I been rused

Buy Battlefield 4 because EA made the DLC free and it's dead. Only servers that are full are conquest servers. I can't even play the the free DLC maps and the vanilla maps are terrible. Did EA play me like a fiddle?

Player it at noon that's when it's most active

>Falling for EA

You deserve to be scammed all day


But it was free premium DLC ;_;

Which was a selling point you moron EA is about to pull the plug on Battlefield 4 support for Battlefield 1

I just wanted to play the DLC not the shitty Vanilla maps

Battlefield 4 was fucking awful the maps had no fucking flow and it was a bunch of people running around like retards. What's worse is EA's bought YouTubers that shill for it.

>Only servers that are full are conquest servers.
And this is a problem to you?
Also, there are plenty of servers with all the DLC maps. Where do you live?

I want to play other modes than Conquest especially since the maps aren't great.

Is Battlefield 1 consolized? I feel like the PC version is being neutered since the Beta. Is it just me?
Note that im talking about mechanics not performance.

Just play Final stand, Dragons Teeth and Second Assault. China Rising is shit and Naval Strike is hit or miss.

It's a reskin Battlefront if course it's consolized. DICE is also putting restrictions on Servers.

I can't believe you fell for it, grunt!
People like you are the reason we don't have to do any work whatsoever as a publisher.

That's $20 I'm not getting back. All I wanted to do is have fun

>bought an EA game

Yes, like a fiddle

should've gotten a physical copy for half that

>It's a reskin Battlefront
t. didn't play the beta

I did the gameplay was copy and paste from Battlefront faggot it was not a Battlefield game

How the fuck did you get that impression? Outside class balance, it feels pretty much like BF4.

Didn't really notice any further consolisation of mechanics over BF4, which I started playing pretty heavily after the open beta ended.

BF1 takes a lot visually from Battlefront, but the gameplay is pretty much unchanged, aside from the Armored Train powerup, which is straight out of Battlefront (the big powerup mechanic, not the train itself).

>t. didn't play the beta
t. snowflake trying to keep meme alive

Gameplay was more run and gun and their were this superclass spread around the map. Plus you spawn in vehicles now you can't fly planes off an airfield or see tanks on your base it is Battlefront

>Gameplay was more run and gun
Apparently you didn't notice that 50% pf players played scout
>superclass spread around the map
Not nearly as powerful as the heroes in Battlefront.
>Plus you spawn in vehicles now
You have to do it this way because of the unique vehicle classes. Besides, people stealing your vehicles in you spawn wasn't fun anyway, it's just frustrating.

28% played scout and yes I notice they sniped from objective A but 30% of players were assault running around with SMGS run and gunning. Plus with no tickets death doesn't mean shit

don't they have like 1000 free hours off origin? Why the fuck did you even buy it

The problem isn't that people play assault. The problem is that there's no incentive to defend flags. The gameplay and classes are fine, the problem is that the point system rewards you for running around like a headless chicken. If the game actually rewarded you for defending, this wouldn't be a problem.

DICE won't change it because it appeals to the masses

BF4's biggest flaw is the sheer amount of damage everything in the game does.
Vehicle and explosive damage output is fine, but how quickly infantry vs infantry is killed is ludicrous for an objective based game.
You often round a corner and just fall over dead with little indication of where you were being shot from.
Makes it very frustrating for those just playing the objectives, trying alternate routes to get to an objective is half the battle, the other half is living long enough to capture, often you'll have at least one fire fight.
Fire fights in this game are a bit of a crap shoot due to low health and client side hit detection. Low health/Quick deaths promote twitch style shooting rather than prolonged ADS that would factor skill and one's ability to aim.
Client side hit detection is the abomination that grants us beautiful moments where aiming directly at an enemy and firing produces no hit packets.

What shithole do you live in?
I live in Australia and there are always populated premium map and non premium map servers

if anything it's the opposite
no more lock on means you have to actually aim

Is this pasta? It takes waaaay too many bullets to kill someone even on hardcore

>this superclass spread around the map.
this was in BF4 too
>Plus you spawn in vehicles now you can't fly planes off an airfield
also from BF4
>or see tanks on your base
doesn't really matter, everyone in BF4 just spawned off the spawn screen anyway

Nope Battlefield 1 is a True PC Game

I already got a refund.

