This is what Sega of Japan considers to be the important roster of Sega characters.
What do you think it?
This is what Sega of Japan considers to be the important roster of Sega characters.
What do you think it?
Miku is the only important one.
Sega West most important characters
>What do you think it?
think OF it
>no NiGHTS
>nothing from the Genesis era
Fucking dammit.
All those shitty Sonic characters..
We could use another Crazy Taxi.
why is there a gundam and ryu in this? i thought they belonged to capcom or something.
billy hatcher was a good game and so was that mouse ball thing I don't remember the name of
I recognize one character.
Fuck Sega's awful characters goddamn.
>no Metal
>Ow the Edge
it's shit
>not a single one of their arcade racing games represented
Goddamnit i just want Daytona 3
They are arcade characters though
fuck you all stupid pleb gaijins
>westacucks don't know SEGA arcade game characters
Sangokushi Taisen is a staple classic Sega franchise just like Sonic at this point.
over 10 years going buttloads o' money
>Miku (not even really Sega)
>Puyo Puyos
and thats all that I can name
Oh and Akira, bastard hiding away down there
Sega's arcade efforts became more and more niche
From broad games like Hang On with american appeal that got ported to tons of platform, to Sangokushi Taisen, a game for a specific Japanese whale audience.
However for Sega, they still both are in the same realm of success.
Genesis was a bigger hit in the West
Fucking idiot
Modern Sega Japan with Arcades.
Yeah Sega of Japan is HEADQUARTERS. It is Sega.
Fucking mobage shit Chain Chronicle being the face of Sega...
Looking at it...what defines a Sega game anyway these days.
Look at the characters in the All Star games. They all have the same coherent unique Sega style. Now it's either generic Japanese shit (PSO2) or generic western shit (Total War and so on)
>Puyo Puyo
>Virtua Fighter
>then some of their more recent hits
Look okay to me. Do you have autism?
It sells.
Confirms Vf getting a new game.
>No Vyse
>Bonanza Brothers
Huh. You'd think they would've disappeared entirely.
Racing car game that came out in 2012 with no sequal.
fucking hell when are we gonna get another Virtual-On game?
>No new Crazy Taxi
>No Panzer Dragoon
>No Phantasy Star Online 2 after YEARS of teasing
>No HotD
>No 3D Sonic that's half as good as Sonic 1-3
>No new Jet Set Radio
>Won't localize any new Puyo Puyo
They're only good for nostalgia at this point.
muh shinobi
What the fuck is Virtual On doing there?
>No Vyse
>No Skies of Arcadia HD
other than sonic and miku
literally who
Not terrible, when I think of Sega I picture:
Phantasy Star
Puyo Puyo
Creative Assembly and Atlus
>>No 3D Sonic that's half as good as Sonic 1-3
>Sonic 1
Sonic Unleashed and Generations are miles better than that borefest. 2 and 3 are still GOAT though.
other then lack of yakuza
which is weird
it looks good
its probably a voice licensing issue
They are both forgetting someone
Let's take a moment to remember those we couldn't save
If you don't recognize at least three of those characters/games then you can fuck off right back to 7th/8th gen
>No one knows of Virtual On Temjin
Consider suicide
This is the real roster of important Sega characters. Prove me wrong
>what is Transformed
Space Harrier is cool I guess.
I like Sega high hardgirls too
please do not post sluts in this threads
What is 2012. Now soon 2017.
Wait what the fuck
Thanks for reminding me that Border Break is never going to leave Japan.
Does this look like a slut
I'm saying that if you don't recognize Virtua Fighter, Puyo Puyo, or Cyber Troopers Virtual On, then you probably don't play many games (Though admittedly Virtual On is rather niche at this point and Virtua Fighter hasn't had a game since the early PS3/360 era).
Sonic and Miku should be gimmes, considering Sonic's overall popularity and Miku being plastered everywhere now (Cred Forums, Toyota, David Letterman, etc)
What the fuck is Sega releasing in the west these days? I know they still shit out Sonic games and they publish Total War and Football Manager, but what else is there?
is this game any good? I've seen the lolguns you can make and I remember thinking the combat sounded kind of interesting.
>every SoR2 character but blaze
what the fuck even was that game
i played it for like 16 hours and i didn't understand a god damn thing
Looks like a great selection of weeb garbage, i don't see where the problem is
Who's the cutie zombie?
>House of the Dead EX
They downsized just like Snk or Konami did
Capcom is next.
Soon onoy sqaure enix will be the same only big old school Japan company left with namco bandai and tecmo koie who all merged.
Nintendo is the only old one non merged making lots of games.
>Sonic, Akira, Miku, the Virtual On robot and the plane from 1940-something I guess?
Who the fuck are the rest?
The new legends.
ufo catcher
maimai chuunithm
love and berry
wonderland wars
code of joker
sengoku taisen
dont you remember these classic sega games.
>making lots of games.
>wonderland wars
SEMEN DEMON! That's all I have to say. The game looks like shit.
Yeah many are rpgs and western games.
>get github paid
>still haven't started a repo yet
I recognize
>The Border Break Robot
>The Mushi King bug
>The Puyos
Who the fuck is everyone else?
Yeah that is weird.
Isn't yakuza their best selling and most popular franchise in Japan by a lot?although maybe their mobage brings in more money, idk.
Has a single puyo game even been released in the West aside from Vs Tetris?
That anime was amazing, especially if you're a Sega fan. Too bad it's lumped with nepshit now.
>No Valkyria Chronicles
Oh well