Why are the Japanese so shitty at character development...

Why are the Japanese so shitty at character development? They seem to be the kings at tossing out the most overdesigned garbage and characters too much emphasis on their "dark past"

name 1 (1) good western design.

Isaac Clarke.

Because Japs just want to make cute waifus and husbandos to draw you in. They don't care about their backstory.

Well they ain't no worse than reboot Lara.


>video games
>character development
Who gives a shit? Watch anime if you want that.

I love bait like this

>character development

I'm dying to see what westshit cartoons you think have good character development.

What about Griffins?

bad example

This is bait, but a dragon without front legs is technically a wyvern.

>Le west vs east
Kill yourselves immediately please

>Why are the Japanese so shitty at character development?

Since your only narrow experience in Japanese culture is JRPG's and anime these outlets are primarily aimed towards children

Children don't give a fuck about character development. They just want to see explosions and shit and cool fighting scenes

because spergs believe that all human beings are walking stereotypes and all girls are tsundere

Cartoons and anime a horrible fucking example of good character development. Cartoons are for kids and anime is for manchildren who like the same characters in a different coat of paint.


I bet fedoraman watches anime

Fedora tippers are pretentious so no, they would be much more in line with blindly dismissing an entire medium because 'it's not mature enough for me'. The irony of such a post on a video game board of all places is also amusing.

>good character development
>still can't make a character as good as Bugs Bunny

I fucking love that dragon

I'm saying anime doesn't do good character development, you can still enjoy it for it's spectacle.

>literally lolsorandumb - the character
I don't know why I expected better from Cred Forums.

Ping Pong
Ashita no Joe

That's because all you watch is kids action shit like dragonball and pokemon.

>too much emphasis on their "dark past"

But literally, literally, every single WRPG character is an anti-hero with a dark past who needs to bitch every five minutes about how he doesn't like the situation he's in.

oops i thought it said weebshit, let's move on

>Why are the Japanese so shitty at character development?
But to answer your question, it's mostly because Japs are generally more accustomed to symbolic thinking and narrative. Realism and fidelity to real world are frequently secondary to them - always have been, especially in popular and genre fiction - to metaphorical and symbolic stories and messages. I think they are still closer to our natural, mythological way of understanding world.
"Story matters more than reality", to them in a way: they are less frequently trying to emulate reality in their stories, but rather speak about archetypes and models.

Then again, few things to consider. Like with most Japanese culture, there is always an antithesis to their mainstream culture. In this case, it's works like Silent Hill 2, arguably still the best psychological story ever featured in games.
Second of all, western culture, superhero comics in particular, is not actually particularly different from that, and a lot of the percieved differences come from the fact that Japanese simple prefer different types of archetypes, one that feel more natural to them, but less to us.

Japanese society is all about repressing one's feelings and keeping them to yourself. That's why in their popular culture, characters show emotion in an overexaggerated manner. They are "overcompensating" so to speak, and it comes up as corny, ridiculous and unsubtle to us.

WRPGs don't make predetermined characters for the player you cunt. It's always a blank slate.

>Japanese society is all about repressing one's feelings and keeping them to yourself.
And that is how you spot somebody who actually knows nothing about the reality of Japanese life.

>Western dragons
Those are all wyverns.

This is bullshit.
Japs are just behind the West when it comes to formal arts education.

Are you going to say niggers in Africa like living in straw-huts "cuz if feels natuwal, teehee, *anime face*"?

fuck off you cunts, see this pic? its a saint slaying a DRAGON, see how its depicted?

nobody back then gave a shit, your GM fantasy bestiary handbook does not matter one bit you cunts

>Japs are just behind the West when it comes to formal arts education.
Present an argument that says so then.
>Are you going to say niggers in Africa like living in straw-huts "cuz if feels natuwal, teehee, *anime face*"?

Literally no JRPG ever got their stories awarded.
Face it, Japs fucking suck at story telling because Japanese is a shitty archaic language.


>Japs are just behind the West when it comes to formal arts education.
Actually, they are and always have been in many, MANY ways ahead of us. But really, the whole notion of being "ahead" or "behind" is questionable: this is not necessarily competetion of what is better. Mythological and objectivist perceptions of reality are ideally complimentary, as each provides a different useful set of tools. I can't say that the Japanese mindset and perspective is necessarily better than ours, but it isn't necessarily worse, we are in many ways in pretty deep shit too.


>many ways ahead of us

Whites: Been to moon
Chinks: How to cook rice

>Literally no JRPG ever got their stories awarded.
Gone Home gained multiple awards for storytelling and that story was absolute, unmedicated SHIT. So awards are hardly relevant here.
Also, Mother. Suikoden. Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactical Ogre. May not get the recognition, but definitely are on par with most western RPG stories.

