How do you feel about the progression of the Valkyria Chronicles series?

How do you feel about the progression of the Valkyria Chronicles series?

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Why live

I could care less.

Wrong use of the phrase.

What the fuck

I guess I'm glad that I've only played the first one.

Cowtits: The Series is just okay and will always be just okay.

>Have great concept for series
>Kill series with sequel
>Make third game somewhat better but still shit
>Kill series entirely
>Kill premise entirely
>Kill lead artist
>Turn game into generic JRPG

Why does Japan keep doing this? It's like every major company with something interesting goes and just fucks it up as hard as possible. It's like some sort of competition on who can fuck up the hardest.

Same. I too care

It used to be unique series.

really disappointing that they caved to cliche anime action.

We started from skypirating in Skies of Arcadia and now we've come full circle to ripping off Monster Hunter and God Eater. Amazing.

>When it comes to VAR, it's very much a story with humans as a base, infused with military elements carried over from Chronicles and incorporated with magic elements which should be familiar to any Japanese RPG player.

>Incidentally, we promoted Chronicles using a theme of a “realistic military”, but when mentioning its strong points we avoided relying on keywords like "guns" and "tanks". While military themes are accepted abroad, we did our best not to frame military terminology in a sense of good versus evil domestically.

>Back during the domestic release of VC1, Alicia and Isara along with other cute girls were used as visuals during marketing, but the moment people noticed a tank, they'd comment "Isn't this a Western game? Won't there be clashing iron and bloodletting?" There were quite a few cases of this interpretation so in order to ease those concerns we placed VC2 in a school setting to redirect those notions.

>GAMER: I see! I personally like the grittier edge of military themes, but that's a fresh perspective.

>Mikami: Of course, there are many people who share your opinion of enjoying the rougher side of the military. In addition to what Ozawa was talking about before, within Japan there is a lack of familiarity regarding gun culture. In the most extreme examples people would find them very frightening.

>Ozawa: "Swinging a sword" is fantasy, but "shooting a gun" evokes a much more raw feeling, doesn't it?

military themes too spooky

>mfw weeaboo fags think Valkyria Chronicles is original when it ripped off XCOM

i dont mind the anime glowing swords bullshit because i'm not a prancing homo who obsesses that much over aesthetics, but holy motherfuck the new one doesn't look even slightly fun. And that's not just from the perspective of "muh vidya stratergy gaems hardcores", it's also not even a salvageable hack-n-slash

I'm not even surprised that autistic nyggers are trying to tout it as a worthwhile exclusive

Honestly the rights actual design is pretty good, it's the giant sword that looks like it weighs 20k pounds that ruins.

how much?

Looks dumber up front, but it was always had dumb looking stuff.
That the main cast were all relatively ordinary folks was great in the first, only a few characters were outlandish in appearance and equipment.
Now they're all colorful and overdesigned with absurd weapons.

Thank god it's dead

That guy on the left has an awesome design. Right is a stupid idiot.

Don't forget the impractical size of the coat.

it's what sells to lowly otaku

belt level



The actual art got better, world design/weapons/concept is far worse
All still give it a shot, the story at least seems better than 1 (but not 3)

>we want the mainstream weeb market.

>There were quite a few cases of this interpretation so in order to ease those concerns we placed VC2 in a school setting to redirect those notions.

>ripped off XCOM
What? They play nothing alike.


>westacucks believe in time machines that go back 4 years in time

>The actual art got better


>People didn't know what to expect with VC1

>So with sequels, instead of letting people understand "It's like VC1, and in the end you liked that, so expect more," we just flipped the shit upside-down.

I find it humerus that the hentai artist character designer made more tasteful designs than whoever they got to replace them. Getting rid of Raita was a mistake.

*Improved upon Xcom

The hit chance not being entirely dependent on a percent chance to do all your damage or absolutely none is a vast upgrade. VC does have the random ducking mechanic but that mostly shows up on elites, and you can do something about it once you get flamethrowers or just use grenades.

>not being retarded


Trails of Cold Steel called, they want their edge back.

>PC release of VC1 in the west rejuvenate interest in the series
>make the next game a Japan-only PS4 exclusive
wew lad
Although by the looks of things, I probably wouldn't buy this one anyway.

westaboos are the fucking worst, thanks god I'm British

Is there any other games like VC1?

The sequels

>anything like VC1

Any I can play on PC?

enjoying that sharian law there britbong?

PPSSPP senpai

Both can be emulated using PPSSPP.

You didn´t buy the first game nor did your fans, so there´s that you little faggot.

why did this soldier turn into a god eater character

You can emulate both. If you liked the first game then you'll enjoy the third.

