
>we dont want to turn into Sega by making you buy a PS5 only 3 years after PS4 came out
Nintendo would have been a much more relevant example than Sega.

>I am ashamed to have been a fan of this brand
What kind of a faggot do you have to be to be a fan of companies instead of games?

>Technology is moving too fast
>we dont want to turn into Sega

>Too fast




>technology is moving too fast
Is it though? Gen 7 and 8 don't have too much difference. I think companies are just moving too fast, if Sony/Microsoft waited until next gen then I'm sure 4k would've been doable, easier, and less expensive. But because they rushed their shit we get these half assed mid gen consoles. Then next gen is gonna be rushed like hell too when they try to move beyond 4k.

They're definitely going to make a PS5 or PS4 Super Pro because they won't have alway to compete with Scorpio graphics.

Remember how the PS3 was supposed to last a decade on its own? Remember how the PS4 was already a supercharged computer? Lmao, see you guys buying the next model in 3-4 years

We told them graphics matter and now we fuck them by saying they dont matter unless they buy ANOTHER console.

What is he thinking Cred Forums?

What did they mean by this?


Don't worry guy to use our pseudo 4K I-I mean legit 4K to it's fullest buy one of our Sony brand 4K TVs along with you PS4pro.

What a boring piece of shit

>3 more years years of "B-B-Buh muh exclusive"

>The city of Sony fans

No way we can compete with this.

>too fast

You have one minute to explain why you don't have a PC


a 2013 budget PC has a 7770 at best idiot

I own a PC, and I'm still getting a Pro so I can play some exclusive stuff. It's only 400 bucks.

I do though. Just barely use it for games anymore. Or at all for that matter

its a 2016 slightly higher budget PC
4170 + 1060 = 4K 30 fps, high Witcher 3

>some PC fanboy gets buttflustered enough to make shit like this yet again

>mfw graphics will no longer be a point of discussion at E3 because the devs wouldnt want to offend the 40 milion PS4 owners Sony betrayed only after 3 years their fastest selling PS launched.

MS is pratically starting a new generation with Scorpio and 4K and normies will flee to Xbox like flies on honey for the latest AAA graphics garbage, Sony will become Nintendo with only the loyal manchildren drones left, then sell its gaming division and move its games to Steam.

Take a minute to thank the normies.

>because we know our audience doesn't care about the graphics, nor have we marketed graphics as the single most important thing this gen
This is fucking gold. Sonybots fucking tore into everyone about the PS4 having the best graphics, and the Vita looking better than the 3DS, etc. Sony shat all over the WiiU and XBone with thwir marketing. But OH NO, now that the Pro isn't going to be keeping up with changing tech, the Vita sold like garbage, and the Pro isn't going to be as powerful as the Scorpio, SUDDENLY Sony has never been about graphics.

Yeah, fuck this company, and anyone who still thinks they aren't as bad as EA.

>sony will become Nintendo
They will have the highest attach rate, sell millions of games, get the most high ratings and longest lasting sales of any company in the business, make the only mass selling handhelds on the market, and be so prominent that the fucking Olympics beg them to use their mascot as the posterboy for the Japanese Olympic campaign?

>No matter how much Cred Forums shits on Sony they will still always win
Feels good.


Like how the PS3 and PSP were BTFO by the Wii and DS? Or how the Scorpio is going to be far superior to the Pro? Or PC beats them out every time at every turn?

Where is SMT and Monster Hunter on the Vita?


>Wii and DS
By cashing into soccer moms and grandparents, congrats.

Shit is gonna flop hard, lel

Dead plattform

>Where is SMT and Monster Hunter on the Vita?
Why would you want those shitty lowbudget rehashes?

>denial: the post

>denial: the post

>Separates PS4 users into two goddamn tiers
>The ones who bought the original get to enjoy inferior versions of games

It's like these cunts think I have enough money to just spend the price of these things casually. $300-$400 is a lot of fucking money, Sony. I don't buy things that expensive that often. The thought of just having to bend over and pay that much for a new model of something I already own like an Apple whore sickens me.

>>denial: the post

>butthurt: the post

>(you): the post

poorfag detected

You know Cred Forums what really saddens me. Is you all argue all day, every single day, for endless amounts of time, about these consoles, their hardware, the fanbases behind them, their power and strengths and their weaknesses.

Sales figures, CEO or company blunders, other useless arguments.

