once you level the right classes up.
It's weird, but I tend to open myself up more to these games. It's something about how they present themselves. They aren't the most complex games in the world, but they're very...I can't think of the word, frank? They have a simple but intuitive battle system, a wonderful sense of adventure wrapped in a great art style, great music, and a sense of humor. Bad stuff happens to people, but the games never get melodramatic about it, they don't dwell on it, but they also don't undersell the stakes, you just move on to try and find a happier moment.
I like the limited inventory in Wizardry and Elminage since it makes the Bishop worthwhile and you have to balance the equipment on your characters since every equipped item takes up inventory space.
But I also like to draw the map on graph paper and disliked the faster walk speed in Persona PSP remake so I'm well aware that my taste is atypical.
What's wrong with a woman choosing who she wants to sleep with, or are you betas just mad it isn't you?
>arriving tomorrow
I can wait. I've been patient this long, I can definitely wait a little more.
Quest comes from from the old English word Questione meaning can you do it.
3 and a half hours in and nothing happens, i cleared the entire map of enemies and got stuck, none of the NPCs contributed to the story or had any worth, the universe it took place in was dull and again there was no story...
Hate me if I only played 3 hours but every minute felt like poison.
Oh and the magic system is the worst most aggravating thing I've even encountered in a video game ever.
>on truck for delivery
>mail comes mid afternoon
Fuck I want it now
I bought the game but playing the modded orchestra instead
You should play Etrian Odyssey 3. It's, in my opinion, the best Wizardry game. Huge amounts of customization, excellent maps and OST, and some really fucking fun bosses.
I'm a weak man with disposable income. I couldn't wait for it to come in the mail physically, but I bought it digitally the second it released last night. I'll probably keep the physical anyway, or give it to a friend. The more sales Dragon Quest gets the better, and my friend needs more Dragon Quest in his life.
I find it hard to complain about the battle system in DQ games being basic because there are so many jrpgs out there completely ruined by having a bunch of useless abilities in combat just for fluff and LOOOOONG animations for everything so even if you just spam attack the entire fight it takes forever. At least DQ doesn't try to be something it isn't.
Man, thank god I installed homebrew on my 3ds, fuck Nintendo(NoA specifically), I won't be buying anything from them until they fix their shit
Is that game getting a 3DS remake? I actually really enjoy the remake of the first game.
Nothing announced yet, but it wouldn't surprise me.
See fucking brainwashed idiots all of you
Maribel and every other tsundere a utter shit.
I have played the first 3 Etrian Odessey games and I especially enjoyed the battlesystem but I miss the trapped chests behind doors with usable equipment from Wizardry and the per character inventory instead of shared. I also really liked the large dungeon floors but would have preferred if the party wasn't shown on the map all the time (the Dark Spire handled automap better in my opinion).
Oh I agree, I play, or used to play before I got a job at any rate, a lot of JRPG's with tons of bloat in everything from story to mechanics. Sometimes it's so damn refreshing to play a Dragon Quest game.
Where the fuck is the slime-turned-poet dude? Party chat told me he would be either in Fishbell or Estard but he's not in either.
Probably because they never describe why it's good or how it should be approached.
DQ7 is basically a bunch of smaller arcs that make up the overall game. You're not meant to get from beginning to end as soon as possible like in other JRPGs. It may take you weeks to just do a single story arc.
The appeal is that it's jacked with content for people who enjoy these types of games. If you want a JRPG that will blow your dick off with how amazing it is, then this is the wrong one.
I can only name like 2 games where the animations are literally obtrusive, Grandia 2 and Star Ocean 2.
I can name far more games with engaging combat systems that play it out quickly.
Key word is engaging.
Simplicity is fine, but Dragon Quest combat makes it so that every non-boss battle is basically non-essential to the game, and just acts as fodder for making numbers go up. This applies to many JRPGs of course, but at least some make an effort to keep the player's attention instead of every random battle just being necessary drudgework.
Why is the text blurry? Plenty of 3ds games have fairly clear text. Don't think that's asking for much.
Why would this bother you? At this point you're blaming the translation for the character just being a cunt.
No, the text is not blurry.
A lot of people have pretty low standards for what they NEED in combat.
I use frameskip when emulating a lot of older RPGs, and the combat isn't even really part of the game to me at that point. I basically just get off on the notion of progress quest. It's hard to defend it as good, but definitely a cathartic process.
I can name more. Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon, Golden Sun 1 and 2, Skies of Arcadia are the ones I recall at the moment, I've definitely played others that also just made me want to kill myself because of the bad combat. I greatly prefer the simplicity of DQ games.
I found that the FMC titles (1-4) managed to make engaging encounters with non-boss enemies.
Like in 2 on the high sea, you would get enemies countered by stopspell, enemies countered by sleep and enemies countered by area damage spells, all in a single battle.
Almost everything can be brute forced by grinding, but you can still fight things underleveled with the right strategies.
The only good thing to come out of DQ are the spinoffs.
