What was the last video game that made you depressed?

What was the last video game that made you depressed?

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MGSV cause the disappointment, Lisa because the actual game is depressing

Murdered: Soul Suspect

It looks kinda cool from the outset and has a semi-novel premise (assuming you never played Ghost Trick), but once you actually start playing it, it becomes LA Noire with even less gameplay. Even DARK, which was the laziest cash-in on VtMB possible, was less depressingly bad than Soul Suspect.

I got trade raped in POE a couple of years ago.

I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm.

Medievil, because it reminded me that we are never going back to a time when games were actually fun. we are never fucking going back.

Witcher 3 made me depressed because it was fucking awful.

I felt like I wasted my time with the series, the previous game set up some things and there was no payoff in TW3. Fuck that game

Steins Gate

Sticker Star.

I'm constantly depressed anyway, games just serve as a distraction.


didn't mean to quote*

>eating McDonald's

What else is he gonna do? Play with it?

Contraption Maker, and I mean legit depression like "no enjoyment from anything in life for a while". At first the game was a fun childhood throwback, but turned into a dysphoric obsession (hour a day) over the course of a few weeks, and got to the point where all the puzzles felt equally unsatisfying to complete, yet necessary and compelling. I thought about the game at work and in the shower, which was nothing like the childhood safespace it was a long time ago, and suppressed my imagination and enjoyment of things more than evoking them.


Yeah, i played fucking Jak and daxter recently and thought the same.

But also Hotline Miami 2 - Richter's part hit close to home for me

>What was the last video game that made you depressed?

The Long Dark.


Get the fuck out.

New Vegas. It depressed me because I have to live in a virtual world to be an actual help to society. When I was done I just wanted to jump off a cliff knowing i'd never amount to anything ever in my life.

thats D E E P

I mean an imaginative place I went during recess; didn't realise it was modern SJW vocabulary.

I always feel good when I finish a game, like I made a huge difference in the world or helped someone. But then I remember nothing actually happened.