Revolver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot

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you had one fucking job

mateba ocelot > SAA ocelot

more like "Animal Encyclopedia Ocelot"

what scene is this gif from?? ive been looking for awhile but i might be retarded

It's from one of the trailers, just like every other memorable part of MGSV.

It's from the MGO trailer. Put those hopes and dreams away.

It still frustrates me how MGS V Ocelot is one of my favourite character designs and then they have him act as generic mission control guy.

He never even shot anyone for the entire game!

All that storm, no sand in his eyes, what gives?

That's not Ocelot. He barely even tortured anyone. And he didn't even look like he was enjoying it.

Why did he get so fat?


MGSV characters are literally just there to look dramatic and spout vague bullshit. Entire cutscenes are built under this pretension that good cinematography can bring life to characters who don't actually do anything interesting.

you're thinking of kaz

he was Midlife Crisis Ocelot

it's not a fucking mateba


Honestly, the problem isn't only in cutscenes, it's how little interaction there is with other characters when it comes to actual gameplay. I think the only way you ever interacted with most of them is by extracting them from places where they've been held prisoner. The only ones that play an active role are Quiet, who's a bossfight and a partner, and Eli, who's a bossfight.

Everyone else either only exists in cutscenes or as a generic prisoner. I guess you could theoretically point to the sequence on the horse during the intro as a case of Ocelot actually doing something as part of the gameplay but that intro generally seemed to be part of a different, considerably better game.

Post homosexuality.

Blame Troy Baker. MGSV's Ocelot was based off Troy Baker's previous characters (like Joel, Booker, etc) which is why he had that shitty deep-voiced stoic but personality-less cookie-cutter character.

Baker is a fucking hack. He was much more enjoyable in anime games. Now he plays dead pan husks in every game.


it's a tornado, ya dumb fuck

Absolute fucking truth. Anytime Baker voices a character, my immersion is ruined as soon as I notice his awful forced bass inflection. He might have amazing range but his forced bass makes him a terrible VA.

I don't know if we can blame Baker on this one. They hired him because he's what they wanted.

It's not like his lines were anything outstanding. The writers could have done a better job. They could have made Ocelot (and Venom) say any number of emotional things like Kaz but they didn't. He was playing the angel to Kaz's demon.

>an ocelot never lets his prey escape
>ocelots are proud creatures.. They prefer to hunt alone

I know you probably think mgs v is le worst game ever xD, but Let's not act like ocelot animal knowledge isn't canon.

>I know you probably think mgs v is le worst game ever xD
That's some strong strawmanning son.

Believing that MGSV Ocelot's character was needlessly butchered ≠ Believing that MGSV is the worst game ever

Ocelot probably had le sexy tiem with para-medic, during which she couldn't stop talking about animals, the ocelot included.

I agree, I enjoyed MGSV but Ocelot was just a different character with an Ocelot skin. The self-hypnosis is a weak justification.

paramedic is a girl

How I justify it is that the Ocelot we got is actually how he is - a regular boring guy.

He grew up from being the punk.

His behavior post-Phantom Pain is just a hypnotized persona he puts up to lead other people. With Big Boss around, it doesn't do well to be a outstanding charismatic leader as it would "compete" with the status of Big Boss. I would almost say that the whole cowboy getup's purpose is to make him a point of ridicule while Kaz is a figure to hate for the men, which would leave Big Boss's image untarnished.

It's a shit explanation. I'm not terribly thrilled at it because he doesn't really act terribly human. But it's better than being too angry about it.

I think you're right there. Maybe I didn't give a shit about the cutscenes because I had not built an emotional connection to the characters over the course of the game. Especially Kaz and Ocelot.

and Ocelot was drugged, hence is why build up an immunity to getting drugged/ tranqed later on.

Apparently Kojima got "stern" when Baker tried to impersonate a little bit of old Ocelot in the recording booth, according to Baker himself. Google this shit.