Torneko no Daibouken aka DQ Mystery Dungeon is literally the best offering from the series and they should be spending more time making more of those instead of these bad rpgs.
But those games just used the wizardry/DQ combat with maybe 1 gimmick added, outside of Legend of Dragoon which, while slow as fuck mostly because of the autistic exp curve, did something different.
I'm talking about games that put work into changing combat into something that the game could be identified by, the Mana Khemia, Valkyrie Profile, Baten Kaitos type of games.
Stuff like Skies of Arcadia/Golden Sun/Beyond the beyond/Wild arms combat is basically a cop-out by devs admitting that they just wanna maintain status quo on combat and focus development on other things.
i want a world where the DQ team is only allowed to make spinoffs and the FF team is only allowed to make mini-games
a better world
Are people seriously complaining that the game is too hard?
Cred Forums is truly dead.
But that's just a more casual version of the Shiren games famalama
cat looks happier than conceivably possible on that laptop.
Dragon Quest Monsters is my favorite offering from the franchise as a whole, but I still enjoy the mainline games.
Look at this casual, look at em and laugh.
they might mechanically function the same as DQ combat but they still made every effort to make every move in combat as slow as possible with ugly fancy animations for anything, making every fight take way longer than they should. That's my point, DQ's combat is condensed and don't really do anything to make it appear any more special than it is.
I'm not saying it has my favorite jrpg combat, because there are several games that have legitimately great turn based gameplay with actual strategy, but I like the simplistic nature of DQ, I think that's part of what draws me to it.
That's how she acted in the original you fucking sheep.
How do Kiefer and Maribel even know what a fucking vulcano is? They come from an island that believes they're the only island in the world ever, so why would vulcano's be common knowledge if there isn't one on their own island?
FUCK THIS GAME, can't believe I spent money on this shit, worst shit I ever played
lack of marketing?
the last game to come out that wasn't a remake or spinoff was over 7 years ago?
MUH OPEN WORLD western tards?
it's turn based?
Shiren is too japanesey imho. Also the wii one sucked. I really enjoy the sound effects and music of DQ but the base gameplay of the DQ games is just too painfully simple aside from DQX which is just FF11 but DQ.
pretty sure they'd gotten all the features of Shiren by the time Torneko no Daibouken 3 came around including all the pots anyway.
Roto-chan is cute!!
>what are books.
>anecdotal evidence
fuck off. also your fiance is a slag.
But seriously, why are people hating this game?
There is no cut content.
The only DQ game i played before this was I and VIII, and I'm loving the shit out of this one.
Are people seriously hating this because it is too hard for them?
it only worked in Dragon Quest VIII because it was new for the series and the game was grand and vast enough to justify it. Doesn't help I never liked that games random battle theme BECAUSE it was orchestrated. Save that shit for overworlds and final bosses. Also full orchestral pieces in jrpgs are out of place more times than not.
Outdated weebshit
this is ALL Squenix's doing dunderhead. Cockney shit has been around since the PS2 version of 8. I think people just have PTSD from the overuse of it in the DS version of DQIV.
On Cred Forums shitposters
"Gaming sites" because they are all about western dude bros shooters. And anything that tries to be charming can get the fuck out to them. Except if it's indie than it's artistic and so 10/10.
The DS version of IV made me skip the IV-VI remakes on DS, are V and VI as bad as IV? And whose decision was it to add the dialects?
Its there in V, but its not nearly as prevalent.
though I kinda liked the accents
>not Latin quarere, meaning "to search".
Fucking Americans...
Not nearly as bad. Bianca is less waifuable due to them, but can be ignored with that complaint aside.
V is much more tolerable. Though i never liked the localization turning Bianca into a "southern belle". Fucking hated it in anime too. Your character from a certain prefecture? TROPE MUH SHIT UP FAMPAI!
>ITT: DQ fans taking shitty bait seriously
It's all memery. DQ VII is a solid game and a much needed new addition to the 3DS library that's been barren for a while now. Everyone who's shitting on it is trolling.
DQ4 heroine wasn't even the best girl in her own game
>opinions I don't like are bait
You guys need to stop knee-jerking. Stop and think for a minute. Maribel is a bitch who'd actually say something like that, so either:
A). It was made because the localizer thought it'd fit her character or,
B.) It was in the Japanese version. I've played the Nip version, but I don't remember that, I probably didn't see it. If someone can get me a screenshot or a video, then I can check. Otherwise, nope. Where is it anyway? When does she say that?
>you would be able to save in front of a boss room for examole and reset with no penalty to your content
You can actually do that in DQ VIII 3DS.
>not being able to save everywhere and a slowish start are valid criticisms
Yes it is, some people might not like that
>For what purpose?
What does it matter? It's not like making them German changes anything.
I've been playing almost nothing but JRPGs for two years and have been mostly having a blast. Though most of them have been from the 80s-early 2000s. The newest one I played was Tales of Berseria, and it was pretty good.
