Is he our guy?

Is he our guy?

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He looks like a jew

jontron but worse in literally every way

He's alright.

He's pretty good. One of the few people who dont get grating as time goes on. He's maintained a certain level headiness throughout his catalog.

Though I don't believe his claim of having a wife, no way

He may be nice, but he looks like a fag.

Its true.

She's a cosplayer that he basically gives unlimited freedom to go to cons and spend money. She makes no income from this.

She seems nice otherwise.

Need pics, niggalips

So basically she is fucking dudes all over the country while he is at home then?

He looks like a bird. Also, wasn't there a major time gap in between his videos?

Here is her as worst girl.

He's less prone to annoying screaming fits like John Tron

Also, he went with her once and did a Vagrant Story cosplay

>So basically she is fucking dudes all over the country while he is at home then?
Naw he goes with her. I met him at an anime con in Texas. He was pretty chill.

>He was pretty chill.
>anime con

Pick one, weeb.

He's better compared to others but you can catch a glimpse of the normal boots jews influencing his video scripts and jokes on some of his videos, reviews and e3 coverages are great

I really enjoyed his reviews of the Hydlide and Two Worlds games. Kind of looking forward to him playing Two Worlds 3 whenever that comes out.

>Naw he goes with her.
So basically they are fucking each other all over the country then. Sounds like fun.

He looks like a skinwalker trying to replicate what a human being would look like

She has to be fucking someone else, I refuse to believe that she isn't

No way. I've never seen anyone with such a shit taste in games. Plus his smugness gets on my nerves.

You just described Cred Forums perfectly, so yeah I guess he's our guy

Is it really so hard for you guys to believe that a woman could actually be faithful to a man?

His review of Sonic Adventure 2 was fucking spot-on.

>looks like

literal aspergers

no, he's slowly be surely revealed his shit taste.

fucking terrible.

I thought we decided our guy was "PewDiePie"

Brofist! *place brofist here*

He finally delivered with sub-zero mythologies

liked it more than avgn's video

no, in the upper right you dumb cunt

Pretty entertaining to watch but a shit reviewer.