
Alright faggots, what is the best starting weapon? Inb4 adhd sawcleaver babies.

Hunter's Axe, super strong, really useful, it doesn't have too many downsides either.

Axe. Easily the best move set.

Saw Cleaver is objectively the best. Serration bonus aside the transform attack hits more than once so it builds up beast meter very quickly and stacks on damage from Fire and Bolt Paper.

This looked really cool but Axe will always be the best. I learned that from Demons' Souls

Cane and pistol.
Axefags can go fuck themselves.

untricked, but once you trick it the moveset is all retarded and for some reason you hit the enemies with the non-serrated side? You do a lot of overhead moves that make no sense.

Pure Skill with a cane

So use the transform attack twice in a row until you're at full beast meter then keep it in untricked mode

>sawcleaver babies

How did you decide this was a thing? When BB first came out everyone was shitting on people who picked the axe because it totally trivializes the first couple hours of the game.

>tfw hunters axe
nothing feels better than going GORIMU REEPAH on Yharnam

The axe's trick form has an excellent moveset for when you're still getting used to the game and playing defensively. Once you get into BB's rhythm and start playing agressively all the time the saw cleaver is best.

But it's not objectively the best, the axe is because of the massive damage it can do and it stuns enemies really hard. The cleaver isn't terrible, it just is outclassed by the Hunter's axe.

Hunters axe- easier time dealing with mobs + range is useful for a lot of situations

Saw cleaver - Kills bosses very quickly with 20% extra damage to beasts + fire paper + beast blood pellet and decent attack speed

threaded cane - if you want to hunt with style

meant to say early bosses

Cane is the worst starting weapon, but is brutal for pvp in lategame.

Damage aside, I love the axe for how diverse it's moveset is, there's a move for every situation (most satisfying options). Saw cleaver is just for spamming R1.


saw > axe > cane

i like to start with the cane or axe though and just get the saw spear in central yharnam and use 2 weapons

BB has excellent pvp, not sure what you're suggesting.

Saw Spear is a really good choice because it has the benefits of the Saw Cleaver but its scaling favors Skill, and putting points into Skill increases the damage your visceral do. Also I believe both of its forms have the serration bonus.

BB has the best pvp out of the entire series, dumb anime poster.

The pvp is still active in the chalice dungeons(using the pvp lobby)

the saw cleaver does more damage for its speed, being that it does good damage for a 1h weapon and is also like the second or third fastest weapon in the entire game. you're right that it's ass in trick mode, but untricked, it is OP as fuck. and on my STR playthrough, as decent as the axe is, i'd dropped it entirely by the time i got to hemwick. only thing it has over the kirkhammer is the cheesy charged R2. and even then the kirkhammer's charged R2 is perfect for it anyway.

Saw cleaver is the best starter. Since most of the beginning bosses and monsters are beasts and saw cleaver has a bonus to beasts.