Which Blizzard Game Are You Currently Playing?


Which game are you currently being a good goy to?

none, fuck off

All of them. Just beat warcraft 2 again, baller OST

Overwatch. I don't buy boxes though, I'm not an idiot.

Only memes on the poll.
Warcraft 3.

Playing DOTA?

diablo 3 RoS on console, other than that none. it´s kinda getting boring as a company for me they should do something else than fantasy stories.

>plays more than one game
>can't pick both

fuck you i'm playing Overwatch and HoTS

Legion TD
Normal maps
The Campaign
If Im gonna play dota might aswell play dota 2.


Legion and Heroes of the Storm. I pretty much never stop playing Heroes of the Storm no matter what I'm "maining". I play almost everything with my girlfriend, so I default to HotS whenever we aren't doing something together, it's a nice way to pass the time in short spurts.

I wish I had a reason to play D3, but once you do one Season, you kind of do them all. So whatever.

I replayed Warcraft 3 and TFT fairly recently, like in the Spring I think.

I remember doing it on hard, and the last mission of TFT was an absolute bitch. Destiny of Flame and Sorrow or something.

So fucking hard.

Diablo 2

I want to play sc2 but i suck at rts

There is no proper space to build defenses around the points and if you split your army it just gets destroyed.

Only one I'm playing at the moment is Vanilla WoW.

I was playing a bit of wow, not legion but the older content I missed.

I play Overwatch, WoW, and HotS. Sometimes SC2 but only for coop missions. I played D3 for awhile but I'm just not really into that genre. Hearthstone is just kind of something to pass the time and not really a game I get invested in, I can't deck build for shit.

>all these memewatch cucks

>Can't vote for multiple games


I don't play neo blizzard trash

Legion, but it has failed to hold my interest as I'm not going to raid. I'll just wait a year when the second raid tier is only 6 months out and they make leveling alts viable again

Hearthstone just had some arena changes and has a meme-tavern brawl right now. deciding if i want to drop 5 bucks on the welcome pack, despite me already having most of the class leggos

BW, SC2 and WoW.

>Cant vote for multiple games.
>No "NONE" option.

Holy fuck you retard, cant you even do strawpoll right in your life?

Blizzcon 2016 will decide for me.

>Cant vote for multiple games.
agree with you on that one
>No "NONE" option.
Who the fuck would be retarded enough to come a thread about games they don't play?

Oh wait... this is Cred Forums

Play co-op, or even the campaigns. Both modes are fun to play. Just don't pay too much attention to story, because it's meh at best.

Overwatch is the only good game from Blizzard

Currently only Hearthstone

Overwatch got boring but maybe I'll try Legion

Someone makes a thread about "which blizzard game am I playing as a good goy?"
I am not allowed to answer none.


You answer none by leaving the thread be, but apparently it seems too hard for autists.

>Friend asks you one day "What game do you play from company X?"
You walk away from him in silence because you are not suppose to answer none.

More like
>you see a box with some paper on it
>there's a note which says
>type on the paper which games you play from company X
>You walk away because you don't play any games from company X (and therefore you don't care)

>not crossing out the paper
cmon son

Damn you autists.
If you see a fly on a random persons head, do you go and hit it?

>food analogy