Ok Cred Forums, GTX 1060 or RX 480?
I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10, I'm staying on 8.1. I have windows 10 on my laptop and don't like it. Also I can't get it free anymore anyway.
Ok Cred Forums, GTX 1060 or RX 480?
I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10, I'm staying on 8.1. I have windows 10 on my laptop and don't like it. Also I can't get it free anymore anyway.
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10
>I'm staying on 8.1
>staying on 8.1
What the fuck is wrong with you ?
It's just not as broken.
What displays do you have?
a basic 1080p TN panel. Also a 720p TV. Which latest AMD drivers made not regognize my graphics card anymore so I can't plug into it
>staying on 8.1
you should be running 7 mate. Anything after 7 is pure cancer and should be avoided like the nigger infested parts of a city. If you really want balls deep privacy though check out some linux meme distros (and practically no games too)
>I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10, I'm staying on 8.1
RX480 8gb for DX12 and games released in the future
GTX1060 for games already released
This is the only true answer.
PS4 for games.
PC for spreadsheets and porn.
Do you want to change your monitor if yes do you want gsync or free sync? 1440p?
Geting the last gen is not always the best way to go especially if you play on a 1080p monitor (depending on the games you play) , you can find great deals on gtx 970
>gtx 970
jesus fuck, you know it's 2016?
>ps4 for games
Now look. It may be true that Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 are worth getting a PS4 over, but I can't call it a gaming machine if it's meant just to play those titles.
>gtx 970
>years after the 3.5 blunder and people are still recommending it
Please stop.
Get a 1070, 980 ti, whatever.
Stop telling people to get that fucking card.
It's a very good card for its price user.
You can find 970 on sale for 150$,it has to be considered especially when pc us usually Mona players and 1080p display
What's your current gpu situation?
I want free sync because it's cheaper and I'd really like 1440p eventually. Then again will the 480 be able to push the frames needed for freesync to be worth it?
>Uncharted 4
I honestly don't get how anyone could like Uncharted.
>I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10, I'm staying on 8.1
People still reccomending nvidia products after the countless acts of shitbaggery they've been shown to commit.
Scumbag company.
Depends of the game you can always go 100+fps at 1080p or 60fps at 1440p it offer flexibility
HD 6850
Both companies are equally shit user, it's literally textbooks example for a cartel
if you wanna be dirt cheap and play games on medium at around 45 to 60 fps get a 460.
Otherwise if you're going for 1080 or 1280p gaming at 60 frames on high get a 480, if you're going 4k, get a 1060 or 70
I wanna play
Kingdom Come: Deliverence
Star Shitizen (when it comes out in 10 years)
Mount and Blade Bannerlord
Desu Ex Mankind Devided
The Liru game
Some VR anime bullshit
Prey for the Gods
Yooka Laylee
Just get a used gtx 970. It's faster than a 480 and a bit slower than a 1060 but like $80/100 cheaper.
Is the rx480 still a house fire? or do I just get an non-reference card with an 8 pin power connector?
they fixed it in a patch like a week later
Which card do I need for Dead Rising 4 1080p solid as diamond 60fps?
you can do 480
So if I get one now, I just download the latest driver, and I'm safe? I haven't been paying attention to red team vs. green team.
yeah, they fixed it pretty quick, either way, get a the sapphire one
Do not buy reference. It's shit. It throttles because of the 6 pin and because of the shit cooler.
Bump for this
More like these? Don't know why I find it that funny
Check deus ex benchmark it looks like the one requiring the most
The fact is, if you want uncompromised 60+ fps on ultra with all details you need 1070.
1060 / 480 dont cut it, but are never the less very good cards for their price.
Wouldn't a 1060 be better?
Talking about 1080p of course
That 5.5 tflops doesn't always translate into amazing performance. They need drivers that could compete with Nvidia.
970 is totally fine for 1080p. Memes aside, its a common card which means devs will have one on hand during testing.
Admittedly, the 200 bucks you spend on an used 970 could just be put towards a 1070...but budgets are budgets and some people don't have wiggle room.
>I'm staying on 8.1.
