How does it hold up Cred Forums? Is it worth it?

How does it hold up Cred Forums? Is it worth it?
thinly veiled tales thread

Just beat it on mania last weekend. It's still fun

Same as it ever was.
ToS was good.
ToS 2 was irredeemable shit.

Been getting the itch to replay it recently. Only played it once about 5-6 years ago. I got the urge to replay it when I played Zestiria, but I think that's mostly because I wished I was playing a better game. Got the urge to replay it while playing Berseria, but I was actually having fun with Berseria, so I think it made me want to play another good Tales game.

Was going to play this with my roommate later.
What made 2 complete shit? Haven't touched it yet.

Alright, that's good.
It's been a while since I played it, but if I remember right the plot was horseshit and the party members from the last game had level caps, making them useless.

Did someone say Tales thread?

>inb4 needs to be updated

Likable characters, decent plot beats and my least favorite Tales final boss.

Not only was he my least favorite from a story point of view, he was also probably the easiest to cheese out of the games I've played.

I haven't finished 2 yet but I've enjoyed it for my exception with one exception;
Marta never shuts up.

Playing/Replaying some tales games before Berseria comes out, doing ToS now then, ToS2, ToGf, ToX1 & 2 and Zesteria.

Is Zesteria as bad as everyone says ?

You only have 2 actual character to level.
The game revolved around a Pokemon-esq system that didn't work.
any character from the previous game that did join your team only did so far a very short amount of time with a locked level and they were normally always lower level than you.
Voice acting was terrible and the story shit all over the already established characters and world.

Shit was just bad.

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.Only two permanent human party members. Protagonists from the first game drop in and out of your party, but you cannot level them. Instead, you capture and evolve monsters to fight alongside you.
Mind, that wouldn't be damning if the system wasn't so poorly realized.
Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
Also, the main protagonist is fucking insufferable. Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.Emil is a cringing, effete fuckboy who whines all of his lines until his plot-important TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH persona assumes control of him, and then he speaks and acts like an edgier Shadow the Hedgehog.Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.

Is the multiplayer for this version good? I know that the gamecube one has 60fps, and that most people say that it's the only advantage for gamecube aside from speedrun bullshit, but are there slowdowns when using multiplayer?

>Is Zesteria as bad as everyone says

It depends on what you define as "everyone says". At the end of the day, the game is playable and serviceable. It even has some genuinely decent moments.

That being said, it does a lot of really bad things.

If I had to rank it relative to the other games, I'd put it a little bit above Symphonia 2.

If I had to summarize it, I'd say the bad shit cancels out the good shit, and you're just left with a very average game.

>Is Zesteria as bad as everyone says ?



You're right, it's worse.

If you've never played a Tales game, it's a pretty decent place to start

The only way to play is on hard mode for it to actually give you a challenge

Though when I go back to play tales games, I usually don't go back to Symphonia

I played the first one on Gamecube. I never understood the hype.

It was ok AT BEST. I really wouldn't recommend it to anybody unless you really have nothing better to do and are dying to play an RPG.

>how do you fuck up a sandwich

Why is this so familiar to me?

nice hyperbole

Symphonia is hailed has the best Tales game by many. It's good but it is by no means the best.
I played it all of twice. Once when it first game out and again when it was released on PC because I honestly forgot the story and character.

I found Vesperia to be the best all around but Abyss to be the best story driven tales game and Graces F to be the best actual combat.
But that is just me.

because characters making sandwiches in Tales games and failing.

Also "how do you fuck up a sandwiche" sounds like a good comeback to people dogging on game series that are repetitively the same.

Symphonia and Graces f get so much praise but I just don't get the big deal

Symphonia is is pretty average in comparison to other installments

Graces f gameplay is highly praised but people don't like to talk about the faults in it's gameplay, even though that is the main appeal of the game
The enemies are some off the worst and most aggressive the series has ever seen and it doesn't help when you have some of the most retarded ai party memebers in a tales game to go hand in hand
The game is about dodging and getting an advantage but that loses its charm when you realize you have to baby and control your party members who always guard or run into an attack that will do a chunk of damage to them, or worst kill them in one hit

>Graces f gets praise
The fuck it does.
All I hear about graces is that the story, the characters, and the world is utter trash.
It's only saving grace is the systems and combat.
Symphonia gets nonstop praise even thought is it only does all of the previously mentioned categories serviceable. It has no bad points but it doesn't have many good ones.

>Symphonia and Graces f get so much praise but I just don't get the big deal
because Symphonia is Babby's first Tales, just like Abyss
Graces f's praise is only about the combat.
>The game is about dodging and getting an advantage but that loses its charm when you realize you have to baby and control your party members who always guard or run into an attack that will do a chunk of damage to them, or worst kill them in one hitit loses its charm when it forces you to do something other than just mashing your way to victory
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