I'm pretty glad, the sword on the right looks cool and stands out more.

Okay, thanks. Is the emulator as autistic as the PS2 one?

Just because 2 has more anime tropes in it doesn't make the gameplay any different. Only difference is those smaller maps on 2 and 3.


ppsspp is one of the easiest emulators to use and it's toaster-friendly

Nope, PPSSPP is very widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best Psp emulator.

At this point I'm just waiting for the next game because I want to see how much more Sega can fuck up.

That emulator is magic.

Extremely disgusted.

To be fair, the first game didn't sell that well until it got a price cut.

Though thid came from Cred Forums, so it is to be taken with a grain of salt.

Idk. First game was too hard couldn't get past some stage with a huge tank. Returned that shit instantly

VC3 wasn't even a bad game

But I did buy the first game, I even bought the second. Didn't buy the third because I'm not some moonrune speaking weeabu. Also the first game got 2 re-releases that did very well.

>it's widely regarded as the only functional psp emulator
there, fixed that for you

That's called a bait image.

Vc3 was a great game. A lot of the hate the sequels get come from people who didn't play them.

Well shit, now I'm excited.

What are you talking about? They only made one game. You must be mistaken.

Otaku are disgusting, they don't stop until everything is the same colored bile they consume. Valkyia Chronices actually had something going on for it that was relatively unique, not completely, but still.
Now its just the borderline interchangeable with the JRPG of the week

Gameplay is still good so I don't see any reason to complain. The first game had plenty of weird as fuck shit with the Valkyrie powers and all that anyway. It used to seem out of place in terms of setting back then, but now that it's more tailored towards it, it's fine.

Neither wad 2. Aside from the smaller maps and the retarded credits system 2 was fine as well

They somehow made the characters look even more anime than before and not just talking about clothing.

It's the hair.

VC was considered a flop financially, it was the weebs who saved it.


Sorry I only know that 1(ONE) game exists and nothing else.

I rather have it dead then give it to the weebs, weebs are a terrible audience, they don't appeciate anything other than cookie cutter bullshit and waifufaggotry, and worse.
They're no better than Casuals, or SJWs in that regard, demanding everything catering to their tastes even if it undermines the product's quality or tone or consistency. Except worse. Weebs actually BUY STUFF, encouraging more to do the same

I wouldn't.

>guns and tanks are bad and scary, but swords are a-okay

This is what happens when you switch to handheld

Welcome to Japan's sword society.

That's because you're a faggot who has no appreciation for integrity.

No, because I would rather they make games for their audience. You're one of those faggots who like when they try to "reach a broader audience." Christ, I bet you liked Morrowind and Skyrim.

>play VC2
>recycled maps
>tiny fucking maps
>rehashed missions
>grinding in a fucking video is the worst shit ever
>shitty characters and voice acting
>shit plot

>play VC3
>better cast and story than 2
>still same maps
>still the same rehased missions
>fixed the grindy bullshit though
>both games get rid of the save feature mid game when there was nothing wrong with it
>game becomes a crawl and takes over 100 fucking hours just to beat the story mode
>stopped caring by chapter 15

First game is still the best

>Ozawa: "Swinging a sword" is fantasy, but "shooting a gun" evokes a much more raw feeling, doesn't it?
this is the game where the guns shoot peas and people just ragdoll when they get hit and die

Their 'audience' is a bunch of slack jawed idiots who demand everything be the same tripe, over and over again.

Yup when my GPU died it was still able to play games on my i5 4600 integrated GPU with PPSSPP emulator.

It had bad timing. It was released when the PS3 was bombing worldwide, before the PS3 Slim got released which saved the PS3.

VC1 sucked shit so I can't imagine how the sequels are even worse.

It's getting harder to stay a weeb.

IT was one of the first games to release on PS3 when it cost 600 fucking dollars. And after the console got cheaper stores had already cleared the the early exclusives from their shelves and it was not even available for purchase online

A bunch of slack jawed idiots who have this problem where they spend money on things they like. I agree with you entirely: We need to go to a pure barter system world wide.

The bait on you is so fresh it must've just been killed

That guy is taking it anyway though, how could I even blame you?

That footage for Demo 2.0 look so fucking boring and slow, like what's the point of it being a ARPG now if it plays like that? Might as well make it like the first game instead.

So I beat Valkyria Chronicles the other day and loved it.

Should I even bother with any of the other games?

the PSP games have much smaller maps which changes dynamics a bit.
generally playing them will just make you sad thinking about what could have been.

if you loved, then yes
especially if you can bear with animu tropes (which i believe that you do)

You want know why I do? Because there are people who are honestly okay with games losing their artstyle, tone, character development, and aesthetics just because they can get some wank material and it 'will piss off feminists'
Do you think I cared if it pissed off feminists when I had to suffer through Third Birthday? Or Other M?

