Is Kojima's MGS5 the only game to let players kill kids?

Is Kojima's MGS5 the only game to let players kill kids?

Can't you kill kids in deus ex?

Fallout one and two?

What? No. You can kill kids in plenty of games. Fallout 2 spings immediately to mind, but there are hundreds of examples.

And MGS5 doesn't even really count because killing one instantly fails the mission anyway.

It doesn't, though. The most you can do is tranq or knock then out.


>killing one instantly fails the mission anyway.
so fucking stupid.

MGSV doesn't without failing the mission right away. Dragon's Dogma actually let you kill kids, usually consequence free.

Rule of Rose
Dragon's Dogma

You can't kill them though. It doesn't let you use any lethal weapons on child shoulders. Only rubber bullets.

Any mod to fix this?


God MGS 5 fags are so deluded they will find anything to set it apart from other shitty games.

>killing kids ends the mission.


Is MGSV the only game to end the mission after you kill a kid?

I remember a webm showing kaz killing kids, but it still gave the negative karma points for it.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (you're only penalized with lost of health)
Star Wars Episode 1 on PS1.

the bottom pic looks the most like joost. honestly i don't even know why they picked her. she is too cute to play as somebody who kills people.

What exactly is this trying to prove?

Looks are irrelevant in terms of video game casting these days user, most people don't look like the characters they play. For example Laura Bailey played a Black Girl in Uncharted 4

Prey did. But they were possesed by murder ghosts.

Wasteland (1988)

Demon's Souls let's you kill babies.

>Dragon's Dogma

well, you can intentional make eliie die over and over again in the last of us.

Actually, was there any controversy with how the game let you play as a little girl that brutally murders people?

the official phantom menace game lets you chop up kids with a lightsaber

You can use lethal stuff on kids but if one dies it's an instant mission fail.

such pretty eyes :3

every drakengard/nier game has a scene where you murder children one way or another, except for drakengard 2

Uhh, you swing at them until they stop moving? Generally that's the rule how to kill something.

>it's okay to kill any adult, especially in horrifically graphic ways
>but you better not kill any children!
>and you better not have any sex!
American standards are so fucking stupid.

[Spoiler] I made a joost folder today ;_; Should i be worried? [\Spoiler]

Throw them in the Brine?

I rage so hard when that happened. but then I was like meh I cant shoot them with the tranquilizer so Im just going to assume they are dead.

>playing ultimate spiderman
>playing as venom the first time
>the first time you use his absorb ability in the tutorial is on a little kid

Skyrim, basically.

They had everything prepared for modders, you only had to remove their immortal status. They had pre-packaged death-screams.

No one really dies in the brine though. You just wake up near the shore.

NPCs don't die by attacking them don't they?

In ultimate spider-man youre instructed to kill a child

No they do die. Most people didn't since in the main capital you got thrown in jail the second it happened, but the starting town you can kill everyone no problem. It really just came down to lazy game design.

I remember that vividly. Felt ad about that as a kid. What made it more surreal is that I lived near the area of the games main events

She is so ugly.

Fable was going to have it

The strange thing is it should be episode three that lets you kill some younglings.

Shit had me fucked as a kid, especially with how he was just standing there with the balloon.
The balloon actually gives you health too.

Happy Wheels

I'm still really impressed that Joost sang Quiet's theme