>DQVII is basically a less interesting, more stretched out version of DQVI.
Didn't feel like that to me. DQ VI took me 50ish hours and it felt like an eternity because I was almost constantly bored. DQ VII, which I played shortly after, took me 138 hours and I was rarely bored.
Can you please recommend some from the 80s user-sama
Someone help I don't understand the attributes in this game and the wikia is full of mixed up info from all DQ instead of separating for each DQ.
For instance it says wisdom is related to experience rate in the snes games. Does that count for VII on the 3ds?
DQ4DS is considered by many as a botched localization. The rest tend to have bits and pieces of accents but never to the level DQ4DS had.
Except maybe DQ5 boss but it's not really dialect but something equally as dumb personally.
For a JRPG series that's supposed to be easy and a title that got streamlined because it was too long and hard, I'd say not being able to save everywhere is a very valid criticism.
Use the Japanese wiki bro.
Are these good microSDs?
>Though i never liked the localization turning Bianca into a "southern belle"
When I played through the Japanese PS2 version, I often thought "I bet the localizers gave her a southern accent". I think it's fine, though I haven't actually seen it in action.
Well if you're here, you've probably already played them. I've been playing DQ and MegaTen games, so the 80s RPGs I've played are DQ I-III. Though I've played others before, I think the only other 80s JRPGs I've played are FF I and II? I need to play more eventually but eh, 90s JRPGs is where it's at anyway.
Would this be a good game to start the series with, or should I play one of the DS remakes first?
Jesus Christ. Not even I complained this much when playing DQ 8 on the ps2 as a kid.
Of course they are, just look at that smug fucking shark!
Make is stop papa
It's not bad personally. Hell most of the localization choices are fine. It's when they feel lazy or just really annoying is when I hate them. Like French just saying French words for no reason. Or Russian talking like they just got off the fucking boat so it feels like every sentence is a fucking jigsaw puzzle.
It's a series staple and adds a degree of strategy and difficulty to an otherwise fairly easy game.
As for the slow start, I grant you that, it does take a while for the game to get fully started. However, discarding a 100-hour game just because the first hour doesn't have any battles is ridiculous.
>Or Russian talking like they just got off the fucking boat so it feels like every sentence is a fucking jigsaw puzzle.
I saw that in a video. When I was playing through DQ IV I decided to see what accent the localizers gave to the characters in the second chapter, looked up a video on Youtube, and at first I thought I had stumbled across some really bad fan or machine translation.
IV is the only place it was really bad.
I enjoy the accents though for the most part.
Bianca is THE DQ waifu for me thanks to them actually.
>short haired blonde
>southern accent
>slightly older than the MC
That all appeals to me.
But is she pure?
Well she has two kids.
All the waifus in V get raped by a horse
>play the western version with midi music for ~10 hours
>download orchestra patched version today
Holy fucking shit the difference is so huge, it sounds orgasmic now. Why the HELL did they change it for the western release?
is that a big thing or a tiny tub
I hope that by horse you mean that they were annunciated by the holy ghost.
I get what they were trying to do. "Languages of the world" type of thing. But it just felt like they had no fucking idea how to write anything outside of cockney and Irish. So instead of just calling it a wash and just make everyone talk like DQ8 (I don't remember anyone speaking in anything outside of cockney so please correct me) they just thought it would be good to just be as stereotype as humanly possible. And it really didn't work. What's sad is DQ4 is one of the best in the series. Hell I would put it higher than DQ5. But they fucked up the localization in almost every way possible and made me just not enjoy that version of the game. Replayed the NES version and while it does has issues it honestly a much better experience personally.
Can I still use my save file if I get the orchestrated version? I'm quite far in at this point.
Supposedly the orchestra versions are incomplete in the game. I would have preferred them though. Oh well, I still like it, and i'm not going to jailbreak my 3DS just for better music.
Did the 3DS version of VIII have the orchestrated songs? If those got cut in the western release, then i'd be mad.
that's a capybara. they are like big guinea pigs.
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 3
Witcher 3
Yup. Just go into your data settings, choose delete game and say yes to back up data. When you reinstall the orchestrated version it should restore the original save file. Just make sure to install the same region version.
There better be a penis under those skirts
How aere they incomplete? I haven't noticed any differences other than sounding way better.
Ah cheers mate
Yes, just install the orchestrated version of the same region and your saves will remain.
I wanna fuck Maribel.
Can you install the orchestra ost on a physical cartrage?
How long is each island, hearing that job system doesnt open up until like 8 islands into the game makes it sound like the game is already half way over at that point.
But Maribel prefers to fuck Chad and Jamal, too bad for you.
I couldn't tell you since i'm still at the beginning, but I hear people say it takes 20-30 hours to unlock it and the game itself is anywhere between 80-120 hours.
Each island has different timers. But in the PSX it took about 40 hours to open up the job system. Heard the 3DS lowers it to 25-30 hours.