No they are inferior and a drag to get through.

is that even a question

VC1 had plenty of animu tropes, just how bad does it get?

Yeah I'm kinda just replying quickly whilst I do things in another game. If he stopped responding, I would stop getting pop ups and stop responding too.

It was also happening at the same time where the PSP was rocking worldwide. Its sequel sold quite well, which of course is normal: See DMC 2's initial sales vs DMC 3's.

In my opinion, yes. The maps are smaller, so it makes vehicles and scouts less useful, but I still think they are worthwhile. Note that the casts are younger than VC1's, which of course leads to a lot of the more common anime bullshit.

not much to be honest

VC2 has a military school setting
VC3 has a edgy convicts team

that's about it

>tip veil

good mornin' to you to too ol' chap, oh time to pray to Allah again!

that's it?
I'll put 'em in my backlog

I think your brain's going soft with all that free time you have with no games, NEVER tell a shitposter what you're thinking again.

why specifically to americans? It's just a wrong this to say in general

At one point the main character shoots himself, even though there are tons of other soldiers who need medical attention because of the preceding battle, so that the power of friendship causes his friend's colorblindness to go away or some shit.

Fuck you I'm too fucking angry and passionate about this encroaching problem to deal with the usual shitposting etiquette, I am fucking mad about how eager people will defile shit just to get some goddamn shitty wank material

so basically VC1 Faldio :^)

>undermines the product's quality or tone or consistency
But VC still exists? The sequels don't ruin anything, they're just playable for those who want to play it.


>Angsty preteen anime swordsman #47583784
I can't wait for him to go around screaming "GOD IS DEAD, blah blah blah"

yeah, people imho does a huge fuss over the dumbest things about those ones

the REAL issue it has is
since they are made with PSP limitations
you have smaller maps, rehashed maps
but on the brighter side you can't scout rush anymore, more classes, higher difficult, more variety of tanks, tanks mods, ammo types, better victory conditions (most on VC1 was, "capture the enemy base")

Plus I don't remember elites ducking if you came up on them from behind. Or was it just so rare for them to dodge a shot from behind that I forgot?

what about the squad members?
are they all still unique and have their own little backstories?

I loved those in VC1

Yes but any hopes of them continuing the franchise with its original tone is now dead and buried thanks to the mouth breathing otaku masses, and their fanatical self-righteous hate of anything remotely different.
These are the same people who fucking play Kantai Collections, user they are scum

>that combat

It didn't sell well because it was a PS3 exclusive in a time when that console still had NO GAMES.

>Yes but any hopes of them continuing the franchise with its original tone is now dead
It already sold badly, if they were going to make a sequel then it was obvious that there were going to be large changes in presentation.

The gameplay is still basically the same, so you're literally bitching at something coming out of the franchise instead of nothing at all. Not only that, but you're bitching about a product becoming successful and finding an audience that ascertains the quality of the games.

Basically you're doing EXACTLY what you're bitching about, which is complaining about them not pandering to you.

On the flipside to criticize it, the smaller maps made scouts, including snipers that they later became, rather useless and tanks lost a lot of their power. As a result, assault and fencer, or whatever the sword users were called, were insanely powerful.

They do. They also have for lack of better term loyalty missions to get either an upgrade or remove a penalty or both. Some of them just have combat more or less tacked on, though, like the country idol's.

What the fuck did they do to VC? Were VC2 and VC3 like this too? It looks like total garbage. I guess I need to go find gameplay videos of those two. This looks like some Dynasty Warriors shit.

>Were VC2 and VC3 like this too?

I am complaining that it is degrading itself to please idiots, you fucking moron.

Aman brother, amen.

I bought Valkyria Chronicles for the PS4 a couple of days ago and haven't had a chance to play it. Is it fun? Is there anything I'll be better off knowing going into it?

Exactly how is it "degrading itself to please idiots"? Are you telling me that just because it doesn't have the themes that you like, it's somehow "bad" themes?

Seriously, you have jack shit for an argument. There were 2 outcomes that could've happened with the franchise.

1. It died
2. It continued with the same level of gameplay but with a different emphasis in terms of setting.

For anyone who actually gave a shit about the gameplay in these games, the sequels were good enough as is. The only idiots are the ones who unironically think that changing themes while the gameplay itself stayed consistent is bad.

Dynasty Warriors is the cancer killing Japanese video games.

what the other dude said

squad members have more backstory, have their on missions akin Mass Effect 2

some cameos
Wilkins becomes a teacher on said academy, Alicia opens a bakery
they give you skills like the old general on the graveyard on VC1

As someone who has VC1 firmly lodged in his personal 3x3, it makes me want to kill myself.