Not to mention the OBSESSIVE praise that FF7 got (even though I personally don't particularly like that one.

>I don't like it, it must be shit
Okay, weeaboo, you need to neck yourself.
This might be a website with a focus on Jap shit, but you yourself don't need to be a faggot that orbits Jap cock.

Those are wyverns, user.

>east vs west
>meanwhile, the center is busy releasing good games


>Japs fucking suck at story telling because Japanese is a shitty archaic language.
For telling stories, the language is absolutely fantastic. It really sucks when it comes to efficiency and speed of communication, and clarity, which causes a whole lot of problems in fields like social and natural sciences as well as formation of equivalents of western "precise" philosophy.

But as for storytelling, it's actually amazing, because it allows for incredible multilayering of meanings and informational density, as well as complex emotional associations we aren't capable off.

It's impractical for just about everything BUT storytelling, admitedly.

>shitting on Stalker or mount & blade
to the corner jimmy

You do realize that when you are this obviously desperate, nobody will actually take you seriously. People won't get mad at you when they can immediately tell how desperate for replies you are. At most they be mildly annoyed and bored.

>It sucks for efficiency, speed and communication
>>good at storytelling

I had no idea storytelling doesn't need a good form of communication to get the message across

at last I see, Picasso isn't actually shit, it's the meaning of life in art!


What a cunning linguist you are. Too bad it's all 100% bullshit made up by a clueless weeb talking into a camera that you're repeating because it makes Japanese sound like a mystical moon language.

The actual reason is that, in Japan, videogames are for children and young adults (up to ~20 yo), specifically in an edgy, angsty demographic. If you are over 20 and you're playing them, you are the disgrace here, not an entire culture that's got thousands of other things going on for adults.

Japan and South Korea must the most artificial places on earth. Even the people are artificial

>I tried learning a second language and it was hard :C
>The language must be Inefficient! That's why my retarded ass can't learn it!

"Pathetic" somehow doesn't begin to cover it.

>I had no idea storytelling doesn't need a good form of communication to get the message across
Efficiency of communication takes many forms. Messages vary in complexity and clarity. Some things need to be told clearly and precisely. Others require the exact opposite. Complex emotional associations, multitude of meanings, subtletly, paradoxes etc... can and are also part of our communication and require different ways of speaking.
Complex social, aesthetic and psychological notions usually fall into the second category, and it's what Japanese is pretty good at.

See I don't think you understand what the notion of human nature means.
If you think realism and objectivism are natural to human perception, think again.

Funny, I would have thought an ADHD-riddled downie would have loved Picasso, since it reflects who you are quite well.

Oh boy, you are one deluded weeb. Japs are some of the most realistic and objecive people they are, but young men try to hide from those views on simplistic and childish cartoons and videogames. When they get older, they stop doing that, or suicide before they get older.

>I don't like it, it must be shit

This is so fucking ironic, holy shit. I bet the second that someone points out that Persona 4 Golden received the same level of positive reviews as Witcher 3, mostly due to people loving it's story and characters, you would start screaming waifushit and weaboo like your life depended on it because you don't like it.

None of this actually relates to anything I've said. Part of it is can be hardly considered true either. "Japs are some of the most realistic and objective people" would require EXTENSIVE argumentation, which would probably have to explain why these "realistic" and "objective" people are also some of the most supersticious nations in the world where actual animistic cults are still regularly participated on by more than 40% of the population...
As for "young men hiding in cartoons and videogames", despite what the fucking clickbait articles may make you think, Japanese youth actually spends less time on games and cartoons than western does. The size of population that indulges those extremely is larger than in the west, but then again the non-extreme portion indulges them a lot less.

All of this is frankly a collection of half-truism, disconnected and unrelated "observations" and stereotypes about shit you really don't know much about in detail.

Don't fucking feed him the attention, please.

If Japs were actually amazing story tellers, there would be more world-renowned Japanese writers.

>Bugs Bunny is a good example of character development
Mate, think about what you just typed.

They're called wyverns in heraldry you cretin.

>An intelligent answer on Cred Forums
We need more of these people, stop shitposting and start thinking.

Yasunari Kawabata
Naoya Shiga
Kobo Abe
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Kenzaburo Oe
Masuji Ibuse
Juniciro Tanizaki
Kafu Nagai
Shusaku Endo

All absolutely fantastic writers. And that is not to speak about the old classics, like Murasaki Shikibu (first actual novelist in the world, predating Jane Austen by full six hundred years), Basho, Chikamatsu Monzaemon who is not called "Japanese Shakespear" for no reason.

You not knowing about these people is not exactly a testament of Japanese literature not being worth attention, but rather combination of the lack of your education, and a sad ethnocentrism of western literary cannon, which particularly in America has actually a massive problem acknowledging any non-english written literature.