I like ocelot in v when he's talking to the "real" big boss

he's much softer and and warmer in a way that doesn't feel out of place with the other iterations of ocelot. his fondness seems genuine.

your filter blows, stop posting screenshots in threads anytime

It's nice though.

Honestly I don't trust anything that Baker says. His oversaturation in the game industry is sketch as fuck. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything, I just don't trust someone who's been hired for multiple lead Triple A roles each year for the past seven years.

Kojima has barely any input in the american translation.

Hayter himself said he barely knew him.

Who? That's a tutorial with Troy Baker's voice twirling guns.

yeah I don't know about what user said, I don't really believe it
it sounded to me like Troy and Kojima did hang out a bit though

I think the reality is that there isn't a lot of voice actors out there. And the business world being what it is combined with gaming margins being what they are you never want to take a risk with unproven talent.

So you give a guy a AAA role. Well, that only leads to another, and another, and another. And that's how careers are made. And the thing is, unlike the film industry, there are no "discount" AND experienced options in the video game voice acting industry. In video games there isn't the option to say, "We can't get Tom Cruise, get Colin Farrell" or "We can't get Russel Crowe, get Gerard Butler".

Like you're sitting in a meeting and you have the short list of names to consider. Well, that short list in video games is probably always a short list. Consider "black guy" voices, how many guys do you think are available to do that? Jennifer Hale does everything on the same presence level as Baker.

That's a reasonable, well-versed opinion user.

best shoes in the whole game


troy baker's ocelot might be the worst thing in MGSV. somehow the most interesting and charismatic character in the series has nothing memorable about him for the entirety of the game.

fuck troy baker.

>barely has any input in the american translation
>hires kiefer specifically because he's a fanboy
>all trailers are in english
Fuck off.


>It's a shit explanation. I'm not terribly thrilled at it because he doesn't really act terribly human. But it's better than being too angry about it.

You don't have to be angry about it, you just have to let go. It was bad, but it's over now.

Well fuck, that's a surprisingly therapeutic post.

You really think that's Troy Baker's fault? Kojima gave him nothing to work with.

japanese dub ocelot is good. great, even.

I wasn't a huge fan of Baker but honestly no voice actor would have made talking about wildlife interesting. He was a great character in 1-4 because of how he was written not because of his voice actors, even though I liked them both better than Baker.

Fuck. You know, I kept playing MGSV because I was waiting for the part where it gets good. As I played the game for longer, I got more worried that it was never going to get to the part where they move to South Africa and Outer Heaven gets built. Then the game just ended out of nowhere.

MGSV Ocelot was a fortune teller for some reason. He knew absolutely everything and predicted everything. He even knew that Solid and Liquid would fight each other.

No codec conversations robbed the game of substance.

He was good as Charlie in Binary Domain.

Y'see now I want to spend $3,000,000 to have Morgan Freeman overdub Revolver Ocelot

Is there any hope of a DLC that fixes MGSV, or are we fucked because of Kojima leaving and the sheer difficulty it would take to develop a DLC for every single platform?

Despite the lack of personality, MGSV Ocelot is still my favorite look for the character.

thank his dad

this, he's so handsome I don't understand how anyone hates him

Because in every metal gear game, whenever he shows up, his unique personality takes the spotlight

In MGSV he was such a generic bland character he was as unremembered as venom snakes personality

No one hates him.

>I know you probably think mgs v is le worst game ever xD

What the fuck are you getting so emotional about?

I liked his concept art design better.

>Le blind plottweest

Thats pretty good too

>just a hypnotized persona
Fuck you reminded me that this is a thing

Did he really need to fucking hypnotize himself to forget that venom was a fake? Like was that actually fucking necessary?

literally no one can ever hate the look of any serious character in MGS5

Are you retarded? Everyone knew he was blind since the first gameplay trailer.

>hires kiefer specifically because he's a fanboy
To be fair I think it was either Kojima trying to get his foot in the door or just "muh Hollywood" faggotry

>all trailers are in English
What in English speaking countries?