You know what the biggest problem with all these companies and consoles are?

They have nothing to play.

(You) (You) Hakusho: the post


Don't bring YYH into this, sonyboy.

>take out the main advantage of consoles over PC
>make such a horrible presentation of neo even neofag complains
I think that consolewars is one of the most braindead things in existence that should be permabanned on sight yet even i is baffled by this whole mess.
What is this "substantial period of time"? 2 years? 3? All with paid online as yet another customer trap? I'm starting to remember even a previous console generation with some sort of nostalgia even though it was already horrible. And it's only going to become worse and with even less games to actually care about.

How could this have happened bros.

We were supposed to WIN

We were supposed to banish the Nintenyearolds, Pcucks and Xfags from Cred Forums forever

This man speaks the truth!


It's NOT fucking fair bro

We were winning and now we're losing

I'm so fucking upset right now holy shit bro.

lol being duped into buying sony products after ps2 or at least handhelds.

Stupid fools.

>sony thinks people care about how graphics look beyond just being nice to look at

Just give us good games you incompent fucks.

>tfw all development money will go to shitty vr games

Exactly the reason why i dumped the 360 so hard when the kinect became a thing.


No shit.

I'm going to have to give up games or start saving for PC parts if consoles go the way of iphones. I can not afford to be caught in that cycle. I will never allow myself to waste money that way.

>Technology is moving too fast

Is it though? My desktop is ancient at this point, and was mediocre to begin with and I've just passed the threshold where I can't play most modern games anymore.

Strike a nerve Sonycuck?

>He doesn't know that faster internet speed has a faster adoption rate vs physical media

Well unless if your country's ISPs are run like Cartels then I would understand.

I can't see 4k streaming being anything but bitstarved garbage even in places with hundred mb+ connections

>3 years
Wii U came out in 2012.

i call horseshit. every game ive played on the ps4 even on my 720p tv is crystal clear.

>tecnology moving too fast
Like in the last 10-15 years...? Consoles can't keep up with PC because you can change pieces on a PC every 6 months so we will do revisions upgrades of the console of that gen every 3 years? Whatever.
Anyways, eventually Sony and Microsoft will lose more consumers to pc or phone devices, others already wait for an announcement of the new console to buy the last gen console to get games cheaper with a better library, hell even pirate it, and that's what this videogame industry deserves.

>What is this "substantial period of time"? 2 years? 3?
It means when they see the market is kinda "stagnating" and their sells can't get better they will do a revision console for idiots to buy it again which will lead them to a few more millions until 6yo life span is over for a new console.
That's literally what nintendo is doing for years with the portable brand, be revisions, colors, or versions that add and take out things
>And it's only going to become worse and with even less games to actually care about.
When you waste millions making a game for 5 years or more that look like a movie, that has little gameplay, that more than 50% is fucking cutscenes and where you need to hire actors that are expensive as fuck for cheesy dialogues and story, yeah. that's what we get.

I swear this picture gets fatter and darker every time i see it.

Man the tech industry is forcing this 4K meme harder than they tried to force the 3D meme.

Just like sony fanbase.

Yeah but do you keep up with the pinnacle of gaming all the time.

It's usually like a 10-15% performance increase every year.

You probably forget that's it's ok when sony does it.
So don't feel ashamed, whatever bad thing they pull off, they will keep being praised and loved.

4k only matters if u have a huge ass screen like 60 inches. 1080p only matters if u have like a 42 inch, but idiots still insist it matters on their shitty ass 24 inch monitors.

that's the spirit!

The same people who demand 45 different reasons to own a PS4 are the same who spend $400 on StarCitizen, $800 on a Vive, and even more in Dota2/LoL/CSGO microtransactions without a second thought

Enjoy vidya and enjoy being an idort, it's the best

>They will have the highest attach rate
WiiU has _literally_ 10x less releases per year than PS4, having a higher attach rate per product is only expected, nothing to brag about

>all that irrelevant shit than isn't related to WiiU games at the end
wew lad you really gotta reach there, don'tcha? I mean if I were to look at WiiU's 2016 releases I would want to change topic too.

Just like 720p and 60fps were memes? Lmao dude how butt ravaged are you?

