
That's what you get for being a pussy and playing shit like Pokemon Go


''please no please'' hahaahah AMERICANS everyone.... where is your guns now haha

>"b-b-but we're all equals!"

Liberals always make me laugh.

shouldnt have mentioned this breh. threads is going to get [BENOIT]'d now cuz das raysis

>tfw live in the land of wizards named Serbia
>if a nigger did this he would be hanged in the morning in the village hill

lol """land of the free"""

a wild nigger appeared

>Take it off
what did he mean by this?

around blacks

never relax

oj serbian brat :^)

That black guy needs to die. Fucking disgrace. Actually feel for the guy who got hit. Imagine if that was your brother, you'd be fucking pissed. Fucking die coon.


That black guy needs to die. Fucking disgrace. Actually feel for the guy who got hit. Imagine if that was your brother getting hit, you'd be fucking pissed. Fucking die coon. That's someone's fucking brother and son that got hit. Where the fuck is the compassion and respect?

Pokemon Go is a threat to non-dindus everywhere

janitors deleted two threads about it today
don't be insulting black people whiteboi we got hotpocket support on our site you fucking Cred Forums racist

The real news here is that people are still playing Pokemon Go.

Looks fake desu

>Pokemon GO could be a death sentence by a black man

I've had it up to here with you Cred Forums, LEAVE. NOW.

>guy walking around in a park/bad neighborhood at night alone while staring at his phone
It's good that this happened. He will learn from this experience and won't be such a fucking idiot in the future.

How wrong they were. Instead it's a business opportunity.

This honestly looks staged to me. Looks like that one staged video those other faggot YouTubers did to get views and subscribers.

>"Take it off."
>"Take it off."
>"No. Please, please."
That's all it takes for a random nigger to assault you with the intent to steal your phone. Why don't you own a gun, Cred Forums?

What does this have to do with Cred Forums? A man was mugged playing a game.

Is there any way to program a legal self destruct mechanism into your phone that can be remotely detonated?

>victim blaming
Going to go ahead and assume you were a MAGA hat

Fucking nigger, no surprise

threads are being spammed by Cred Forums so they can chimp out here and pretend it's on-topic.

>Warning: Pokemon GO Could Be A Death Sentence If You Are Playing Around A Black Man


Some people need to learn the hard way that Around Blacks, you Never Relax

xDD but its funny when i type NIGGER hahahahah look i did it again

black people ammirite?

Nothing, because everyone knows Cred Forums spends all its time attacking suburban blacks and ones on college campuses that are actually harmless or even functioning members of society because they're too big of pussies to go after the inner city blacks that actually commit crime.

>being a literal nigger
Fuck off coon. No one on planet earth likes you ugly fucks

That guy is clearly a liberal.

I'm too much of a pussy.

As a leftist, I fully condone the second amendment though. Except for those guns that can unload 500 rounds every second and can pierce bullet proof armor. You don't need that shit to protect yourself on the streets

streaming was a mistake

If you walk around alone in a bad area at night AND have your face glued to your phone making you look like a lost tourist you're going to get robbed.

Too many shut-ins are going out at night for Pokemon GO not realizing that the rules are different outside of the suburbs.

It's common fuckin' sense not to be alone at night in a bad area.

Stop with these conspiracy theories.

You know Cred Forums is one of the most popular boards right? You're aware that there are people who post on both Cred Forums and Cred Forums right?

lol @ the idea that if you ever talk about blacks in a non-flattering light you have to be a neo nazi propaganda spammer. get fucked

Civil rights were a mistake.

Fuck off, chimp

>Someone call the police
>I cant im 14

Fucking bubble kids I swear


Cred Forums was a mistake.

Somehow make the battery overheat and explode.

I'm 100% sure this isn't staged.

No, but new iphones have a traceable GPS even if you do a factory reset of them, and they will not unlock unless you enter the owner's email and password even after a factory reset.

As far as I know, it's completely pointless to snatch iphones, and the only reason to is to resell them to people who think they won't be locked

>nigger mugs some nerd on camera
>responds by getting mad at neo nazi caricatures
what's it like being this cucked? I honestly wonder what goes through someone's mind where they just totally ignore what they saw and go straight to attacking people's reaction to the event

Fucking niggers.

huehuehue come down to my hood and ill knock you out whitebois lol xD fucking mayo-niggers

any weapon you have on you can be used against you

desu this guy got completely blindsided and knocked out, what would I do if the fucker started searching me and found my gun?

srs question for concealed carriers out there because while I'd like to keep something on me im terrified of it being turned on me.

It's nice not having to worry about blacks here in Montana. There's only 1 every 36 square miles.

I think the guy got his jaw messed up and is in the hospital. Pretty far to go for some twitch views


Don't you know that black gangs have been hoarding decommissioned M3 Lee tanks to use in their white genocide uprising? Your refusal to grant me the privilege to hoard these absurdly deadly weapons will be our race's downfall!

he should've pulled his dick out and start wanking at the mugger

Nah son, I'm down with the blacks. I watched the Chappelle Show and Wild n Out before.

Wow, talk about being complete paranoid nut jobs.
A nigger robbed a guy. So what? Guy is stupid to roam at night and the nigger is not exempt from scrutiny just because of his skin color.

