¿Really? No thread about this?

¿Really? No thread about this?


Other urls found in this thread:


>we want the angsty teen audience

No. It doesn't look good. We don't discuss bad games.

>Xbone exclusive

That's why


then are there overwatch threads every hour?

It made me cringe for some reason


Unless they include a "classic" mode with timer, I wont bother. Im amongst the rare individuals who liked a ton 2 and OTR. Have them in retail even, Now playing DR1 on PC and loving it more.

also xbox timed

Wait where was Frank in the trailer? I missed him

it was all Frank baby

I mean it looks kind of fun but removing the timer is bullshit, killing zombies is only so much fun, and I'm not a fan of Frank's new actor.

everyone is busy playing the real DR1

I'm pretty sure OTR didn't have a timer.

Only sandbox. The story did

>New voice


why does Frank sound like Wreck it Ralph?

Nope, there is a nonstop general in /vg/ though.

how u want ur character, family?

>no timer

The only thing i recognize of Frank there is that he takes photos.

Wasn't Frank old and balding? Why is he looking younger now than he was in DR1?

>Make Frank not look like Frank
>Replace the VA even though the original VA even REQUESTED to come back to play Frank

No thanks, I want nothing to do with this Canadian trash. Why does your country have to ruin everything?

I dropped the franchises when I saw how shit 3 was and 4 looks likes it going to be crap too. These games are far cry from the first two games, it probably due to the same devs as first game not working on them.


Is it my eyes, or did the explosions and effects in the trailer run at a lower framerate than the rest of the footage

>Different model
>Different VA
Frank's back!!!
The directing in that trailer is so similar to CoD it's impressive. Slow-mo sweeping shots galore

>elemental attacks
>crafting weapons that kill hundreds of zombies basically instantly
DR4 is just continuing where DR3 left off, going far too out there just like Saints.

For a second I thought you meant these games were like what Far Cry 3 and 4 were to 1 and 2.


Are 3 and 4 worse? I wouldn't be surprised if they were worse, with most AAA games being dumb down.

xbone exclusive isn't a thing anymore. all ms games are coming to pc

Slow sweeping shots combined with a shitty framerate equals an FPS of 3.

I vote we just let the Xbone keep this one.

changed his voice and face and body

That looks absolutely terrible compared to the first game. None of the charm, too much action, just straight up shit. Frank's a photographer for fucks sake.

This is the worst reboot I've ever seen. Is it even a reboot?

It looks like it lacks all the charm of the originals.

>Capcom Vancouver
Into the trash once again.

i got keys but literally no friends so who wants them

>still no TJ Rotolo
>completely remove timer
>0 identity on its own, could be mistaken for SR5 if you don't see the name
it's like these canadian fucks actively hates the fans

My bet is that it turns out to be a Hollywood film on what happened in Willamette.

You're giving the devs way too much credit.

After playinf The Twin Snakes ya have to use your imagination for vidya remakes that changes everything.

It looks bad. Why did they have to ruin Dead Rising by giving it to that shitty Canadian studio?

Looks even worse than the third one to be honest family

Its basically a shitty Saints Row 4 by now, and i rather play Saits Row

I just dont get why multi entry series tend to become caricatures of them self so often.

Is that seriously supposed to be frank west? That doesnt even look slightly like him

It's Michael De Santa acting as Frank.

>Still no TJ rotolo

Jesus not only does the humor not have an ounce of subtly to it anymore but the character doesn't even look, sound or act like Frank. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to make him Frank at the last minute in order to cash in on his fanbase.

me plz :)


>Frank taking retarded selfies.
>Looks like Michael from GTA, not Frank West after SEVENTEEN YEARS.
>"Man I hate food court zombies lmao! I just wanna eat my cheeseburger!"
>Frank is playing Pokemon Go! Kids!
>Frank scrapping together an Iron Man mech suit.
>FRANK'S BACK despite not looking or sounding like him.

You know, Canada. You are really lucky you developed Jagged Alliance 2. Because I've just about had enough of your shit.

