Its 2005

Its 2005.

What FPS game are you playing?

OP here

COD 3 on xbox 360

Battlefront 2

Postal2 on a PC.

i'm not, i'm playing resident evil 4.

Halo 2

timesplitters 2
halofag casuals get out

Bioshock Remastered.
Managed to sort out technical issues, but damn, I forgot how dull gameplay and dialogues were. I might not be able to complete it.
And it comes from somene who replayed Bioshock 2 at least 5 times and loved it every time.



postal 2

half life 2
half life

Counter strike 1.3
In a cyber cafe LAN connection


UT2004 or CS:S/CS1.6

what the fuck you think nigga?


10/10 taste

Perfect Dark or Timesplitters


This game and its fucking suppressing fire mechanic




Call of Duty 2

UT2K4 and CS:S

I wasn't playing fps games until halo 3. So 2005 I was probably playing God of War, and then KH2 at the end of the year.

this. but i was playing future perfect? or when did it come out.


Tactical Ops
Call of Duty 1 and based as fuck expansion pack

I had good taste

I unfortunately skipped the BF2 era, but I was definitely sitting around waiting for BF2142 back in 2005.