All Games Workshop dragons got arms and wings like the japanese ones.

Not really. Japanese novels are actually pretty highly regarded in the literary world, especially their horror and mystery contributions. There is a huge variety of world famous Japanese authors, such as Kenzaburo Oe, who actually won a nobel prize.

Please don't bring books into your shitposts when you clearly don't know much about them.

Absolutely no normal person knows these slant eye'd cunts.
Good job on proving nothing.

Half of everything what's wrong with whites is condensed in comment. Stop having your head so far up your ass and see what's going on today.

The other half is guilt for absolutely everything bad in the world that's remotely connected to some white or something.

>english speaking people don't know japanese speaking peoples book
how many african books do you know
how many russian books have you heard of

>these slant eye'd cunts.

>Absolutely no normal person
Two of those people are actually Nobel-Prize winners.


Remember, Obama and the guy who created the Lobotomy won one too
So it's not worth jack shit.

>Wrong with Whites
Please tell me what great Mexican artists and Negroid authors there are.

None, there's none worth reading.


War and peace> all japan novel

>Normies don't know anything is not presented to them like they were fucking toddlers
Then that must mean that maths are useless because normal people can't complex equations or don't know a lot of important mathematicians through history. Or biology. Or geology. Or anything, really.

Please, stop acting like a whore desperate for attention.


I really enjoyed how scruffy he looked in 3.

saint george is known for having killed A DRAGON you idiot, and look at how that dragon is depicted

the terminology is a lot less rigid then you "cretins" think it is

>Please tell me what great Mexican artists and Negroid authors there are

There are literally countless examples. Just because you hide your head under a pillow doesn't mean they don't exist

>Remember, Obama and the guy who created the Lobotomy won one too
So it's not worth jack shit.

Except you were arguing popularity, not qualification. They won because they wrote best selling novels. That's a fact. Your argument is in ashes. Try actually knowing the medium you're pretending to be an elitist in.

I would but I know none of them because I'm not that interested in literature. Or anything really.

But see? You are part of the problem, we either have extremist feminists or fucking stormfags. There is no middle ground for you fuckers, it's either you or them.

>how many russian books have you heard of
almost any well educated person will be able to name at least a few, like Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, while almost no one knows japs

You should probably actually open some Japanese authors for a change. By the way, the "new Japanese Novel" genre that emerged between wars and which has been arguably the pinacle of their literature actually very closely related to Russian literature, so if you are actually a connoisseur of Russian literature, you are almost guaranteed to enjoy authors like Ibuse, Shiga or Kawabata.

That said, most people who throw around War and Peace are idiots who never read the damn book, or any other solid book, and just regurgitate it as the go-to "totally literary masterpiece" default.

>There are literally countless examples.
Actually, not him and not trolling, but I'd be curious about solid African writers. I can think of a few half-decent Mexican ones, though not nearly as many or nearly as good as say, Brazilian or Argentinian ones. But I really can't think of a native, black African writer being in any way notable.
I'm not saying there aren't, I'm just not aware of them, and I genuinely don't believe there are many of them.
I'd love to be proven wrong though.

>while almost no one knows japs
Which is a shame, really. Because they are damn good. But they do keep getting ignored.

I know this is bait, but dragons would definitely have a reason to evolve to have four limbs and wings. Other dragons.

>how many russian books have you heard of

I actually gained a new appreciation for this after reading the Legends of Localization runthrough of Final Fantasy IV. A good deal of the nuance in the characters' interactions and development comes from very deliberate speaking patterns that define their personalities that don't necessarily survive a direct translation, especially with the SNES' character limit.

If there's anything I hate about japanese games its that nobody knows how to fucking talk to each other. So much bullshit and tedium could be avoided if people were just clearer about what they meant.

Not the user you responded to but I wanted to say that people like you, people who don't think like me or have completely contrary ideas to mine but don't defend their points with petty insults towards the person or a race but with actual points brightens my day. Thank you.

>Replying to bait

Please know when to stop.

Where do you think the word wyvern comes from? Or the word dragon, for that matter?
The word drakon is greek, and means a seprent. The word wyvern is germanic, coming from the same route as worm, and means a serpent.
So if your argument is that it's a dragon because that's what people call it, you're retarded. If you're going to differentiate between legendary serpents with two legs and those with four, then using terminology developed from classical depictions of such entities is appropriate.

>>Please tell me what great Mexican artists and Negroid authors there are
>acts like a conoisséur of literature
>has no idea of who Machado de Assis is
Lmaoing @ your life senpai

10 INT is great for special characters.

Thanks. I try to pull my weight around here.

What if stats max out at 10