If only more games supported Async compute.
>Trusting windows after the PooinaLoo SJWs took over.
Civ VI is supposed to support it on release, I'm waiting for the benchmarks before I decide which card to buy
System reqs aren't out yet. I'd say a 970+ or whatever is the AMD equivalent should do ya. Barring shit port job.
How many games require the 1070 anyway?
All I know are:
Witcher 3
Crysis 3
Ass Creed
Battlefield 4
Rise of the Tomb Raider
The best PC games are TF2, Starcraft, Overwatch, Undertale and emulators which don't really need a high end GPU.
Thats true, though it was worth it just for TW3 to me.
>doesn't want 10
>has 8
Just go back to 7.
If you're on 8 you might as well be on 10, no difference
It's either 7 Ultimate or 10
>I don't trust le Microjews so I'll just use an older product that they still support
Fucking brilliant goy.
>I don't want to infect my PC with Windows 10, I'm staying on 8.1.
I don't understand.
>The fact is, if you want uncompromised 60+ fps on ultra with all details you need 1070.
Why does Cred Forums lie so much?
>go back to 7
>willingly regressing in performance because muh privacy
Disable the telemetry shit, enjoy your additional 3-7FPS gain/lowered memory usage/better boot times
It fucking astounds me that people will spend hundreds of dollars for the best performance but skimp out on the OS driving all that hardware
TW3 isn't that demanding.
TW3 all settings and post processes maxed works at 60fps.
Only tweaks
>Shadow and terrain high.
>Grass density medium
>Grass visibility high.
Strix GTX 960 4gb.
Then install fucking windows 10 you retarded fuck
Yeah, Cred Forums loves to lie about needing a 700 dollar card to play games in 1080p 60fps but that's a blatant lie
I have Windows 10. I'm calling all the autists that buy i7s/1080s for maximum performance but refuse to upgrade from 7 to 10 retards you retard.
Disable the telemetry shit and you have an objectively superior OS in regards to features/performance. Don't really understand the W10 hate circlejerk
Get the RX480 8GB variant for 1080p/1440p60hz/DX12 performance
the 1070 for 1080p/144hz performance
the 1080 for 21:9 1440p/4K performance
I'd avoid the 1060
>The fact is, if you want uncompromised 60+ fps on ultra with all details you need 1070.
Kill yourself retard even a 470 gets you 60+ on ultra, ON FUCKING NVIDIA GAMES
a 380 is enough for 1080p 60 fps
Sorry you're poor, but thats a fact. Both 1060 and 480 have lots of sub 60 drops in games mentioned
>ib4 b-but those games are all crap
Not to mention they wont run any new AAA games released in 2017 without lowering the details
>w-whatever, i d-didn't even need those shadows at ultra, or any AA for that matter
wait for volta/vega, it couldn't be a worse year to upgrade
>Disable the telemetry shit and you have an objectively superior OS in regards to features/performance. Don't really understand the W10 hate circlejerk
>good OS
>two control panels, shitty UI, forced updates
>all of this for 7~8fps
holy shit, I buy a good cards so I don't have to cuck myself for 7 fps
What the fuck? As a 980ti owner, the 1080 is like fucking alien technology. 4K on a single GPU? Incomprehensible, now? You can totally do it.
I run 3440x1440/75hz on a single 1080 and it's great.
So since I stll use my 6yo phenom II 965 which cpu would be a god upgrade?
Thinking abount an i5 but dont know which one.Or should I wait for intels/amds new cpu lines?
Gpu is a r9 270x
>Sorry you're poor, but thats a fact. Both 1060 and 480 have lots of sub 60 drops in games
Sure That's why the 480 runs at 72 average right? While nvidia cards chug down to the 60's in the city.
That's why the 470 gets you 65 average right?
>ss-s-stuttering because someone told me to fuck off with my shilling
So you're buying better hardware to get over your bottleneck of a operating system? It's still a bottleneck
Not only are you missing out on the improvements made to the Windows codebase, you're missing out on the performance enhancements/features of Windows 8/8.1/10
Not to mention DX12 performance once devs figure out how to implement it properly.