For some reason that is discouraging to me, I can deal with a 80-120 hour game, but waiting 20-30 hours to unlock a decent bit of the combat system seems... like a waste of time
DQ7 is literally the ultimate slow burn. But a really good burn. It takes a while to open it up but for the most part you are to busy going to the next area to see what happen next. Once it's open you can have fun combining classes and mastering them to unlock new classes.
>dragon quest
>there is only one dragon final boss
thanks, toriyama
>Now it takes like 15-20min to the first battle unlike original which take literally 1 hour
No. It takes at least an hour, rather than the 2-3 it took in the original.
Then you're a completionist and/or a slow reader.
Reading speed doesn't mean shit when this slow as fuck games fastest text speed somehow manages to be slower than the lowest speed of other games.
>Full cups and bottles of wine on the table at a festival
>Ahh, nothin' beats a good ol' cup of tea.
Oh fuck off.
So when does the casino open up?
I'm curious, did they change things in this version from the PSX version, balance wise? Like, are some of the OP skills from some classes nerfed or whatever? Or is it basically the same game but on a handheld?
I want this in my life. I don't care if there's penises.
I've heard that Sword Dance or whatever it's called is nerfed. I never actually used it in the 3DS version (and never played the PSX version).
It's streamlined.
Physical skills cost MP now. Skills also are not as easy to transfer to other classes, meaning you don't have a party of dudes sword dancing the entire time. They nerfed a few into the ground and buffed a few but over all its not a huge difference otherwise.
It's onlyafro, so there's a penis
Are there any other pics of him in drag? He say's that this isn't him.
>one guy has spent the last 4 days trying to get people not to buy Dragon Quest VII by lying and whining about the fanbase
>its actually helping bump the threads and getting more people interested in trying it
I want Maribel to fuck me.
They made the HUB world easier to navigate and made the starting armor puzzle obvious. As well as giving you a radar to find shard pieces and some improvements to combat.
That's it. Everything from the PS1 version still exists in the game. Just some things were improved, like a Remake should be doing.
You guys weren't lying about the orchestrated soundtrack being amazing. There's cum dripping out of my ears, I'd recommend it to all piratefags
Are there permanently missable sidequests or anything like that
The heroes mom is such a plump cutie. They really improved her character as well. In the PS1 version, she's just an annoying nag. In the 3DS remake, she is happy about you going out on an adventure.
>There's cum dripping out of my ears
Well maybe you should stop playing video games next to a glory hole.
Is there a HANS patch for us hombrewfags who don't pirate?
>one guy
>4 days
Someone accused me of being that guy yesterday so I'm just gonna take a guess and say it's more than one person.
All I did was read the thread yesterday and see a lot of posts with "go fuck yourself retard!" and then say the guy who commented about the community might actually be right after all. People then proceeded to throw shit at me.
enjoy your broken EmuNand, lol.
So why are you still in these threads when you don't like the game?
Reminder to press B after talking to NPC's so you don't miss out on party chat.
All the retarded knee-jerk reactions to this almost made bite through my finger, holy shit. Not even gonna give them (You)'s (except for holy shit horseshoe theory is real)
You're fucking sheep, the lot of you.
>forcing small children to wear actual burning sombreros
This gaffer must be stopped
Have never played a DQ game other than DQ8 for NDS and I really liked it. Is this one worth picking up for 3ds?
they're near the same age
not many other people to be friends with
I'm not necessarily focusing on it but I'm playing. Just finished the 3rd island though it was kind of a small one with the petrified people.
What I did say is that, after reading all the "go fuck yourself you utter retard!" when I was scrolling in the thread yesterday I thought maybe the community is kind of shitty after all. I have never said anything about disliking the game though, where did you take that from?
How do you niggas get pirated games on your homebrew?
There is no DQ8 for NDS, nerd.
>starts sprouting false shit about the game.
geeeee, i wonder why.
dq9. sorry.
I haven't found him either, but fuck I guess he moves places
that part is during the herb garden island, probably after the dude rejects the maid who is trying to get him
Should be in Fishbell. That's where a Japanese guide says he is, and I'm pretty sure I remember talking to him there too (but where exactly, I can not remember).
I don't think you are getting it. I don't dislike the game or have ever told anyone to not buy the game. All I did was read the shitposts and disagree with the way people were behaving. If you behave like a monkey, people have the right to call you on that.
People just automatically assumed I was the same guy who was hating on the game and then started to throw shit at me.
Honestly though, the two parties kind of deserve each other. The shitposting fans and the shitposting haters. You all speak in the same language, aka flinging shit at each other with your own hands like a band of monkeys.
Oh that place. Eh, too far into the game to play up to that point to see unfortunately, and I imagine it's a party chat, so I'd have a hard time finding it in let's plays.
welcome to Cred Forums
fucking retard
>le ebin Cred Forums shitpost culture XDDD
fucking newfag
Reading further, it looks like he won't appear until after you reach a certain part of the story, so if he's no there not, just keep checking back after you finish a new island.
