Why dont i feel like playing video games anymore?

why dont i feel like playing video games anymore?

Because you probably have shit taste. You've ruined yourself by playing normie vidya that feeds you dopamine hits and now that you're desensitized to it you have a hunger that can never be sated.

Because you are over 20 and never had a girlfriend. You are starting to starve for love, nothing makes you happy anymore, your life is just an endless cicle, and you are it's central. You don't live your life, it's passing right trough you.

Youre most likely aged 18-22 and are at this point playing Video Games to hide from social outings and responsibilities, and all the time you spend per day on Video Games could be used towards Studying/Reading smart literature/Working out/ Being social/Working/Doing community help

You need to take a break and do something different, I imagine you're like most people, playing the same different 4 games everyday in a bored, drunk stupor of ignorance and depression. Video Games are okay, but should be kept as a late-night hobby that shouldnt happen until you're satisfies with your progress.

Take a month break, and do other things. First few days may seem like theres nothing to do, and you are in complete boredom, but you'll eventually find a nearby activity or hobby eventually.

i dont know man, just no games are really drawing me in anymore, if i do find a game that interest me i lose interest really quick

what wrong with me Cred Forums ;-;

i don't know, but you're sure missing out. maybe you should kill yourself.

because you're growing up and realizing the reward factor isn't there.

Gaming is adolescence hobby that children do to entertain themselves and blow off time. I'm assuming you're late teens early 20s, and you're starting to realize you could be working or doing something productive with that time and getting a reward out of it instead of being left with an empty void after playing a game for 5 hours a day 7 days a week.

Go join a sport, take up a hobby, get a gym membership, start working extra hours. You'll fall in love with life and what it has to offer when you become truly successful at it. I haven't touched a game for the better part of 2 years now, and I'm doing better than ever.

>until you're satisfies with your progress...
My progress towards what?

99% of them are garbage

play the right vidya faggot

This is awfully accurate.
How do I escape it

You grew old...

When I turned 25 I felt like video games were just boring and pointless, I found myself enjoying other things a lot more, going out with friends, going on dates, spending time with family, I spent less and less time playing video games, I read about them all the time just to know what games are coming out, but if it boils down to either sitting at home playing a video game or going out with friends?

I'm going to go out with friends.

If I was starving for love at least I'd have a goal.

how old are you

answer me, op

basically this. these are essentially saying the same thing.

You've come to an age where you're realizing the true poison that is a video game. It will suck your soul out, it will destroy your time, and it will leave you feeling empty and with a sense of hopelessness. Video gaming is a very self destructive hobby. It's anti social, it develops bad behaviour, it's a toxic hobby. I don't know if you're a console gamer or what, but if you are, sell all your video games, and put that money towards something nice. Never look back. in 3 months from now, you'll look back and realize it was the best thing you ever could of done.

Yes. Do this until you realize everyone is horrible sad and lonely, as well as hateful. Then in your late 20s you can come back to games with occasional breaks for sex, drugs, booze and work.

Sounds to me like you're finally realizing how boring and pointless video games are now, sure they're fun to do, but if it's ALL you do every single day, of course you're going to get burnt out

Grab some buddies and go out, I promise you that you'll have a lot more fun than playing shitty video games by yourself.

This is the only right answer. Anybody saying "get a hobby, go lift some weights, exercise bro" are clueless idiots. Our biological imperative is to procreate, so without a partner you're going to find your life increasingly unbearable.

Your friends don't actually like you, they just have enough fear of being alone to want to spend time with you. That will pass.

>everyone is horrible, sad and lonely

what kind of people do YOU hang around where they're all like this?

Please, it's 2016. Procreation doesn't matter! Nothing matters.

I had middle age crisis and that saved my life.

I make music, read books, go to gym and dress (almost) good.
I just play tetris and shitpost in here

You have probably the same mindset as me, waiting for "it" to happen. Maybe somehow you will find the love of your life, right? "Just let it flow, I'm sure things will change"

I'm sorry user, but I'm a bit older than the average Cred Forums user here and I have one tip for you. Just do it. Life will push you to the point where you have one decision to make, you either start enjoying it and change your behaviour or you will fall into a dark hole full of pity. I was weak. I couldn't make a decision. I waited for my life to make it. "Everything will be alright!", everyday. Now im sitting here regretting all the opportunities I had.

You don't have much time left user, decide wise.

Most of them I've known since I was 4 years old, and they all came up to my state to hangout for my birthday as a surprise this month, pretty sure they like me

Sorry if you've had friends in the past abandon you, not all people are bad, just don't become friends with assholes.

Oh, a lot of people! Keep on living and you will see.

Shittiest community of any medium

Give it a few years

Sweet, an excuse to post one of these pictures!

I can guarantee I know more people than you and socialize with more people in a single day than you do in a week. People are fucking awesome. There are plenty of cunts. But you're lying to yourself if you think they're all bad. It just goes to show what kind of garbage people you must affiliate yourself with.

pretty much this

vidya and internet obsession is killing us all quietly and slowly

Don't be so melodramatic. I've known plenty of people for whom fortune or romance have just come into their lives. Doesn't mean I deserve to have the same happen to me, or that it works that way for everyone, but life isn't black and white; it's not as simple as doing vs. not doing.

>TFW turned 33 recently
>Just now find myself not gaming
>UT / Quake / TFC / Various RP Games / No mmos
>Started working out, drawing going and doing "life stuff".
>Still feel the same except I am fit, have a girlfriend and a job. Fun enough hobbies.
>Only now starting to not enjoy games and I am more annoyed with this than sad.

>what wrong with me Cred Forums
I already told you what's wrong. Are you just looking for some sympathy circle jerk posts from neo-Cred Forums like what the rest of this thread is full of? Be honest.

The real truth is that you're playing garbage and most of posters here these days are massive faggots that don't even like video games. Spend a few days on /vr/. The difference is staggering.

Add on here wanting to die for a few years now and, but subtract the starving for love bit, and this is a tidy summary.

The general message can likely resonate with a lot of people though.

I bet you play MMOs, don't you?

Those suck the life right out of you and make you hate every other video game, it's an addiction, and you need to cut it before it starts making you hate other things besides video games.

Posts like this are pretty good until you realize they're all from people who say they're well adjusted but still post in a forum for a hobby they've dropped cold turkey years ago.


I'm kind of the opposite. I was horribly depressed in my early 20's and felt like life was passing me by, but stopped playing video games when I was 18ish. 10 years later I rediscovered games and now I'm happy.

I'm in for an awful crash in about 5 years, aren't I?

If you don't feel like playing video games DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES

theres nothing wrong with games. I'm sick of you 20 year old kids thinking you got life figured out and games are the problem. If it wasn't games fucking up your life, it'd be cocaine, if it wasn't cocaine, it'd be booze. Video gaming is a fine hobby. You just need a little self control and self respect because playing a game for any longer than 2 hours MAXIMUM is getting way out of hand. I enjoy my job, I enjoy jiu jitsu after work, and I enjoy lifting weights, but the best part of my day is coming home at 9:30pm, drinking a protein shake, and sitting down and playing games for 90 minutes in bed. Truly a rewarding and relaxing experience.

If your life is playing games all day. Then yeah, you probably shouldn't play games anymore and focus on improving other things.

maybe senpai u need to play somthing casual asf
and have fun