What was with the fairies in Rayman?

What was with the fairies in Rayman?

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why are they so big?

For you

For you


>Brendan Corris
Why don't they have penises as big as their bodies?

Damn, now I'm a big guy

my fuggen dig







Best part about the game

Can someone please explain the "French" meme?

Why are the French so great? It breaks my heart as an American that we aren't still besties.

French make GOAT artwork, which is even superior to Japanese.

>yfw eva is a 16-17 year old MILF
two kids even


Ubisoft is based in France.

I will never understand why people make these threads here. We have entire boards dedicated to what you want to be posted.

Care to post examples? I haven't seen any French art that is that great.

Go fuck yourself moron

Porn boards are unclean.

french always give the sickest burn


sorry I don't have any subtitles


We can't make a single good thriller or action movie for our lives.
So we went into comedy and pretty girls


I will. And I'll do it while browsing an appropriate board instead of the shitposts here.

et " Léon " enculé de ta race, c'est du pipeau?

36 quai des orfèvres, du pipi de chat?

So we should bring it to other boards?

Then your opinion is meaningless because you have nothing to show.

2 movies in the entire history of french cinema.
with the latter with actors that are eating their words so you can't understand anything.

you have no idea what "specialization" means right?

no you're not

Like this?

Your existence is meaningless.

Joke's on you, I don't even exist.

You got that right.

Speaking of which can you guys take David Cage back now?



>he don't know about maigret, audiard, truffaut and french films noirs




Well as a german i can confidentaly say that anything you have is leagues above the garbage our movie industry puts out.

Video games in France don't really get the same exposure they get in other places like the US, and vidya media is specialized to the genre, and mainstream media just doesn't care.

Also there's no real taboo to 2D porn, France along with Belgium are great producers of comics of all genres, and it's well established and even respected, so no one bats an eye when you have porn comics, which most normies just ignore, and this extends to video games which are just as ignored.

In other words, we don't have feminists up our asses.


What do you produce today Hans anyway? Propaganda movies brainwashing you into multiculturalism?

It's a serious question tho, I don't know shit about German movie.

>we don't have feminists up our asses.


Another German here, our movie industry is shit. Either it's unfunny love comedies or #notallgermans ww2 movies.

I thought acknowledging ww2 in any shape or form was more or less taboo in germany.

>What do you produce today Hans anyway?

Mostly shitty sex based comedy movies for teenagers or crime thrillers.

Old germans (40 to 60) fucking love their crime thrillers.

> Propaganda movies brainwashing you into multiculturalism?

Not so far off either: youtube.com/watch?v=YnRib8Z6FQ0

Its the usual shitty teenager comedy, but this time its about refugees instead of sex as a central theme.

Sound depressing

Thick French thighs.

>Das Boot
>Der Untergang
>Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter (I really hated that movie)
WW2 not really a taboo topic here. Once you mange to put the pro/anti nazi bullshit aside it gets really interesting.

i just fapped and supposed to head to bed

Sound even more depressing

As a French, I view the only memorable contribution of Germany in the history of art as 99 luftballons. It's like everything else you do doesn't even reach out of your country.

You've got to get your shit together Germany.

I like Barbara.

It's pretty hard to get back in the game when the jew is keeping you down and tamed

We do have some good rock and metal bands at least.

Like the scorpions, helloween, ramstein and blind guardian are all germans.

But yeah our movies are shit tier.

Look Who's Back was nice.

Never ever, etc. Legends didn't bring the mad cash to compensate for its higher budget, since Ubisoft didn't get why Origins was such a hit and fucked it up. Maybe a new, smaller Rayman would be possible - but I doubt it's a priority. Grow Home seems to be the new "let's try milking this"-IP.

I actually didnt get to see that yet.

I never read the book or watched the movie. The thought of another "dude Hitler lmao" story makes me cringe.

What's that french film about bank robbers where all of the action happens off screen? That's what you're good at.


American feminists are seen as bat shit crazy by our leftist university teachers.

>make it multiplat about a week before Wii U release
>Cool, more people get to play it.
>delay the already complete Wii U version by half a fucking year

Fuck those frenchies.

>We can't make a single good thriller or action movie for our lives.

Vidocq begs to differ. It was also one of the first movies if not the first to use CGI and use it will.

The plot was all over the place though.