Scouts are fucking OP so better make good use of them.

That would be Atelier.

I put VC1 in my wishlist, no way i'm gonna spend 20 burguercoins

Second one is not bad, but I still have to finish it.... I started like 3 years ago. just had shit to do ok!

It's a lot of fun

there are hidden enemy aces in many missions that give you special weapons if you kill them and finish the mission
if you don't you'll miss out on that weapon until NG+

there are a few "invisible walls" that get annoying when trying to snipe enemies, make sure the UI at the top is telling you that you're actually going to hit the target

one thing that isn't made clear in the game
when you get access to the journalist girl and pay her for her "book", you get extra cutscenes and missions that you can access through the "chapter select" in the book menu

have fun

VC3 is the better game and has a great cast of characters.

I'm guessing you're looking for me to say shit about how pissed I am and how it's all horrible

>Main character is absurdly good at war because of genetics
>dumb love triangle with MC, new cute girl, and childhood friend/little sister figure
>bunch of fetish archetype female characters
>enemy has a super secret magical girl but it's ok because you have a magical girl too
>second act death that really does nothing but solve the love triangle
>MC doesn't want magical girl to use her powers for no good reason
>enemy has a super secret giant battle station
>final confrontation is the top of the battle station where the big bad has granted himself magical powers
>despite all the battlefield deaths MC can't directly kill the big bad himself
>giant explosion but the MC and his girl are ok thanks to an asspull
You people are deluded as fuck if you think this series wasn't anime as fuck from the very start. The second game goes persona and is in a fucking high school with VN cutscenes. How much more anime could they even get?

>The second game goes persona
I have to hear this one.


Pretty sure these are mutally exclusive and you're an idiot truly worthy of Cred Forums

Was there something confusing in what I wrote?

At what point in time in VC do you go around collecting monsters to fuse to make other monsters? For that matter, at what point in time do you go around town in a first person mode for dungeons and have combat in third person? Also, while we're at it, why does the protagonist talk?

>Main character is absurdly good at war because of genetics

Or maybe it's due to the fact he got military training at his university?

I believe he is alluding to the fact that 2 takes place in "high school" even though it's a fucking military academy.

Gallia has to be ridiculously militarized when Isara can take tank maintenance as a subject in high school.

I got 3 questions about VC1

>Is there a reason Isara and Cordelia look so much alike?
>Who is old gentleman at graveyard?
>Who is best girl?

My high school physics and metalworks classes had us go over how to make guns and grenades in Burgerland, so I can see that being played up for a make believe video game.

>>Who is best girl?

>gets military training at university
>somehow this makes it ok that his fucking town watch and bag of shitters is the best military unit in the country, can go on suicide missions without any losses and easily go toe to toe with any unit from one of the top militaries on the continent
Ok bruv

Cuz they're both dirty darcsen.
>yfw you realize darcsens are controlling everything from the shadows isn't just a right wing conspiracy
Watch out of the eternal darcsen!

>Darcsen all look same
>some vet
>Rosa or Selvaria for 1

Wrong game, but you still my nigga.

Jesus, it's a fucking video games, man.

no wonder japanese men are all pussies and their population is dying

Everyone in Gallia underwent some military training. It seemed to be that was what everyone said anyway.
It was like required credits.

Did you watch the documentary Red Dawn?

I'm not complaining, I enjoyed The game. I'm just saying that anyone who thinks that VC wasn't anime from the get go is being delusional

That's actually the case in a few European countries back then and even nowadays.

going to finish now. thanks for reminding me guys:)

strange enough you basically described Metal of Honor and any other AAA FPS

Did you get the undub patch for that?

Has your battery swollen up like a balloon yet?



Its OK when Western games do it.

from start it seemed realistic but later it became some kind of final fantasy with guns and tanks

It is very recommended that you get the undub because Avan in English is awful.


His laugh is weird and frequent but besides that his voice is fine. Same with the others.

I don't mind third person RPGs, but what the fuck, just make this its own game and stop trying to force it into the VC series. When you've already abandoned the art style, the atmosphere, the gameplay, and everything that made the series, then why bother limiting yourself within the IP?

Remind me when the MC's love interest got magical powers in Medal of Honor

it was in the DLC

I like these games so much the annoying voices have grown on me in a way:)

>Captain Foley's face when he realized that slack-jawed New England numbnuts from boot camp that kept shooting Sergeant Moody was actually the reincarnation of the god of war

same moment that the Doom guy stopped being a Marine and become a Demon Rip-and-tear machine, destroyer of worlds

It's as dead as Shining is.