Do you play videogames in public?

Do you play videogames in public?



I barely play videogames now

Depends, do you consider visual novels as games?

if yes then I play them on my laptop occasionally during long bus/train rides.

If no, then no. I only play small mobile games, mostly chess.

No, and there's nothing wrong in doing so.


I miss Quentin

I miss him



Japan doesn't consider video games nerd culture though.

It's a respected artform and hobby.

Why do you think the gooks have been shitting out games since the 80s.


Video games aren't a real hobby

It's like saying watching tv is your hobby

What if I play emulated DS games on my phone?

Not that it matters, they bored me really quickly and only did it once or twice

>an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

Kill yourself cuck

>using a wrong simile on purpose
Dumb fag, its more like saying watching movies is your hobby, it actually is a hobby.

more of a hobby than browsing social media on your phone, though

I'll play monster hunter wherever I go because I'm not an insecure manchild.

RIP Quentin
You cannot be replaced

Why do you consider them to not be real hobbies?

>respected artform and hobby

His spirit is still with us. Honor his memory by being adjusted and reading the Great American Novel at least once a year.

He won't give you a serious answer.

>Japan doesn't consider video games nerd culture though
>It's a respected artform and hobby

Sometimes I just think that people get paid to say stupid things on the internet.

We all do.

fuck no some asshole would steal it where I live and I've put a lot of time into my 3DS

I avoid even using my shitty flipphone

I don't know and to be honest I don't even believe anything I've posted ITT either

The only time I accidentally make a good point is when I'm so deep into shitposting I forget which side I'm on. This will be my last post ITT

Why isn't anyone posting Quinten comics?

The true difference between an adult and a kid is that the adult doesn't give a fuck what others think when he enjoys his hobbies in public.

Very very rarely. Only if I know i'm going to be stuck in a doctors office or at the airport or somewhere shitty. Other than that I'm usually doing something that doesn't allow enough time to play anything for any reasonable amount of time.

It's usually vice versa. Adults are always self conscious about everything. Kids usually have a freespirited worldview until the adults and mean kids bully people into not doing it anymore.

No, when I'm in public it's usually on the bus/train and I'm trying my hardest to block out the offensive noise/sights of all the niggers and spics around so I just sit with my eyes closed and pretend to sleep.

>the adult doesn't give a fuck what others think when he enjoys his hobbies in public

Why is this seen so highly as a metric of maturity on Cred Forums when it isn't anywhere else?

He's half right, as in dedicated video game handhelds are more socially acceptable and akin to browsing social media and shit on your phone in the west, but it's still shunned by the older generations. So you have the "damned kids and their phones and vidya games" there but not the ">he still plays Pokemon >laughingwhores.jpg"

But that's wrong. Kids always want to do that's trendy and conform so their classmates accept them.

Cred Forums don't know shit about anything, they just parrot something they heard somewhere

that's how you get your device stolen

That sounds like some horrible dystopian future to me. Are you sure you are not talking about teenagers?

Teenagers are still kids.

Yeah actually. Even gave a couple people who noticed on campus the link to hack their 3DS.

Not the response I was expecting at all. Good job on surprising me.

On the bus, yes.

I guess. But at that age, they start trying to act like faux adults which leads to hostility.

I carry my vita and 3ds around with me normally because im pretty dependent on public transit

>games where the villain was right

I did today when I had some time between classes. Everyone else in the classroom was on their phone anyway so they wouldn't bat an eye or care unless they were interested.