No it wasn't. The plot is pretty fucking clear and the movie goes out of its way to explain it to you as you are witnessing every single fucking event that took place from multiple perspectives.

I had the same mindset as you when I first watched it. Kinda surprised it's not one of those "wacky hitler doing funny stuff" kind of movie. Here, take a look.


I'm talking about inconsistencies and characters that act in strange ways for the sake of advancing the plot. I don't think it's a bad movie.

The darkest one is the sexiest imo

2 qt

>It breaks my heart as an American that we aren't still besties
They helped you attain independency and gave you a cool statue so why aren't you?

Yeah we've all seen the Chroma episode, calm down.

They don't want to be our friend anymore because we didn't fought in Irak.

If you want to please the jews by sending your child to die in shitskins country that's ok, just do it alone and don't force other people to follow you america.

We still mad that they didn't kill iraqis sandniggers with us

'Cheese eating surrender monkeys'
'Freedom fries'

America decided war in the Middle East would be fun, quick and easy, France thought otherwise. America pretty much denounced France as a result, displaying the kind of world-beating tact in foreign policy that America is known for.


Wait, that's why Americans supposedly dislike frogs? I guess I missed that one big burger meeting.

>Freedom fries
Especially funny when you know fries are usually associated with Belgium.

>cheese eating
It's funny because many Americans are obsessed over our garbage taco bell cheese now.

Don't forget
>dull gimmick levels
>less levels than Origins, even with the ported Origins levels which made up about 40% of the content
>somehow had worse handling, despite running the same engine and a lot of the same code
>a "social gaming" focus
>the game only contains 50% of the lums you need to unlock the last costume, the rest are from grinding daily and weekly challenges for literally 7 weeks
>no time trials, something Origins was built around to support; something that clearly influenced the level design as every level could be beat in one, uninterrupted motion
>worlds were cut off from each other, instead of having bridging levels where the background gradually changed, making the game feel less like an adventure

Really, the only thing it did better than Origins was the art and the music levels. Everything else was worse.


>that's why Americans supposedly dislike frogs?

Yep, thanks to George motherfucking Bush.

The French eat cheese.
Americans eat Cheez™.


I think I've masturbated enough for today.

Listen, I'm going to level with you here my friend. You have not.



that resolution just killed my dog thanks asshole

Where's the Miranda?


>somehow had worse handling, despite running the same engine and a lot of the same code
>a "social gaming" focus

Gotta disagree with these points. After playing Legends and enjoying the challenges going back to Origins feels a bit too slow. Still a fantastic game but you can't sanic like in Legends, which is ridiculously fun. And the whole "social gaming" thing only amounts to Miiverse posting which all other Wii U games already do and I already learned to ignore. Though I might just be ignorant about how that's handled on all the other platforms.

Being way shorter Origins is a fucking sin, though. Especially when they made Tricky Treasure levels too fucking easy.


Good taste.
Yeah, no, fuck you. Origin wishes to have a polished level design just like Legends. And if you shit on daily challenges, then that's how I know you are talking with your ass.

ouibshit isn't good art or good anything kys


Drink bleach

>there will never be enough Olympia

the fucking duck
if it wasnt good then why did i want to save it?

I believe there's an uncensored animatic of this scene.

More french

Yeah I have some of those


>I haven't seen any French art that is that great.

This is the most obnoxious thing I've seen anyone write on Cred Forums this entire fucking year.


French animation always looks so smooth in motion compared to the stop-start nature of anime.

But I already did it four times today, my penis is sore and I still have a backlog of recently translated H-games like Funbag Fantasy and Drop Factory.

I have a huge erection now.



what are these!!!

Any particular reason she dyed her hair? Also why is Adventures so addicting?


You're on the precipice of a new ascension. Transform you dick into eternity, user,


but this IS the video game board
i don't understand your post

It's a french satire series poking fun at all sorts of animation.

A lot of the jokes get lost in translation.

>googled Goat art
>get bamboozeld
good job

>posting video games on the video game board is "shitposting"

holy fuck what has this board come to

French company, french artists.

The Dorks (Les Kassos)

>See you in Rayman 4.

Still waiting...