Either 4690k you can find it for cheap niw and its still excellent. Or new line 6600k.
For both you will need new motherboard
If you want to save $20 wait a couple of months on the RX480, they are still working on supply issues.
>How many games require the 1070 anyway?
Well, it really depends. I don't see why anyone would buy a card that can't even play games that are out right now. It's really the only thing you need to spend money if you wanna play games.
>A 1060 and 480 get sub 60 fps
Are you genuinely retarded? A 380x runs everything at 1080p 60 fps
Oh so you're just a shitposter
Nvidia cards age like milk
If you're paying $220 for an i5, save up an additional $40 and get the 6700 on sale for $260
You can totally stay on a 270x until next year too.
Don't tell this poor user to get a DDR3 motherboard. DDR4 is well worth the upgrade to Skylake.
>I'm calling all the autists that buy i7s/1080s for maximum performance but refuse to upgrade from 7 to 10 retards you retard.
Nice try, but ultra includes hairworks as well. Fuck off with your shilling.
>Witcher 3
>Crysis 3
Yeah, no
>Ass Creed
Even less, this game has incredible optimization
>Battlefield 4
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shit optizimation, still doesn't need anything near a 1070
I've been studying the same shit myself. If you want to upgrade to a high-end monitor you are probably better of going with rx 480 because then you can get a lot cheaper freesync monitor. Other than that, 1060 seems to be overall better right now. You'll probably want a version with 6GB memory and 2 fans.
The real question for myself is wheter I want a rx 460 or gtx 1060. They are around 150eur and 300eur where I'm from. It's a big difference. Can someone convince me one way or another?
>I don't see why anyone would buy a card that can't even play games that are out right now.
>can't max out supersampling settings
>can't even play games
Graphicsfags were a mistake
>improvements made to the Windows codebase
>windows codebase
>Nvidia Shillworks
>Includes Ultra
Love when you poor cunts use this as an excuse to why you have a fucking bag of dog shit gpu.
Wait for the new AMD cpu.
Benchmarks of the most recent drivers.
>HBMeme2 soonâ„¢
>DX12 is kinda here but not really
>no high end AMD competition
it sucks
Is there a big difference between old i5s vs the new ones?
Man I dont feel like throwing away 8gb ddr3 sticks
When are they due for?
OC RX 470 > 480
>actually choosing to use 8
>260$ for an 6700
If you live in burgerland do what this user said. If you're shafted im europe like me and 6700k is 400€ and never on sale than go with my advice.
If you have it for a long time, RX480
If you have it for under 2 years, 1060.
>Windows 8
I want to upgrade my mobo+cpu, should I go for i3 6100 or 4130 is enough?
I save like $70 from ram and mobo price difference if I go for 4130
Not if he goes i7-4790k. Then it makes it cheaper and the difference between the 6700k and the 4790k is minimal.
I know this as I researched it before buying.
Look up recent game benchmarks where it's like DDR3 @ 2133mhz vs DDR4 @ 3200mhz, memory is becoming a bottleneck for a lot of people.
You can get 8GB of decent DDR4 for like $35-$40 and 16GB for $80ish
can you expand on this
The difference between a 4790k and a 6700K accounting for the difference in ram speeds is noticeable.
Wait for Zen if you're not willing to spend $200 on the i5, not worth it in your case. Check out those Pentium CPUs. Gaming performance is impressive for the price.
The difference in performance is like 10% when you can save quite more than that. You buy AMD for the price/performance ratio, right? Then get 470, the best at that.
If you want pure performance you should get an Nvidia instead.
this thread belongs to Cred Forums
>a discussion about gaming performance belongs in Cred Forums
Yeah let's ignore the fact that Cred Forums views us as a containment board for endless GPU discussion.
GTX 1060.
>this thread
hahaha nice joke user
Whichever you take, do NOT get the 3/4GB versions.
Especially the 3GB is a VRAM cripple.
This guy is a bit dumb.
