Finish the game on Commander Ironman

>Finish the game on Commander Ironman
>Remember all of the crying when the game came out about the time limits
Why are some turn-based strategy gamers such damn chickens? Explain yourselves, if you can.

I liked the time limits. Some of them felt forced (hurr durr why is it rigged to blow up if ADVENT doesnt even know were here) but mechanically, it played right and created tough decisions.

My only complaint is that the timers were active when your squad was still concealed.

I liked them too, same as the meld canisters in EW.

Did they ever fix the glitches and performance issues in XCOM 2 though? I suffered through poor performance for an entire run, then the final mission glitched the fuck out in a weird psychedelic kind of way and I just went 'fuck it' and went back to EW.

The time limits are super fucking generous

Only lost 1 sniper to a evac limit because they got stunned

Forced people to change how they played. Once people adjusted, it's fine.

you have to keep in mind that most of the people crying were shitters who cheesed their way through the first game by taking one step and then overwatching every turn

i thought that was just a myth until i made the mistake of watching some streamers play 2, and 3/4 tried to play that way

there is a mod that fixes that
the console tears will be sweet

Cred Forums is the casuals

Yes, because if you didn't show up the ayy lmaos wouldn't move the objective at all.
Fucking retard.

That fucking train car and the console on it.

>blow hole in wall
>remote hack

>hmm, no danger in sight, everything seems completely normal boss
>let's blow up those vital items anyway
At last, I truly see

So basically the only purpose of this thread is so OP can tell people he finished on Commander Ironman then?

That's what your friends are for. Go bother them.

they are fun BUT they should have been a mutator or something that you choose at the beginning of the game

a lot of people like to play this game taking their sweet time, these timed missions destroyed this player base

Commander Ironman was a point I made so that people know I'm not talking out of my ass about the game. Doesn't seem like anyone here disagrees with me though so I guess there wasn't anything to talk about after all.

>implying Commander Ironman isnt the way the game was meant to be played
God help you if you do the DLC with it though

I have never implied such a thing. Acquire better reading comprehension.

Will there be a DLC similar to Enemy Within coming in the future?

Personally I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

Blow a hole in an advent train? Good fucking joke.

No, but another horse armor skin dlc

The only trouble i have is not being able to choosie the extract point. 2 times i lost ironman saves to the extract point being destroyed by some random missed shots on the 1-3 last turn and being relocalised half the map away. Once, a shot fired 7 turns ago caused a fire that fucked the extract point 1 round before the entire team got there. Infuriating shit

The time limit itself didn't bother me, but when a ruler pops up in an extract/rescue mission it's annoying to pay attention to that too

>unconscius soldier
>trying to carry him to extraction
>it's at the top of a building only accessed by climbing