Isn't the mugger wearing a gopro?

its reality you idiot, world is dangerous

Looks Hispanic

>Warning: Could Be A Death Sentence If You Are Around A Black Man


okay guys say it with me:
dumb fucking anime poster

Prepare for trouble

The fuck are you talking about, you overly defensive faggot? The guy in the video is a crook and should be in jail. I'm just giving a general rule of thumb for dealing with Cred Forums, because they're cowardly faggots that refuse to target the real problem like this guy and would rather bitch about some random black guy they saw on campus or at the grocery store.

Cred Forums is a containment board being used by the KKK as a recruitment place.

Cred Forums has nothing to do with Cred Forums and will never want anything to do with Cred Forums at all.

>no no no please
What did he mean by this?

I think that's a flashlight.

Better then Cred Forums posters

>relaxing around gentlemen of african american descent

faggot was practically begging for it

>plz no

lel, id bet anything that hes #withher



Harambe works for team rocket now.


It's insensitive to post an alt-right symbol in a thread like this

He relaxed.

>Libcucks will use mental gymnastics that the streamer was the bad guy here

I'm watching this with my wife's son who happens to be mixed race and I'm very offended by these hateful racist comments. I had to cover his eyes when scrolling through this bucket of mental garbage. Shame on all of you.

ah so this is why democrats want to disarm law abiding citizens. so their terrorist arm can operate unimpeded.

>being edgy enough to post a symbol of the alt-right on Cred Forums

This thread will be deleted like the last ones thanks to white supremacist Nazis invading Cred Forums.

The solution isn't having a gun

The solution is not being a moron who walks around alone at night in a poor area with his face glued to his expensive phone

LMAO, the robber is such a fucking dumbshit.

It's hilarious how he just keeps running afterwards like he just made 1 million bucks.
Fucking retard.

Sometimes video games and the world of Cred Forumsitics cross over.

why do you keep bringing up Cred Forums? kill yourself

No one's saying that. They're saying the streamer was retarded and had it coming for offering himself up in a dangerous area at night. You don't blame the bear when a woman coats her baby in honey and puts its head right in front of the bear.

>Cred Forums is a containment board being used by the KKK as a recruitment place.
Don't be fucking stupid, user. That's just tin-foil bullshit.

The organization that uses Cred Forums is Stormfront.

why do people defend niggers again?



Why so ass-ravaged friendo?

Is this nigga wearing a camera?

this made it to the front page of reddit and got deleted for being political

Go get raped you bleeding heart

>Blaming the victim
Oh ok I guess the nigger was totes in the right to attack the streamer.

Around blacks never relax

(((Huffington Post)))

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Look on the bright side, you weren't raped or killed.


the initial question was this:
>What does this have to do with Cred Forums? A man was mugged playing a game.

if you see a black person acting stereotypically violent against some harmless nerd and your first instinct is to rage against nazi boogeymen there is something wrong with you.
I'm a Cred Forums oldfag and current Cred Forumsack. stop being a conspiratard


God I hate Clinton for enabling stupid nu-Pepe posters. I bet nobody even fucking remembers Boys Club anymore.

Still not voting for Trump.

that niqqa demolished that shit bruv

>ugh take this thread to pol drumpfkins

reminder these "people" think they are welcome here


>I shouldn't be able to be out at night because nignogs make it so

> you can factory reset phone without entering a password

What kind of shit security is Google developing

its a shame that hate crimes by blacks arent a major national discussion with all other races rioting over it. thats what really should be happening.

MLK Jr. died for this. I really hope that somewhere in the future these animals are rounded up and their simian asses are thrown in a zoo to die. These animals don't deserve rights if this is what they're going to do with them.

Daily reminder that if you live in a country where you cannot walk around late at night with expensive technology without getting culturally enriched you do NOT live in a first word country


>posting the same image
Haha post it one more time.

Central Park's considered a bad neighborhood these days? Shiieeet.

holy shit did that really happen? I haven't been to Cred Forums in a long time. sad if true

>So what

So people at mad that it happened. Stop being so obsessed with Cred Forums. Jesus Christ user, get your shit together.

Real talk. Obviously the dude who mugged him was the one most in the wrong because well hes a fucking stealing nigger.

But playing a mobile game in the dead of night well clearly not paying any fuck of attention to his surroundings besides that stupid screen. Its still alittle bit his fault for placing himself in that situation.

you either have never gone on Cred Forums or have only been in one thread.

>Ghazi is so insane they're denying reality itself for the sake of screaming about Cred Forums

Yeah, and Cred Forums are the conspiracy theorists.

Blame the whites for continuing their cycle of hatred with poor treatments of the blacks and doing everything they can to stop black people from rising up.

>being this assravaged that you need to continuously spam these images over mutliple threads

>all the nigger hate in these threads
>mfw knowing you lily white asses wouldn't even dare look at some ":thug" on the street

>after several examinations of the video from several angles we have come to a conclusion that the assailant might be a black man, but we are still not sure.

You americucks really have a hard time calling it how it is. It took another bomb and a stabbing to finally make your government admit that radical Islam exists. No wonder, your president's name is Hussein after all.

He's cosplaying as Meowth. Or Jynx.

Yeah sure he would Slobodan, now go rant about how the Croats and Bosnians killed your greater Serbia.

Trips wasted on liberal cucktalk

Literally got it off google. You need to let this 4chin nationalism go, everyone comes here now.