Roadhog kicks fucking ass!

Roadhog kicks fucking ass!

Why do people play this game like a bunch of pussied?

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Hello f*cking epic, dude!



I won a game by getting off 3 ults in like a minute because the enemy mercy kept healing and resurrecting your shitty main. Roadhog is a massive burden to his team and I love it.

>blizzard nerfs his hook
>explains how it isnt able to pull around multiple corners anymore
>load up game
>get hooked around 2 fucking corners
>get hooked again, end up on a different side of roadhogg than when hooked
what the fuck?

Roadhog needs a serious adjustment to his recovery move. Make it so that you can shoot or knock that god forsaken bottle out of his greasy fingers before he drinks it.

His book is beyond broken. I'm constantly being pulled through walls and other scenery, it's really fucking annoying. And what'a with the ridiculous range on the thing? He can hook you from literally 10 miles away.

I routinely move the fucking objectve more or less by myself, then hit whole hog at the end to team wipe the enemy and win. Good Roadhog can carry better than maybe anybody else.

I want reddit to go ._.

All this salt makes me laugh.

Estus Flask is fine, as is Fat Scorpion move.

>ITT Salty Squishies.

Why are there lil' buttons on the end of his hook?

That seems like the most useless and counter-productive use addition to his weapon.

Because the nigga blings.

>a bunch of pussied
what does this mean?

user his hook is broken on both ends. If you're on the receiving end you're often pulled through the environment, and on Roadhog's side they sometimes end up behind you. It's buggy as fuck.

That was never what it was supposed to do. It just made it so you could never get stuck behind a wall and not die.

Roadhog is a huge asset to the tank stack meta. D.Va continues to be useless. Don't be dumb.

they say "HOG". What more reason do you need than that?

> being good against roadhog

a roadhog will hook you through your defense matrix into his team, and his combo combined with a bit of damage from his team will instakill your mech.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Because he is completely useless.

don't talk shit about my handsome husbando

Roadhog is an ult battery

Whenever I play against roadhog I just lay into him from a distance and enjoy my easy ultimate

>kicks fucking ass!
>dat pic

Overwatch players, everyone.

leave ESL people alone