Friendly fire on or off?

Friendly fire on or off?


Though with it on is more realistic, I prefer it off.

depends on the game /thread

Which one indicates that you CAN shoot your team mates? on or off?


off, always
more realistic does not necessarily mean more fun

>higher difficulties mean higher friendly fire damage


If some fag starts teamkilling it's really obvious and the admin either bans the nigger or you do a votekick.

If someone misfires once in the middle of a heated battle they shouldn't get penalized for it though.

I'm talking about the faggots who spawn with a machine gun and start mowing down half their team.

It's not hard to look at uniform colors you faggots

>Lost Planet 2

>knockback FF means using explosives will send your teammates flying into a death pit

>lethal FF forces everyone to stand around and jerk off far away from the enemy because getting into melee/grapple range will get you turned into swiss cheese

Friendly fire has no business existing outside of realistic shooters/mil sims like Arma.

Off if you play with randoms

On if you play with people you know, though it can be hilarious if it's off and you play with randoms (not reffering to just blatantly killing teammates)

on is necessary for any game that has explosives

playing with friends is infuriating when its on

It depends on the game.

In a tactical shooter like Counter-Strike where map awareness and positioning are a key element I think FF is okay.

In games like Battlefield where the whole map is a clusterfuck FF is just annoying and not fun.

Semi friendly fire like in Monster Hunter(you can knock down your allies but they don't take damage) is also fine if there weren't always weapon classes that get fucked over by that mechanic due nips being shit at balancing.

some games are unplayable with it. Some are tedious without it.

Off in shooters.

On in beat-em-ups.

If it's easy to accidentally kill a friendly in the game I turn it off so retards dont ruin it for other people.

>The one pyro that sets your entire team on fire spychecking
>Engineer's killing teammates that walk towards their buildings
>Killing anyone that has their melee out walking towards you

1% so you can still dragon and backstab

Left for Dead was a weird game

>BF2 with AI
>FF off
>fun experience, get to kill waves of rebel scum
>FF on
>constantly dying to teammates' grenades

Really FF is shit, getting killed by griefers or teammates is absolutely awful.

That said, in games with FF off it feels kind of like it's cheating. I hated Halo 5 having modes with Friendly Fire off for no actual reason, for example.

This. The worst part about no friendly fire is that it encourages dumbed-down "spray and pray" gameplay. Instead of coordinating attacks and keeping tabs on your teammates' positions, idiots can just lob grenades and fire rockets with no thought.


You could always argue "muh realism", but it's not exactly realistic when some retard decides to walk in front of your fire.

>Standing on a corner laying down fire
>Rifleman steps in front of me
>Penalized for teamkilling

Halo is a perfrct example. You dont do huge damage by accidently shooting a teammate, but it still hurts. You can betray and lose points by explosives. You can give the enemy points by throwing a grenade at an injured teammate.
It promotes more teamplay, which is something Halo has always been about.
Working with your team and not accidently hurting each other is fun as FUCK.

On, better reactions.


>dumb Engineers spam mines where they won't do shit
>run over them
>poof... BOOM