>no there not
not there yet*
Oh yes, this totally is my first day here. You caught me. In fact, I found out about the internet just earlier today. Amazing argument, shitposter.
If you liked Dragon Quest IX, DQVII is the best option for you. Since its the closest to DQIX in story arcs and class system.
that shit is no more complicated than Unown jargon.
Just bought it and started playing, I dig it so far.
I have been stupid and I didn't talk to the cook of the ship before leaving it.
there is no argument to be had retard, if you think the community is bad good for you. no one cares
the feeling that you need to alert everyone to how you feel about the community every thread is just blogging
No seriously, any idea how far in? I have an unhealthy love for gambling in games.
I only said something on my own last night because you shitposters were fucking out of control. Today I've been here for quite a while and only recently someone actually poked me, so I answered.
Also, have you considered not being a fucking monkey? Are you Brazillian or something?
I can't remember for the first. The second is available when you arrive on the last island I think. Man, I got real lucky with that one, I was just playing slots, winning 1000 coins, losing 1000 coins, just hitting the A button while reading stuff online, and suddenly I won 300000 coins and didn't need to worry about anymore casino visits.
Unown Jargon is an optional side quest and is purposefully made awkward, to make the player go out and search for all the Unown to 'break the code'. This is just a boss talking and shouldn't be made intentionally hard to read.
The Hero's dad is a dig dick famous fisherman who everyone knows, not just some random sailor.
Probably helps there are maybe 100 people tops living on the island too.
>tfw this and SMT4A are both coming out within a few days of each other
I dunno which to play first
I haven't played SMT IV A yet, but it's guaranteed to be the shorter of the two.
They are both already out though. I'm thinking about holding off on SMT because I haven't played 4 yet.
I'm thinking of picking this game up but I've a quick question. What's the grinding like? It's a JPEG so there is bound to be some grinding but is it mandatory to progress at a normal pace without getting shitstomped or is it more of a "do it when you need to" sort of thing.
>Dragon Quest
You should just stop playing games all together user, it doesn't get easier from here.
Well there's Kirby's Epic Yarn.
Something that a son of fisherman would never have?
kill yoself dawg
Dood it's dragon quest! the content of the game IS the grinding.
your mind has been poisoned by memes
Never played DQ. This a good place to start?
Define grinding
of course you have to do a lot of fighting but its generally not necessary to do more combat than naturally comes to you during exploration or dungeons
SMT is miles better than this piece of shit.
I loved Strange Journey, but couldn't be assed to finish IV. Could I jump into Apocalypse fine and is it better than IV?
Something that a son of a king would have?
From what i've heard I dunno if it would be. Even some normal Dragon Quest fans are put off by how the plot is structured and the sheer length. The best place to start is either III, V, or VIII in my opinion.
Shitty game which everybody else played in 2000 but 3DS fags are desperate so they hype up a clunky mediocre jrpg
That's good to hear. I classify grinding as going out of your way to level up/get money and items. A great example is leveling up your Pokemon before a gym.
>Spend most of last year playing Dragon Quest
>Spend half of this year playing Persona and SMT
I don't know, this last year and a half's been pretty fun, Dragon Quest VI, Persona 3, and Persona 4 aside.
>Literally cant beat the first boss because all I did was spam attack and don't even know how to heal
Dragon Quest VII is one of the harder DQ games. But not until you get to the third or fourth island, god damn.
So do I need to take Kiefers equipment before he leaves or will I get it back automatically?
As long as you like story focused games and can stand a 2 hour prologue, yes. It will be fine.
Same here. I did point out some flaws and everyone's "durrr you're wrong" I prove -them- wrong and they're like "durrr stop talking you're that one guy"
Apparently it's only that one guy. Maybe it's that one fag who loves DQ so much that is dedicated to call everyone who points out a flaw a liar?
>before he leaves
This thread reminded me to purchase DQ7, thanks OP!
He does because of a woman he just suddenly finds interest in.
I am pirating this and not spending a dollar.
That's the part of the game that completely made me stop liking him. He seemed like a bro, and then he abandons you, his family, and his kingdom to NTR an Indian over a chick he suddenly wanted to fuck. But at least we got Aira out of it.
I guess.
It hurts because he was all about adventure. "Nigga get your priorities straight" is what I would tell him.
I actually can't remember what I did. I remember being warned to not use stat enhancement nuts on him, but I think in the 3DS version they carry over to you know who because of this image I can't find of Aira holding up a sign written in Japanese about them carrying over.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Dragon Quest 8 & 9 both sold well in the USA.
DQ9 sold nearly 3 million copies just in the USA alone.
The problem is that Square Enix intentionally lets the series die out in the West no matter how many times it's proven wrong that there's no market for this series.
Me personally, I'm way more into the Trails Legend of Heroes series but if those games didn't exist I'd be back to playing Dragon Quest because both series have a similar appeal in terms of world-building.
Nice dead thread you've started oniifam
I heard he stays in the 3DS remake though.
I can't confirm that yet. I'm still at the beginning of the game.
