So Cred Forums...

So Cred Forums, what caused the decline in popularity on the RTS genre and do you think we will see it make a come-back anytime soon?

Probably no comeback until major innovation is achieved. There will always be a market for RTS, but it will be small through out the future history of video games.


Starcraft 1/2 killed every other RTS on the market. Every RTS since, what, 08 has been compared to Starcraft. Every dev wants to focus on a competitive scene because Starcraft. God forbid you get a dev or publisher that thinks it's a good idea to take a page out of Dota 2's book.

Will it make a comeback? Probably not. Eugen will try to innovate in the genre, but they're always going to be a niche developer.

man, id be cool if eugen made a wargame in medieval period of history.

honestly id like a warlords battlecry 4

Because the game in particular was already released 16 years ago as Ground Control

RTS' will never become mainstream because they require too much investment to be good at competitively.

Why have this same thread every single day? People will just blame it on mobas everytime

Mostly because multiplayer games are shoehorned into E-Sports now and SC2 killed any hope of that being a thing.

While there is definetly a decent sized community of people who would like to play singleplayer strategy games...its hard to make a campaign thats worth replaying.

Grand Strategy capitalizes on that much better, with replay-ability being not a problem.

I don't know why it got slammed really hard- I kinda liked the single player and units

It was to short. That was the primary complaint of the game. 60 dollars for about a 9 hour campaign.

Not worth it at all

Homeworld is on sale right now?
Is it worth a buy?

deserts of kharak was fucking fantastic

I thought it was a very well designed game. I think most people didn't buy it though because of Gearbox's reputation.


because rts fans won't accept anything less refined that starcraft

new rts games get made but the "fans" don't support the genre at all, they just nitpick every new game to death

Deserts of Kharak was easy and boring. Somehow it even managed to be slower paced than homeworld 1 and 2.

Because a good fraction of "gamers" are 7yo playing CoD and jacking off to memes.

>mfw no more serious gamers

RTS games aren't as action packed as RUN AND SHOOT or innovative open world story driven games.

RTS worked because of how limited technology was 10-15 years back. We've moved past it for the better.

>because rts fans won't accept anything less refined that starcraft
Nigger what? "RTS fans" have been accepting loads of good and great RTSes since Starcraft.
>Red Alert 2
>C&C Generals
>C&C 3
>Age of Empires
>Rise of Nations
>Rise of Legends
>Act of War
>DoW 1
>Company of Heroes / DoW 2
And those are only the ones I can think of in 5 seconds.

>RTS worked because of how limited technology was 10-15 years back.
I have never read a statement filled with more incoherent bullshit than this one. Go ahead and try to back up what you just said. Come on little boy. I'm waiting.

Nothing worked that great, open world 3d games just haven't been able to pick up steam due to technological walls stopping them from progressing to be the alpha games they are today. I understand that baby rts was the "BIG" thing back then, but that was because most of them could be run on any toaster. Nowadays people can run so much more than starcraft and command and vomit. It's fine though, I don't expect you to back up your anger. Toddlers are so hard to deal with.

Because open world adds so much to a game right?
I mean just look at DA: Inqusition or MGSV.

I was talking about starcraft 2

Baby likes to nitpick and listen to what Cred Forums says instead of forming its own opinions.

you can back to sleep baby

But SC 1 is better than SC 2

They're too hard for the retarded masses and don't work well on consoles.


never 4get.

hard to say really
ex-Westwood are the only guys still gunning for the genre and they innovated more with Grey Goo than they did with 8 bit armies.

CRPG's got their revival so i dont want to say RTS is truly dead but i feel we need more devs trying different things until something clicks.

I don't think it helps that a lot of RTS games online have more cancerous players than usual.

>TFW you watch gameplay videos of Dawn of War 3 and feel nothing but disgust and boredom, despite playing hundreds of hours of DoW1 and (Maybe) hundreds of hours of all combined DoW2 releases

ded genre
I'll still buy Deserts of Kharak and DoW3 at some point when they're like $10, then I'll probably play through the campaigns once and never touch them again.

Honestly though it's because they're just genuinely unfun. In more specific terms, there isn't as much depth as something like a 4X or larger strategy game, and RTS isn't as fast to play and instantly gratifying as an FPS. So if you're playing it as a casual friendly comp-stomp with friends you'll inevitably burn out faster than on something like a 4X because there's less variety, and if you're playing it like a competitive weenie you'd be better off banging out games on a shooter since you still get to click your keyboard and mouse spastically and get better at it.

On the singleplayer side, almost all RTS campaigns are hot garbage where you build a base mission after mission and then overwhelm the AI. Shit like Homeworld does it a bit better, and Blizzard attempts to throw gimmicks in to their campaigns to try to spice them up, but RTS on the whole has the least innovation of fucking any genre.