MGSV Ocelot knows how the patriots system AI works and can predict its priorities.
It's a plot point in mgsv where he fools the AI into thinking he was Liquid so that they would send Solid after him, it would make no sense if he didn't already know.

he is not blind

there were plans for story dlc, KoF was one of them, but they were scrapped as soon as kojima left

Everyone knew that it wasn't the real Big Boss but we still call it a plot twist

>Like was that actually fucking necessary?

The whole "venom is a fake boss" plotline was unnecessary

Holy shit I'm surprised someone else noticed he played that role. That was definitely his best VA besides Pagan Minn, but I'd actually rank it better than Pagan just because you can't hear any immersion-destroying forced bass as Charlie.

Also, I know "forced bass" probably sounds retarded but I'm not sure what the correct term is for it. When he does it, it just sounds awful honestly. The best example is his rendition of James in Silent Hill 2 HD, every time he talks it sounds like he's about to break into an Opera song.


plot point in mgs4* sorry had a brainfart

The whole game was unnecessary

they've said plenty of times that KOF was scrapped fairly early in development

It wasn't necessary. He could easily just pretend Venom is the real Big Boss. They did it make the hypnosis thing in MGS4 seem less silly.

Ocelot isn't Ocelot without Pat Zimmerman. Shit was more heartbreaking than hearing Hayter wasn't in the game.

he's not blind. he goes on about his limbs but he never says he can't see. he says things like 'did you see that?' over the comms.

>Le parasite eyes

Woooow such a tweeest. Better call fucking Mnight Shallaman and tell him someone out tweested him.

you know how when venom is gone from mother base too long, ocelot loses his shit on the target training dummies? if he knew the real John was out there somewhere and he couldn't contact him, he would have been like that ALL the time.

>Boss, go fulton some walker gears.
>Who knows, this might get us one step closer to finding cipher, or something.

Who wrote this shit?

The way I look at it we got Mission 43 and the whole Huey plotline culminating with the "This is the enemy".

I actually felt something in those moments and it's more than I usually feel in a video game. Most things were a letdown but those were some of the harshest moments in fiction.

Everything about the locked room in Mission 43 was ridiculously perfect to me. The trust the men put you, standing there saluting, the Peace Walker theme - that level of love and loytal for Boss overtaking the parasite's compulsion, the heroism stat dropping, and finding one guy who (almost) makes it.

There are like 5 missions that could be called plot related in the game. The rest is running around kidnapping dudes because why the fuck not. And some story exposition in cutscenes here there in, that don't connect to anything.

good for you, I did nothing but see some numbers dying, huey trying too hard to be unlikeable and some depressed people waiting in a room without a 4th wall.
Not to mention venom starts to trun demon while he did absolutely nothing wrong

The sheer amount of grind required to get those numbers up in the first place made me care. I winced every time I shot an S rank in the face.

The one person who goes off the rails is Miller. He's the one that gets consumed by rage and acts evil. It's funny who he somehow does a complete turnaround, joins FOXHOUND, bros it up with the reall BB and Solid, gets married, has a daughter, then moves to Alaska and rides dogsleds. In the space of something like 10 years.

MGSV's story sucks balls, to be honest.

Considering that the first Metal Gear is considered canon, this plotline was absolutely necessary.

that's the problem, while you're supposed to care about them, you only think "how am I going to replace them?"
worse than a caricatural capitalist boss, the fact that you get S ranks by truckloads a few hours later is just a joke.

I started a new playthrough on an alternate account recently and it's much easier to boost now than it used to be. You can do FOB events for an hour and get S ranks by the bus load. Doing FOB invasions gives you tons and tons of resources to develop everything, too.

How would you guys fix MGSV in its current state?

I need at least a DLC that gives you a couple small areas to dick around in. Something that's really hard and expects you to go in with high end gear.

Why did they not re-use the old ocelot voice actor. It would have been so cool to hear that diabolic voice, without being evil but rather a subordinate

Troy Baker tho.

