Digital Homicide Goes Full Retard



Suing Valve is actually a genius idea.

All they have to do is get up three court appearances and they'll win by default when Valve doesn't show up.

>sellling games for at a 4 cent sale

>they'll win by default when Valve doesn't show up.
In what universe do you exist in where Valve, a large corporate entity, doesn't have a staffed legal department to deal and show up to shit like this.

>3 times
HL3 confirmed.

>mfw user does not get the joke.

God damn I'm slow

>make shit games
>people call your games shit
>get mad and try to sue furry mcspankington the obese marmot along with many other users
>violate the terms and conditions you as a developer/publisher made with a distribution platform
>they remove you games from the service
>get mad and throw a tantrum

The legal documents had me laughing like a madman when it just a bunch of screenshots of steam user profiles they intend to sue over "damages".

i guess they're moneymaking schemes turned out to be

Does anyone have a link to the TOS for people putting games on steam? I'd like to read it

They should change their name to Digital Suicide at this point.



Much like the Half Life dev team.

So what games did they even make?

They've got a like us on facebook pop up

Aren't these the guys who got all their games removed from the store? You people are fucking retards. They're obviously trying to drum up attention so they can shove these ads for their shitty games down your throat.

two faggots

you're not slow, you just don't get shitty meme jokes. I wouldn't be embarrassed about that.

>Here is another user who was flagged and a moderator actually banned someone for disruptive behavior but the original poster wants me to kill myself, mentions my family and has a moderation flag.

Seriously. Digital Homicide should commit analog suicide.

Gimme some ecchi