Multiplayer achievements

>multiplayer achievements

>achievements that require going onto a website, registering, and doing a shitty minigame that isn't available on their website anymore

>you cant get all the achievements without buying DLC

>achievement requires you to play in a match with someone who has the achievement

>Achievment requires you to be on top of the worldwide leaderboard

What does this?

>content locked behind streetpass

Unless you live in Tokyo or Manhattan, I doubt anyone really gets much use out of it.

What game?

>achievement is bugged and unobtainable in the final update
>achievement is bugged in the unpatched version, so you cant just uninstall the updates

>100+ achievements
>only 3 for playing the campaign

Never heard of that before


>beat Zico
I am but a slow-witted mortal, Wipeout. Have mercy.

>game has ONE. SINGLE. multiplayer achievement

Seems weird, name of the game that does this?

>multiplayer achievements
>servers were shut down years ago

What's her name?

Portal 2?

well, army of two, the 40th day required you to go into their page, register and create a mask for your character using the shitty editor, go back tothe game and start using it an entire chapter just to discover the mask migration from the page to the game takes around 12 hours

>Achievements for making other people quit the game


>>you cant get all the achievements without buying DLC
Halo 3 had you buy dlc AND play multiplayer dlc for achievements :(

>nobody knows how to get achievement

>The Beta/test version of the game has achievements

Fuck you, Red Orchestra.

TF2 probably

TF2 had one, that's for sure I can't think of any others of the top of my head.

Weird because achievement sites hunt down stuff all the time and developers usually release what achievements the game has so let me ask what ?game?

I think Dino D-Day as well

>Get all achievements
>DLC comes out
>New achievements
>Lose previously attained achievement for "get all achievements"


Shower with your dad simulator. Apparently there are three achievements that nobody knows how to get.

>the achievement of game overing 101 times in arcade mode has more earned than the achievement of beating arcade mode on easy mode

>Achievement requires that you be revived in online matches X number of times by strangers
>Can't be anyone on your friends list
>Game community is a clusterfuck of shit heels and morons

Fallout 4 did this, I have 100% that game 5 times now

Why would you 100% that game anyway