Hadn't heard about this until now. Is it like Jungle Run?

where have you been the past few years

>13 years and fucking nothing later

god bless the french

Better, there's actual controls. You can run, attack, glide, dive attack, stand still, change direction, all with just swipes and taps. Though if you have a controller you can connect to your phone that's way better. The only bad thing is that you progress super slow because it revolves around getting eggs that hatch after differing amounts of time. It's meant to be played in small batches. Still, it's entirely free and I heartily recommend it if you're jonesing for new Rayman like me. I just wish I had a controller to use with it.



Huh. Interesting. Might check it out, though it seems like a game I'd prefer if they ported to PC.

I honestly feel bad for americans, growing up with this prudish mentality
growing up with cardboard cutout superheroes instead of BDs/strips with actual tension/adventuring/humor and sexiness
every time I read one of my childhood comics, I think how half of the content would be banned in america



It's a miracle the Pinis got away with ElfQuest.

I wonder if Little Spirou would ever be published in the Land of the Free.




can you imagine this cover inside american stores?

>that comic where young Spirou was literally feeling up a sleeping girl
>her body was represented by a treasure map, with his fingers making a trail all across it


How did you endure the unbearable itching in your dick without knowing at the time how to release it ?

C'était horrible, toutes les cellules de mon corps qui entraient en ébullition à la seule vue de la prof du petit Spirou

>France helps us fend off the britbongs
>France sells us Louisiana
>We help France in both world wars
>We wipe French debt from our books and give them new loans
>All goodwill lost due to Iraq and freedom fries



I thought the game was pretty good and a lot of these arguments seem nitpicky or superfluous.

They are pretty nitpicky but if it bothers him, it bothers him. I personally though the Murfy levels were kind of neat, although I had a gamepad luxury so that might be biased.

because I was a kid silly, I didn't get erections or something

also, I'm actually from the dutch part of belgium. So I have no clue what you just typed in french

>Little Spirou
My country has that here, on some channel I can barely understand. But just the other day instead of cartoons it showed a girl licking another girl

Damn. I really need to get cable again. But the question is, why put porn and cartoon on the same channel? Ah who cares, based Frenchies

>Let the normies hit the floor.jpg

I have no idea what it would be like growing up now, but in the 80s it was alright. Just depended on your parents, mainly. I suppose nowadays kids have to turn into weebs for their cartoon tits and ass though.

>Edith Up
heh.. hehe.

Ah sorry.

Basically, I said that I got erections while seiing Spirou's teacher.


Excellent. I looked it up since after ree-ing I was mildly curious, and according to the bastion of truth that is Wikipedia, American disposition toward France has been improving since Bush left. Nothing saying if French opinion has been improving on us, though.

"Public attempts in 2003 to boycott French goods in retaliation for perceived French "active hostility toward America" ultimately fizzled out, having had no impact.[48] Nonetheless, the Iraq war, the attempted boycott, and anti-French sentiments routinely whipped up by American commentators and politicians bred increased suspicion of the United States among the French public in 2003, just as anti-war demonstrations, hostile treatment of American tourists in Europe,[49] and the actions of the French government bred a similar level of increased distrust of France in the United States. By 2006, only one American in six considered France an ally of the United States.[50]"

"As the Iraq War progressed, relations between the two nations began to improve. In June 2006 the Pew Global Attitudes Project revealed that 52% of Americans had a positive view of France, up from 46% in 2005.[51] Other reports indicate Americans are moving not so much toward favorable views of France as toward ambivalence,[52] and that views toward France have stabilized roughly on par with views toward Russia and China.[53] However a 2012 Gallup poll shows Americans to have a 75% approval rating towards France.[54]"

I look forward to us being besties once again.

I want to fuck hello kitty


How the fuck did they let this go on cartoon network?

I want to sexually fuck Maliki.

It didn't, it's a french adult cartoon

Everyone makes that mistake though, the back/foreground really makes it look like that show chowder

I'm American. I don't know why, but as a child my dad kept his playboys from before he met my mom in a newspaper stack of magazines right in the kitchen.

I would grab what seemed like a different one every day and just ogle nude ladies back in my little tikes fort. This was from about the age 5 to 9 and almost daily. I knew from a really early age that I liked big breasts, thick thighs, and bush. I just found the bush amazing, just looking into it, I was straight up Butters from the south park episode, wondering what was in there, what it was hiding. I didn't masturbate or get hard or anything, but I knew what I was looking at was what I wanted in life. My parents were cool with it too, which was the best part. It didn't feel like I was doing something wrong.