>Sonyponies before Pro
>Sonyponies after Pro
Well, you see, 4K is a meme and the fad will die

Get a regular PS4, don't be a dumbass. Save 200 dollars easy, pro offers nothing you couldn't get on PC unless you own a toaster

>technology is moving too fast
>hasn't even obtained 1080p/60 FPS


What's the big dealio if you don't need to get the new one to play the new vidyagaems?

>Like how the PS3 and PSP were BTFO by the Wii and DS?
You are aware that Wii only outsold PS3 by 10 or 20 million in the end, right? That's a 15-20% difference.

Wii was Nintendo's ONLY homeconsole to ever surpass 100million sales. Sony did it with PS1 and PS2, almost reached that number with PS3, and will undoubtedely get there with PS4

That's 3 out of 4 console gens
Nintendo is 1 out of 6 console gens

>Or how the Scorpio is going to be far superior to the Pro?
In what way? It's more powerful sure, but that doesn't fix their attrocious 1st parties, half of which got closed off, and the other half ported their games to PC. That won't fix their currently mediocre 3rd party relashions. That won't bring them more non-western video games.
The currently bad Xbone library won't be magicaly mended by the release of Scorpio, since it's not a new gen but rather a continuation, so the ecosystem will the the same across Xbone/Scorpio/Whatever's next

>Or PC beats them out every time at every turn?
It doesn't strictly beat them. All platforms have their exclusives and reasons to be bought, some more than others. PC never was the ultimate machine because there's always something missing. Only an idort can truly appreciate the current zeitgeist of gaming, anyone who claim is superior is just a sad person

>because we know our audience doesn't care about the graphics,
have they ever sent spies in game forums? they literally only care about the graphics.
That shit is what nintendo started to say with the wii success.

>Gen 7 and 8 don't have too much difference.
retard alert.


>calling it useless for anyone who doesnt care if their games look and perform like shit on the earlier model (40 million of user base basically)
That's what they're getting right now and they don't seem to care.

>streaming 4k
not when most ISPs, if not youtube themselves can't provide stable 720p at the moment. And with internet neutrality losing more ground every year it's gonna be worse in the future.

They don't, they even have the same games being released again. Only big differences are the social media crap and mandatory game installs.


the truth is never funny

Holy fuck

I hope devs pull out of the brand, honestly

Literally lies to get you to buy it

Then Sony releases Ps5 to compete with Scorpio next year

Toppest of all keks lads

>doesn't have the patches updated

no need to go further we know you are retarded.

Wrong you retard, it's only funny because it's true

Like UHD TV's I'll wait till the Pro is on severe discount, or some game I -really- like utilizes it's "improved" resources better. I.E Cyberpunk 2077

>Sony closes more 1st parties than EA and MS combined in the past five years and releases more shovelware than ever

kek, kek and double kek


So it's already obsolete?

>there are people too poor to just buy a console to play exclusives
>there are people too poor to build a PC for everything else
>there are people who rely solely on neetbucks or the bank of daddy to fuel their gaming habit

Why is this board filled with 12 year olds?

does sony realize that most people do not even have a 4k monitor

Why coulnd't they just focus on making reliable 1080p/60fps a real option for ps4?

60fps doesn't make for flashy screenshots.

>Game journalism is suddenly important

Why did PC faggots bring back console wars?

I hope the Scorpio is a disappointing piece of shit that rubs fans off in a worst way than the Xbobe originally did. I don't take sides in console war shit, its just always fun to see the reactions on here. The PS4 Pro is shit, the Scorpio deserves to be shit right along with it, and the NX. The state of gaming is fucked. We need a crash and we need to start over.

I wish some new company would just make a fucking 10/10 console and blow everything out

You're a fucking faggot, dude.

This generation of consoles is a fucking joke

If this trend continue, it will be the last.

>PS4 Pro with those specs
>Expected to last 5+ years

Literally why if they waited a year they could have achieved native 4k.

>being too poor to buy a ps4 pro

>PC is too expensive
>buying the same console twice is ok

>being this poor

>being this corporatio ncck sucking
enjoy buying the same console twice while I'm going to buy NX and Scorpio.

Why not just get two 1080tis and then you can playevery game at real 4k resolution since money isn't a problem for you :^).

PC and scorpio ain't got good games. What the fuck am I going to play? Gaylo 6 and early access survival games?

PS4 got good games because PS4 is as ballin as possible.