It would be... unusual though.
He doesn't. That was just people seeing a Japanese nut leveling him up to level 99 at the start of the game. I've played through the 3DS version and I can tell you that he goes and stays gone.
Are any of the primary classes worth even using or should I just bumrush to Hero/Godhand/Summoner?
I never even used those. I think I most used Battle Masters and Sages at the end of the game because I didn't feel like grinding for the higher level classes.
Those are all secondary tier though I see, but like is there any reason to use the basic ones? Do I want to get to the next tier asap?
I'm going to break Maribel!
Well that was my point, I finished the game easy enough with them, so unless you want to curbstomp everything, you shouldn't need to grind for the tiers above.
I'd open her legs and
What does "Style" do?
It's for style contests available later.
and I think it doubles as crit rate, I'm not sure
How do Monster Jobs work? I haven't actually gotten to that part yet but they sound interesting
Having enemies in the field is making these early dungeons even more of a slog than if there were random battles. The corridors are so tiny in the volcano that you can't avoid anything in front of you.
you first have to get a monster heart
then you go to Dharma/Alltrades and the option to change to that job will be available but the monster heart will be consumed for the first time and it only unlocks that class for that character only, there are also advanced monster jobs which work like the usual advanced jobs, and if you meet the requirements, you don't need a monster heart to access it
I just unlocked it so my understanding of it is limited but from what I gathered
>you can befriend monsters after you beat them
>you can send them to search for plates
>Plates are basically mini dungeons with a boss
>you can streetpass plates
>if you send your monsters to search for plates they can lose(?) not sure what they meant
oh nvm you're talking about something different, prob what the other user said
Are they worth using over the regular jobs? Rather, are they viable and not shit?
Yeah, it's a real pain in the ass in dungeons, though not much on the world map. It's significantly less annoying in DQ VIII 3DS though.
Good thing you only mentioned the Mayor's daughter and the King's son then, huh?
Did they really cut a shit ton of content from this game? People are telling me they got rid of puzzles and dungeons and stuff
Are those people Aweigh at Rpgcodex?
Style is a hold over from Dragon Quest VI. Where you had a contest for matching armor to gain prizes. Don't know if Dragon Quest VII has a similar contest. I never saw it in the PS1 game.
Agreed. This is the downside to on field encounters I was pointing out. But at least enemies don't run away like in Dragon Quest IX. Hopefully that means metal slime hunting will be better.
Nothing was cut. One puzzle was made easier and the starting HUB area was split up into more pieces to make it easier to run along (the PS1 original game made you run through 10 screens to get to the pillars while this game reduced it to 3).
Should I buy it or not? I'm completely new to the Dragon quest series
>reach first real boss
>use wooden doll expecting a free defense drop or offense drop
>it's an auto win
Not sure how to feel about that
they're a viable option assuming you have a good way of getting the initial monster hearts, the skills are nice and the stats are WAY better than human jobs in some cases
Nope, fuck buying this.
How old are you?
Are you male?
Because my mother watches this trash.
Why do you still watch tv? It's shit.
>watching tv at all
you probably didn't buy the game...you waited saved the image waited til the game came out so you can shitpost for internet anger.
the starting intro was changed vastly
it was an extremely long and tedious puzzle, took like an hour or two to finish
in this version they said fuck that and you just go to a graveyard to get the key items and proceed to the islands
>Hopefully that means metal slime hunting will be better.
Those guys are still a pain in the ass to get in DQ VII, because they high tail it the fuck out of there as soon as they get spooked. It's much easier in VIII since you can just rotate your camera away from an enemy and then rotate it back and, unless it's pretty close by, the game will spawn a different enemy in its place, so you can just rotate your camera until a Metal Slime/Stray Metal/Metal King shows up.
I suggest you try one of these instead, all easily emulated.
I've heard the digital version has some lag, particularly in battles. Can anyone confirm or deconfirm?
Ah ok. I was expecting the pace of final fantasy gameplay and story.
>tfw you actually liked that first part of the game they cut and everyone's hating on it because it makes a 200 hour game 1 hour longer
Nah nigga you can't tell me pressing the same 2 switches 4 times is a good idea. Bring me the fucking items if you're going to cut that instead of making me just walk over there.
>>they cut down the skills and dumbed down the job system which is the biggest crime possible against dq7 as it features hands down the best implementation of the dq class system in the entire series.
>fight 1000 battles
>congrats u mastered this class
>now do it again
>where shit a web page translate to fuck tards like this jesus fuck.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
1-3 have very little cutscenes or longer dialogue. From then on the games get text heavier with each sequel.
That's what I was afraid of. On field enemy encounters just aren't good for this series. Almost any other series its an improvement. But not for DQ.
If you want a deep and large story in a JRPG, you may be looking to the wrong franchise. But V and VIII have some very compelling, if simple, stories.