Between gaming on the N64 and playing outside, I was in my fort looking at bush and boobies.

I turned out pretty well, too

>I turned out pretty well, too
objectively false, you're posting on Cred Forums

i think he meant amazing world of gumball

>I turned out pretty well, too
>posts the new MLP

choose one

I thought the new MLP was JJBA?

>I turned out pretty well, too
>as he posts a pepe image with anime in it

no reason to lie to yourself


Shortstacks are great

>TFW you steal your dad's issues of Heavy Metal when you're a child
>TFW you still have a deep love of western fantasy cheesecake to this day

Is Rayman a sexual creature? And if so, does he lack a shaft, with his dickhead just floating like his hands and feet? I mean he had a girlfriend in the great escape, and we know Globox likes sex, so there definately is fucking going on in this universe. And off course the fairies look like they were made for riding rod.

Reminder that this abomination exists:

His dick is clearly detached from the rest of his body like his limbs are.
He just keeps it stuffed into a voluptuous fairy all the time so he can have sex 24/7


They closed the studio that made Rayman among other things a while back so literally never.

fucking disgraceful

You guys have shit taste.

t. Tyrone O'Reilly

The ass is too fat

would not bang

>The ass is too fat
>would not bang

i deliberately named it amazing world of gumball for that very reason.

I want the Irish to leave

Take your flat women with you.

Ameriburger here.

What is this? Hitler reborn into the modern age, or what?

Remember the intro of Red Alert 1? That's where the time portal brought Hitler.


>that pic

I have so much nostalgia for that picture, because my parents bought it as a jigsaw puzzle and we put it together as a family activity. Then it was framed and put over the head of their bed.


For the love of god


>green clothes and red hair indicate indicate Ireland
>thickness doesn't indicate Ireland
I am confuse.

Now she's just fat

War-mongering in modern era always takes too long

We're putting too much money on military we don't need for our cultural victory

How gay are you on a scale from 1 to faggot?

Sorry that I offended your mother.

Source? I'm really digging the art.

If only my mother actually looked like that...
I would have had erections 24/7 as a kid

>kerubim on the mug
just an easter egg or what?

You forgot the most important thing. Origins uses infinite lives to it's advantage by having tough and fun levels.

Legends is piss easy and less engaging as a result, even the ported levels were slightly edited to make them easier.


How Irish are you?

For you

Maliki like he said.

Honest qeustion. Are you all niggers or do you really want to fuck whales?



>France builds the Statue of Liberty for their American friends and put alot of time and effort into it to look nice
>America in return builds a fucking tower made out of iron bars with zero effort
Can't make this shit up famalama.

She's my favorite princess too, but everyone just wants art of Barbara instead.

Boy, Cred Forums really does love thick eyebrows

Unused nymph is pretty thick too.

Stop it, the size of my penis and the amount of blood in my body have limits.

There's two types of 2D platformer fans. People who have beaten Rayman 1, and casuals.

You cant trick me with this!
My erection will over power you you son of bastard bitch

>thick eyebrows
Yes please



i like thick girls with nice hips and legs. im also black.

>Legends is piss easy
>What is Dragon Slayer 8-bit
Seriously fuck that level. I probably failed less times on all the other 8-bit levels combined than I did on that shit.
Or maybe I just suck, I don't know. Maybe both.

That's just fat. Congratulations on ruining it.

Thick friendly femdom seems like it would be the best

Where can I meet dommy thick girls

It's ok, it's just Edith.


High test frenchies.

I must confess I had a real boner for those feisty fairies. Damn I'd love to smash them. I remember playing that game with some friends and we called dibs on the fairies, like who wants to shag which fairy, like making them our fairie-fus.

How can you even play this game when you have a giant erection constantly?

The 8-bit levels weren't that hard. I just went back and played the default version once, and then did the 8-bit variant in 4-5 tries. It's the exact same thing, but with filters, and all you really have to do is to act on the beats. Some parts were just stupid, though, and essentially unbeatable without trial and error because the picture got so grainy you couldn't see shit.

Smack the errection against the keys and hope for the best

>never really followed rayman past the originals and the ps2 game
>tfw all these glorious shortstacks went right by me unnoticed

how can I ever atone Cred Forums?


You sound like a fag.

Buy getting raped by niggers.