I love DR for the management as well. Sandbox in otr was boring.

>I just dont get why multi entry series tend to become caricatures of them self so often.

Got a feeling for Dead Rising it's because none of the original creators had any involvement with the series since 2. Hell just look at the humor OTR had, it's super goofy and over the top(though in that game's case it's kinda justifiable) which has obviously been carrying over to the other Dead Rising games Capcom Vancouver had complete creative control over.

He doesn't look like Frank. He doesn't sound like Frank. He doesn't act like Frank.

That's not Frank.

>New voice

What's the point? That's not Frank.

>This is what capcom died for
What a disgrace

But mostly, who the fuck are they aiming this at?
Who is the target audience, since its definitively not casuals, and its not people who know the series so people like me.

Rip in peace another japanse franchse milked to death

It's definitely casuals, why else do you think they removed the timer

Where? And who was that guy in the footage who sounded nothing like Frank and acted nothing like Frank?

>Recently finish DR1
>Frank is dead serious 95% of the time.
>Capcom's excuse for the new voice is his maturity
>Frank in trailers for 4 is a meme spouting retard,

>Frank is back
Capcom is taking the piss

You can thank the retards who kept spouting HE COVERED WARS YA KNOW XXXDDD for the drastic shift in his character.

They redesigned him to be more generic to appeal to faggots.

How do we tell capcom Vancouver that they're fags

Why was Frank old in DR2 and now looks like he de-aged 10 years?

He's about the same in Off the Record.

I don't mind the selfie shit that much but this just doesn't seem like Frank.

Off the Record was also Frank's imagination running wild about the events of Dead Rising 2 so the change in his attitude kinda makes sense. Don't really care for it much though since the whole humor to Dead Rising was how the goofy shit you could do/wear totally contrasted with the story's serious tone.

Hoping they're making this take place before DR3 because that Frank's age doesn't match up at all.

It's one year after 3 according to the devs.

What are the odds that Capcom is trying to piss off Frank West fans so they'll stop begging for him everything they introduce a new character?

Oh ok thanks

Now I can officially drop this

You really think this looks good next to games like Uncharted 4 or gta 5?
To mee it seems they aiming for those streamer fans of "le wacky online co op" games.
But i dont know what kind of sales they expect with last game getting panned hard.

The voice and totally different personality doesn't?

Well at least DR1 got re-released on PC

sent ;)

I honestly didn't mind it. Frank has been through a lot so I'm imagining he's bound to have some screws loose at this point. As for the voice yeah it's a bummer but not a deal breaker.

One of you or someone in this thread is going to be retarded and buy it day one even though you'll shit post about it on Cred Forums thats why theres even a dead rising 4 to begin with. it shouldve died after 2

people always fall for the marketing even after all these years of shitty games. never learn

did they change anything? Retarded survivor escort AI, overly annoying escorting survivors through the air duct every time, crazy time limits, goofy saves?
Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but it had some annoying ass shit.

How does Cred Forums feel about Frank in Off the Record?

It's 100% the same game

Is the twist that this is some kinda failed Frank clone?

>Time limits complaint

fucking casual. you're the reason DR4 is going down the shitter, turning it into just another regular zombie game. The timed events was part of the dead rising charm, most of us played this game on 360 as little kids and we got through it.

>around 20 years after the first game
>another government experiment in the same mall


come on


One of you or someone in this thread is going to be retarded and buy it day one even though you'll shit post about it on Cred Forums thats why theres even a dead rising 4 to begin with. it shouldve died after 2

people always fall for the marketing even after all these years of shitty games. never learn

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)18:55:30 No.352052781 One guy from Cred Forums buying a game doesn't result in a bunch of sequels you fucking toadposting NIGGER!

It's a different mall.

First game was a terrorist making it clear the the guberment sucked by murdering 53,000 people.


>Michael bay explosions inside the mall

>probably gonna make you op right from the start

>inventory is no longer a line of squares and food has its own inventory

>Exo suit is everywhere

>they took away yellow boxes of health and put one boring green ui

>military is just in your face balls to the wall shoot me up

>camera angle is zooming in and out like dr3

>the whole menu theme and camera ui looks like some "le futuristic Titan fall advanced warfauare!" Shit.