So when are they going to make online free again?
Like the whole reason I started buying fightan on PS3 instead was because I got tired of paying for Xbox Live. Now it's just the same shitty, laggy servers, but not for free anymore.

>people who are used to 30fps

>thinking there is any significant difference between 2k and 4k and isnt just a waste of processing power that could be used to achieve 60fps

So are these consoles going to be eight times more powerful than the last or what?

You cant just jump to four times the resolution and twice the framerate without eight times the power

And 4k is irrelivant if you only have 30fps, you could do 2k 60fps and it would look way better

I hope you realize Anthony Pinto has a life now and moved on from childish things like videogames.

What game is this from

Ive seen this meme for years and feel like i need to play it

Yeah, in the last month.

and now look at you.

>complain when sony announces they're making an updated machine so soon
>complain when sony announces they won't be updating machines so often

You guys really are like whiny women who don't know what they want.

herro, i have a small dick

>mfw selling my uncharted 4 limited edition ps4 tomorrow for $300 and never touching a sony abortion again

seriously, just make a pc. consoles are done

if you're actually serious I'm laughing hard at you. Enjoy watch dogs 2 in November and nothing else until Nier.

That was launch m8 B4 the patches

>“I saw some data that really influenced me,” he explained. “It suggested that there’s a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that’s obviously where it’s to be had.

>"We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]
>the very best and very highest [performance quality]
>the very best and very highest [performance quality]
>the very best and very highest [performance quality]

how much download do you even need to stream good bitrate 4k
i'd say at the very least some good 6MB/s (megabytes)

>It is another tiny dick PCucks with low income desperately trying to compensate with their

The only thing they can bash is console hardware because PS4 games directly expose what their platform is truly lacking. They know that hardware doesn't fill the void of absent games but its the only thing they have so they will try to ram it into peoples faces while port begging.

Every TGS Twitch stream I went into to watch was filled with PC port beggers, it's truly disgusting.

>implying thats a bad thing.

Where the fuck is my backwards compatability Sony?

>i'm gonna be playing 90% of console games at proper frame rates and superior visual fidelity

why are you laughing again? is it because you're a slobbering mongoloid half witted fanboy? is that what it is?

>projecting this hard

hardware obsessed people like you make me scratch my head,. I'm a fanboy of video games not computing power, you can play nothing from now to watch dogs to febuary at 120 fps for all I care. I'll just enjoy gravity rush, horizon, persona 5 because games are more important to specs.

When you let specs and hardware rule your gaming habbits that's when you've lost as far as I'm concerned.

What is this meme? Even the Vita has more games.

I forgot world of final fantasy, dragon quest builders and probably a couple more, kingdom hearts 2.8 as well probably.

Not sure why you got a PS4 in the first place when you prefer 120fps over more games.
If japanese vidya doesn't interest you then sure, go upgrade your PC and be happy

I already have a high-end machine and my PS4, perfectly happy with both, but you do you man.

>"crystal clear"


nice suit

Left one is better,
I always preferred the more blurry rendering than the crisp shit.

That's why RE4 was better on the gamecube
that's why N64 looked better than PS1

I always prefer the blurry style in graphics because it adds to the atmosphere.

fuck crisp graphics.

>PC port beggers, it's truly disgusting
I love this meme. Consolefags used to say "Ha you don't matter they'll never listen to you!" then the floodgate of ports opened and never stopped so all they've got left is trying to shame PC users into not asking.

>implying the console wars isn't a shit show

well what games is he supposed to be a fan of on a PS4.

Your reason is still stupid.

Seeing how the next new console doesn't release until next year or for the fact Nintendo don't release new versions of home consoles until the end of their life cycle and only did that during Wii gen as too where Sony did this every gen, but with a shorter time period, that doesn't make Nintendo a more "relevant" example.

Sega and Sega fanboys are going to to take that insult like the bitch they are and buy the pro to experience that Sonic Mania goodness

despite the pro, sony consoles and handhelds have never had this mid generation upgrade before and life cycles are always longer than Nintendo, look at ps3 and psp for example the ps3 is still getting games and I think the last psp game got released last year


>every Sega fan is a Sonic fan
You know Sega makes more than just Sonic, right?
Also, Sonic Mania is gonna be on all modern platforms besides Nintendo's (unless they announce ports later).

>diet mountain dew

400$ is too much money for a single given item
always buy when they're cheaper, you have to be an idiot to pay full MSRP on anything