They get blown up every 6-8 months.


I'm horny for the red head green fairy bitch now, thanks Cred Forums.
I need to cum



looks too nicely drawn, I want something more like

friends fight. it happens.
if the friendship was worth a fuck to begin with, they make up and put it behind them.

france is pretty alright. i'm willing to invite france to my parties

Go to /aco/ or hentai-foundry.com

i've never seen so much kool-aid ejected from a woman's buttocks before




Former here. Rayman 1 isn't even that hard, just cryptic.

AAAHHHHH, theeee, Frenshhhhhhh...

>Mostly shitty sex based comedy movies for teenagers
I blame Pro7 for that. They produced a shitload of samy bad sex "comedies" in the early 2ks. I believe everyone who worked on those later moved on bigger budgets.

Yeah. At first you think it's a wacky 'lel Hitler' comedy but then it gets meta.

>that part in the credits where it plays all that footage and audio of the European immigration crisis
>Hitler says "I can work with this."

Does France have a drawn porn industry like Japan?

No, just borderline lewd comics with an E rating.

It exists but it's small within the european comic book industry. You have to lurk a bit harder to find them within the usual stores. If not you have to go to a specialized comic store.

What the fuck?
Rayman legends got universal acclaim, it got mad stacks nigger.

Can you name a few titles?

I don't have much to go on, but Wikipedia claims it didn't reach sales expectations: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayman_Legends#Sales

All I really know is that Origins sold really well on both PSV (or PSP? I forget) and PC. Legends got a pretty shaky launch what with the Wii U exclusive turned multiplat with delays. Origins revitalized a dead IP; Legends just tried to make money off it.


They were drawn by based frenchmen, hence the hips and general THICCness.

>Deleted original account
>Makes new account
>Differences between the two are pretty much nil

I'm gonna be so sad when the frogs are no longer going to be making art like that for their media after it gets outlawed for being haram.

Don't know much, but the first tome of Arthur & Janet (collection of short stories about a couple being lewd to each other) and Péchés Mignons.

My guess is you can find more at SadPanda.

>tfw Legoman is French

the land of the thicc

He is?

>yfw eva is a 16-17 year old MILF

She was 17 in season 1, 18 in season 2, and she got pregnant around the end of that. Her third child came 3-4 years later.

It's Tristepin who was 16-17.

shit im getting really close

Correction: You don't have feminists up your asses YET

Actually, your leftist university teachers are the ones causing most of the problems.e



Please user I already jerked off 3 times today. I don't know if I can handle another.





>tfw Legoman is French
That explains a lot.

doesn't he regularly draw cuck porn of the zelda characters?


Sauce is Ms Sandy from Les Kassos

Yes. Yes he does. But he is not as much NTR as he is simply sketches with stiff poses sometimes colored by other artists. Also a lot of sameface which sometimes looks like Incase's faces.

For some reason I assumed he's Swedish.


because of this

Makes sense, I guess.

L'ascension du Chevalier Noir (2012) had the best action opening scene ever.

I still have my Der Schuh Des Manitu DVD mate, that's totally enough to make Germany alright

I like how Ly gets almost no art because she doesnt rely on sexual appeal to make her likable

They're just told to fuck off. Because unlike America, our culture isn't 300 years old.

So you can't really whine about fucking everything when everythings is centuries old and haven't been a problem until now. You don't insult history, so there's no changing the fact we like women with tits and ass and no clothing on them.

So no one is complaining about comics and video games, nor can they.

Please user do not resist the urge to fap, blow your load up a mile away.

Bully's movies was a once in the lifetime chance for germany to unfuck itself and make something about its TV and movie industry.

Of course nothing came out of it. German movies will never change. Neither vidya, nor comics. I guess only books and music can be considered good.

jump to 0:28 and enjoy


Jokes on you i still fapped to her as a kid

Meh. I prefer his non wacky style.

>watched that movie expecting a funny movie about Hitler becoming a stand up comedian
>does a complete 180 that surprises me
Great film would recommend

>those lips

Are delicious. She does has a sex appeal, it just depends on your favorite sexual activities.

Can anyone post n/sfw /u/ of the fairies? It's my favorite fetish, sorry and thanks

>ace attorney cross examination.txt

Wait, I am stupid and misread a word. Oh well.

Long time since I saw some Zone stuff.

