Is the survival horror genre worth saving?

Is the survival horror genre worth saving?

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Nice try

all genres are
unless you want a future thats literally only Moba and fps on cellphones

some kind of horror MOBA then?

We have tons of horror FPS

i dont want horror to be the only genre either ya dingus

What's the scariest game you can think of?

Big, bloody, vicious monsters aren't scary to me. I mean, yeah, they'd be terrifying in real-life...but in a game, I don't get scared. Jump scares are startling, but not scary. I won't get paranoid in my house at night because a game jump-scared me earlier. It won't keep me awake when I'm trying to sleep.

I want disturbing. I want something persistent and nightmare-ish. What horror games make use of things like paranoid or the uncanny valley effect?

Is this actual gif or just another fake? Because it looks like fake. Why do you fuckers never post the real one?

I've been staring at this gif for a while but the only thing that changes is the tv screen.


That small scp game with stairs was pretty spoopy for me. Mostly because of ridiculously limited view distance.

Cute, would snuggle with.



>dat druid

Not going to the link, fuck you

Who in their right mind would keep these doll things in their house?

Sure if devs start caring about making the games good as well as scary.

you fuccboi

>horror MOBA
wtf am I reading

Remake soon

404, thanks fampai.

it doesn't work

Come on, user.

It could be porn. Don't you like porn?

delayed until 2017

Because you are using the wrong letters

Puppet masters.

I donno why you guys find this thing spooky every time it's posted. Did your grandmothers not have one or two of these?

I ain't clicking that
Fuck you



easy, just add a thicc protagonist and Cred Forums will love it.

tons of fan art will be made for her and the devs will assume that its a smash hit and more will be made

and she'll get even thiccer in every sequel

Just let me read fucking comics you piece of shit. What the point of """screamer""" if I didn't even start to read when it appears?

oh boy what is the sauce on this lad?

Horror genre games always seen to come in waves, with the best games being at the peak or when there's nothing else around.

For example, there was a huge surge of horror in the late 90's and early 2000's with the silent hills, resident evils, fatal frames, etc.

Then, from about 2004 to 2012 was a dead spot for horror. Sure, you had outlying gems here and there for the most part like Dead Space and F.E.A.R but horror had mostly died away.

I actually think we're on an upsurge again. Just in the last two years we've gotten Evil Within, Alien Isolation, new Resident Evil, Outlast, and a dozen or so instead horrors. Whether you like those games or not, you can't deny the reemergence of horror games in the current market.

My point is that the horror genre will never die out. People will get sick of this new surge soon and it will die off again, then 4 years from now we'll get one of the best horror games of all time out of nowhere and the trend will start again.

>cropped porn bubble
>still can't find source from a full page




imo moba genre still has potential
something like lol but really hardcore (but still easy to start)


that book was the worst fucking thing i ever read as a child
that fucked me up for life

I think we're on the upward slope of horror, period. For years there's been few and far between in movies and games, and the ones there are are all but total fucking schlock.

Now, you get a few every year. Nothing fucking earthshattering, but with the advent of recent horror blockbusters, people are more interested in anything horror related, which means more horror shit will be made.

anime fatties are cute, nothing like 3DPDs

Cred Forums hates being reminded of real life yet loves fatties

a double standard?

Anime is not real life. Redditor.

Dead Space almost saved it. Then the parent company went full jew/REtarded on us.

I don't think a game will get that close again anytime soon.

Can someone please link that Silent Hill lewd comic book, I need it please.

>Screamers haven't gotten me in a long time
>Actually have to lean away from this one just in case


Never mind found it

I just got promoted. Thanks.


This artist is so fucking based

My dick demands a name of this artist

