Bad controls

Games with bad controls.

Another one



ICO =/= bad controls? Wut?

I played this not too long ago, it was fine.



Yeah? Do you have any doubts on the veracity of his statement?

like steering a boat

the default controls at least

But the actual boat steering was good.

Ico literally fixed the concept of escort mission

OP is a bad gamer. Ico had no bad controls.


there's whales in this game?

I mean I found a dead as fuck one on a beach but that's it

Isn't that this scam game but the same guy who made Big Rigs?


>ITT Bait

Dark Souls. Hardest part about the game is controlling the camera.

You don't think any games have bad controls?

Most games here have okay controls

Controls are the reason I couldn't get into Dark Souls. Just way too clunky and slow.

Not really. MGS2 on the vita tho.
When do you get camera troubles? I've only ever had camera trouble fighting Nameless King.

Give us a game you think have bad controls then.


Peace Walker