Ly had the most beautiful voice

That's not by Zone.

It is Zone-tan, I never said that was Zone's art.

>All the sexually suggestive art this dude draws in his perfect art style
>Never actually draws anything explicit

>his perfect art style
His old art was better. He started to decline after becomming a deviantartwhore and Slugbox's student.

Why does the french language sound so sensual? I learnt Spanish but I never got that vibe from Spanish really

Why does Cred Forums go crazy over little women?

Probably the lack of sharp sounds, an overall softness and a touch of slurring.

I want to be one

The one thing Cred Forums can agree on

We love our big booty bitches

We love our THICCC

And we love our Shortstacks. Games need more of them

>The one thing Cred Forums can agree on
>We love our big booty bitches

Not until all of Ireland is purged from this site can this statement be true.

not even a nigger, but you're retarded if you think that's too much ass. then again, I remember a study where they photoshoped a girl based on what the people liked. eurofags and the chinese preferred literal sticks with tits on them that would die due starvation if they actually existed

France is filled with muslims though

>higher budget
>50% of the game is rehashed from origins

u wot

But Irish love thick chav girls

>doesnt rely on sexual appeal

Yep, that skin-tight outfit totally wasn't sexual.

Because we have a fetish for midgets.

Edith is best.

>tfw they have basically no porn

But what about THICCCER

Source me mang

Because Zone is overrated normie garbage.


It's a shame

It's costly to license music, user. Not to mention they re-did all the art, set up servers for the highscore, social stuff, daily challenges, etc. There are less levels, but that just shows how they decided to spend their budget - not the size of it.

Leon was a thriller or action movie?


midgets that don't have that midget face at least

>dat betilla ahegoa
>nymphs lezzing out in a orgy
please tell me theres a uncensored version of this

i liked the princesses from legends more in general. also dat missing toof is adorable

>That tongue
>That blushing


m8, that's pretty good


I prefer Betilla's original design.


This is huge evidence that you need to lurk more.


Forget about french and take a couple of courses on reverse image searching you stupid fuck.

>not knowing Wakfu

Don't bully him

everyone knows when you get rock hard it's difficult to remember reverse search, this is his cock talking right now, hence the caps lock

Next time, use Google when there's a filename.

Smug duck will set you right.

>posting video games
Which is what no one did after the 5th post
This thread evolved into french porn and you fucking know it

The online challenges especially were a waste. How many people honestly kept playing those after a couple weeks?

They added all this random shit to game instead of adding stuff the game would've actually benefited from.
>Game didn't have a proper final boss. It just ends after the fifth world
>Remake half of Origins' levels but don't include Land of the Livid Dead even though the assets for it are already in the game from the online challenges
>Half of the main game is slow as fuck Murfy levels that aren't fun to play

People like you are why children run rampant.

Tell people to lurk when they're retarded. It's the only solution.

bless the french

I'm french and never bothered watching Wakfu.
Am I REALLY missing out ?

Nah, we got the better stuff back then. You're thinking growing up here nowadays.

Don't forget collecting the... things? I don't even remember exactly what they were, but some sort of sets of cuddly creatures that game you lums as a reward. Lots of stuff that's essentially filler, with no real main content behind it.

The daily challenges were fun, but I'd rather have a good game than a mediocre one with extra content.
>more polished than Origins
It's like you never played timed attack in Origins.

God Bless the French

Heard it's pretty good.

what is it with the french the last few years?

aparently is pretty funny too

It's a blast in today's animation

I tried watching it and the animation is garbage.

Its pretty good familia, lore is good, the animation is very smooth and girls are really well designed like pic related, the game from wich this animation is based on the other hand is mediocre.

Based French

>buttblasted Amerifat

But that has nothing to do at all with the Amazing World of Gumball...

>adult cartoon

I would give Wakfu cartoon a chance if playing Dofus hadn't left me such a sour taste as a kid.

>Be younger browsing the web
>Ads can't stop spamming this Dofus game
>Eventually gave in and try it out
>All classes look unapealing, so pick the least ugly one
>Game is a boring turn based slowfest
>Client fucking bugs the first time playing

Fuck, I remember being mad because my pc wouldn't run RO and I tried to get something to fill my MMORPG void.

god bless the new age of french animations


>We love our THICCC

No, fat loving retards should fuck off

every fucking time I'm on my laptop somewhere I can't fap, you fuckers make one of these threads

I swear to god, the archives better fucking work

If any of you burgers are looking for any Frenchman in particular to thank for helping out in your revolution, this is the guy right here. France might not even have joined the war if he hadn't been so intense about it.




