Is it good?

Is it good?


Yes. Pretty unique experience.


I'd call it a journey.

It's alright, not really worth 15 buckaroonies though. A big part of the appeal, to me, was the drop-in multiplayer and forging connections to strangers going through the same journey, who couldn't irritate the fuck out of you because the only form of communication you had was a ping. I can't imagine many people still playing it today, except weirdos who've gone through it a million times for some reason and know everything, so it's not really going through a journey with someone, it's just hanging out with a guy as he completes his two thousandth 100% run.

It's bold and brash.

It's amazeballs

More like...

One of the best examples of Video games being art, in my opinion. Brilliant for a first playthrough, can still be great to revisit from time to time.

zero dollars was the only price I was willing to pay for it

Yeah buts only 2 hours long. 30 minutes If you know what your doing.

kill yourself

If you're a stoner it's amazing.



actually since it's free on PS+ this month i managed to play it for my first time with new players. was pretty cool.

hell yeah

it's very good if you are not a tryhard teenager who needs every game to have guns and a skill tree


people still managed to irritate the fuck out of me when they had no understanding that flying was a cooperative process
My entire first journey I was paired with idiots who just wanted to get ahead and never pinged me back, making us both walk

That's just bad luck. It was a pretty intuitive mechanic and everyone I played with seemed to understand how it worked.

because you are video game spoiled and ignorant and do not understand value in this world. please learn that work requires/deserves payment.

Yup. Especially for "free."

you didn't have to ping just be in close proximity.other than the last level flying isn't needed, you can get where you want to go with collecting scarf parts.
get the white gear too and have infinite flying


I'm glad that I played it at launch because I was able to play it with someone else who was playing it for the first time

hipster shit desu senpai

I generally hate artsy fartsy vidya but it's a pretty great experience. The only real gameplay is movement, but the movement feels smooth and great, and the whole visual/audio experience is really breathtaking. There's also something oddly touching about being with another human who's totally anonymous and communicating in musical notes.

I'd say 15 bucks is a little steep but it's very unique, unlike most pretentious indie "art" video games it actually has the chops to back it up.