Gaming performance is gaming you fucking retard
1060 if you don't care about your GPU ageing like milk and DX12 performance
We saw this with the 290/390, a 2 year old card ended up beating the 980 ($200 more than both of those cards) later in the generation
>970 is totally fine for 1080p.
Get raped and never recover.
"Fine" is the word used by people that have no arguments.
I bought a GTX 970 last December because of a deal and I can't wait for the new Vega chips to come out.
>not liking anime
>be on anime site
Why? where do you people even come from?
If you have had trouble with the 970 I suggest upgrading the cpu you have as it never caused me any issues.
In fact it was fantastic up to the point i sold it for slightly less then I originally paid for it after nearly 18 months
>muh melodrama and cute aesthetic
Just because Moot was a weeb faggot doesn't mean I have to be one
I got an i5 4690, bitchboy.
You just have really shitty standards.
Learn the difference between "then" and "than".
Expect a lot of cucsnlike him to show in coming months. 970 after all sold like hot pockets and there will obviously be a lot of people with buyers remorse in tech threads.
Worst offense is, there are many people who still bought into it after all thee 3.5 fiasco unfolded.
>Implying Majority of Cred Forums has legal copy windows.
I used the 3.5GB shit as an excuse to return my GPU to Amazon for a 390 and that ended up beating the 980 in performance
I was pretty happy with the way things turned out.
You can get a Windows 10 key for like $15
>Worst offense is, there are many people who still bought into it after all thee 3.5 fiasco unfolded.
As I said, I did, but absolutely knowingly so. I'm not a PC tech illiterate.
I got an Asus Strix for 130€ cheaper than the retail price and my HD 7870 just didn't do it anymore.
But fuck, I'm never going to defend the card's crippled VRAM.
i5 4690. You bought that? more fool you
You think you got robbed for a 970 then you pay that amount for that thing.
>more fool you
In English, please?
If you were trying to say "you should have bought the k-version".
No, I shouldn't, because I don't OC.
> You can get a Windows 10 key for like $15
35$ windows 10 pro key on g2a, I usually don't like g2a but if I ever need a key...
Don't do this.
Best value is a GTX 1070 right now. It's an extra $200 or so but the performance speaks for itself
Yes user, I totally bought that thing, I did not in fact take a screenshot to show how obscenely priced this shit is.
$16 on kinguin
Cred Forums please help my stupid mind
Should I really get an SSD? I want to upgrade to windows 10 but I can either just reformart or I can get an SSD but my budget is tight (but I dont want to buy garbage) should I get a 120gb SSD just for boot or a 240 SSD? or just forget about it and buy overwatch
I noticed you were shilling and was wondering what the fee rate is. Please send me the email to get in contact to join MDF, thanks.
Sorry? you are obviously not English or do not understand.
"More Fool You
Said in reply to someone who has reported doing something that is considered to be obviously foolish.
From Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew."
You fucking thick twat
You can get a 240GB SSD for like $50
Get the 240 so you can put a couple of your most used applications/games on there.
Also overwatch is shit, don't waste your money.
How about the Zotac 240gb?
>and practically no games too
you posted this on Cred Forums, you should GNU/KYS
240gb all the way, enough for OS and a few of your favourite games
Thn in a few years we can buy 2tb for 50 bucks and be happy
Rx 480 if you plan to use it for 3-4 years
Nvidia cards are shit after a year or so
Best ratio $ / performance but when buying a gpu the games played, performances objectives and kind of display must be factored in.
I did the mistake once buying a gpu way too powerful for my uses it ended up dying before I could challenge it.
Downgrade to windows 7, then get a 1060
latest AMD driver update just made the 480 beat 1060 in witcher 3
only an idiot would buy nvidia, im telling you OP
Both are a reasonable choice. According to computerbase, the gtx1060 3gb model suffers heavily from random stutters in fcat tests, while the 480 4gb models still works fine most of the time.
But you can already estimate that 4gb aren't enough either for the next years games. get atleast the 1060 6gb or 480 8gb.
Get the 480 if you wanna burn your fucking house down running Solitaire.
Windows 10 has nothing to do with it because the 480 excels in Vulkan as well.
1060 wins in pretty much every DX11 game while 480 wins in DX12 and especially Vulkan.