>Why did they not re-use the old ocelot voice actor


But what about Josh Keaton? I thought he did a great job. I was sort of expecting him back since Pat Zimmerman sounds so old.

because he isn't 70 years old in this one

yeah but I bet the actor would be able to pull of a younger version of the character

should have sounded like this

It was really necessary to explain why Big Boss came back in MG2? He somehow came back in 4 so who gives a shit at that point?

Keaton would have done a decent job too.. Damn it why did they get such a bland VA for one of the best vidya characters ever!

It needed no explanation. MGSV was "Answers to Questions Nobody Asked: The Game". They left all the cool questions unanswered. Chiefly, the questions of how Outer Heaven was built, how BB went back to FOXHOUND, and how he met all those boss characters that knew and revered him in the later timeline games.


Kojima = George Lucas of video games

This dude's got a point.

No, in all countries. For instance the TGS trailer was in English.

Has anyone grinded enough to get all the weapons developed? I see that many of the best ranked players cheated their shit.

Same, Venom's concept art where he actually looks 50 is the best.

>ocelot loses his shit on the target training dummies?
Is that a "return to motherbase" cutscene?
I've only seen one, where Ocelot is with some of the crew and they welcome you back after long mission. (This was after 2 months of not playing)

Kanji was his best role.

I seriously hate how MGSV forces you to grind if you want to finish it. You have no option other than spend your time there farming the same soldiers over and over again if you want to get through

It's not fun, and only serves to make the horribly empty overworld and unnecessary helicopter transitions even worse

>the questions of how Outer Heaven was built
What is there to talk about?

>how BB went back to FOXHOUND
He's Big Boss, when he tells you he wants to train your unit, do you give it thought?

> how he met all those boss characters that knew and revered him in the later timeline games.
It's not necessary, in fact, all of MGS3, MGSPW and MGSV are unnecesary, and all those questions don't need an answer.

The interesting parts are new stories, no stories that we already know how they end.

>I seriously hate how MGSV forces you to grind if you want to finish it
The only thing you have to do is get the fulton level 3 and upgrade the platforms of Motherbase to 3/4, one FOB invasion gives you more than enough resources to do all that.

Otherwise you can complete the game with the initial loadout.

You have to get the Child Fulton upgrade for a single yellow side op, though (It's funny that there are required sidemissions in the first place)
The one where the kid is at the top of one of the towers in the place where you fight Quiet
I've tried everything I could think of, but there's no way to get him out of there without the upgrade. It just breaks any flow the game might have had when you're starting to advance and the game says "Nope, I want you to farm for this first"

And the Cargo 2, too, for Cursed Legacy

It's a Moby Dick reference mate. Remember that part when Ishmael was documenting every whale type on Earth?

There's also the thing that I can't do FOBs, so everything is a lot slower

>He barely even tortured anyone

Nigga half of his screentime was torturing Huey

>there will never be an actual MGS5 involving what Big Boss was doing in Zanzibarland during MGSV

It's from MGO.

You willingly like intentionally shit voice acting? Says a lot about the fans of these games.

>I can't do FOBs

Why not? They speed up resource and personal acquisition by a hundred times.

Fix it? Nothing needs fixing. Improving, however, can be done in many aspects.
Add more life and activities into the sandbox.

Get rid of the repeating missions for chapter 2 and just make Extreme/Subsistence optional mission settings.

Make it so the final mission doesn't pop up literally out of nowhere (have a cutscene leading into it at least, or receive a casette tape from Big Boss idk)

Keep the narrative more focused in general rather than having all these missions that hardly add anything.

Add more side ops variety.

Also there's FOBs if you want hard areas that need high end gear.

Not him but FOBs become retarded in difficulty late-game especially when the soldiers can see you from 500 miles away inexplicably and 95% of your equipment has no impact on them.

FOBs are boring as fuck. It's the same thing every single time.

Sprint drive mag throw roll roll roll mark UAV pop nocto pill roll roll roooooooll sniper tranq 2 guys bam core reached.