Reminder that the wakfu animation cells have nipples drawn in but are censored after the fact

if they had left it uncensored it probably would have had more success

fuck you

I cant tell if your skin has become akin to a the skin of an overcooked chicken, or if its hairy. Plus, that's not thicc at all dude

That's why you use floss instead of toothpicks.

it seems to be doing fine over in france though
in fact its a kids show
if it wasnt censored it probably would be doing significantly worse




lol the end is a cliché to the movie "The Void"

>not showing Cred Forums the thing that is les sales blagues de l'échos


>Rayman legends announced for multiplatform release ended up saving MH in the west but hurt Rayman
I don't know how to feel


>mfw blizzard shows Mei artworks
>she was never fat or thick
>all those tumblr and Cred Forums tears

Go for five.

Yet faggots still cry when they see a fat image.
The only victor here is Blizzard.


Do need to draw more anyways.


Man I'm not black. Why does the ass get me so aroused? Just imagine that grinding on you

Now do one of Edith with a top overstuffed with her giant fat tits.

whats even the appeal of thick? im curious

You are a good artist.

how do i go about practicing drawing?

Bountiful feminine features, i.e. not being gay.

>on model but with extra THIQQQ
>that emphasis on the skirt and ass with the but peeking through the skirt
>embarrassed lewd

just perfect

Soft, warm bodies. Or just simply liking the curve of fat tits/ass. Not really a mystery.

why are french people so lewd?

i think romanticism was born in paris so somethings gotta stick there



>this thread

that's not saying much seeing as most Japanese artwork is shit.

We are not germany or the UK.


Aren't you in a worse position than both?



You're right, the situation in France is far worse.

No, please leave this thread planet.

>l-le thicc is purrfectly natural, dis is wat a REAL WOMYN look like :^)

haven't checked on sunibee in a while
is he back into a depression or not?

he posted on /vg/ awhile ago

>Implying we aren't still best buds with France
Democracy bros 4 life!

Doing better from what I understand. Drew this in a /vp/ shitposting thread some time ago.

>being this mad that someone likes fat chicks
>someone spent time making this image to disprove someone on a Bedouin Camel-milking noticeboard

is that why this image gained popularity again?

what general?

I meant /vp/

>is that why this image gained popularity again?
Possibly but people have been shitposting with donuts for a while now.

Too bad he'll never be more than a mediocre porn drawfag.

What the fuck are you babbling? Luc Besson is French and he makes some of the best action thrillers.



damn son

what is this?

>that slight separation of the tits while laying down due to the weight

I JUST fapped. PLEASE.

Just make a thicc board why dont you


Who are you quoting?
This is not videogames, just go to gelbooru, fap and then come here to post things that are worth it you stupid retard

Crank Yankers was shit

Add a bloated belly and this is quite literally my fetish.

fuck you

more like

>losers having a figurative and literal group jerk off session over foreign cartoons
sounds like the very thing Cred Forums was built for

>Read Maliki since 2006
>Enjoy it
>The author even got a job in Ankama
>Everything is cool
>Then lost interest and never read it again

The only pure French webcomic I still follow to this days is Boulet (which is a fucking genius I strongly recommend all Murricans to read or buy his stuff).

It's a romance language.

I'm not sure about the last one, though.

let's not talk about that one

You mean gay? French is gay as fuck

its on the name, hoss
not sure on the romanian, i thought its roots where german, or east european

Holy fuck

Maliki is this old? God fucking dammit time flies

>Legoman is French
>not Danish
For once i thought at least Denmark had one sorta known porn artist

I wanna lick the chocolate off her tits.

>THICCC = fat loveres disguise
>Thick = acutal people with taste

What a fine mineral chemistry formula

the fact that the one H is there disturbs my Chemistry OCD

Weird. I thought Cred Forums was predominantly super pro-war right wing.

But the daily runs were fun, and the Murphy levels were an absolute joy with a friend

The others are C that's why it's explicited it's an H

Not in a french thread full of frogs

Havent you heard?
Hes a reformed man, no more futas only chicks with vagoobers.