I'd wait for a 480x to be honest, have the best of both.
>le windows 10 is bad meme
get a gtx 1080 like a real man you fucking poorfag
>my toaster is better than your toaster
it's a gimped version you dip, the 6gb version still beats 480 by 1%
Hang on can I use Vulkan in Windows 7?
I can almost hear the fedora tipping trough the screen.
>But you can already estimate that 4gb aren't enough either for the next years games. get atleast the 1060 6gb or 480 8gb.
By that logic 6gb isn't enough here.
By the time the scorpio is out next year, games will start using a lot more as it will have 12gb of vram. Meaning 8 or so is usable in games. Couple that fact with nvidia cards doing worse over time and the 1060 is a fool's choice.
pretty sure yes you can, drivers may not be ideal but that's down to your video card brand.
Vulkan is basically Opengl's successor.
Yeah but by posting on this site like moot made you one. Congratulations.
it literally shows the 6gb version in the chart lol kill yourself
>invading priacy meme
>recommending linux
every fucking time
get out and kill yourself Cred Forums fag
how can my little user be this stupid?
Don't buy the 3GB 1060 or the 4GB RX480
VRAM requirements are increasing and you're going to fuck yourselves getting that little of it.
I have a 980 and I can run pretty much all these games at max settings (with gameworks off obv) at 60 fps.
>wasting money on a 1060
why are you even upgrading your graphics card? what's the point of wanting to play new games on low-medium? either upgrade to something that can actually play new games or stick with your shit card and play them on low.
You fucking idiots.
He's not going to Windows 10, so he can't use DX12.
In that scenario, the 480 is worse in 99% of games.
I typically wait until I can barely run games at 1080p low at 50-60 before I upgrade and then get the best mid-tier card I can.
But then again every time I've done it before $300 was a lot of money for me, let alone $550+
Now that I'm out of college my next card is probably going to be a bigger jump, but I can still appreciate some people live from mid card to mid card.
>4690 non k
Oh wow. You should be grateful you have an nvidia card with low driver overhead with that cpu. Even a 4690k bottlenecks the fuck out of any amd card.
read the thread.
The 1060 will age like butter.
If he waits for the 480x he'll have the DX12/Vulkan edge but the raw power gap will probably be bridged too.
Fucking this. Since 99.9% of games utilise the directx api the "b-b-but vulkan" argument is out of the question. Only a retard will day vulkan. He should get which ever card runs best in dx11.
Will say*
>turn off telemetry
>OS that drives all of that hardware
You mean directX and the kernel, right?
The fps gain isn't worth the loss of your freedom. Privacy is an inherit right. This isn't about hiding; its about control.
>Trying to disable telemetry though settings
You're a fucking fool, go download ShutUp10
And what exactly do you think that does?
Ever ran Wireshark and noticed packets are still being sent to Microsoft, regardless?
you can definitely disable telemetry, retards who can only figure out something in the native frontend settings 'app' deserve to be spied on.
Also steam does telemetry too yet hardly anyone cares.
Go monitor your traffic while steam isn't downloading or running a game, it will send data pretty regularly despite being completely inactive and with hardware survey disabled.
>download this nonfree software
Not even him senpai but you're not helping your case.
1070 is vastly better than 1060, 1060 is worse than a 970. dont gimp yourself going forward.
not him but I disable microsoft server access at my router level regardless.
A lot of the stories regarding packet data have been debunked pretty hard anyway though.
For example a pretty big site reported that when they disabled everything their PC kept trying to access MS servers thousands of times over a few hours for no reason.
This is pretty suspect until it was proven that it was because they had blocked the ability for the OS to sync the clock and weather, and because of this the PC was actually retrying thousands of times.
>1060 is worse than a 970
1060 3GB (gimped not only in vram) is equal to a 970 and the 6GB version is faster.
However you're right, it's not really worth going for either 1060 right now.
nvidia cards have very short lifetimes.
Either go big (1070/1080) or go home (wait for 490)
Still sends packets after turning off in registry. And I dont use steam either.
