This is a really shitty game desu

this is a really shitty game desu

Other urls found in this thread:

>not liking Bomberman: Tokusatsu edition

shit opinion desu

That is some really shitty tastes desuka.

shit thread desu

the levels arent fun to play. so what is fun about it? the multiplayer? i suppose it could be fun with 4 players. but i dont have 3 people that i can just have over to play bomberman 64

Cute pic.

>critics thought similarly
>bomberman hero comes out to mixed reviews
>second attack comes out and everyone loves it
>Bomberman Max is mostly enjoyed except for the fucking parts where you need your remote and nobody played the charabom/pokemon minigame ever
>Bomberman Tournament comes out, everyone pretty much thinks its the tits
>Generations tries to mash everything together, and ends up sloppy as fuck, if somewhat decent
>Bomberman Max 2 is just... I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. Okay at best, shit at worst, and fuck the AI partner segments.

Oh yeah, my point being that, for 64 at least, critics don't know what the fuck.
64 was a nice game in itself, and while second attack was a step in a different direction, I don't feel like 64's style should have been entirely abandoned. Generation's multiplayer was just classic/second attack style, despite the main game having more similarities to 64. If anything, they should have had two versions of multiplayer, one with dome blasts and the other with cross-blasts. You know, to play on the GENERATION aspect. Fuck, hudson. Get it together, ma- Oh. I made myself sad. Twice.

Gentlemen, the solution.

>the multiplayer

That's exactly it you dingus.

I liked it as a 5 year old and thought it was fun and difficult but now it's so fucking depressing, those location depress me for some reason, especially the city

We need another bomberman 2 ds on consoles.

>abilities like kick and power glove are locked to player
>fireproof vest is a stat

this is literally worse than act:zero baka desu senpai

B-but cute girls...


not an argument

>it's a 2D game wasn't able to transition gracefully to 3D thread

....I liked bomberman hero tho senpai


>he couldn't handle the bomb jumping technique

boring as fuck desu

but the greatest soundtrack to ever exist

this shit is actually good drum n bass

wrong game