Mandatory tutorial

>mandatory tutorial

Pressing any button skips cut scene.

>start skips it instead of pausing it.

>playing console games

>being an elitist

>press the control stick to move direction

>game has no single player

>far cry: blood dragon

Yep. Fucking garbage.
>Pressing pause stops the cut scene and there is an option to skip the scene in that menu.

How fucking hard is that? You could PROBABLY do that in literally any game.

>game has no cheat codes

this, ff12 nailed it perfectly, why is this so hard to understand? nobody wants to watch the fucking cutscenes for the tenth time. and if you do, then you just have to not skip it. everyone wins

I play on PC and that shit is still annoying.

>part of the joke

Name ONE game that ever does this.

>finishing the tutorial gives a trophy

>achievement unlocked
>completed the tutorial

>"Hard difficulty: You're an experienced veteran of GENRE and are looking for a challenge"
>Still get a tutorial

> game has super high difficulty jump mid game.


>tutorial starts
>Ask you if you want to learn the ways of a fighter
>Yes or no
>Are you sure?
>Game continues without said tutorial
Pic not related

cute girl!

>lose out on experience points if you skip the tutorial
>have to buy an item the tutorial gives you if you skip it

>have to hit button to show hints
>game hints pop up anyway with no option to turn off

How can you hate tutorials when every game has a unique control scheme and unique moves that you wouldn't discover otherwise? Not only that, they usually take like 10 minutes to finish.

I have ADD too, but Jesus fuck it's not that hard to power through them and there's usually at least one useful thing to learn.

I can't think of one, but I ALSO can't think of one to the contrary.