DQVII has more story than any FF game. While also not being like FF is flow at all. The closest you'll get to a FF style game in DQ is IV, V or VI. And still, they're only similar in story focus and length. The flow of the games, and the ability to explore freely, makes them totally different than FF. Which is not surprising since from the beginning, Sakaguchi was trying to make FF the opposite of DQ.
Pretty much. And retards complain this is only popular in Japan.
>DQVII has more story than any FF game.
Eh, I like DQ too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I don't know, maybe "more story" is right, I'm not sure, but most of the stories aren't really connected in any way. It feels like a game that's mostly a series of side quests with hints of a main plot here and there, and then the main plot finally shows up after you've run out of side stuff to do. It's not bad, I'm just saying. FF games are usually a lot more focused.
I have the physical version and menus are really unresponsive. Just writing my name out while creating the save file I noticed I could tap a direction a few quick times and see the cursor lagging behind.
In battles moving the cursor causes the frame rate of enemies to drop noticibly in addition to the general lagginess of the menus. It's a turnbased game so it doesn't hurt the gameplay. It just feels really bad. I imagine one I have a lot of skills to cycle through it's going to suck a lot more. I wish there was an option to have the cursor stay on your last turn's selection. Wouldn't solve the problem, but it would help a little.
what are mini medals for
That's kinda shit, this wasn't in the JP version.
it makes you fabulous
You spend them for hints on puzzles if ever you get stuck
Special equipment. You can bring them to some dude who loves those at some point way later on.
open the door
Do you have Old or New 3ds?
It does kinda lag. I noticed that when opening the menu on the world map the frames drop hard. Not that it should be bothersome but still a weird effect.
Wasn't she more cockney in the remake?
Not him but I also notice lag, on the old 3ds of course.
In any case this game was designed for the original 3DS ages ago, it shouldn't really have this issue.
Well what am I saying, there are some older games like that too.
To the people talking about lag, I saw several people on gamefaqs saying that turning the 3DS' Wifi off helps alleviate the issue.
If you try, please report back on whether or not it works.
get on the floor
If you guys have the N3DS and it's hacked, turn on Clock+L2. That seemed to fix the frame rate issues for me, or at least made them better.
crash the plane with no survivors
>Summoner is still summoner
Aww. Was hoping they'd use a better name, but I guess 天地雷鳴士 isn't easy to translate. Not sure how I'd translate it either.
Ok then.
They should've gone with Top and bottom Raimeishi!
On my old 3DS the only time I noticed framerate drops was in battles with 4+ monsters
Got a N3DS today though, just gotta wait for my bigger SD card to come in before I hack it and transfer all my shit over
I was considering upgrading my O3DS to a new one, but I don't know how difficult it is these days to install A9LH on that. I still remember the beginning of the year when N3DS was the risky one in terms of modding.
>Open the door to the Shrine of Awakening
>Maribel demands to come with no matter what
>Complains the second you get to the new island
Not that guy, but I've played the Japanese version on an old 3DS with no lag.
In terms of sheer volume of content, DQVII is not only more than other FF games, but more than most RPGs period. The issue you might be having is that the content is developed through NPC interaction/exploration and not direct cutscenes.
i want her to step on my crotch and say mean things while i call her a fucking horrible bitch and cum
Oh I installed A9LH on my friend's 3DS like two weeks ago, shit's easy, only takes like two hours. My old 3DS is still running rxTools since I'm a lazy faggot and was thinking about getting this N3DS for a while now anyways.
As long as you're not on 11.0 or higher you can do everything without needing a second already hacked 3DS (or a soldering iron)
Not all that difficult since you already have a hacked o3DS it's all in the plailect guide
Was just making an observation. It's literally Heaven and Earth Thunder Warrior. Though 天地 can also mean nature, so it indicates a person who uses the very forces of nature as their weapons. Don't know why they there thunder in there, probably just to sound cool. Druid is the best translation I've been able to come up with. Summoner just doesn't really seem to capture the whole "using the forces of nature" thing, I think. But I'm just rambling, which is what I set out to do anyway.
I have a N3DS and the lag is present there as well. Its most noticeable in battle when you level up. There's a good 2-3 second pause before it informs you in text (after the level up chime). Its obviously lazy coding by the localization team. Which this is not the first DQ game to have this. Dragon Quest VIII had lots of slowdown because of localization coding tied to the voices.
"You're not leaving me behind and having all the fun!"
"Its your fault, you dragged me into this dangerous volcano!"
She's actually quite funny. One of the few times I've liked a Tsundere.
can you easily transfer menuhax setup to a9lh or does it even matter?
i don't feel like redownloading 60GB of games on my shit internet
is your n3ds hacked?
Hold on, if you already have a modded o3ds, what can you actually do to mod a different one even?
>tfw maribel is a huge cunt
would still smash tho
No, its not hacked. I'm playing the official version of the game.
>The issue you might be having is that the content is developed through NPC interaction/exploration and not direct cutscenes.
No, that's not it. I already explained my thoughts. It's got a lot of story but most of it's doesn't have much to do with the main story is all. Again, that's not necessarily bad, I'm just saying.
