Get shot

>get shot
>screen turns bloody

Other urls found in this thread:


You'd rather keep your eyes on the health bar, located in the left down corner like some asshole?

>not activating your rejuvenating gel membrane to fix your wounds

Is that the same as activating almonds?

>get shot
>die in 2 hits
>shoot the enemy 10 times from behind
>turns around and kills you
>81 health left

You should see how obnoxious it gets in Mafia 3.

>nigger killing kkk members

So progressive!

>confederate flag

Let me guess, part of the story involves stopping evil white supremacist nazis from holocausting the peaceful non-whites.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag
That's from the IDW comics

Only pointing this out because Cred Forums's too hung up on the rest
>people go flying across the room from the blast
>the two in the epicenter are not budged at all
Well done, 2K

you can do that? that's just nuts!

I want these degenerates all killed

Fucking murder their shit to bits

Execute them all

Fucking get killed

Should they just pretend racism wasn't a thing in the 60s?

I guarantee Cred Forums would be leading the charge to complain about the politically correct fairyland that completely erases history if they did that.

before the thread gets deleted
what's the best way to display taking damage in a game?

I want these fags to be gassed

>extremely high pitch screech at getting shot or explosions

Fuck every game that does this. Don't need to hurt my ears for a game.

Make these fags die for their sins

You never had your ears ring after hearing something extremely loud before?

Fucking kill these degenerates

Make them die

>Should they just pretend racism wasn't a thing in the 60s?
Well yeah it's a video game

Ears ringing?
Place your hands over your ears so that your middle fingers almost touch just below the base of your skull and tap that area for 20 or so seconds.
This is called 'beating the heavenly drum' and provides temporary relief for tinnitus.

Execute them

If this works I fucking love you.

>he doesn't know how to activate his almonds
Enjoy ur nogainz, bro.

I seriously want them dead



For a response to your shitpost see the second half of the post you replied to.

delete this thread


am I blind or is there a pony hidden in the OP image

are you fucking retarded? everyone in the room he just killed is black

holy shit

Uncle Toms. Those don't count.


it doesn't count because they were alll the protagonists uncle

uncle tom is a term poor jealous niggers refer to black people who are successful and believe that they are successful only because they kowtow to whitey and "don't act black"

>So real!

OP's picture is still from one of the IDW comics