Ask for a refund on steam

>70 GB

>even in hardcore
You're retarded.
Have you ever played a shooter that granted players more health than Call of Duty?

Bad Company 1 and 2 despite their many flaws had health and damage output right.
7-8 body shots, 3-4 to the head.
This allowed players to react to incoming fire, manuever and outsmart their opponents. It's nigh impossible to do that since BF3.

Also, those fucking animations for waist high walls don't active correctly when it counts, I want to strangle the cocksucker who decided an animation was required to get over a shin high bush, movement was so easy before.

>>this superclass spread around the map.
>this was in BF4 too
>>Plus you spawn in vehicles now you can't fly planes off an airfield
>also from BF4

But he's right you fucking retard.

>Superclasses in Battlefield 4
You're retarded there was only special weapon pick ups and it didn't change your class

The only thing they give you is a new weapon, slightly more health and a hat. This is in no way like Battlefront and much closer to BF4.

>7-8 body shots, 3-4 to the head.
Yea having to unload a whole mag just to kill 1 person sure is fun.

That just means instead of charging headfirst into a building holding down the trigger on your 240B you have to flash and clear, or try to sneak around the back... You know like actually move from cover to cover, use your environment.

Don't ever play games like insurgency where it takes 1 bullet to kill you

>Ottoman Empire team is whiter than british team
Just like real life

>Also, those fucking animations for waist high walls don't active correctly when it counts, I want to strangle the cocksucker who decided an animation was required to get over a shin high bush, movement was so easy before.

This is a huge issue I have with the game. Almost any little interaction with the environment takes a lifetime, which can easily result in you dying.


>8 bullets
>whole mag

>people arguing whether this takes from battlefront or bf4
>they don't know bf4 isn't a battlefield game either
Every game released after BC2 has been a bad company sequel.

I just love twitch reaction shooters, there's often no way to account for all places and angles enemies can see and hit you.
BF4 doesn't give infantry very much cover to begin with so just trying to make it to objectives can be a chore when you round a corner and fall over dead.

There needs to be time to react, greater health allows that extra second to find cover and formulate a strategy. It also means who ever is better at outmaneuvering and aiming will win rather than a quick twitch "swipe."

The strategy you're talking about assumes you know the enemy's location. Many times the only way you could know that is by dying already which makes low health shooters just a trial and error game.

bc2 fanboys are the worst.

Yea I agree there. On modes like rush the only way you could win was just throwing your body into a hail of bullets. BF3 was a bit better with cover and there was always a way to flank the enemy, but BF4 was just a meatgrinder on a majority of maps

Insurgency doesn't have a lot of depth. Positioning and spotting someone first matters a lot more than quick reactions and solid aim in a game like insurgency. Low TTK can also really bite you in the ass when it comes to an FPS,

Bad Company 2 had some depth to it due to headshot damage actually being worth it but it really ends up fucking itself over with the insane aimpunch you take whenever anyone hits you. That alone is a huge advantage to LMGs

What was the headshot multiplier in BC2? I remember being very unimpressed when I found out it was only double damage for most guns in BF3.

It was 2x. Somewhere in there, it was more pronounced because it took so many body shots to kill(which was alright really because it helped the overall flow of the game)

M416 is still my gunfu.

True and I can understand where you're coming from.
To me my playstyle has always revolved around knowing the map first, so I know what to expect, more so than reaction time. But, everyone likes different styles and what not

Battlefield has been shit since they made bad company 2 multiplatform. I hope you didn't pay much for it OP

I've been having a blast maybe because I havent played a big triple A shooter in ever but it's kind da of a stunning experience

That makes sense, yeah.
BF3 was so dumb. Headshots just weren't worth it since it took 3 of them to kill someone with full HP at most ranges, compared to 5 bodyshots. They should have had a triple multiplier.