I want something more.

urgh. i hated ocelot so much in mgsV. unetusiasic acting and apprently Troy Baker was told not to do the classic accent he had. he also isn't a suspsieous guy. instead he just sits in the back and radios about plants and animals

Lol no. You only need a tranq gun, real gun and some mags to do any FOB. Low tech ghosting is the best way to go.

Also you should support only low level people so you can invade low level fobs via indirect retaliations, even when you are high level.

Tranq gun has absolutely no effect on guards if they have the Battle Dress with helmet on, which is what most people have at higher levels

Sniper tranqs do but only if you hit them in a very small area on the neck and only sometimes

Lat game FOBs have five hundred staff in the security teams. You can't win in direct confrontations. They have more back up guards than you have bullets. You need to be sneaky weeky and sluce right in.

Both guns work 100% fine on jaw shots.

But there is the grade 7 stun shotgun if you want to insta knock out any guard, regardless of armor level. It draws loads of attention even if silenced, though.

Hard to do that when again, almost all your stealth equipment is rendered useless and they see you far easier than normal guards, combined with the fact that harder FOBs have soldiers pretty much in every nook and cranny

maybe they paid for it

I'm actually laughing at your post, because I quite literally roll though level 50 FOBs with ease, using nothing but mags, tranqs, stun arm and decoys.

Custom mines and cameras on the level 55+ fobs are what I really dread. A line of those across a bridge, with a camera looking over them, is impossible to pass without triggering a soft alert. You shouldn't even bother trying those FOBs unless you're set up to just kill everyone with silenced brennan headshots.

You can't pay to increase unit level and resources in MGSV, which is what's required to develop things. You can only pay for coins that shorten development time. Online gear takes at least 5 days to develop in real time.

You can pay for everything, just in roundabout ways. For instance you can send units on staff recruitment or resource acquisition deployments, and then pay for instant completion. And of course you can buy more FOBs and pay for instant build to have more room, to get your unit levels up.

Colt single action army, six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves

You can't pay for the levels required for endgame stuff. I have 4 fobs maxed out and have put nothing but S+ and S++ into my combat unit. I only got to level 129. I can literally only raise my level from there by increasing the amount of S++, which cannot be gotten in anyway that MB coins can assist with.

Everything requires level 130 or higher now.

>how outer heaven was built
an extension of diamond dogs, Miller mentions through the game that they will need to expand to different bases eventually
>how bb went back to foxhound
mgsv (and mgs4 before that) established that cipher/the patriots actually desperately wanted big boss back, Paz in PW was a desperate attempt at blackmailing him into coming back. With XOF decimated Foxhound became the go-to team for patriots black ops.
>how he met all those boss characters
most of them explain how they met big boss in the game they appear in, schneider and gray fox from mg2, sniper wolf and liquid in mgs1 (going by logic he actually met the real big boss after the events of mgsv) all explain their first meeting with big boss, the others did not have much personal business with him

>american translation.
English you fucking nigger.

Also wasn't this the first Metal Gear game written in English and then translated to Japanese?

>play as girthy snake
>not any other interesting character or time period
??? why they make this (((GAME))) again?


Could be worse.

>In keeping with other weapons featured in Metal Gear Solid V, the Tornado-6 Revolver is based on a real life weapon, taking design cues from the Mateba 2006M[1]


Sorry, had to take a train
Well, because I can't download the updates, my PS3 freezes whenever I try to download them, without fail. The same thing happens with the updates of GTAV, but I don't mind since I'm not interested in the multiplayer
But, anyway, until I can get around that I am stuck with no FOBs

the brights and darks are washed out making a lot of your textures look flat

It's not nice

>be the boss
>have to do everthing yourselfe
>cant make employees do dirty work
>cant have bunch of soldiers helping you in the field

why tho? shouldnt be that hard to have friendly npcs

What was Ocelot doing in the 90s, that was more important to him than helping his best friend fulfill both of their dreams of Outer Heaven?

It is though.

He's obviously sucking the right dicks, you gotta give him that.

Not that dude, but stop being delusional. It's not good.