>windows servers can't circumvent a range ban
And link please. I haven't seen this. I'm also skeptical how long they were recording seeing as services seem to "magically" turn themselves back on after a few days
>I don't keep up with updated driver reviews
>I'll just regurgitate the same shit over and over
The only idiot here is you.
basically Forbes got a huge amount of traffic when they first started reporting on W10 privacy scares.
Forbes wants views to make their money, so they started ramping up coverage and did amateur reporting on the data being sent, saying "it connected this many times!" without analyzing the data itself.
This type of stuff has happened a lot during this whole thing, people got swept up in the hysteria and Microsoft's actual privacy crimes have become indistinguishable from lies.
Remember PhotoDNA?
Remember how anons here were posting that it was part of Windows 10 until it was discovered it was a completely different thing and that they were making it all up?
Windows 10 has severe user control issues that can't be ignored, but at the same time at least half if not more of the articles you will be linked here and on Cred Forums relating to W10 privacy are just incorrect.
I think that user left as he got made to look the true fuckwit he is in this thread.
poor bastard, shown up to be a tit and also having a shitty setup.
1060, the 3gb meme version
The article only goes through that guys packet logs. While I agree he's an idiot, there's still a lot left unsaid in the article and that there is serious concern when using this OS.
Meme image aside, suspicious traffic is still there and it's is worrisome.
I'm not saying using switching to a free alternative is easy or worth the hassle for most. It's just unfortunate that the climate gaming exists in pits your rights against your hobby.
Bump for this again, any opinions?
Why? Are new drivers getting more performance from the 480?
I'm still using windows 7
Do some research on benchmarks. Idk what you're expecting to get from others that you can't easily find on your own.
>not knowing that 8.1 is still tablet shit just like win 10
real fucking smooth there OP haha
What have you done
no you autistic shit lord
i have a 1070 and a i5 4670
do i need to upgrade my CPU or is it fine for some time?
A better start menu and faster operation times scares you this much?
I thought it was only retirement age folks who didn't have the remaining mental capacity to handle the start menu in windows 8 and above.
Do you get similar performance as other benchmarks with the same card?
Its fine.
I run a FX8350 (somewhat similar performance in most new games) and the only game where the CPU struggles is Fallout 4, but its still perfectly playable.
Upgrade to 16GB RAM (if you havent yet) and get a 1440p IPS screen instead. A SSD is also really nice.
idk, i'm not really a "tech guy", it's my first PC, but i did some benchmark yesterday in NuDoom
my GPU never reached more than 80%, and my CPU hit the 90% spot
i could hit the 100+ fps mark easily, but not 140 like this video (but when i changed to Vulkan, it actually hit the 140 fps spot)
pic related, my specs.
Paget, you've shilled enough today. Go back to working .Net support.
Just download a windows 10 ISO and activate it using this: kmspico10.com
Wait for Vega
Don't worry about usage. Cpu and gpu scheduling is weird enough that it might not even be at "50%" but youd still be using enough clock cycles that it wouldn't matter regardless. Don't look at usage as a buffer and that better cpus have a higher "buffer". Fps should really be your only gage.
If you're not satisfied with your performance then buy a cpu. Seems like a pointless gain to me but it's not my money.
ok, thanks for the advice user, i really appreciate it
i'm going to USA next month so i will buy 16 GB of RAM, cause tech here in BRland is expensive as fuck
>le win10 is bad
I have lost all trust in those kinds of things. Is windows 10 worth it anyway?
>i5 6400 and gtx 960 4 gb
Am i getting fucked hard?
Why would I want a legal copy of windows, when I can download a lite version of it, with most of shit turned off and 0 bloatware and start configuring from there.
>inb4 hurrdurr enjoy your botnet
Good thing I'm not a fucking retard that downloads from random warez sites
Sick of waiting. I got a garbage CPU that's gonna bottleneck either card anyway and I can only afford a ~$200 card right now
they don't ask for any proof. Just enable some of the accessibility stuff like the magnification and then upgrade.
>Letting Chink or Russian hackers spy on you
Windows is spyware already. Don't make it any worse.