>frank talks while in game instead of text boxes like in 1 and 2


Never played Dead Rising before.

Is it worth it to get this remaster?

is this your first time on Cred Forums lil guy? need help figuring out how to reply to people correctly?

wtf is wrong with your post


First game was a terrorist making it clear the the guberment sucked by murdering 53,000 people.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:04:32 No.352053397


>Michael bay explosions inside the mall

>probably gonna make you op right from the start

>inventory is no longer a line of squares and food has its own inventory

>Exo suit is everywhere

>they took away yellow boxes of health and put one boring green ui

>military is just in your face balls to the wall shoot me up

>camera angle is zooming in and out like dr3

>the whole menu theme and camera ui looks like some "le futuristic Titan fall advanced warfauare!" Shit.

>frank talks while in game instead of text boxes like in 1 and 2


Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:04:44 No.352053413
1366287322168.gif (1.05 MB, 200x192) google iqdb wait
1.05 MB

Never played Dead Rising before.

Is it worth it to get this remaster?

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:04:52 No.352053427

is this your first time on Cred Forums lil guy? need help figuring out how to reply to people correctly?

The only thing I need help with is pulling the trigger on this deagle to give your ass a fuckin lobotomy for being so retarded you fucking newfag.

i dont even know whats supposed to be happening in this post

That's not MY Poppa Franku.

Well he ain't my boy.

I think I found a picture of you user

I remember them being a bit too harsh on the 360, especially with the AI I feel I was fighting the programming more than any other actual threat.
DR was the reason I bought a 360 back whenever it came out. Dawn of the Dead: The Game (but not really please don't sue us oh god). Couldn't resist.

I didn't even buy Dead Rising 3 on release because I knew something like this would happen. Good news is now I don't have to. Too many other games on my list already.

Yup. It's great althought newbies will need to make liberal usage of the ability to use NG+ freely.


>calling people a newfag after that post

Fucking Vancouver.


Oh and not contacting tj rotolo and his smooth ass voice.
Go fuck yourself capcom Vancouver.

Looks like the guy from GTAV

The only thing I need help with is pulling the trigger on this deagle to give your ass a fuckin lobotomy for being so retarded you fucking newfag.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:06:10 No.352053538

i dont even know whats supposed to be happening in this post

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:06:20 No.352053551

That's not MY Poppa Franku.

Well he ain't my boy.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:07:05 No.352053605
21318564.jpg (304 KB, 1000x1000) google iqdb wait
304 KB

I think I found a picture of you user

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:07:09 No.352053607

I remember them being a bit too harsh on the 360, especially with the AI I feel I was fighting the programming more than any other actual threat.
DR was the reason I bought a 360 back whenever it came out. Dawn of the Dead: The Game (but not really please don't sue us oh god). Couldn't resist.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:07:12 No.352053614
Ehh....jpg (74 KB, 855x720) google iqdb wait
74 KB

I didn't even buy Dead Rising 3 on release because I knew something like this would happen. Good news is now I don't have to. Too many other games on my list already.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:07:17 No.352053620

Yup. It's great althought newbies will need to make liberal usage of the ability to use NG+ freely.

Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)19:07:19 No.352053623



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Oh wow real fucking original dude.

Holy shit is that supposed to be Frank West? This is a joke right?

ok not gonna lie I laughed

I guess those hairplugs kicked in didn't they?

The big twist is that they say frank's last name at the end of the game


>Crafting weapons
>Frank looks younger than he did in Dead Rising 1 and he looked like an old beat-up fart in 2
>New voice actor

I don't even know how to read this.

Dead Rising 2 was amazing

never played any of the other games

Chuck was the best protagonist.