You just need to tame her a bit
Official or no, I was going to say to try this since you can force N3DS speeds in all games on CFW which does decrease the slowdowns, but if you're not hacked, I can't really help you there.
That's what I thought she was at first, but a hundred hours later I realized that she was just a bitch.
>already upgraded to the latest firmware because I figured the last two games I'd be playing on the 3DS anyway were DQVII and VIII and I wanted to buy those and support them
>get fucked with lag the original JP version didn't have which could've been alleviated through CFW thanks
It never pays to be good.
>There's a good 2-3 second pause before it informs you in text (after the level up chime)
I'm 50% sure it's because the sound played in the jap version is longer than the US midi
Most DQs are definitely guilty of being simplistic but the games with the Tension system can be deeper. DQ8's Khalimari fight in particular emphasizes using it correctly because you have to budget turns and decide whether to heal or charge Tension.
I don't know the specific process since the N3DS I just got is on 10.7, but basically it involves system transferring over a certain DSiWare game from the hacked 3DS, that opens up an 11.0 3DS to all the usual bullshit.
I think the transfer process keeps all your profile/game saves/etc but I don't know if it keeps the software itself.
Enjoy having a nigger baby telogeny child that isn't yours, courtesy of the DNA of all of the loads she took
A textbook Tsundere hides her feelings through anger and deflection. That's what Maribel does. And since the game is 80+ hours long, she'll do it for quite a while. Or at least until The major event that breaks her mid way through the game.
I remember her showing an emotion except anger and annoyance then, but I don't really remember her being too different to the party after she rejoins but maybe my memory's bad.
>I think the transfer process keeps all your profile/game saves/etc but I don't know if it keeps the software itself.
Yeah, I know absolutely nothing about A9LH. I'm still running my menuhax install from when this shit first started and people were having a hard time getting it working on N3DS. All the guides I've found all assume you're coming from no CFW or something, too, so I'm not quite sure how the process is if you're already running something on a downgraded 3DS.
It seems like it only really matters if you have slow boot times, do a lot of shit in sysnand for backups, or your boots fail regularly. I guess if it reaches a point where I can't use Luma without A9LH, I'll install it, but it doesn't really seem worth it if you already have a working hack setup.
Oh thank God, I'm only two hours in and already I want to slap her shit.
not because of any sjw,or tsundere crap, but because I genuinely don't like her personality so far
i want to slap her, too
and then call her a dirty pig while i put my penis in her anus
What I was trying to point out is that the story in Dragon Quest is interacting with NPCs. If you broke down the main story in every DQ game, it would only be like 5% of the story.
In other words, all those little arcs in between, helping kings, saving NPCs from stone, finding buttons, reuniting lovers, saving monsters, etc. That is the story. The 'main story' of stopping some overlord from taking over the world is the sub story.
If you have a N3DS being able to force older games to take advantage of the N3DS' better CPU is worth it alone.
You can do that in Luma already without A9LH.
Is there something like alchemy pot in this game? I like having to search for alchemy recipes by checking bookshelves all over the world in DQ9.
Somehow I just knew that it would involve involve your penis.
I choose the mouth instead. I don't have to listen to her shit anymore.
that said, debora made DQV an even better game than it was without her
He said he was running it with some old menuhax setup though, I thought the overclock thing required having your exploits running from sysNAND not emuNAND.
Well either way it does seem a lot smoother compared to my old rxTools setup. Just gotta wait for the microSD card I ordered to get in before I can set up my N3DS.
Unless they added it in the remake I don't think so. Alchemy pot was in DQ8 first.
I'm glad I didn't preorder this shit after all
>He said he was running it with some old menuhax setup though
i was that guy and i am.
You can set the clock option and works fine in emunand for 3DS games. I was the guy earlier also talking about how enabling clock+l2 increased game performance. A good test is in fishbel on the top of the church while turning the camera in the beginning. You'll get slowdown when the camera goes over the town. With clock+l2, no slowdown. Maybe it works better from A9LH, but otherwise, it seems fine enough.
Obviously, if I set up a new card or something, I'll go with it, but I don't really see the need right now.
why the fuck don't they remake them for vita
Alright then.
3DS sold more.
>I choose the mouth instead. I don't have to listen to her shit anymore.
Speaking for experience; your dick between either set of lips works really well if you want to shut up this kind of woman
Maybe if you buy about 40 million more Vitas, they will port it.
>Vita sold like shit
Yeah I dunno what requires it right now but IIRC once they get DS roms running off the SD card it'll require A9LH.
Yeah, but I already have a DStwo with a separate 64GB SD card, so I'm not too worried about that either.
Same with GBA or DSiware or something. I have alternative setups for the former and I don't really care about the latter.
I'm not advocating people should still be using what I am, I'm just saying it seems kind of whatever if things are already working.
Yeah pretty much. That's why I never upgraded my old 3DS from rxTools, figured I might as well get the newest shit in my N3DS though.