Upgrade from GTX560 to GTX1080 to play newest games

>Upgrade from GTX560 to GTX1080 to play newest games
>All the newest games that come out are garbage not worth the money
>Go back to playing old comfy games

I feel like I wasted a lot of money

That's why I don't plan to upgrade my trusty 750 Ti for now. Nu-Gaming just isn't worth it.

Which is why I don't buy useless junk.

>thinking of upgrading from a 260X to a 480
>want to play Doom, Witcher 3, and Killing Floor 2.
>realize it's probably not worth it for three games
>stuck with this build until AMD releases the new CPUs

>he fell for high end meme
almost all new games on pc are shit

I traded in my old gtx660 for a new 750ti a few years ago. Was it better value in the long run?

yeah the 660 is really showing its age now, the 750ti is still going alright, its not amazing but its pretty decent. you might have to upgrade in the next year or so though

I went from 660 to 970 last year, felt similar

I have overwatch and can play bf1 all on high, but otherwise not much

Who /7870/ here? Still doing fine at 1920x1080 VSR'd.

This, games are generally much better on console.

>tfw bought a 1080
>all I use it for is Skyrim lolis in ultra graphics

nope new games in general are shit

Why the fuck did you buy the high-end option? You could've gotten a 1060, saved $500 and still gotten a massive jump from your 560 with performance to save.

People that buy high-end are dumb.

dont feel too bad, i wanted to get mad max today but need a better card for minimum also its not just games, having a better gfx card helps if you use more than one screen.

>Have a 760
>want to upgrade to a 970
Is it a good choice Cred Forums?

At least you upgrade to play new games.
I know some people that upgrade entire PC to continue playing shits like CS:GO and DOTA 2.

a good pc means you can have near-perfect ps2 and gamecube emulation though if you are into that

>near-perfect ps2 [...] emulation
That's a thing that doesn't exist. It's only up to 'pretty good' levels now.

>tfw to intelligent for games

i did the same thing but now i emulate everything on 4x so it isn't bad

No, 1060 is better than 970.

I want to buy a new card but can't find the justification. Like, not enough new games interest me and the ones that do aren't intensive.

Thank you, I'll start looking in to those instead, then. Cursory checks look to me that not only do they preform better they are also less expensive.

Don't listen to him, the 1070 is better than the 1060.

It's also a bit out of my price range. Thank you, though.

They're even worse on console.

Just look at it this way.

Should 4K movie-going ever become a normie standard, you'll be well ahead of the curve by default.

depends on the game I guess, I have been able to run everything I tried to run with no issues whatsoever. Some of them I wasn't able to upscale but that's just an extra

Are you me? I bought a 1070 for a few games and ended up playing baldur's gate when i got bored.

My gaming laptop with a 970m is still going strong. I can still play all new games on high settings. I dont see the need for upgrades until 4k becomes the norm. At that point ill upgrade and build my own desktop.