>pokeman reaction image
>calling other people babies

It's the genre itself honestly, RTS involves long, hard and micro-intensive matches that bring out a lot of rage (myself included) when things go wrong. Unlike a FPS where you play multiple lives and have multiple chances to get things going and whatnot, and where you don't have to pay 100% attention all the time to be great. In an RTS game if you slack off for 5 seconds shit can happen that costs you the entire match.

Sometimes matches can go on over an hour in certain games, like CoH for example.

Anyways, I always wanted to play Deserts of Kharak because I am a huge Homeworld fan, but I couldn't justify spending $50 on it for some reason, and it honestly didn't look that great to begin with.

DoW III looks pretty terrible as well, I really wish Relic didn't do a complete 180 from what DoW II was, because for all its flaws it was still a decent series. I wish they basically made it DoW II with larger armies and base building instead of this cartoonish looking bullshit they're making now. I don't know what they think they're making, but from what I've seen the new game is NOT 40k, it just looks like shit, too many colors and it doesn't look gritty at all.

I tried to make like 4 DoK threads on launch and every one was shit posted to death

You are me, I feel the same fucking way about DoW III and DoK. I will eventually buy it when it drops below $15.

DoW IIi is such a massive disappointment to me. I know the game's not out yet, and I hate to rush to judgement, but it just doesn't look good from the gameplay they've shown off so far. The environment is dull (hopefully other planets will be better), the units and everything looks shit, the lack of proper cover mechanics (simplifying it with that stupid shield shit, wtf were they thinking...).

Find a way to sale RTS campaigns to semi casuals most people won't touch multiplayer.

EA killed the RTS genre singlehandedly?

before widespread use of internet you never knew how much you sucked in the game
now you know, therefore you can't stop taking RTS skirmishes seriously.

They killed the Command and Conquer series, which was a hugely popular rts series.

RTS has been split to Grand Strategy/4x and ASSFAGGOTS. I don't think we'll see a new good RTS anytime soon.

I stopped playing C&C because story mode got from so bad its good to sharknado try hard bad. EA also killed the series.

Stopped playing SC because of jew tactics and stupid story too.

Dune games just stopped being made.

Really enjoyed Homeworld, bought the remake and its buggy as hell. Hesitant about buying another RTS from Gearbox, will eventually buy for $5.

I enjoy Dota 2 and I don't see myself going back to RTS games.

>and if you're playing it like a competitive weenie you'd be better off banging out games on a shooter since you still get to click your keyboard and mouse spastically and get better at it.

Actually I prefer competitive in RTS's for that, there are times when I know I've reached a physical plateau for scrubbins' and that its unlikely for me to get better bar a miraculous break through. (reaction speeds and stuff like that in general)

In a good RTS I feel like there's someway to out-think my enemy either in my deployment, engagements or composition, most of which is not entirely under your control in an FPS. (unless you play in a team every single time you play a game but come the fuck on, what sort of pussy does that)

>Dawn of War 3

Please be good. Please.


Oh shit. I enjoyed DoW2 a lot. Hope it doesn't go back to base building and massive armies like in DoW.

yeah about that user
it's kinda a mix of DoW 1 & 2

personally im holding off judgement until i play it

I hope this is sarcasm

Oh well, I see myself enjoying the campaing and that co-op surival mode anyways.

No. I also prefer the original Red Alert to Red Alert 2. And Parasite Eve 2 to Parasite Eve and move Dota 2 camera with WASD. I'm a special snowflake.

Got bad news for you kamerade. It looks like at least 1/2 (the bigger armies) of that will be in the new game. I'm not sure relic will abandon their evolving combat engine to give us 'casual' fare (was it Sega? NO IT WAS JEWS) but use your own judgement. CoH 2 mp was still entertaining but it was very far from perfect.

DoW 2, I can understand if people didn't like it cause it wasn't DoW 1 but it was still good for me. I got my endless round-table of opponents in MP and there were a fuck ton of laughs had. (the bursty as fuck Kommando Nob coming out of stealth with grenade barrage and shotgun was worth the price of admission)

Open World elements added nothing to MGSV, it ended up being a huge budget drain and took away from what MGS games are known for, namely a compelling story and interesting level design.
Instead we ended up with a weak, unfinished narrative and open level of nothingness.

Console and ea killed rts. Even though we had c&c on psone, but the PS lived in the golden age and the generation was completely different from this shitfest.

Cossacks 3 comes out next Tuesday. So for me and my circle of friends RTS will be quite popular again for some time.

>So Cred Forums, what caused the decline in popularity on the RTS genre

The AAA output died.
Ensemble and EALA shut down, Activision Blizzard went out of the game with WoW and Relic got stalled by THQ's bankruptcy.

With no AAA releases to look forward to, everyone left to play games that still had competition and brand loyalty and recognition.


You're right user.
Even turn based squad tactics is barely still alive thanks to all chucklefucks shitting out "spiritual successors" to Jagged Alliance.

>Even turn based squad tactics is barely still alive thanks to all chucklefucks shitting out "spiritual successors" to Jagged Alliance.
and disgaea