I agree.

What do you guys think of the mobile game?

It's alright, for what it is. It sucks that the new Barbara costumes are locked behind a paywall, and are time limited. The lack of bosses sucks too. But the levels themselves are fun, they actually added new level types and enemies, and it's not nearly as painful as other F2P games.

Here's a fairly old doodle

Now I'm humming Jethro Tull

>I have low test

Ooh, a French Thread!
This little animation is very lovely, but I've never heard much chatter about it

Are you me?

Last few? Did you never watch Totally Spies?


Here's a pic to remind you what we came here for.

>this thread has been up since last night

what the fuck is going on?

underrated girl desu


Holy shit you're right. I know that happens sometimes but it's always so weird when it does.

>The Void
Great movie until you look up the directors commentary on it, then you tip your fedora.

bitch look like revolution 60

I know, I've been trying to get a Rayman thread going for ages.

Never change, French Friends.

>have french canadian friend
>whenever he speaks french it makes me star caring about his presence
why the fuck is that language so goddamn attractive

Isn't Quebecois a retarded version of real french or something?

consider it a dialect of french, like british or southern

No, Quebecois is a butchering of french and if you try to speak it in france you'll be asked to stop speaking, even if english is your only other language.

Newfriend. Next time add tits in the OP.

>i watched even some of that

does that shit not make you cringe?

holy autism that was bad

Are you gay? It's okay if you are but I mean come on, man.

I wish I could commit to drawing, though the lack of motivation always finds it's way to ruin my day

I would assume it would be better with music

so pick a better word then

Well I say it's a butt worth grabbing! thumbs up!

Kinda surprised these aren't alternate outfits in "Adventures".


exactly, you can't.

now fuck off and go project your sexual frustrations at someone else

What do I search to find where i can get one of these

What? I just did.

What about Homosexuality?

pick a different word for cringe if you think using the word " cringe" makes you gay

Lads please exchange numbers and settle in in dms

>Legoman is french

That explains EVERYTHING

How is that cringe? I would use the word "arousing" before "cringe".

The fact that you went straight to cringe makes me question your sexuality.

God bless those baguette heads

>no gifs of this

does it explain why every foot is the exact same drawing and he only does a handful of poses?

god bless the french



God bless their lewd in general.



Both you silly billy

I managed to miss this thicc thread for almost 2 whole days

Oh how I've missed out


then do it yourself faggot it´s easy to acchieve SDF style

Now we're talking.

Reminds me of Love.Randalin

>look up barbara on paheal for a quick giggle expecting mostly shit
>most of it's actually really good and completely fappable to my suprise
>cum buckets


Damn i really feel bad for all the terrorist attacks on france now, we cant lose these magnificent people.

Except that they suck at Monster Hunter

>slugbox student
you what, really ? oh fuck that ponyfucker

>french women are ugly
>japanese women are ugly
Really fires up the ol' neurons.

whats this dance/video called?

so happy to see this thread survived
but sad to see it go in less than 20 posts

i will draw something thicgg in its remembrance

can confirm, am norwayfag and most of my countrymen/friends seem to prefer tine girl with fat tits.

I myself am a man of ass

>i'm uncomfortable around capable women
who's really low-test here?

im surprised no one posted this video yet.


>a man of ass
Im glad to have known you my family

Bunny Maloney

Si know Newgrounds is a shit now but I was wondering if maybe a couple of webms from this? related to topic

More like Bunny on MaDick

Dominant men find it fun to overpower them.
Submissive men get to relish in being dominated by women smaller than them.

They are juicy and soft, and often have an attitude that matches their curves.

>>french women are ugly
beg pardon

i prefer BBWs but you'd never find me admitting that to anyone (except anonymously obviously)

people hide it

The true sign of the Mother of all Faggots: Isis.

i guess I'm closer with my friends than you are then. because i know the preference of almost everyone i know

I want to eternally cum into Midna.

I honestly don't care if people know if I like fat chicks. I won't broadcast it but if I were dating a big girl and someone were to ask me why I'd just tell it to them straight, its really not that uncommon. No point in being ashamed of what your dick likes as long as its within the parameters of reality

Oh man you want to see something funny?
>a sickening show


really? the feet?
I understand sameface, but what?

Do I have to tell you what a foot fetish is, user?