>That one Canadian faggot that made these changes to Frank because it's """mature""" and """realistic"""
Fuck Capcom and fuck Capcom Vancouver.

your posts are frustratingly difficult to read

Damn dude cool it, Leave some for the rest of us


this is a pretty good shitpost, the end made me legit lol

>Start the franchise with a played it straight but poke fun of the genre's tropes in a tongue and cheek matter and allowed players to throw their own sense of humor into the campaign
>With each entry, they stripped the serious take on the silly story and just threw more goofy shit
>It's gotten to the point where goofy is all the game is good for and everything else takes a back seat or cut

But the brother is heavy

Why would there be a thread about a shitty Western game?

What is the point of this though? Why even call him frank? If it was just another new character it would be fine.

>make frank older
>put dr1 style timers back in
>take away OP weapon combos
>add a bit of colour ffs

Whys everything gotta be brown town these days.

Pretty much this. I bought re elected for 1.75 during the Xbone summer sale and still feel ripped off. 2>3>1>4

>Just finish replaying DR1
>Frank is mostly straight-faced the entire game, if anything he's actually sort of a dick at times (which is fine, that's his character)
>Watch this trailer
>"""""""""Frank>""""""""" acting like a snarky "hehe guess I'm in trouble now~!" faggot


Can't stop Keking, this series is so fucked.


Frank was annoying and I didn't give a shit about him as a protagonist. I didn't like Chuck either, but Katie made him bearable

Combo weapons kept shit fresh. The worst thing about DR was the use of the same few good weapons all the time

This kind of shit is the real reason I stopped caring about Dead Rising games after a certain point. The megabuster and lightsaber in 1 worked because they were two unrealistic items that were incredibly hard to obtain(literally hours for each and that's if you have perfect planning) making them all the more special. 2 and up just throw crazy over the top shit at you like candy completely killing any feeling of reward while also making 90% of the normal weapons totally useless.

not calling it

4 is fun as hell as a super hero power trip kind of game. It wasn't much of a Saint's Row game though

How is the by the same people who made 2? 2 felt like Dead Rising and had similar gameplay to the first. Did Capcom tell them to go off their rockers.

You say that when a majority of DR2's combo weapons were complete garbage and the best combo weapon in the game is given to you right outside of the safe house

2 still had some input from Inafune who created the original game. Everything afterwards was completely Capcom Vancouver.

That was the boxing gloves with the hunting knife, right? I think they just need to make the combo weapons a bit harder to obtain. You should need to go a bit out of your way for them

DR2 still had some Japanese staff on it
3 and 4 are all-western

Holy Kek

This is very true.

How the fuck did they fuck up the DR formula so hard? Not only has the tone of it shifted from camp to cliche GTA style humor, there's no timer.
>Frank's VA/model changed
That is not Franku.

Seconded this

more Saint's Row than GTA imo

Haven't played any of the older games because people have mentioned time limit garbage. Will this game have that?

No. They made this game specifically to target you.


Don't worry, this casual garbage is just for you my friend :^)

>doesn't look like frank
>doesn't sound like frank
>doesn't act like frank

there had to have been at least one person on the dev team that said something. there's no way they just completely fucked up frank like that unintentionally.

>mad weebs

Go play your TryhardSouls you sad sacks of shit.

Stupid game. Stupid character. Kill thing relentlessly until you get something to kill more of thing. Fuck what a brainshit could enjoy the same dull bullshit like this?.

How fucking ironic.

I've never played any of these games before. Should I play all three or just the first two?

First two. Pretend three never existed.

If you want you can also play off the record. It ain't that bad.

>>they took away yellow boxes of health and put one boring green ui

that's because the game now has regenerating health. i bet it won't even have psychos, or they will be qte's.

>regenerating health

Ok seriously dropped, was actually gonna pirate it and see the mall and whatnot but that's just hysterical.

Play one and then Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.

Thanks Inafune for the great idea to give DMC and DR to western developers before leaving Capcom and becoming a professional scam artist, I bet it was his idea to fuck everybody over with DLC too.

they didn't even mention japan. do you even know what that means?

Frank was slowly turning into Dan Aykroyd.
Why the fuck did they turn him into generic action man?