What is the proper way to pronounce "Mana?"

What is the proper way to pronounce "Mana?"

Man-uh or Mon-a

Other urls found in this thread:


mannah mannah

mon-a but everyone says man-uh anyways

why would you pronounce mana



nowadays nerds have voice chat

Ma na

Fucking English speakers and your retarded pronunciations of the alphabet

I say Meh Nah because that's how you pronounce it in my language.

Not saying I disagree but don't pretend whatever language you speak isnte full of bullshit too


"I like watching my wife fuck other men"

You pronounced sword wrong.


where does the word come from anyway? Is it the hebrew manna or the polynesian mana where it's derived from?

Man ah

Mon-jah rastafari.

>Fucking English speakers and your retarded pronunciations of the alphabet
>He insults English speakers
>He's typing in English

hebrew fosho

good for you, user.
I'll be over later

Mannuh is likely the most common

"I'm nailed to a bar"
"Live without air"
"Angel of love"

Like management without the "-gement".

He's typing in American dumbass.

Hannah montanna banana fana flobana

whys that cat wearing sneakers?






do do dododoo